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Question and answer

1] How tall are you?

i'm 168cm

2] What's your Favorite indoor games?

I like playing tennis

I will like to learn golf
Do you play golf?

3] Do you like fishing?

I like fishing but never had the time

I don't know how to catch fish
I Will love to learn

4] Are you a freethinker?

I am freethinker
I believe in anything good and positive
I care more of good heart and to live a good and positive life with honesty

5] What do you do with your free time?

Because of the nature of my job i don't have free time i'm always at work.
But i like to watch movies, listen to music, dance and read books.

6] Do you like .climbing?

Yes, But i am scared of height
I have not climbed the mountain for a long time
When i come to Japan We can climb the mountain together
What do you think?

7] Do you like pet?

Yes I used to have a dog but she died of illness
My daughter likes dogs.
When I finally settled in Japan I will buy a poddle dog. i like it .

8] what is your favorite color?

My favorite color is red and white
it's the color of the Japanese flag.
Red represents love and white represents purity
::: what does the color represent? :::

9] What are your hobby?

I like reading new papers, watching TV, listening to music.
I like Sports. Swimming, golfing, cooking and singing
I also like to travel .
:::: what is your favourite sport ? ::

10] Do you like travelling ?

If you want to travel around the world, which of the countries will you like to

After my retirement when i'm back to Japan,

I will love to visit Paris,Denmark,Holland and Italy.
11] How many countries have you travelled to ?
I have been to USA,Canada.
I have been to Kuwait on an offical duty for 3 months and now in Pakistan. i have
been here for 11 months now. my contract with UN will expire soon and i will be
back to Japan.

12] What is your favorite food?

I like scrambled eggs, bacon, corned beef hash, and cottage cheese, along with
I also love japanese foods like sushi,fish dishes and suba.
Naturally i eat everything i'm not selective.

13] Do you like cooking?

I like men who can cook
I am proud of you
I also like cooking too.

14] Do you get angry easily ?

I don't get angry easily. i have a low temper.

15] How do you act when you're angry?

I am pretty patient and kind but when i get angry I usually like to talk about it
to ease myself.

16] Do you like swimming?

I like swimming , but i'm scared of large water bodies.

17] Do you smoke or drink alcohol?

i like to drink a little wine or wishkey on weekend.
i don't smoke and i hate smoking.

18] what is your religion?

I'm a christian but i like and respect everyone beliefs.

19] Are you right handed or Left handed?

I'm right handed.

20] Do you have a car ?

what is the name of your car?

I have a car in America but it's bad already.

I have a Jeep in America. [send photo]
when i come to Japan i want to buy my dream car Ford Edge 2020.[send photo]
Do you have a dream car?
what is the name ?

21] Do you live in your own house OR a rented apartment?

How many DLK?
when i come to Japan, i want to buy 3DLK house.
i want to live a happy and comfrotable life in Japan.
i want to enjoy nature and everything.

22] How you feel all this years leaving without a woman in your life?
I feel empty,think love it dead,never have feelings for love since the lost of my

I started having feeling for love again when i saw two Birds caring for
themselves,then i realize love is all about life.
23] Do you love listening to music?
What are your favorite music?
I love country music,Blues,Pop,Jazz and Rock.

24] How can you take care of your wife?

Ok I can be a good wife to my husband by buying him surprises,doing all the

domestic work,taking him for shopping sometimes and making him the happiest man
every day.

25] What can you tell about me?

I see you are a good and honest man who is ready to settle and love the woman of
your life with your whole heart.

26] If i give you my heart will you play and dance with it?
Just asking because i will be a good keeper to a heart of yours if given to me.

27] Do you like me ?

Yes i like you because, you sound honest,caring,lovely,passionate and you are

28] Do you like sex?

I will want to satifisfy my man anytime he wants.

29] Tell me about your past relationship.

I use to have a happy marriage not until i lost my husband in a fatal accident.
since them life has not been easy without a partner.
it have been me and my daughter

30] what kind of a partner do you want ?

I want a partner who understands,caring,loving and passionate.

31] Tell me about trust and sincerity in a Relationshp ?

Trust and sincerity are the main component to a sucess in relationship and
friendship. it's a goals that must be accomplinish by both partners .

32] How do you trust your partner?

I'm easy person and i know everyperson is good.
i trust someone base on their character and passion towards me.

33] what are you likes and dislikes in a relationship?

I like understanding each others,loving everyday that makes your bond stronger
forever. i like to do everything with my partner together. i love going shopping
and everywhere together too. i want to spend all of my time with him. i love him.

I dislike quarrel and fighting.

34] Do you trust me ?

I trust you because your words are tender, you are kind and passionate. i like it.

35] Do you apologised to you partner when you offend her?

yes i will always apologies to my partner when i offend him.
i'm a submissive partner.

36] Do you have close friend?

I don't keep friends and i don't have a close friend.
all my life has been me and my daughter.
You are my only friend i talk to and you're my close friend. i like it.

37] Are you introveted or extroveted?

i'm introveted because i'm always alone.

38] What do you find attractive in a woman?

I find you handsome and you're attractive.

39] What do you expect from your partner?

I expect trust,sincerity,love,affection,kindness,caring and harmony together to
make a happy family.

40]Do you like ship cruise on vacation ?

yes i like it.

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