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Prepared by: Marie Lyn Adezas Agcol and

Roschella Anong Mama

1. Consistent, proactive discipline is the
crux of effective classroom management.

. “Prevention is better than cure”, so

goes the adage. If we are proactive in
our approach to discipline we prevent
unnecessary disciplinary problems from
cropping up. We have not to wait for
disciplinary problems to erupt for us to
take a move.
2. Establish routines for all daily tasks
and needs.
. Routinized collection of assignments,
passing of papers, and preparation for
experiments saves as a lot of time and effort.
We have not to explain or instruct our pupils/
students on how to pass papers, collect
assignments, prepare for experiments day in
and day out because we have established the
routines for these everyday tasks. They have
become habitual for each member of the
3. Orchestrate smooth transitions and
continuity of momentum throughout the

. Smooth transitions and continuity of

momentum throughout the day ensure
us that every instructional moment is
made use of wisely. No unnecessary lull
is created that will breed classroom
restlessness, which is the father of
disciplinary problems.
4. Strike a balance between variety and
challenge in students’ activities.

. A variety of student activities will ensure that

students’ multiple intelligences and varied learning
styles are considered in the conduct of student
activities. Most of the time our activities fall under the
word use, talking, writing will certainly challenge the
linguistically intelligent students but bore the logic
and math wizards and other groups of different
intelligences. When boredom creeps into the
classroom, we have disciplinary problems in our
5. As classroom manager, be aware of all
actions and activities in the classroom.
. Our heightened awareness of everything
that is happening in our classroom puts our
pupils and students on their toes all the time.
While our back faces them when we write on
the board, our “eyes on the back of our
heads” will make our pupils and students feel
that we know what they are doing. This is
what Kounin calls with-it-ness.
6. Resolve minor inattention and
disruption before they become major
. The old adage “a stitch on time saves nine”
aptly applies here. We have not to wait until
our class is out of control. Misdemeanor has a
“ripple effect” if not checked early.
Conflagration begins with a spark. Put out the
spark early enough to avoid conflagration. We
ought to respond to inappropriate behavior
7. Reinforce positive behavior
. Be generous with genuine praise. Some
teachers are quite stingy with praise. These are
the teachers who think will become less when
they praise others. They have the so-called
“subtraction mentality.” Other teachers are
overgenerous with their praise. Their praises
overflow so much that they give praise even
when is not appropriate. For our praise to be
genuine it must be given according to merit. It is
our way of appreciating and recognizing hard
work and good behavior.
8. Treat minor disturbance calmly.

. “Do not make a mountain out of a

mole.” If a stern look or gesture can kill
the inappropriate behavior so be it.
That’s the end period! Let us not make a
fuss about it.
9. Work out a physical arrangement of
chairs that facilitates an interactive
teaching-learning process.
. There is no doubt that external environment
affects us. The most common arrangement of
tables and chair in the classroom is one where the
teachers’ table and chairs are in front and the
student’s desk or chairs are arranged in rows
facing the teacher. This seat arrangement does not
always enhance interaction among students. Let
us work for a flexible seating arrangement where
we can re-arrange seats or desk to suit our
learning needs and conditions.
10. Make good use of ever y
instructional moment.
Minimize discipline time to
maximize instructional time.
Time is of the essence in learning. How much
students learn depends upon the amount of
time they spend in learning. The impact of
time however on achievement is influenced
also by the quality of instruction and the
learning tasks. No matter what amount of
time is spent, no learning takes place if there
is poor instruction and poorly devised
learning tasks. It is obser ved that classes
where students are occupied with learning
activities, where time is managed properly,
learn more.

Orchestrate smooth classroom transitions.

 Remain involved with the students during the
entire class period allowing for no idle time.
 Use fillers, in case you finish the lesson ahead
of time. Examples of fillers are reciting a favorite
stanza then letting others explain the meaning or
conducting a short contest about the lesson.
 Use a common place to keep materials such
as scissors, school supplies. This saves time.
You have not to look for them when you need
 Follow a consistent schedule and maintain the
procedures and routines established at the
beginning of the year.
 Prepare materials in advance.
Make clear and smooth transitions.
Limit disruptions and interruptions through
appropriate behavioral management technique.

 Schedule all activities with corresponding time

allotment way ahead of time. Early preparations
could avoid haste and confusion.
 Provide enough time for everything you expect
to happen.
 Avoid rushing since you know you have carefully
allotted required time for every activity. Quality may
 Anticipate difficulties or failure of some
operations in order to be able to pursue alternative
 Be flexible with time assignments. If
students are observed to be so interested
and eager to continue working, allow a little
more time for them to complete and
achieve the objectives with satisfaction.
 Set the example by showing that you are
time- conscious. They will develop the
same precision regarding time utilization.
Discipline is controlled behavior. It
constitutes the next important
concern of teachers as part of good
management. No matter how well-
managed a learning environment
is, students will occasionally
misbehave. Teachers must be
ready to deal with them with utmost
care and consideration.

 Unfavorable learning conditions

-The classroom may not be conducive to learning if it is:

• overcrowded with more than the regular number of students

to a class.
• with poor lighting facilities and inadequate ventilation.
• with furniture and storage cabinets disorderly positioned,
making the collection and retrieval of tools less efficient.
• with inappropriate seating arrangement such that
distractions can easily occur
• near sources of noise which obstruct understanding of the
 Teacher ’s poor management skills
- The teachers’ lack of adequate knowledge
and skills in handling occurrences of misbehavior
likewise contribute to a trouble-prone setting.
 Students’ varied background
- The students bring to the classroom a
surprising record of individual attitudes, interests
and abilities. Said characteristics could be traced
from their differences in: a) family background, b)
physical and mental capacities, and c) emotional
traits among others.
To prevent discipline problems, teachers can:

 implement group-oriented methodologies

such as: 1) cooperative learning approach, 2)
team learning, 3) peer tutoring, and 4) group
projects and collections.
 use varied teaching techniques
 develop patience, compassion, genuine
respect and care for the students.
Schools differ in how they achieve and maintain
good discipline. Following are some common

1. Discipline is the students’ responsibility. If they misbehave,

the teacher accepts no excuses. They must be ready for
the consequences.
2. Discipline is the teachers’ way of establishing a desirable
student- oriented environment for learning.
3. Discipline is coupled with effective teaching strategies and
4. Discipline is achieved through the effects of group
dynamics on behavior.
5. Discipline is believed to be the exclusive responsibility of
the teachers.


1. Use verbal reinforcers that encourage good

behavior and discourage bad tendencies.
2. Use nonverbal gestures, frown or a hard look to
dissuade them from mischiefs.
3. Dialogues can help in discovering problems and
agreeing on mutually beneficial solutions
4. Focus attention on one who is unruly and is
about to disturb the neighbors.
5. Award merits for good behavior and
demerits for inconsistencies and lapses.
6. A private one-on- one brief conference
can lead to a better understanding of
mistakes that need to be remedied or
7. Give students the free to express or
explain agitated feelings and misgivings
rather than censure them right away.

1. Scolding and harsh words as a reprimand will

have a negative effect on the entire class.
2. Nagging and faultfinding, together with long
“sermons” are repugnant and nasty.
3. keeping a student in a “detention area” during or
after classes as a penalty for misbehavior is a
waste of time and occasion for learning. The
shameful experience is not easy to forget.
4. Denying a student some privileges due to
unnecessary hyperactivity can all the more
encourage repetitions.
5. Assignment of additional homework
compared to the rest can make them
dislike the subject.
6. Use of ridicule or sarcasm could
humiliate and embarrass a student.
7. Grades for academic achievement
should not be affected due to

 Furniture such as chairs and tables for

demonstrations or displays must be positioned
 Exhibit shelves are either permanently pinned to
the wall or are made to stand at the sides.
 White board for writing and clarifying lesson
discussions, together with bulletin boards, are
available for posting important messages and
outstanding pieces of students work, art and
Below are some sample seating arrangements:

Students in rows face front of

classroom (door is in back of room) 1. Traditional rows in
columns are ideal for
establishing classroom
management. This
arrangement allows
students to focus on you
when you are lecturing or
teaching routines and
procedures. It is great for
Door direct instruction.
2. Position student desks
so that they face the
center when you are
facilitating classroom
discussions. The outer
face center
area is ideal for skits, role
playing, and student
demonstrations. It creates
a friendlier atmosphere
and can be used in lieu of
traditional rows.
3. Situate chairs around
tables so that students do
not have their backs facing
you. When it is time for
small group activities, they
Students can move their chairs to
at tables face each other. This
face front arrangement is ideal for
of room cooperative learning
activities. Be aware that
seating students in groups
invites dialogue, which is
great if that is your purpose.
4. This format is
wonderful if you have
Students desks because you can
desks rearrange them from
grouped traditional rows into
so groups and back again,
depending on your
face each
other lesson plan. Teach
students how to quickly
rearrange the desks to
facilitate small group
 Clean rooms, hallways and surroundings are
wholesome places to stay in. the teacher should
schedule who is responsible for their neatness on a
regular basis.
 The physical environment must also be a safe
place where curious, overactive and energetic
children are always o n the go.
 During class hours proper lighting and ventilation
must be provided and maintained for everybody’s
Refers to the established activities or
procedures that are repeatedly done.
1. Teach pupils to learn how to form
various grouping and return to standard
arrangement with minimum confusion.
2. Do not use the first few minutes of the
class session to collect materials when
students are potentially most alert to
3. “Overlapping” technique is used for collection
and distribution of materials. It refers to the
teacher’s ability to attend to the task at hand
and at the same time prevent an extraneous
situation from getting out of control.
4. Prepare for transition by planning distinct
types and sequences of teacher- pupil activity e.g.
checking homework assignment, presentation of
new material, giving assignment, monitoring
seatwork. Transition should be quick and quiet.
This refers to emotional climate and
communications affecting learning

1. Maintain positive climate characteristics

which allow students to choose a variety of
activities to achieve common goals.
2. Develop sense of interdependence, common
bonds, defined group expectations and
relationship qualities that enhance
wholesome emotional climate.
3. Develop communication character
that promote wholesome classroom
relationship like positive constructive
conversations aimed at understanding on
another’s point of view.
4 . Render different forms of assistance by
providing class meetings or students to
have an opportunity to examine the ideas
and feelings that influence value judgment.

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