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1. a.

circumspect and wary in the context of the passage means

Shakespeare showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble by kept himself
nearly anonymous and led his life virtually without memorable incident.
b. spectacular, spectrum.
c. circumspect, which descends from Latin circum- ("around")
and specere ("to look"), implies the surveying of all possible consequences before acting
or deciding (as in " Circumspect, and only too aware of the government-inspired
branding of Johnson, its torture of Thomas Kyd, and its murder of Marlowe, Shakespeare
kept himself nearly.

2. a. Where does sound come from? How does it get to your ears? Why are there different
kinds of sound? The study of these questions about sound is called acoustics.
b. Imagine a cymbal hit with a drumstick. The cymbal shakes rapidly, and this vibration
causes the tiny particles in the air around it to vibrate.
c. When a small object is made to vibrate, the sound waves move up and down very
quickly. This produces a high-pitched sound, like a high note in a song.

3. a.1. whose, 2. whose, 3. where, 4. when, 5. when

b. 1. St Patrick, who brought Christianity to the Irish people.

2. He escaped to France, where he lived for many years and became a priest.
3. The national symbol of Ireland.

c. And, For.

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