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Stress hormones: physiological stress and regulation of

Ioannis Kyrou1 and Constantine Tsigos2

Stress, defined as a state of threatened homeostasis, mobilizes Thus, chronic hypercortisolemia may contribute to vis-
a complex spectrum of adaptive physiologic and behavioral ceral fat accumulation and insulin resistance, while cir-
responses that aim to re-establish the challenged body culating adipokines can activate the acute phase reaction
homeostasis. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and may act as a chronic stimulus to HPA axis, thus,
and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) constitute the main forming a deleterious vicious cycle [2].
effector pathways of the stress system, mediating its adaptive
functions. In western societies, indices of stress correlate with This review briefly describes the stress system, highlights
increasing rates of both obesity and metabolic syndrome which potential mechanisms leading to stress-related cardiome-
have reached epidemic proportions. Recent data indicate that tabolic disease and discusses available clinical data which
chronic stress, associated with mild hypercortisolemia and link chronic stress to the development of type 2 diabetes.
prolonged SNS activation, favors accumulation of visceral fat
and contributes to the clinical presentation of visceral obesity, Defining stress and the normal stress
type 2 diabetes, and related cardiometabolic complications. response
Reciprocally, obesity promotes a systemic low-grade Stress is defined as a state of threatened homeostasis,
inflammation state, mediated by increased adipokine following exposure to extrinsic or intrinsic adverse forces
secretion, which can chronically stimulate the stress system. (stressors) [3]. In order to re-establish the disturbed equi-
Addresses librium against an imposed stressor, a repertoire of
WISDEM, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, Clinical physiologic and behavioral responses is rapidly mobilized,
Sciences Research Institute, Warwick Medical School, University of
Warwick, Coventry CV2 2DX, UK
constituting the adaptive stress response. In this context,
YGEIA Hospital Athens, 82 Vas. Sophias Avenue, Marousi 151 23, 115 attention is enhanced and brain functions focus primarily
28 Athens, Greece on the perceived threat. Somatically, cardiac output and
respiration are accelerated, catabolism is increased and
Corresponding author: Kyrou, Ioannis ( and
blood flow is redirected to temporarily provide higher
Tsigos, Constantine (
perfusion to threatened sites and to the aroused brain,
heart, and muscles. These responses are normally tran-
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2009, 9:787–793 sient and aim to maximize the chances of the individual
for survival. However, when chronically stimulated, the
This review comes from a themed issue on
Endocrine and metabolic diseases adaptive stress response may turn maladaptive with
Edited by Klaus Seedorf and Pascal Ferré potentially harmful consequences [4]. Indeed, excessive
and/or chronically imposed stressors can impair a number
Available online 14th September 2009 of essential physiologic functions, such as metabolism,
1471-4892/$ – see front matter growth, reproduction, and immunocompetence, as well as
# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. personality development and behavior. It is of note,
however, that the ability of each individual to respond
DOI 10.1016/j.coph.2009.08.007
to various stressors is determined by a combination of
genetic, developmental, and environmental factors which
affect the outcome of adaptive responses and, thus,
Introduction dictate, at least to a degree, the susceptibility to chronic
The adaptive response to acute stress is critical for the stress [5].
survival of the individual. Prolongation of this response,
however, as in chronic stress, can have detrimental effects Central control stations and effector
on whole body metabolism and, especially, on glucose pathways of the stress system
homeostasis [1]. Glucocorticoids and catecholamines, The stress system is subserved by a complex neuroendo-
the principal hormonal effectors of the stress system, crine, cellular and molecular infrastructure, extending
appear to mediate these effects over time, progressively in the central nervous system and the periphery. The
leading to various manifestations of the metabolic syn- central control stations of this system are positioned
drome. Growing evidence suggests a significant positive strategically in the hypothalamus and the brain stem
association between increased cortisol levels, weight gain and primarily include the parvocellular corticotropin-
and enhanced secretion of proinflammatory hormones releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine–vasopressin
and cytokines (adipokines) by adipose tissue depots. neurons of the paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2009, 9:787–793

788 Endocrine and metabolic diseases

Figure 1 and AVP are both secreted into the portal system in a
synchronized mode, characterized by a precise circadian
rhythm, exhibiting increased secretory pulses during the
early morning hours that precede ACTH and cortisol
secretory bursts in the general circulation [8]. This diurnal
rhythm can be markedly disrupted by imposed stressors [9].

In turn, circulating ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to

secrete glucocorticoids (Figure 1), which are the final
mediators of the HPA axis and play a crucial role in
mounting the adaptive response to stress. Glucocorticoids,
via their wide-spread glucocorticoid receptors, act on
positive or negative glucocorticoid responsive elements
(GREs) to activate or repress, respectively, a plethora of
genes, many of which are directly or indirectly implicated
in vital metabolic pathways. Thus, cortisol appears to
upregulate genes encoding lipoprotein receptors and
enzymes of glucose, lipid, and amino acid metabolism,
while suppresses genes encoding CRH, proopiomelano-
cortin, adiponectin, and interleukin-6 (Table 1) [10–13].
Importantly, glucocorticoids also control the basal activity
of the HPA axis and are crucial for the appropriate termin-
ation of every stress response, by providing negative feed-
back at the hypothalamic and pituitary level, as well as at
higher brain centers (Figure 1) [14].

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) constitutes the

other principal effector component of the stress system,
providing a mechanism which allows rapid regulation of
vital functions (e.g. cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointes-
Simplified schematic representation of the stress system, its central tinal, renal, and endocrine functions) [15,16]. Sympath-
control stations and its effector pathways. PVN: paraventricular nucleus,
LC: locus coeruleus, CRH: corticotropin-releasing hormone, ACTH:
etic innervation of peripheral organs originates from the
adrenocorticotropic hormone. Activation is represented by solid lines efferent preganglionic fibers, whose cell bodies lie in the
and inhibition by dashed lines. intermediolateral column of the spinal cord, while the SNS
also offers a humoral contribution to the stress response,
providing most of the circulating epinephrine and part of
and the locus coeruleus–norerpinephrine system (central the norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla (Figure 1).
sympathetic system) (Figure 1) [3].
Endocrine and metabolic complications of
The hypothalamus regulates the anterior pituitary chronic stress
secretion of ACTH, mainly via CRH, while arginine– As part of an adaptive response to stress, the activation of
vasopressin (AVP) contributes synergistically [6,7]. CRH both the HPA axis and the SNS is programmed to be not

Table 1

Selected glucocorticoid sensitive genes involved in important metabolic pathways

Upregulated genes — Pathway affected Downregulated genes — Pathway affected

Leptin — Energy homeostasis CRH — HPA axis regulation
GLUT4 — Glucose trasnport POMC — HPA axis and appetite control
Glucose-6-phosphatase — Gluconeogenesis TNF-a — Proinflammatory response
Hepatic PEPCK — Gluconeogenesis Interleukin-6 — Proinflammatory response
Lipoprotein lipase — Lipid metabolism Interleukin-8 — Proinflammatory response
Hormone sensitive lipase — Lipolysis Adiponectin — Insulin signaling, Atherogenesis
VLDL receptor — Lipoprotein metabolism Prolactin — Reproduction
Tyrosine aminotransferase — Amino acid catabolism Osteocalcin — Bone metabolism
Tryptophan oxygenase — Amino acid catabolism

GLUT4: Glucose transporter 4; PEPCK: Phoshpoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; VLDL: Very low-density lipoprotein; CRH: Corticotropin-releasing
hormone; HPA: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; POMC: Proopiomelanocortin; TNF-a: Tumor necrosis factor-a.

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Physiological stress and regulation of metabolism Kyrou and Tsigos 789

only sufficient to restore homeostasis, but also of limited Figure 2

duration. From an evolutionary perspective, the ability to
self-restrain adaptive stress responses is considered
equally important for a successful outcome, so that the
associated catabolic, antireproductive, antigrowth and
immunosuppressive effects are transient and in favor of
survival [3,17]. Chronic activation of the stress system can
render these effects detrimental by prolonging their

Chronic hypercortisolemia is considered to play a critical

role in these deleterious processes. Indeed, in the context
of a mobilized stress response, glucocorticoids exert
primarily catabolic effects, recruiting all available energy
resources to defend body homeostasis against the
imposed stressor. Thus, hepatic gluconeogenesis is
enhanced, circulating glucose levels are increased and
lipolysis is induced. Additionally, protein degradation is
promoted at multiple tissues (e.g. muscle and bone) to
provide amino acids which can serve as an additional
substrate for oxidative pathways. Furthermore, glucocor-
ticoids antagonize the anabolic actions of growth and
thyroid hormones, insulin and sex steroids on their target
tissues (Figure 2) [18]. This stress-related metabolic shift
toward a generalized catabolic state typically reverses
upon retraction of the posed stressor. Prolonged and
nonremitting stress, however, via chronic hypercortisole- Schematic representation of reciprocal relations between chronic stress,
mia, can progressively cause visceral fat accumulation, increased cortisol production, and visceral obesity which may lead to
clinical manifestations of the metabolic syndrome. Chronic
decreased lean body mass, and insulin resistance [2,19–
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation favors visceral
21]. The clinical consequences of chronic hypercortiso- obesity and directly stimulates adipocyte accumulation, while
lemia are also influenced significantly by the sensitivity of suppresses the beneficial effects of the gonadal and the growth
peripheral tissues to glucocorticoids, which depends on hormone axis. Following weight gain, production of IL-6, TNF-a, PAI-1
the tissue-specific concentration and activity of glucocor- and resistin is increased, while adiponectin production is reduced, thus,
contributing to amplified inflammatory load which is linked to the
ticoid receptors, on the circulating and tissue levels of development of the metabolic syndrome. Reciprocally, adipose-derived
cortisol-binding globulin (CBG), and on the local expres- IL-6 may further stimulate the HPA axis, forming a deleterious vicious
sion of 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11b- cycle. CRH: corticotropin-releasing hormone, ACTH:
HSD1) [22]. It is of note that, the expression of 11b- adrenocorticotropic hormone, TNF-a: tumor necrosis factor-a, IL-6:
interleukin-6, PAI-1: plasminogen activation inhibitor-1, LH: luteinizing
HSD1, an enzyme that locally catalyzes the conversion of
hormone, FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone, GH: growth hormone, IGF-
the inactive cortisone to cortisol, is enhanced in adipose 1: insulin-like growth factor-1. Stimulatory effects are represented by
tissue depots of obese individuals, potentially promoting solid lines and inhibitory effects by dashed lines.
the development of central obesity and metabolic syn-
drome [23,24].

Chronic stress is also characterized by increased sym- Obesity as a state of unremitting inflammatory
pathoadrenal system activity, which can contribute to stress
impaired glucose tolerance and to increased risk for Obesity is now widely recognized as a chronic low-grade
acute cardiovascular events [25,26–28]. Furthermore, inflammatory state which persists for as long as the
behavioral changes affecting physical activity (e.g. excessive body weight is maintained [31]. Recent evi-
sedentary lifestyle) and dietary habits (e.g. increased dence links this unremitting inflammatory stress to the
portion size, comfort eating, and alcohol consumption) pathogenesis of both type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis
are commonly seen in chronic stress disorders, leading [32,33].
to weight gain and potentially to abnormalities of
glucose and lipid metabolism (Figure 3) [29,30]. More Cytokines and other humoral mediators of inflammation
recently, chronic stress has been also associated with a are potent activators of the central stress response, form-
low-grade inflammatory state which follows fat accumu- ing a feedback loop through which the immune/inflam-
lation, especially visceral, as described in the following matory system communicates with the brain [34]. IL-6 is
section. considered the main circulating cytokine and appears to Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2009, 9:787–793

790 Endocrine and metabolic diseases

Figure 3 chemokines are steadily secreted from adipocytes into

the systemic circulation, chemoattracting and recruiting
mononuclear cells from the bloodstream into the expand-
ing adipose tissue, thus, forming a growing population of
resident macrophages [38]. In turn, these macrophages
release locally cytokines (e.g. TNF-a and IL-6) which
further stimulate the secretion of proinflammatory adi-
pokines, suppress the expression of adiponectin and
promote insulin resistance in adipocytes [39]. Progress-
ively this process results in a chronic, low-grade inflam-
mation with increased release of adipokines and
cytokines into the circulation, which exert adverse meta-
bolic effects on various tissues and organs (e.g. endo-
thelium, liver, and muscles) [31]. Thus, obese patients
typically exhibit increased levels of proinflammatory adi-
pokines in the circulation (e.g. leptin, resistin, IL-6, and
TNF-a) that strongly correlate to the manifestations of
the metabolic syndrome [40]. Notably, elevated levels of
CRP and IL-6 are strongly associated with increased risk
of type 2 diabetes [41]. Furthermore, other common
markers of inflammation (e.g. haptoglobin, fibrinogen,
and sialic acid) have also been associated prospectively
with the development of diabetes in adults, while chronic
subclinical inflammation relates independently to insulin
resistance even in nondiabetic subjects. Conversely,
plasma adiponectin, a unique anti-inflammatory adipo-
kine, exhibits an inverse correlation with cardiometabolic
complications [42]. Interestingly, thiazolidinediones, a
class of insulin sensitizers, exert also anti-inflammatory
and antiatherogenic properties, reducing CRP and TNF-
a levels, while statins decrease the risk of diabetes, at
least partly, because of their anti-inflammatory effects

Clinical data linking chronic stress,

Stress and derangement of metabolic homeostasis. Chronic stress, with depression and type 2 diabetes
the resultant activation of both the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), together with significant
It has been long suspected that a bi-directional relation-
changes in health behaviors, can progressively contribute to the ship exists between diabetes and chronic stress disorders,
development of visceral obesity and metabolic syndrome. such as depression. Melancholic depression provides the
prototypic example of chronic hyperactivation of the
stress system which can result in damaging somatic
effects [1]. An increasing volume of evidence is now
play a critical role in the immune stimulation of the HPA indicating that patients with depression may develop
axis (Figure 2) [35,36]. manifestations of the metabolic syndrome (e.g. visceral
obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and impaired glu-
As with other adaptive stress responses, typical inflam- cose tolerance), atherosclerosis and osteopenia, as well as
matory responses are programmed to subside once the certain infectious and neoplastic diseases [2,44]. Notably,
initial threat is contained. Thus, at sites of conventional when these patients are left untreated they exhibit a
inflammation (e.g. sites of local infections and injuries) significantly compromised life expectancy (reduced by
cytokines are secreted by immune cells for limited 15–20 years after excluding suicides) [18].
periods in order to avoid prolonged macrophage activation
which would have destructing effects [37]. Several studies have demonstrated that being depressed
at baseline increases the risk of subsequently developing
By contrast, the obesity-related inflammatory state is type 2 diabetes and that this association is not explained
characterized by failure to resolve because of a vicious by other known diabetes risk factors, including obesity,
cycle between adipocytes and macrophages inside each family history of type 2 diabetes, activity level, smoking,
fat depot. As weight gain progresses, adipokines and and alcohol consumption [45–48]. Indeed, according to a

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Physiological stress and regulation of metabolism Kyrou and Tsigos 791

recent meta-analysis which included prospective studies fat accumulation in a large proportion of the population
of depression predicting incident type 2 diabetes, depres- that is more genetically susceptible, fuelling the growth of
sion appears to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 60% the obesity and diabetes epidemics. Identifying the
[49]. Additionally, major stressful life events may be pathogenetic mechanisms which facilitate these associ-
associated with type 2 diabetes onset. As shown in the ations could lead to novel therapeutic interventions that
Hoorn Study, increased visceral fat accumulation and a may inhibit at an early stage the cascade leading to clinical
higher prevalence of previously unknown type 2 diabetes manifestations of the metabolic syndrome. At the
was indeed related to a high number of relatively common moment, effective stress management programs and
major life events during a preceding five-year period [50]. treatment of depression may prove to be important tools
Moreover, a recent case–control retrospective study in in the care of patients at risk or suffering from diabetes
premenopausal women demonstrated that women with and metabolic syndrome.
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