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To ensure the success of your Galaw Pilipinas

performance, it is important to keep in mind the following


1. Duration: Your performance should be concise and

should not exceed one minute. This will keep the audience
engaged throughout the entire performance.
2. Music: For maximum impact, your performance should
be aligned with Galaw Pilipinas music. It is crucial that you
do not remix or enhance the music, and refrain from
adding any additional music or sounds in the center part of
the original music.
3. Formation: Be flexible during the performance and be
open to changing formations. This will keep the audience
interested and engaged throughout the performance.
4. Movements: Stay true to the choreographed
movements during the performance. Any enhancement of
movements should be avoided, and only the formation
should be changed.
5. Props: Avoid using expensive or elaborate props or
paraphernalia that could disrupt the performance or pose
a safety hazard. This will ensure that the focus remains on
your performance and that your message comes across

By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can create a

memorable and impactful Galaw Pilipinas performance
that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.
1. Duration: Yell should not exceed in 1 minute.
2. Music:Performances should be aligned with Galaw Pilipinas music; It
must not be remixed, nor enhanced and must not have any additional
music/sounds (e.g._________) in the center part of the original music.
3. Formation: Be flexible to change the formation during the performance.
4. Movements: Do not change the choreographed movements during the
performance, no enhancement of movements, only the formation.
5. Props:Avoid using expensive or elaborate props or paraphernalia that
could disrupt the performance or pose a safety hazard.

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