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1. A. In the context of the passage, “circumspect” and “wary” both refer to being cautious or
careful, particularly in regards to potential risks or dangers. Shakespeare is described as
being circumspect and wary, suggesting that he was careful to avoid attracting unwanted
attention or controversy.
B. Two words that start with “spect-” are “spectacle” and “spectator”.
C. The roots “circum-” and “spect-” in the word “circumspect” come from Latin. “Circum-”
means “around”, and “spect-” comes from “specere”, which means “to look”. So,
“circumspect” literally means to look around, which aligns with its definition of being
cautious or wary, as if one is carefully looking around at their surroundings to avoid
potential risks.
2. A. The context clues for the word “acoustics” are found in the sentence: “The study of
these questions about sound is called acoustics.” Here, “acoustics” is defined as the study
of sound, including its origin, how it travels, and its different types.
B. The context clues for the word “vibration” are found in the sentences: “The cymbal
shakes rapidly, and this vibration causes the tiny particles in the air around it to vibrate.”
and “When a small object is made to vibrate, the sound waves move up and down very
quickly.” Here, “vibration” is associated with rapid shaking or movement that can cause
sound waves.
C. The context clues for the term “high-pitch” are found in the sentences: “When a small
object is made to vibrate, the sound waves move up and down very quickly. This produces
a high-pitched sound, like a high note in a song.” Here, “high-pitch” is described as a type
of sound produced by quick vibrations, similar to a high note in music.
3. a. The passage can be completed with relative pronouns as follows:
1. who
2. whose
3. where
4. when
5. When

b. Three noun phrases in the text above are:

1. “the patron saint of Ireland”
2. “a wealthy man”
3. “the national symbol of Ireland”

c. There are no coordinating conjunctions in the text above.

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