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Tugas 1 Reading

Nama : Rizkianda Farhan

1. A. circumspect and wary are synonyms but there is a different meaning circumspect has
impression to be careful in choosing choices based on information,then wary has impression to
avoid a mistake.

B. - spectaculars

- spectator

C. circums “around” and specere “to look” implies the surveying of all possible consequences
before acting or deciding.

2. A. “The study of these questions about sound is called acoustics." In this sentence, the phrase
"The study of these questions about sound" provides context that suggests "acoustics" refers to
the study of sound.

B . “The cymbal shakes rapidly, and this vibration causes the tiny particles in the air around it to vibrate."
In this sentence, the word "vibration" is used in the context of the cymbal's movement and the air
particles vibrating, indicating that it refers to a back-and-forth or oscillating motion.

C. "When a small object is made to vibrate, the sound waves move up and down very quickly.
This produces a high-pitched sound, like a high note in a song." In this sentence, the phrase
"sound waves move up and down very quickly" and the comparison to "a high note in a song"
provide context that suggests "high-pitched" refers to a sound with a high frequency or tone.
3. A. 1.who
B. 1.a whealty man
2.his first church clothes decorate with the shamrock
C. there are two sentence use a coordinating conjunction “and” in the two sentence in the text
“and” are use to add some information or add next information (what happen next).

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