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Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Social Work

B.Soc.Sc(Hons) in Social Policy

Individual Paper
SOPY 3065 Culture and Social Policy

1. According to Clark (2004), what are the significances of culture for analyzing
social policy? Do you agree? Please critically discuss your arguments.

2. According to Pfau-Effinfer (2005), how is the complex interrelation between

culture and welfare state policies? Please comment his argument critically with
social policy examples.

3. Select a film with one of the following themes, and discuss how the particular
welfare culture(s) implies(y) in the selected film story? And further provide some
recommendations on improving related circumstances/social problems through
social policy.

Themes and welfare culture(s)

(1) Class and underclass
(2) Gender and patriarchy
(3) Race; (select either two welfare cultures: minorities; prejudice; stereotyping;
Internal colonialism or equality)
(4) Sexuality and heterosexualism

Films for selection: (if you have your own preferences, please consult and get
approval from the course instructor)

(1) Class:

a. I, Daniel Blake (2016), Directed by Ken Loach (中譯:我,不低頭)

b. All's Right with the World (2008), Directed by Cheung King-Wai

(中: 歌舞昇平)

(2) Gender:

a. Night and Fog (2009), Directed by Ann Hui (中: 天水圍的夜與霧)

b. Precious (2009), Directed by Lee Daniels (中譯: 珍愛人生/天生不是


(3) Race and ethnicity:

a. Hidden Figures (2016), Directed by Theodore Melfi (中譯: 關鍵少數)

b. Little Cheung (2000), Directed by Fruit Chan (中: 細路祥)

(4) Sexuality:

a. Freeheld (2015), Directed by Peter Sollett (中譯: 扣押幸福/拒絕人生)

b. The Wedding Banquet (1993), Directed by Lee Ang (中: 喜宴)

(1) Choose any ONE of the above topics.
(2) Length of the paper: Maximum 2000 words (excluding references)
(3) Use of language: English
(4) Follow strictly the required academic format and referencing.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If found, it may directly lead to F
grade in this course and may subject to further penalty.
(5) Deadline for submission: 18:00 p.m. on 9th April,2019
(6) Place your term paper into the collection box on 12/F SMC
(7) Late submission without approval is not allowed and will be seen as
no submission. No submission of paper will lead to F grade of the
(8) Marks will be deducted for an approved late submission.

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