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4 In the intact animal H2 receptor antagonists poten-

tiate the following action of histamine:
A. Cardiac stimulation
B. Fall in blood pressure
C. Uterine relaxation
D. Bronchospasm (p. 589)
44.5 Gynaecomastia can occur as a side effect of:
A. Bromocriptine
B. Cimetidine
C. Famotidine
D. Levodopa (p. 589)
44.6 Which histamine H2 blocker has most marked
inhibitory effect on microsomal cytochrome P-450
A. Cimetidine
B. Ranitidine
C. Roxatidine
D. Famotidine (p. 590, 591)
44.7 Choose the correct statement about H2 receptor
A. They are the most efficacious drugs in inhibit-
ing gastric acid secretion
B. They cause fastest healing of duodenal ulcers
C. They prevent stress ulcers in the stomach
D. They afford most prompt relief of ulcer pain
(p. 590)
(Note: Proton pump inhibitors are the most effica-
cious drugs in inhibiting gastric acid secretion. They
also cause faster healing of duodenal ulcers. Antacids
and proton pump inhibitors relieve ulcer pain more
promptly. However, injected i.v. H2 blockers are

I extensively used for prophylaxis of gastric erosions

and bleeding in acutely stressful conditions.)

44.4D 44 . 5B 44.6A 44 . 7C

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