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Life Exam - 6th Std

1. What should you do if someone is talking to you?

a. Check your phone and reply to messages
b. Pay attention and maintain eye contact and respond
c. Pretend to be asleep

2. What is an important part of effective communication?

a. Speaking loudly and confidently
b. Listening as well as speaking, using clear language and
showing respect
c. Interrupting others to make your point

3. When you have a disagreement with a friend, how can you

resolve it?
a. Ignore them forever
b. Talk to them calmly, listen to their side
c. Insult them
d. Leave that place

4. How can you show respect when talking with others?

a. Interrupt and talk over them
b. Use polite words, listen to their ideas
c. Make fun of them
5. If you don't understand something someone said, what should
you do?
a. Pretend you understand
b. Ask them to explain or clarify
c. Walk away

6. Your friend has a different opinion, how can you respond

a. Call them and ignore them
b. Listen to their viewpoint and express your thoughts kindly

7. When you face a problem, what's the good first step in solving it?
a. Giving up and crying
b. Identify the problem and think of possible solutions
c. Think that the problem doesn't exist

8. What is free time?

a. Time spent during homework
b. Time when you can relax and do activities
c. Time to be bored

9. What should you do if you feel bored during your free time?
a. Complain to everyone
b. Wait for someone else to entertain you
c. Try out new activities, read a book, or give time to your
10. What is a reading habit?
a. Reading only when your teacher tells you to do reading
b. Reading regularly for learning and pleasure
c. Reading once a year

11. What's a benefit of having a reading habit?

a. It makes you forget everything you ever knew
b. It helps you learn new words and knowledge
c. Books are a waste of time

12. How can you spend the most of your free time?
a. By doing the same thing every day
b. By sleeping all day
c. By planning activities you enjoy and trying new things

13. Why is effective communication important?

a. It's not important at all
b. You can talk more than others
c. It helps to build good relationships

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