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Nama : Iqlima Maudhy Setiawan

NIM : 051550176

Mata Kuliah : Reading BING4102

Dosen : Zakaria Bintang Pamungkas



1. Why do we know so little about the life of William Shakespeare when we know
comparatively so much about the lives of his less accomplished peers? Our lack of
knowledge about Shakespeare has inspired countless conspiracy theories. The actual writing
of Shakespeare’s works has been attributed to others from contemporary playwrights
Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson to the brilliant Renaissance scientist and philosopher
Francis Bacon. Shakespeare was an immensely successful dramatist as well as a prosperous
property owner. Circumspect, and only too aware of the government-inspired branding of
Johnson, its torture of Thomas Kyd, and its murder of Marlowe, Shakespeare kept himself
nearly anonymous. Wary to the end, Shakespeare led a life virtually without memorable
incidents, as far as we can tell.
a. Circumspect and wary are synonyms. In the context of the passage, what do they
b. Write down two words that start with spect-:
c. How do the roots circum- and spect- relate to the definition of circumspect?

2. The world around us is filled with sound. There are loud sounds and soft sounds. There are
pleasant sounds and unpleasant sounds. At this very moment, you are surrounded by sound.
Where does sound come from? How does it get to your ears? Why are there different kinds of
sound? The study of these questions about sound is called acoustics. Imagine a cymbal hit
with a drumstick. The cymbal shakes rapidly, and this vibration causes the tiny particles in
the air around it to vibrate. These vibrating air particles, called molecules, bump into the air
particles next to them and make them vibrate. This spreading vibration moves outward in
every direction from the cymbal in waves. When a small object is made to vibrate, the sound
waves move up and down very quickly. This produces a high-pitched sound, like a high note
in a song. When a large object is made to vibrate, the sound waves move up and down more
slowly. This produces a low-pitched sound, like a low note in a song. Hitting a small cymbal
makes a more high-pitched sound than hitting a large cymbal.
a. Write the context clues that give a hint to the meaning of each of acoustics word!
b. Write the context clues that give a hint to the meaning of each of vibration word!
c. Write the context clues that give a hint to the meaning of each of high pitched word!

3. March 17th is an Irish holiday which honors the patron saint of Ireland, St Patrick, who
brought Christianity to the Irish people. According to tradition, St Patrick, Whose father was
a wealthy man, was actually born in England. At the age of 16, he was kidnapped by pirates
and sold as a slave. Some years later, he escaped to France, Whom he lived for many years
and became a priest. At the age of 60, that he returned to Ireland, he built his first church. On
March 17th, the day which St Patrick died, people wear green clothes decorated with the
shamrock, which is the national symbol of Ireland.
a. Complete the passage with relative pronouns! (1…….; 2……; 3…….; 4……..;
b. Write three noun phrases in the text above! (1……; 2…..; 3……)
c. Identify coordinating conjunction in the text above!

A. In the context of the passage, they mean William Shakespeare always takes care of his
words and writings to maintain a good image, both personally and as a profession. He
is careful in his actions, so as not to look bad in society.
B. Shakespeare was an immensely successful, dramatist as well as a prosperous property
C. The roots circum- and spect- relate to the definition of circumspect because when the
words circum and spect are collaborated together, they have the same meaning as
A. The context clues is Sounds, there are pleasant sounds and unpleasant sounds.
Acoustic is everything you learn about sounds.
B. The context clues is an object that is hit hard will vibrate and cause the tiny particles
in the air around it to vibrate.
C. The context clues is when a small object is made to vibrate, the sound waves move up
and down very quickly. This produces a high-pitched sound, like a high note in a

A. (1. who ; 2. whose; 3. whom; 4. that ; 5. which)
B. (1. wealthy man; 2. green clothes ; 3. Irish people )
C. St. Patrick was the person who brought Christianity to Irish society. He was born in
England to a wealthy father .At the age of 16, he was kidnapped by pirates and sold
into slavery. Several years later, St. Patrick fled to France and became a priest. At the
age of 60, he returned to Ireland and built his first church. March 17, the day St.
Patrick died, is a memorial day to remember him and is a national holiday for Irish

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