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BJA Education, 20(9): 321e328 (2020)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2020.04.006
Advance Access Publication Date: 21 July 2020

Matrix codes: 1A01,

2C04, 3I00

Anaesthesia, analgesia, and the surgical stress

B. Cusack* and D.J. Buggy
Mater University Hospital, University College Dublin, Ireland
*Corresponding author:

Keywords: enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS); perioperative medicine; surgical stress response

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article, you should be able to:  The stress response to surgery consists of two
 Describe the physiological changes that occur main components: neuroendocrineemetabolic
during surgery. and inflammatoryeimmune.
 Discuss how a method of anaesthesia or anal-  After surgery, there is a state of hyper-
gesia may be chosen, based on its effect on the catabolism, which produces readily useable
stress response. metabolic energy sources.
 Explain the role of the anaesthetist in attenuating  Cytokine production is related to the degree of
the surgical stress response in conjunction with surgical tissue injury.
surgical and other multidisciplinary colleagues.  Inhibition of the stress response is greatest with
central neural blockade and minimally invasive
The stress response to surgery is a pattern of physiological and  General anaesthesia has little effect on cytokine
pathophysiological changes that occur in response to the stim- responses as it cannot influence direct tissue
ulus of surgery. The response consists of two broad categories: trauma.
(i) neuroendocrineemetabolic response
(ii) inflammatoryeimmune response stress response. Major open vascular and abdominal surgery,
The magnitude, invasiveness, and duration of surgery are joint replacement surgery, and cardiac surgery using cardio-
central in determining the degree of the body’s integrated pulmonary bypass (CPB) elicit the greatest stress response.1,2
The body’s attempt to maintain physiological homeostasis
perioperatively induces a non-specific adaptation response
that can be detrimental and lead to systemic inflammatory
Donal Buggy MD, MSc, DME, FRCPI, FFSEM, FCAI, FRCA is pro- response syndrome (SIRS), hyper-metabolism, and hyper-
fessor of anaesthesiology and perioperative medicine at University catabolism. Further injury may cause loss of normally func-
College Dublin and consultant at Mater University Hospital. He is on tioning negative-feedback systems leading to muscle wasting,
the editorial board of the British Journal of Anaesthesia, chairman of impaired immune function, impaired wound healing, and the
the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) Onco- potential for organ failure and death.
Anaesthesiology Research Group, and was a member of the ESA
Research Committee from 2015 to 2019.
Physiological responses to surgical stress
Barbara Cusack MCAI, PDE is a specialist registrar in anaesthesia Neuroendocrineemetabolic response
and intensive care medicine in Ireland. She has a particular interest
in clinical education and intensive care. She has completed a post- Sympathetic nervous system response
graduate diploma in clinical education at the University of Galway The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is a group of neurones in
and an honours degree in chemistry at Trinity College Dublin. the hypothalamus that plays a central role during stress. The

Accepted: 18 April 2020

© 2020 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

Anaesthesia, analgesia

Fig 1 Hypothalamic activation of the neuroendocrine response.

PVN can detect physiological changes, such as hypotension Endocrine system response
and inflammation. It acts to relay afferent impulses origi- The hypothalamus both directly and indirectly coordinates
nating at the site of surgical tissue damage via the limbic the complex hormonal stress response (Fig 2). Corticotrophin-
system, particularly the amygdala and brainstem nuclei (Fig releasing hormone (CRH), secreted in response to surgical
1). Paraventricular nucleus fibres project directly to the pos- stress, activates the hypothalamicepituitaryeadrenal (HPA)
terior pituitary and also control various anterior pituitary axis cascade and its metabolic consequences. Corticotrophin-
functions. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is secreted directly from releasing hormone stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to
the adrenal medulla in response to hypothalamic activation secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Adrenocortico-
by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) (Fig 1). Circulating tropic hormone acts on cells in the zona fasciculata of the ad-
adrenaline strengthens the sympathetic response and mobi- renal cortex to promote glucocorticoid (cortisol) secretion.
lises carbohydrate and fat stores. Rapid sympathetic re- In the normal ‘unstressed’ state, physiological levels of
sponses are mediated neurally. However, slower sustained glucocorticoid hormones participate in conventional
sympathetic responses are also seen, and these result from negative-feedback mechanisms to inhibit ACTH and CRH
hormonal responses (i.e. circulating adrenaline and secretion, predominantly at the level of the anterior pituitary
noradrenaline [norepinephrine]).3 gland, but also at the PVN. Activity of the HPA axis is char-
Heart rate and vascular smooth muscle tone are acterised by a circadian rhythm with superimposed ultradian
controlled by the SNS. Sympathetic nervous system activa- pulsatile release of glucocorticoids (i.e. there is a recurrent
tion increases efferent signals to vascular smooth muscle, cycle of release repeated throughout a 24 h period). The
thereby increasing systemic vascular resistance and arterial circadian pattern of cortisol release is controlled by the su-
blood pressure. Blood flow to active muscles is increased prachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus. The HPA axis is a
alongside a concurrent reduction in blood flow to organs not stress-responsive neuroendocrine system that adapts and
prioritised for rapid motor activity, such as the kidneys and responds to homeostatic challenges, such as surgery. Imme-
gastrointestinal tract. Hepatic and muscle lipolysis and diately after surgery, ultradian pulses in ACTH and cortisol
glycogenolysis increase, leading to hyperglycaemia. In both increase.4 Adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations
addition, cellular metabolic activity and the coagulability of return to baseline within 24 h, but plasma concentrations of
blood increase. cortisol remain increased for at least 7 days after major

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Fig 2 Integration of the stress response by the hypothalamus, sympathoadrenal, and sympathorenal responses.

surgery. In minimally invasive surgical procedures, when stress response (Fig 2). Growth hormone increases hepatic
compared with open surgical techniques, the cortisol ’peak’ is glycogenolysis leading to hyperglycaemia. Growth hormone also
delayed, and in severe critical illness, the circadian variation causes insulin resistance, although the molecular mechanism is
is flattened in proportion to the degree of circadian uncertain.
disruption.5 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is a peptide hormone that is
Chronic activation of the HPA axis before surgery is asso- synthesised in the hypothalamus before being transported via
ciated with HPA axis dysfunction. Increasing age and frailty axons to the posterior pituitary gland and released into the
are associated with a progressive loss of hypothalamic circulation (Fig 2). This process occurs in response to hypo-
sensitivity, with higher cortisol concentrations and a decrease volaemia, hypotension, hyperosmolarity, and an increase in
in its diurnal variation. Negative-feedback mechanisms of the angiotensin II concentrations. The primary function of ADH,
HPA axis are blunted: CRH (and also vasopressin, discussed in also termed vasopressin or arginine vasopressin, is to regulate
more detail later) in the PVN of elderly people is increased extracellular fluid volume. Antidiuretic hormone release leads
despite increased circulating plasma cortisol concentrations. to a reduction in renal free-water clearance by an action on
Pre-existing cardiovascular deconditioning leading to the renal collecting ducts. Antidiuretic hormone stimulates
decreased physical activity, as a result of conditions, such as the insertion of aquaporins into the walls of the renal col-
heart failure, chemotherapy for cancer, or chronic joint pain, lecting system. This favours free-water resorption down its
can contribute to perioperative disruption of neuroendocrine concentration gradient back into the renal medulla and cau-
function.6 Hypothalamicepituitaryeadrenal axis dysfunction ses a reduction in urine volume with an increase in urine
also occurs in a variety of non-cardiac medical conditions, concentration.
including clinical depression; anxiety and depression are Other hormonal changes associated with the stress
associated with worse perioperative outcomes. Central hy- response include increased prolactin concentrations and
persecretion of CRH, and consequently increased production reduced testosterone, thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronine
of glucocorticoids, may contribute to the HPA axis dysregu- (T3) concentrations. These normalise to preoperative baseline
lation that occurs in 80% of patients with depression. This within a few days and are not thought to exert a significant
may partly account for the increased incidence of upper res- effect on patient-centred functional outcomes.
piratory tract infections, disruption in wound healing, and
psychosocial stress when these patients undergo surgery.5
Metabolic response
Growth hormone (GH) secretion by the anterior pituitary
A state of hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism occurs with
gland increases in response to the magnitude of the surgical
the mobilisation of readily useable energy sources (Table 1).

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Table 1 Summary of catabolic fuel metabolism

Metabolic process Catabolic reaction Caused by Effect

Hepatic Amino acids / glucose Increased adrenaline, glucagon, and cortisol Increased blood
gluconeogenesis concentrations stimulate this mobilisation glucose
of fuel stores Protein
Hepatic glycogenolysis Glycogen / glucose Increased blood
Lipolysis Triglycerides / fatty acids and glycerol Increased
plasma fatty
Proteolysis Protein / amino acids Increased
plasma amino

Hepatic glycogen stores are converted to glucose, skeletal causes reduced renal blood flow, promoting the secretion of
muscle undergoes proteolysis, and fat reserves undergo renin. Renin initiates conversion of angiotensin I to angio-
lipolysis. The body uses these substrates in tissue repair and tensin II by angiotensinogen, which in turn stimulates the
as an energy source. release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. In addition,
The release of adrenaline seen alongside SNS activation the posterior pituitary gland secretes ADH in response to both
results in the stimulation of glucagon and inhibition of insulin increased sympathetic activity and angiotensin II. Together,
release. Secretion of the key anabolic hormone insulin is the hormones aldosterone and ADH promote the retention of
reduced by the SNS effect on pancreatic a2-adrenergic re- salt and water. These changes play a role in the sustained
ceptors, and later a decrease in insulin sensitivity occurs in maintenance of blood volume and increased vascular tone.
peripheral cells. These hormonal changes lead to hyper- Fluid retention, oliguria, and accumulation of extracellular
glycaemia and the release of fatty acids with relatively un- fluid are common in the acute postoperative period. This may
opposed catabolism of muscle tissue.3 act as a protective feature to help maintain arterial blood
Increased sympathetic activity to the kidneys activates the pressure in the setting of acute loss of plasma volume
renineangiotensinealdosterone system (RAAS). Adrenaline- through, for example, haemorrhage. In addition, ADH and
induced vasoconstriction of the renal afferent arterioles angiotensin have a direct vasopressor effect.3

Fig 3 Surgery-induced immunological response. TGF, transforming growth factor.

324 BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 9, 2020

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Inflammatoryeimmune response Recovery after surgery has been tracked by serial mea-
surement of a number of blood markers, such as cortisol, IL-6,
The stress response to surgery involves both the innate and
white blood cell count (WCC), and CRP. The postoperative
cell-mediated adaptive (acquired) immune systems. In addi-
concentrations for these peak at different times: cortisol (0e4
tion to the magnitude of surgical trauma, factors, such as
h), IL-6 (12e24 h), WCC (24e48 h), and CRP (24e72 h). Only IL-6
malnutrition, infection, and cancer status, contribute to the
and CRP concentrations are consistently associated with the
impact of surgery on the inflammatoryeimmune system. The
magnitude of surgical stress. Peak cortisol concentrations and
innate immune response is non-specific, and activation oc-
WCC are not considered to reflect the magnitude of systemic
curs early in the surgical stress response. Monocytes migrate
inflammatory response in elective surgery. C-reactive protein
to sites of tissue injury where they differentiate into macro-
may be monitored after major surgery as a potential early
phages. Innate immune cells with phagocytic properties
indicator of infection or excessive inflammation.1
capable of antigen presentation, such as macrophages, and
neutrophils and natural killer (NK) cells, move into the wound
and produce proinflammatory mediators called cytokines (Fig
Modulation of the perioperative stress
3).7 If there is excessive production of inflammatory media-
tors, a SIRS response characterised by non-specific whole-
body response may occur. Natural killer cells are a type of Anaesthetic drugs
uncharacterised cytotoxic lymphocyte and an important
I.V. and volatile anaesthetic agents
component of the innate immune system. Natural killer cells
A single induction dose of propofol (1e2 mg kg 1) suppresses
are activated in response to cytokines and induce apoptosis in
circulating cortisol concentrations, but does not completely
damaged, neoplastic, and virally infected cells. Later after
block the secretion of cortisol and aldosterone. A continuous
operation, immune cells may have reduced cytotoxicity.8
infusion of propofol (TIVA with plasma concentration of 4e8
Cytokines are a vast family of small proteins with diverse
mg ml 1) may completely block cortisol secretion.11
biological activity that include interleukins (ILs), interferons,
This inhibition of cortisol secretion is postulated to take place
chemokines, and tumour necrosis factors (TNFs). Cytokines
at the level of the adrenal glands because the ACTH response to
are responsible for mediating and maintaining the local in-
surgery is similar during maintenance of anaesthesia with both
flammatory response to tissue damage. Early in the inflam-
propofol and volatile anaesthetics. Propofol results in the lowest
matory cascade, pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-1b, TNF-
proteolytic response to surgery, when compared with other i.v.
a, and IL-8 are produced (Fig 3). Cytokine concentrations are and inhaled anaesthetic agents. This may be because the pro-
highest on the first postoperative day. Anti-inflammatory cy-
pofol emulsion contains triglycerides, which allows the body to
tokines IL-4, IL-10, transforming factor-b, IL-1 receptor
preferentially use them as a substrate.12
antagonist, and soluble TNF receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2)
Etomidate suppresses adrenocortical function by the
are also produced. They help to reduce the magnitude and
reversible inhibition of 11b-hydroxylase and 17a-hydroxylase
duration of the SIRS response. If the overall balance between
enzymes. Etomidate inhibits synthesis of cortisol and aldo-
the pro- and anti-inflammatory mediated responses is un-
sterone for up to 8 h after a single induction dose (0.3 mg
regulated, immunodeficiency and sepsis are more likely.9
kg 1).9 Etomidate is considered obsolete because of its asso-
The acute phase response is an increase in the concentra-
ciation with increased mortality when used as a sedative
tion of serum proteins (acute phase proteins [APPs]) in
infusion in patients with sepsis in intensive care. Thiopental
response to tissue injury and inflammation (Fig 3), and is a
and ketamine have both been shown to suppress NK immune
component of early innate immunity. Acute phase proteins are
cell activity in in vitro animal models, but propofol has not.12
a large group of proteins produced by hepatocytes in response
Volatile anaesthetic agents inhibit ACTH, cortisol, cate-
to stimulation by cytokines, especially IL-6. The acute phase
cholamine, and GH to a greater extent than i.v. anaesthetic
response is characterised by the production of APPs in the liver,
agents, such as propofol combined with remifentanil.12 In
such as C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, D-dimer, and a2
laparoscopic surgery, ACTH, cortisol, and GH concentrations
macroglobulin, and also fever, granulocytosis, and a reduction
are significantly reduced when sevoflurane is used compared
in transport proteins, such as albumin and transferrin.
with isoflurane.13 In cardiac surgery, there was no difference
Initiation of the cell-mediated adaptive immune response
in mortality or other outcomes when volatile anaesthesia and
requires interaction between T-lymphocytes and antigen-
TIVA with propofol were compared.14
presenting cells. Antigen-presenting cells, such as macro-
Volatile agents impair platelet aggregation and clot stabil-
phages, take up antigens, such as damaged tissue cells in the
ity to a greater extent than propofol.12 Volatile anaesthetic
surgical wound or tumour cells. The surgical stress response
agents have a multitude of both immunosuppressive and
promotes a relative increase in T-helper 2 (Th2) lymphocytes
immunoactivating effects. These immune-modulatory effects
compared with T-helper 1 (Th1) lymphocytes (Fig 3). The shift
include decreased NK cell cytotoxicity by sevoflurane, iso-
in Th1:Th2 balance causes impaired cell-mediated immunity,
flurane, and halothane; decreased cytokine release by sevo-
and this is associated with poor outcomes, such as impaired
flurane; decreased neutrophil cell number and adhesion by
wound healing, an increased incidence of sepsis, and cancer
sevoflurane, isoflurane, and halothane; and increased
recurrence; it can also contribute to the development of
neutrophil cell number by desflurane.8
postoperative multi-organ failure.10 The suppression of Th1
response and an increase in Th2 response leading to impaired
cell-mediated immunity may be detrimental after all major Analgesics and other medications
surgery. Furthermore, in cancer surgery, this shift may result
in deficient NK cell function, and therefore higher risk of
Benzodiazepines (e.g. midazolam 0.2e0.4 mg kg 1 or infusion
perioperative tumour cell immune evasion and possibly
of 0.9e0.125 mg kg 1 h 1) inhibit cortisol production at the
increasing the chance of cancer recurrence or metastasis.
hypothalamicepituitary level of the HPA axis. This effect has

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been reported in both limb and abdominal surgeries. The examining this does so as a comparative study with volatile or
significance of this suppression is not clear.11 i.v. general anaesthesia agents. Neuraxial epidural and spinal
anaesthesia block the HPA axis response by blocking the
a2-adrenergic agonists afferent activation of the hypothalamus and efferent stimu-
Clonidine and dexmedetomidine are centrally acting a2- lation of the liver, adrenals, and pancreas. Adrenocorticotro-
adrenoceptor agonists that inhibit the surgical stress response pic hormone, cortisol, adrenaline, and GH secretions are
mediated by the SNS. Central sympathetic outflow is reduced impaired.12 Proposed benefits of regional techniques over
when a2-receptors in the lateral reticular nucleus are stimu- general anaesthesia include an earlier return of gut function,
lated. In the spinal cord, a2-receptor stimulation augments reduced incidence of pulmonary dysfunction, reduced in-
endogenous opioid release and modulates the descending flammatory response to surgery, and beneficial effects on the
pathways involved in spinal nociceptive processing. By these coagulation system.
mechanisms, the sympathoadrenal and cardiovascular re- In abdominal aortic surgery, epidural anaesthesia when
sponses to a surgical stimulus are reduced. combined with general anaesthesia reduces the increase in
Dexmedetomidine reduces cortisol and renin concentra- cortisol and urinary adrenaline concentrations during sur-
tions, which imparts haemodynamic stability and impaired gery, when compared with general anaesthesia alone.12
pancreatic insulin secretion. A single dose of dexmedetomi- Thoracic epidural anaesthesia combined with general anaes-
dine 0.5 mg kg 1 before induction attenuates the increase in thesia can suppress the catecholamine response during CPB
heart rate and MAP during laryngoscopy and tracheal intu- and up to 24 h after surgery.2 In patients undergoing hip sur-
bation.15 After major abdominal surgery, a bolus of dexme- gery, combined spinal and epidural blockade ( compared with
detomidine (0.5e1.0 mg kg 1) before induction followed by an general anaesthesia) reduced the amount of amino acid
infusion (0.2e0.5 mg kg 1 h 1) during the operation signifi- oxidation, as a marker of protein catabolism in the acute
cantly suppressed postoperative IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a, cortisol, and postoperative period.20 The hyperglycaemic response during
glucose concentrations.16 surgery is inhibited by regional anaesthesia. Spinal anaes-
thesia showed suppression of serum cortisol and blood
Opioids glucose concentrations compared with general anaesthesia in
Systemic opioids reduce ACTH and GH secretion by reduced patients undergoing elective abdominal, urological, and or-
CRH release at the hypothalamic level. High-dose opioids have thopaedic surgery.21
been shown to completely suppress both ACTH and cortisol Thoracic epidural combined with general anaesthesia can
secretion if administered before CPB in cardiac surgery (but suppress the catecholamine response during CPB and up to 24
not after CPB), and before knife to skin incision in open cho- h after surgery.2
lecystectomy.2,11 At high doses (fentanyl >50 mg kg 1), the
hormonal response to pelvic and abdominal surgery is pre- Surgical techniques
vented.11 However, this dose level would significantly prolong
re-emergence from anaesthesia and is associated with a Minimally invasive surgical techniques, including laparo-
requirement for postoperative ventilatory support.2 Systemic scopic and robotic surgeries, have an independent impact on
opioids may attenuate the hyperglycaemic response to the magnitude of the inflammatoryeimmune response. When
surgery. used alongside enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pro-
Morphine, fentanyl, remifentanil, methadone, and codeine grammes, minimally invasive surgery can reduce hospital
have an immunomodulatory role, whereas oxycodone, tra- length of stay, surgical complication rates, and incidence of
madol, hydrocodone, and buprenorphine do not.17 One hy- readmission to hospital.22
pothesis to explain this is that opioids that can cross the The duration of surgery and the extent of intraoperative
bloodebrain barrier (BBB) exert more of an immunomodula- surgical manipulation and tissue injury are proportional to
tory effect than opioids that cannot cross the BBB. Morphine the associated stress response. The use of less invasive sur-
shows dose-dependent, immunosuppressive effects to impair gical techniques over traditional open techniques where
monocyte and neutrophil function, NK-cell-mediated cyto- possible reduces the inflammatory response (e.g. concentra-
toxicity, cytokine release, and lymphocyte and macrophage tions of IL-6 and CRP are reduced in laparoscopic surgery
proliferation.18 There is conflicting and inconsistent evidence when compared with open techniques). A major advantage of
in relation to the effect of opioids on tumour growth and minimally invasive surgery is the reduced incision size and
cancer metastasis. Emerging preclinical literature in both associated tissue injury, resulting in a reduction in re-
in vitro and in vivo studies suggests that opioids may influence quirements for postoperative analgesia.22
tumour cell growth by their action on the mu-opioid receptor There is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during
(MOR). This receptor is overexpressed on the surface of certain minimally invasive pelvic and abdominal surgery with a
cancers. In non-small cell lung cancer, the MOR antagonist pneumoperitoneum. This results in reduced renal blood flow
methylnaltrexone may be beneficial in reducing cancer pro- with activation of the RAAS and an increase in ADH secretion.
gression and metastasis.19 Similar to the relationship between Permissive oliguria of 0.3 ml kg 1 h 1 and increased ADH
opioids and cancer recurrence, the clinical consequences of secretion may be accepted as an appropriate physiological
the immunomodulation caused by high-dose opioids on response that is not associated with an increased incidence of
perioperative infection rates are not yet fully understood. acute kidney injury.22

Regional anaesthesia Glucocorticoids

Wide-ranging neuraxial analgesia with local anaesthetic The impact on the surgical stress response by the periopera-
agents block the endocrine and metabolic response to surgery tive supplementation of glucocorticoids is an uncertain area,
in the pelvis and lower limbs. Much of the literature and there is significant heterogeneity between studies. In

326 BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 9, 2020

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patients undergoing elective endovascular abdominal aortic becoming clear that overexpression of inflammatory media-
aneurysm repair, for which there is a recognised pronounced tors and immune suppression puts the patient at increased
pro-inflammatory response, a single preoperative dose of risk of perioperative complications. A major aim of perioper-
methylprednisolone (30 mg kg 1) reduced serum pro- ative care should be to attenuate this response by the judi-
inflammatory biomarkers (IL-6, IL-8, and CRP) and increased cious selection and conduct of anaesthetic techniques.
concentrations of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10.23 The
anti-inflammatory benefits of perioperative glucocorticoids
have also been reported in colorectal, hepatobiliary, and or-
Declaration of interests
thopaedic lower-limb joint replacement surgeries. There is
also evidence showing reduced pulmonary complications DJB is a member of the editorial board of the British Journal of
without affecting duration of stay or incidence of infection.24 Anaesthesia.
The inflammatoryeimmune response is strongly activated
in cardiac surgery with high peak values measured for CRP
and IL-6.1 High-dose glucocorticoid administration (methyl-
prednisolone 30 mg kg 1 or dexamethasone 1 mg kg 1) before
CPB leads to a significant decrease in pro-inflammatory me- The associated MCQs (to support CME/CPD activity) are
diators (IL-6, IL-8, TNF, and CRP). Glucocorticoid use has been accessible at for subscribers to BJA
associated with a reduction in duration of postoperative me- Education.
chanical ventilation, postoperative infection, hyperthermia,
and length of stay after cardiac surgery.
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