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Legend Of Runeterra: 1 Week Aftermath

It has been one week since Legend of Runeterra (Riot’s digital card game) had a
massive rotation where a huge amount of cards are no longer legal to be played in the
Standard Rank play. The game now has 2 different game modes in addition to the previous
game modes which is Standard and Eternal.

The Standard format are for cards that have not been rotated and new cards that will be
released by Riot, while the Eternal format is for all cards. The Rank and competitive scene
for the game for now is only for Standard formats. So, what is the 1-week aftermath for the
rotation? Three decks stand strong.

The first deck being Fizz Samira (Bilgewater +Noxus)


Fizz/Samira came into the meta running as the first aggression deck with high play rate
and high win rate. Some aggressive cards like Fizz, Fleet Admiral Shelly and Wiggly
Burblefish survived the rotation and has proved to be the same great cards to push damage.
The deck not only play low-cost units, but also low-cost spells that works really well with the
rest of the package. Most of the cards are cheap as well, since most of the new cards comes
with Samira’s package while the others are cards was already good pre-rotation.

The deck is fast and hurts but really struggle against decks that are beefier like
Demacia, and Freljold based decks. Overall, this deck will dominate the meta as the premiere
aggression deck until more control-based decks rise up in the meta.

The second deck surprisingly is Gwen Quinn (Demacia + Shadow Isles)


This deck survive rotation with all of the cards being exactly the same with the addition
of Form Up! as the new card. This is the deck I played pre-rotation and it is still strong with
hallowed cards being the driving force of the deck. The new card Form Up! is a great
addition that covers the weakness of the deck on the defence dealing with big units. Though
some decks prefer the Eternal Dancers for a finisher, personally I would go for Grizzled
Ranger to give an extra Scout unit.

The deck is not as aggressive as the previous deck as it slowly builds up its attack but
trades better on the defence as you want the hallowed units to die. This deck is great against
aggressive decks but might falter against Freljold based decks that plays Frostbites. Overall, a
good deck that survives rotation and you are low on currency to get new cards.

The Third and final meta deck surprisingly is, Daybreak Samira (Noxus + Targon)

Another deck that came from pre-rotation, Leona sunbreak decks, but with a more
aggressive twist with Samira being the supporting Champion. This midrange deck can control
the board and at the same time push damage with low-cost units. Unlike the previous
Fizz/Samira deck, this time Samira’s flair uses the Challenger side more than the deal 1
damage to control the board with cards like Solari Shieldbearer and Sun Guardian. Morning
Light, Twilit Protector and Might provide the deck with a great finisher to deal that last few
damages to the opponent.

The deck can finish fast with its aggressive low-cost units but also take it slow dealing
with more aggressive decks with Challengers and stun like Leona and Solari Sunhawk.
Overall, a great mid-range deck that can control the meta while it shapes up.

The next deck is an upcoming contender, Ashe Leblanc (Freljold + Noxus)


Another deck that survives the rotation but lost quite a few key cards like Culling
Strike, Ravenous Flock and few other killing spells. Still, the frostbite package is still around
and with a lot of aggressive decks running around, they proof to be a great counter to them.
Though the deck retains a lot of re-rotation frostbite concept, hopefully there will be more
Reputation cards that can see the light of play further down the meta. Right now, Incisive
Tactician and Bloody Business is the only reputation card that proves to be great finisher and

The deck plays pretty well as a mid-range control deck that deals with aggressive decks
and big decks. It may have a problem with combo control decks like Norra/Veigar and
Karma/Sett but can still put up a fight. Overall, a good deck to look out for in the current

There are more decks running around the Meta both new post-rotation and pre-rotation
decks like Karma/Sett, Jack/Seraphine, Aatrox/Kayn and others which proves that the current
meta is diverse with different decks that can climb the Standard rank.

I do hope to see more cards being highlighted in the meta post-rotation but that is a
discussion for another time. For now, do enjoy these variety of decks and maybe, home-brew
your own deck. Who knows, your own home-brew might be the next meta deck.

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