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Grade-12 English

Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)

Supplementary Exercise
(Unit-1 to Unit-12)

Unit Unseen Sentence

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Unit-1 Unit-12 Unseen Sentence

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For Final Exam Question No.I

Tr. Henry (PhD-Candidate)

Senior Lead Teacher & Vice Principal
Unit-1 (Manners)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. It is a bad m------------- to talk with rude words and your mouth full.
2. All youths must learn socially a------------- behaviour.
3. When we listen to music, we can feel a p------------- feeling.
4. The boys are rude and lack of respect. Their behaviour will not be t-------------.
5. The boys are r------------- and lack of respect. Their behaviour will not be tolerated.
6. All the people cannot t------------- as the noise is too loud.
7. Education plays a v------------- role in building a modern nation.
8. Treating p------------- other people is a characteristic of high morale person.
9. T------------- politely other people is a characteristic of high morale person.
10. The students are very keen to l------------- practical lessons of science subjects
11. Our teacher is very r-------------. He always thinks of the welfare of students.
12. Everyone is r------------- to him, listening carefully to his long speech.
13. No one can overcome the influence of social media.
14. His parents tried to i------------- her in her university choice.
15. The teacher is always p-------------. He always gets in the class in time.
16. Asking someone’s personal information is i------------- in our society.
17. It is a u------------- truth that the sun raises in the east.
18. We have no u------------- agreement about that project among the decision makers.
19. The students have a------- huge knowledge of English as the teachers are good at teaching in English.
20. You are r------------- for your own happiness.
21. The parents are r------------- for their children’s misbehavior.
22. She is m------------- to animals so she never treats them cruelly.
23. The new g-------------should maintain the cultural heritage of the nation.
24. Both the teachers and the parents should have m------------- respect in their relationship.
25. Mutual r------------- is important in every relationship.
26. S------------- students have access to the library at weekends.
27. He graduated from a s------------- high school with honors.
28. The manners of the older are i------------- by the younger.
29. They always do their job c-------------. They never did carelessly.
30. The students should b------------- politely during the school assembly.
31. Understanding and appreciating different c------------- can promote tolerance and respect among
diverse societies.
32. He b------------- loudly after drinking too much soda drink.
33. The volcano b------------- out smoke and ashes.
34. Emotional management strategies are v------------- to achieve happiness.
35. The younger should act p------------- manners to the older according to culture.
36. Children i------------- their elders and they acquire good or bad manners from them.
37. School is a place where good manners and mutual respect are i-------------.
38. Generally, it can be said that students imitate their parents’ and teachers’ manners and b-------------.
39. The increase in child abuse crime in the world has been a u------------- problem.
40. To a------------- a new skill, it can take many years of practice, tolerance, passion and dedication.
41. It is important to a------------- with the law for all citizens to maintain social stability.
42. One aim of education is to produce d -------------students for the nation.

Unit-2 (Keys to Happiness)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. According to the law of nature, nothing is c-------------.
2. The storm is moving at a c------------- speed of 100 mph.
3. Having a positive a------------- to life is a good way to find happiness.
4. All the teachers should have a------------- towards teaching profession.
5. Abuse and bully can lead to e------------- and physical pain of a child.
6. Doing p------------- exercise is good for health.
7. There should be a good r------------- between the teachers and the parents.
8. The students felt d-------------due to the result of pilot test.
9. I e------------- you for your large group of friends.
10. In the competitive environment such as workplace or school, you may feel d-------------.
11. A good teacher can make the class e-------------. The students never feel bored.
12. We can find c------------- by living in a simple life.
13. The education system should encourage to realize the p-------------of every child.
14. Life s------------- is one of the key element to achieve true happiness.
15. Job s------------- of teachers is related to the leadership style of principal.
16. We all should wear masks to p------------- COVID-19.
17. As parents, we feel it is our duty to p------------- our family.
18. Remember that you are not alone if you feel s-------------.
19. Decision can be wrong when people are under s-------------.
20. It was very g------------- of you because you donated a lot to the poor.
21. The man use music and take m------------- to relax and feel peace.
22. The students need to a-------------academically in order to enter the labour market.
23. She is delighted with her success. Her eyes shine with h-------------.
24. Everyone in the class is e------------- of her having the chance to study abroad.
25. The students should pay a-------------when the teacher is teaching.
26. He has always been a c-------------, hard-working student.
27. We should show our s------------- to the families of victims.
28. The c------------- of education was different from time to time.
29. We can feel r------------- when we listen to music and watch movie.
30. The school should have a r------------- atmosphere for students and teachers.
31. Spending time with family and friends can reduce s------------- feelings.
32. He tried as much as he could and finally he achieved s-------------.
33. The doctor s------------- a low sodium diet for patients with high blood pressure.
34. You should treat everyone k------------- to achieve true happiness.
35. It is reasonable to a------------- that every piece of writing is not literature.
36. People should try to replace envy with s------------- or empathetic joy.
37. It is very important to keep c------------- in a state of emergency.
38. If you work more than you can handle, it may lead to f-------------.
39. If we e-------------negative emotions, our mood may not be good.
40. It is u-------------that the more you try, the more you succeed.
41. He decided to donate his all p------------- to the poor.
42. The students should use the r------------- amount of time in sports.

Unit-3 (Diet and Nutrition)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. Food that contains artificial c-------------and flavourings are not good for health.
2. Peas, beans, chicken, and beef are nourishing source of p-------------.
3. My brother r------------- a laptop from U Lay who lives in U.S.
4. China and North Korea have m------------- their close relations.
5. Our teacher has always m------------- a high standard of professional ethics.
6. The f------------- requirement to live for a human is food, water and air.
7. Foods such as bread, potatoes, rice contain a lot of c-------------.
8. A h------------- person is happier than a wealthy person.
9. To be a h------------- life, we should eat more vegetables and fruit than ready-made food.
10. The meat was declared unfit for human c------------- by one research.
11. Diet and nutrition are e-------------for our health, energy and growth.
12. We should have a good n------------- in order to possess a healthy life.
13. We take m------------- if we feel sick.
14. She stressed the importance of basic health education and preventive m-------------.
15. We can get fatty a------------- from vegetable oil, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, yogurt, etc.
16. Eating a b------------- diet can make us healthy and strong.
17. Nowadays, most of the people have not got a b------------- life style between work and privacy.
18. Some of the high-c------------- foods are full-fat dairy products and red meat.
19. The doctor advised me to lower my s------------- fat intake.
20. The most important t-------------in student life is to study regularly.
21. Inn Daw Gyi Lake is a paradise for b-------------.
22. The mining project and d------------- threaten one of the world’s richest areas of biodiversity.
23. Air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution can cause environmental d-------------.
24. Forests are a h------------- of biodiversity as there are excellent source of food there.
25. The Ministry of Health must take serious action to fight this infectious d-------------.
26. It is good for our health to start the day with a n------------- breakfast.
27. One of the most fundamentals of human needs is n-------------.
28. The soil in which they grow provides plants n-------------.
29. We all need a nutritious diet that is a m------------- of all the nutrients that our body needs to survive.
30. Environmental factors have the i------------- on diet and nutrition.
31. The nutrients which are e------------- for our body can be found in the food we eat.
32. Diet and nutrition are strongly linked to environmental f-------------.
33. Rice gives us c-------------.
34. Fresh fruits and vegetables give us m-------------, vitamins and fibre.
35. We can get v------------- from lemon, lime and orange.
36. The food that made up of c------------- can be harmful to our health.
37. We can strengthen our i------------- system by having a healthy food.
38. People should take vitamins or nutritional s------------- to combat illness.
39. Essential nutrients in refined foods are lost during food p-------------.
40. If we consume high-cholesterol foods, the r------------- of getting heart disease will be higher.
41. We should avoid eating high-cholesterol foods for they contain a high level of s------------- fat.
42. A third of global population is facing food i------------- and it is a global issue for all countries.
Unit-4 (Emotional Well-Being)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. Time does not heal e------------- pain. You need to learn how to let go.
2. People often express their e------------- nonverbally.
3. We can c------------- the problems as large, medium and small.
4. The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or t-------------; they are felt with the heart.
5. In Japan, it is p------------- to bow when you meet someone.
6. Nothing could i------------- him to change his mind.
7. Sound sleep can be i------------- by the moderate exercise before you sleep.
8. Hope is a m------------- that can make you succeed in life.
9. We should participate in school a------------- for our all-round development.
10. The governor decided to provide assistance for the v-------------.
11. We can feel depressed in every difficult s-------------.
12. You cannot expect much s------------- from selfish people.
13. Positive attitude is a source of hope, e-------------, responsibility and authenticity.
14. Accept the c------------- so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
15. The well-being and w------------- of children should always be our focus.
16. Frank is s------------- from a nervous disorder.
17. According to Buddhism, life is s-------------.
18. Sometimes, u------------- people come into our life and leave suddenly.
19. Her letter came as a complete s-------------.
20. The present that my friends gave me was so s-------------.
21. An emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like
increased blood pressure is a-------------.
22. When we are e------------- to negative feelings, we can feel depression.
23. Russia is a major t------------- to the world peace.
24. The two countries use their e------------- weapons in war.
25. Some school rules are not u-------------, so most of the students do not want to obey.
26. He said that he had no a------------- towards the person who beat him.
27. His boss c------------- him for his inactive work habits.
28. A feeling of sad which is prompted by the loss of something or tragic events is d-------------.
29. They spent the m------------- days in this lonely and unpleasant place
30. When we feel dislike something such as food or drink or smell, it can be called d-------------.
31. The government should use effective s------------- to improve economics.
32. We should not b-------------others without knowing all about them.
33. If our wants and needs are not fulfilled, we feel distressed or f-------------.
34. If the students have sheep deprivation, they cannot c------------- on their studies.
35. The task will not feel so o------------- if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.
36. The poor are more r------------- the ups and downs of life than the rich.
37. He was h------------- enough to admit that he made a mistake.
38. Our teacher has a reputation for her honesty and i-------------.
39. We need to find a p------------- alternative to war.
40. She looked as calm and s------------- as she always did even though she faced difficult situations.
41. They said they were g------------- for the support that was given by the community.
42. My grandfather was a very m------------- and humble person.
43. Take time to d-------------, but when the time for an action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.
44. Staying i------------- is one of the ways to be happy in life.
45. We need a b------------- long term energy policy to protect natural environment.
46. Doing something that we enjoy can provide emotional r------------- if we feel emotional pain.
47. This paper can greatly c------------- to the field of education especially higher education.

Unit-5 (Colours)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. She looked at him with a very annoyed e-------------.
2. My school uniform is as white as s-------------.
3. We lost the instruction m-------------and could not put our bikes together.
4. He was unqualified and totally i------------- for this position.
5. A manager has the a------------- to revise employees’ work schedules based on the needs of the
6. The students are not a------------- to talk during the exam or the assembly.
7. I have a political attitude, but I am certainly not a p-------------.
8. The president of China is a c------------- leader who strictly controls his country and citizens.
9. I paid my d------------- with all the money that I made this month.
10. Companies that v------------- the environmental laws will be heavily fined by the government.
11. The d------------- man fell down the street, and as a result, he got a sprained ankle.
12. The cyber-c------------- have been increasing during these years due to addiction of social media.
13. As a t-------------, he formed a strong attachment to one of his friend.
14. I want to ask her out, but I don’t have the c-------------.
15. The National Flat and National Anthem are a s------------- of patriotism and solidarity.
16. Flags of all the participating countries are flying outside the s-------------.
17. Many minor ethnics groups are trying to maintain their cultural i-------------.
18. Discussion is the process of two or more people c------------- about an idea.
19. In the sunny afternoon, the sun is shining brightly in the s-------------.
20. A student gives her teacher a r------------- orchid every morning of the school days.
21. He remembers riding a y------------- school bus in every morning as a child.
22. The b -------------workers do not earn much money like white-collar workers.
23. Jon recovered from his surgery in less than 10 days, and is now in the p-------------of condition.
24. It is wonderful to see how she has g------------- as a person since going to college.
25. Most vegetables and fruits that we bought from local g------------- were local products.
26. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to g------------- effect.
27. The business c------------- is quite simple but it looks clean and professional.
28. The judges will a------------- a prize to the best speaker.
29. This a------------- is for the student who is the most outstanding in this class.
30. She was wearing a b------------- coat with a white collar.
31. The problem with most garden books is that they are written by g-------------.
32. I e------------- listening to music when I feel stress and pressure about work.
33. We all need to obey the rules and r-------------of the company.
34. Sometimes, we should not buy u------------- things to save money.
35. The doctor wants to d------------- the surgery for a few weeks.
36. She often r------------- to her notes when giving a speech.
37. Cigarette smoking has been a------------- with lung cancer.
38. The general secretary may r------------- the present at official ceremonies.
39. He has work for me for some years and proven that he is both reliable and t-------------.
40. To make her sound better, she used the word with positive c-------------.
41. The hotel has s------------- facilities for welcoming disabled people.
42. The policemen can easily g------------- who the thieves are.

Unit-6 (Artificial Intelligence)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. The students are very i-------------and they are sure they can solve Maths problems.
2. The patient has been being kept alive by the a------------- kidney for about one year.
3. The t------------- is free to the market from the playground in this city.
4. Winning the championship cup is a r------------- achievement for our school football team.
5. There is a r------------- in telecommunication sectors during the last decade.
6. The i-------------of electronics changed the lifestyles of people.
7. The AI-powered machines can enhance good c------------- between humans and machines
8. Nowadays AI-powered machines and g------------- are popular among people.
9. She was p------------- as MD in a big company after working hard for five years.
10. My friend helps me to i------------- software in my computer.
11. Weather forecasters are trying to get up to date i------------- about the storm.
12. We should maintain natural e------------- in order to become the better world.
13. Cutting down the trees means destroying n------------- environment.
14. C------------- of the natural environment is one of the main duties of the present generation.
15. Security c------------- are set at the schools of this town.
16. The admin team of the company decided to set s------------- cameras in the meeting room.
17. An u------------- spacecraft of India had successfully returned to the earth last week.
18. Thuta and I have been friends in this school from time i-------------.
19. They live in this town from time i-------------.
20. It is sure that a computer s------------- will be able to use the computer very well.
21. Like humans, AI-powered machines can do c------------- functions.
22. One of the b------------- technology is AI in 21st century.
23. Information, communication and t------------- play vital roles in the present world.
24. Before the a------------ of railway engines and automobiles, the transportation was slow and difficult.
25. The i------------- countries have the great advances in technology.
26. The e------------- calculators are being use to solve the difficult sums in science subjects.
27. I think someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a d-------------.
28. Dinosaurs were e------------- creatures that no longer exist in this world.
29. This shirt is a little bit small. I am not c------------- wearing it.
30. He saw his a------------- in the contest and won the gold medal.
31. The government plans to c------------- more jobs for unemployment.
32. The two artists have never p------------- together before.
33. Giving up smoking r------------- the risk of heart disease.
34. Public t------------- is essential for commuting in urban areas.
35. In the past, all houses in the village used candles for light but now, they have e-------------.
36. She is a bad woman, and I made a big m-------------by trusting her.
37. Within a few years, the place has d------------- from a small village to a big city.
38. Nowadays, d------------- cars powered by AI can reduce diver error and the number of accidents.
39. I cannot afford to buy these shoes because it is too e-------------.
40. Replacing human workers with AI-powered machines can result in a high risk of u------------- problems.
41. The students should try to improve their learning a-------------.
42. Today, all mobile phones can p------------- so many functions such as taking photograph, storing videos
and music, using social media, etc.
43. The m------------- team of this hospital is not good, so it is not successful yet.

Unit-7 (Pollution: A Hazard to Our Environment)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. One of the s------------- problems of the company is that staffs do not accomplish their tasks.
2. C------------- change is the effect of carbon dioxide emissions in industrialising countries.
3. E------------- are communities of organisms and their physical environments interacting together.
4. It is a place to relax and recharge your batteries in peaceful s-------------.
5. Both the water and the air in their neighbourhood were c------------- for them to live.
6. There are h------------- chemicals that can cause death if we are careless.
7. A h------------- is anything which can harm or damage someone or something.
8. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are causes of air
9. The destruction of forests is contributing to the g------------- effect.
10. According to scientists, the a------------- is getting warmer year after year.
11. Global warming and its adverse effects are the major e------------- problems facing us.
12. The introduction of harmful s------------- into the air is called air pollution.
13. In every summer, hot season, we hear the news of w-------------in some part of the world.
14. V------------- eruptions can result in additional threats such as floods, mudslides, power outages, etc.
15. We are now finding out the effects of ozone d------------- in the northern hemisphere.
16. One of the c-----------of global warming in mountain regions is increasing risk of infectious diseases.
17. The ozone layer protects the harmful u------------- rays of the sun.
18. Economics of Myanmar mainly depends on a------------- sector.
19. Polluted water includes toxic c-------------, bacteria and parasites.
20. Polluted water or i------------- water can cause many diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and polio.
21. The process of making the earth’s t---------------contaminated with hazardous substances is called soil
22. We should educate the farmers to use fertilisers and p------------- effectively and safely.
23. Water pollution, air pollution and soil d------------- pose enormous threat to human health.
24. The problem of that industry is how to get rid of d------------- wastes without harm.
25. The disposals of wastes in the ground are referred to as l-------------.
26. D------------- occurs when a forested area is transformed into a non-forested area.
27. Their efforts i------------- more and more as the competition is approaching.
28. Future food and n------------- security is more critical in a world of uncontrollable population growth.
29. U------------- of the town can only occur if large employers move into the area.
30. The process of developing industries in a country is called i-------------.
31. The machines that use powerful motors are one of the p-------------sources of noise pollution.
32. After he was sick, he felt p-------------weakness.
33. P------------- harm can include name calling, bully and harassment.
34. If we do exercise, our heartbeat and respiration will a-------------and we can sweat.
35. These shoes are too small and they c------------- my feet and it makes my toes pain.
36. Light pollution is the overuse or under-use of a-------------outdoor light.
37. Depression, aggression, i-------------, frustration and anxiety are some of emotional problems.
38. He always feels sleepy during the day becomes active at night. He is n-------------.
39. Tiger is d------------- because they are more active during the day than at night.
40. To avoid d-------------in her classroom, she sets strict rules on cleaning up after free time.
41. If you have sleep d-------------, you cannot concentrate on your lessons well.

Unit-8 (Renewable Energy)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. In recent years, the ice has been shrinking at an a------------- rate.
2. He has been working in the same position for two d------------- at that company.
3. The storm and flood caused serious d------------- to the village.
4. C------------- unhealthy food is the main source of all diseases.
5. There are many a------------- ways such as wind, water and air to generate energy and electricity.
6. The cost of solar, wind and other forms of r------------- energy is getting cheaper.
7. The world’s supply of oil and gas is not i-------------.
8. Human e------------- of greenhouse gases are causing the Earth to warm.
9. We can p------------- environmental problems by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
10. If you u------------- your creative idea and imagination in the competition, you can be a winner.
11. Electricity can be g------------- from sun, water, air or fossil fuels.
12. Hot water is converted to electricity by a t-------------.
13. The scientists are concerned that the machine will e------------- harmful radiation.
14. A p------------- is a chemical or biological substance which harms water, air, or and quality.
15. No one is perfect and everyone has some d-------------.
16. Water-powered turbines can have a negative effect on aquatic wildlife.
17. For the youths, i------------- an application on the phone is a very easy matter.
18. Electricity generation in the country is mainly from clean h-------------.
19. To generate electricity, large wind turbines are usually placed on the o-------------.
20. Today, w------------- called wind turbines produce electricity for many communities.
21. The restaurant serves good food and drink at a------------- prices.
22. Burning coal can be h-------------to the natural environment.
23. All countries have the right to protect themselves against external t-------------.
24. Solar energy generates electricity by using designed panels which include p------------- cells.
25. Modern wind turbines are more e-------------and are able to produce wind power.
26. E------------- can be said that accomplishing as much as possible with the least effort.
27. All my friends and my family always e------------- me to try my best.
28. The g-------------are trying to get sustainable energy system from by using all alternative ways.
29. Civilized countries generally a------------- gold or silver as money.
30. One d------------- of sleep deprivation for students is lack of concentration on their studies.
31. Now, the use of social media is becoming more and more common w-------------.
32. Biomass energy is based on biomass raw m-------------, plants processed and burned to produce
33. It is time to b------------- our differences and be friends again.
34. The dustmen have not collected any r------------- in the hotel yet.
35. The disposal of wastes in the ground is referred to as l-------------.
36. If you put more g------------- gases into the atmosphere, you get more warming.
37. Even a s------------- technology can change lifestyle of people around the world.
38. The v-------------have suddenly erupted and kill many people.
39. One of the main reasons this has not been done before is because the i------------- cost is very large.
40. C------------- study both the nature of climates local, regional or global and the natural or human-
induced factors that cause climates to change.
41. His speech had a powerful i------------- on many people.

Unit-9 (Helen Keller)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. Although he won the first prize, he had no p-------------.
2. A m------------- illness has been spreading through the city.
3. I was r------------- to hear that they had arrived safely from the trip.
4. She s------------- for help when she saw the robber.
5. We should not look at directly the sun even for a little while because it can make us b-------------.
6. She has completely d-------------in her right ear due to an accident.
7. S------------- place is the best for those who feel stressed and are so tired of working.
8. The problem is there is not enough c------------- between teachers and parents.
9. The company wants to hire a new d------------- for marketing.
10. They gave support an i------------- for research into the causes of mental illness.
11. Last week, the professor e------------- the poem to the students in this class.
12. Knowledge is t------------- but practice is the key to it.
13. The book was listed one of the best-sellers so it had been t------------- into several languages.
14. Staff got e------------- when they heard they were getting a bonus.
15. I meet with a d-------------young woman who is suffering from hearing loss and very little real sight
16. The two countries a------------- to establish full diplomatic relations by maintaining good relation.
17. His job requires him to t------------- frequently.
18. She is a really good cook but she is always m-------------.
19. S------------- children may refuse to do simple tasks like brushing their teeth or putting away their
20. Special a------------- cards are used to teach blind and deaf children.
21. She g------------- a tissue from the box on the counter and blew her nose.
22. He k------------- quietly before entering the room.
23. After many years of war, people on both countries desire for p-------------.
24. It is good to study in a q------------- place, and it can help you concentrate more on your lessons.
25. My parents f-------------me to choose the university that they want to join.
26. He claims to have developed a new m------------- for growing vegetable for the farmers.
27. With a sorrowful manner, she f------------- the letter and put it away.
28. She has lived a------------- in this house for almost five years now.
29. On vocation, he stayed at his friend’s g------------- for three nights.
30. Robots can p------------- thousands of operations flawlessly every minute.
31. Look at the state of his car! It is m-------------that he didn’t die.
32. The project will take for about four months to c-------------.
33. You should read the book in order to u------------- more about the subject.
34. The years p------------- and almost nothing changed for me.
35. His m------------- changed when he saw his mother.
36. I had always believed that life was very s-------------.
37. I g------------- with a degree in English literature from Harvard last year.
38. My brother is an actor. He has a------------- in several films.
39. If I had had a lot of money, I would have t------------- many countries.
40. Learning a f------------- language is one of the most interesting works for me.
41. My mother asked me to water the plants by using water p------------- in the evening.

Unit-10 (Why Improve Communication Skills)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. Better c------------- is a huge step toward peace.
2. The system has the a------------- to run more than one program at the same time.
3. In every one of his pictures, he tries to c------------- a sense of responsibility.
4. My p-------------about this problem is simple. We just need to abandon it.
5. He bought a dog with the i------------- of training it to attack intruders.
6. Next month, parents-teachers meeting will be held through the use of video-c-------------.
7. There is no enough i------------- between management team and the workers to solve the problems
8. The employers are looking to hire someone with strong s------------- communication skills for the
sales position.
9. Sometimes, we cannot e-------------our feelings and thoughts according to time and situation.
10. He watched her face carefully to catch different n------------- of expression.
11. Facial expressions, p-------------, gestures and tone voice are some of the body language.
12. In giving speech, order of words, sentence patterns and the o------------- of tests are also important to
influence the audience.
13. If you want make an i------------- about this problem, you need to know in details.
14. This math problem is difficult and c-------------so I cannot solve it easily.
15. An u------------- is the use of any piece of language by a particular speaker on a particular situation.
16. The gestures you make, your posture and your tone of voice are non-verbal f-------------.
17. His unique p------------- makes him different from others.
18. A person’s attitude, character, mindset and positive vibe are more important than his or her a----------
19. First i-------------is very important for everyone because most people decide a person whether he is
impressive or not at the first time.
20. We all should try to improve s------------- dealings with others in our daily life.
21. We should have a good relationship with friends, a------------- and even strangers.
22. The a------------- of this school was very popular on social media and so most of parents enrolled
their children at that school.
23. If a person has a high position, he needs to have e------------- in communication.
24. From this interchange program, the students can learn different c------------- and customs.
25. Due to the a------------- of market economy, there is a need to possess a higher education and skill for
the youths.
26. The e------------- of enterprises has created more employment opportunities for labour market.
27. The ability to t------------- and interpret a language depends on your devoted time and passion on that
28. In recent decades, there had been a dramatic r------------- in the birth rate in China.
29. The g------------- gap is a major problem between the old and the young.
30. Under the g------------- of the teachers, students passed matriculation exam with flying colours.
31. It is natural that most of the youths feel shyness and r------------- to talk with opposite genders.
32. A child is a valuable g------------- to his parents.
33. P-------------talk is one of the most effective ways to enrich vocabulary, sentence pattern and
knowledge for children.
34. The students satisfied their c------------- about Bagan because they travelled there.

35. Living in the pleasant s------------- can get a happy and satisfied lifestyle.
36. Learning how to live together with negative things is a vital life s-------------.
37. In student life, a------------- success is the most important factor for all students.
38. In most countries, private education sector is i------------- with public education sector.
39. Every culture of a nation has its own cultural n-------------.
40. A master degree is a p------------- to be a teacher in university for all candidates.
41. The a------------- is so silent and listens carefully because the speaker is very good at giving speech.
42. Some students think that the school rules are not r------------- to them.
43. This book is very i------------- and includes lots of basic grammar rule for English language.
44. In some shops, 24 hour service is a------------- for the customers to buy.
45. Speaking clearly is c------------- for others and they have no confusion.
46. The religion has always been a d------------- factor in the life of all societies.
47. She is always ready for a lesson and her e------------- to learn every subject is very delightful.

Unit-11 (A Day’s Wait)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. By the time they reached the house, she was s------------- and lying in the bed.
2. Her head a------------- too much to respond his question.
3. It does not m------------- who you are. You must obey school rules.
4. I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.
5. The people were d------------- in old fashioned clothes for the party.
6. He went d------------- to have his dinner and change his clothes for night out.
7. My f------------- is large and broad and it makes my appearance and look older.
8. The day nights were still cold into April, but the t------------- increased into the 40 C during day.
9. You should take m------------- if you feel sick.
10. The doctor gave him different colored c------------- for his disease and general week.
11. Before you use, please read the i------------- on the bottle.
12. In 1935, a vaccine for yellow f------------- was created.
13. He was given a p------------- before the operation.
14. Sometimes, you will meet some problems and difficulties and must try to o-------------them.
15. The immune system can seek out and destroy disease g-------------, infected cells and tumor cells.
16. We should take together to improve preparedness for an i------------- pandemic.
17. You do not have to w------------- about that problem. I can solve it alone.
18. The rainy season can be a light e------------- of flu for every year.
19. When your country is in d-------------, you should forget your own safety.
20. The pilots had to take emergency action to a------------- a disaster.
21. We had been in hospital with p------------- and we were all concerned.
22. She d------------- herself from the group and came to join me.
23. You will have to w------------- until the end of month before I can pay you.
24. She looked at me very s------------- and I had never seen that look in her before.
25. Drinking coffee keeps him a------------- all the day without feeling sleepy.
26. If you start getting l------------- that is a bad sign and you should stop.
27. The doctor p------------- three months of physical therapy for my leg injury.
28. Eating too much f------------- food is not good for health.
29. Because of the rain, the surface of the road is g------------- and it is difficult to walk.
30. Roger s------------- on the ice and hurt his leg.
31. The soldiers s------------- across the rocks to fight the enemies suddenly.
32. In our town, the roads are dark with o------------- trees.
33. It seemed impolite to r------------- when she invited me for dinner.
34. Myanmar women always apply Thanakha on their c-------------.
35. Her face f------------- because the teacher scolded her in front of the class.
36. At night, s------------- at the stars in the sky is a good feeling.
37. The president e------------- assumes that he will stay in power next year.
38. After having his dinner, he c------------- to study his lessons.
39. Since I was young, I could walk two m------------- at one time.
40. After running a half k-------------, I began to feel tired.
41. She g------------- at me and said slowly that she was so tired of trying.
42. A h------------- years ago, life in both city and countryside was so simple.

Unit-12 (Intercultural Communication)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. I had got an e------------- experience from this journey.
2. They unite people of different ages and d------------- groups.
3. Between 1870 and 1914, the industrial geography of the world was in ------------- change.
4. You should have a more c------------- with your best friend when you part after school life.
5. This organization has so many people who come from diffident r-------------, social, ethnic, and
educational backgrounds.
6. In Myanmar, there are over 130 e------------- groups according to survey research papers.
7. I------------- communication refers to communications take place between people of different cultures or
8. Economic organization is to a great extent shaped by historical and c-------------contexts.
9. Psychology is a d------------- that studies the human mind and its functions especially those affecting
behaviour in a given context.
10. My hobby is to study customs and traditions from different c-------------.
11. Nowadays, c-------------management is a popular subject among the organizations.
12. M------------- between us are the main causes of the problems.
13. Literature and arts are some enduring cultural v------------- of the nation.
14. Opinions, ideas and perceptions of people may depend on their cultural b-------------.
15. Smoking tobacco can adversely a------------- your lungs and blood flow.
16. Sometimes, we can face some c------------- problems of life and we need to solve successfully.
17. My c------------- and I had planned to go a trip to Kalaw.
18. We often need good s------------- about the work from our friends and family to do it better.
19. Most of the celebrities usually neglect negative c------------- of the public.
20. He did not want to e------------- her by asking personal questions.
21. Although he is strict, he has a s------------- mind.
22. We can easily know about his emotions by looking at his facial e-------------.
23. In Harvard, many i------------- students are studying their respective majors.
24. My best c------------- won the first prizes in essay and impromptu talk competitions.
25. If you are h-----------, you cannot do something immediately because you are nervous or not certain.
26. He returned to his h------------- for the first time in many years.
27. The company i------------- a management training program for the leaders of all departments.
28. Most societies accept that talking during meal time is an o------------- manner.
29. Holding up the index finger is one of the worst i------------- for every person.
30. Body language and eye contact are some examples of n------------- communication.
31. Our teacher always makes g------------- when he teaches us.
32. This is not an a------------- behaviour from the students for a teacher.
33. A behaviour which is suitable for one culture may not be t------------- for another one.
34. A v------------- is a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
35. The chair is u------------- to sit for me the whole day.
36. You can only p------------- the real beauty in a person as he/she gets older.
37. To avoid social b-------------, intercultural awareness should be raised among the children.
38. A person’s values and b------------- mainly rely on his or her religion.
39. There are a great number of cultural n------------- follow in our society.
40. Today, there is a growing a------------- of the seriousness of this disease.
41. One European country has five n------------- and seven languages.

Unit-1 (Manners)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. It is a bad manner to talk with rude words and your mouth full.
2. All youth must learn socially acceptable behaviour.
3. When we listen to music, we can feel a pleasant feeling.
4. The boys are rude and lack of respect. Their behaviour will not be tolerated.
5. The boys are rude and lack of respect. Their behaviour will not be tolerated.
6. All the people cannot tolerate as the noise is too loud.
7. Education plays a vital role in building a modern nation.
8. Treating politely other people is a characteristic of high morale person.
9. Treating politely other people is a characteristic of high morale person.
10. The students are very keen to learn practical lessons of science subjects
11. Our teacher is very respectful. He always thinks of the welfare of students.
12. Everyone is respectful to him, listening carefully to his long speech.
13. No one can overcome the influence of social media.
14. His parents tried to influence her in her university choice.
15. The teacher is always punctual. He always gets in the class in time.
16. Asking someone’s personal information is impolite in our society.
17. It is a universal truth that the sun raises in the east.
18. We have no universal agreement about that project among the decision makers.
19. The students have acquired huge knowledge of English as the teachers are good at teaching in English.
20. You are responsible for your own happiness.
21. The parents are responsible for their children’s misbehavior.
22. She is merciful to animals so she never treats them cruelly.
23. The new generation should maintain the cultural heritage of the nation.
24. Both the teachers and the parents should have mutual respect in their relationship.
25. Mutual respect is important in every relationship.
26. Senior students have access to the library at weekends.
27. He graduated from a senior high school with honors.
28. The manners of the older are imitated by the younger.
29. They always do their job conscientiously. They never did carelessly.
30. The students should behave politely during the school assembly.
31. Understanding and appreciating different cultures can promote tolerance and respect among diverse
32. He belched loudly after drinking too much soda drink.
33. The volcano belched out smoke and ashes.
34. Emotional management strategies are vital to achieve happiness.
35. The younger should act polite manners to the older according to culture.
36. Children imitate their elders and they acquire good or bad manners from them.
37. School is a place where good manners and mutual respect are imparted.
38. Generally, it can be said that students imitate their parents’ and teachers’ manners and behaviours.
39. The increase in child abuse crime in the world has been a universal problem.
40. To acquire a new skill, it can take many years of practice, tolerance, passion and dedication.
41. It is important to abide with the law for all citizens to maintain social stability.
42. One aim of education is to produce disciplined/dutiful students for the nation.

Unit-2 (Keys to Happiness)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. According to the law of nature, nothing is constant.
2. The storm is moving at a constant speed of 100 mph.
3. Having a positive attitude to life is a good way to find happiness.
4. All the teachers should have attitude towards teaching profession.
5. Abuse and bully can lead to emotional and physical pain of a child.
6. Doing physical exercise is good for health.
7. There should be a good relationship between the teachers and the parents.
8. The students felt depressed/disappointed due to the result of pilot test.
9. I envy you for your large group of friends.
10. In the competitive environment such as workplace or school, you may feel downhearted/depressed.
11. A good teacher can make the class enjoyable. The students never feel bored.
12. We can find contentment by living in a simple life.
13. The education system should encourage to realize the potential of every child.
14. Life satisfaction is one of the key element to achieve true happiness.
15. Job satisfaction of teachers is related to the leadership style of principal.
16. We all should wear masks to protect COVID-19.
17. As parents, we feel it is our duty to protect our family.
18. Remember that you are not alone if you feel stress.
19. Decision can be wrong when people are under stress.
20. It was very generous of you because you donated a lot to the poor.
21. The man use music and take meditation to relax and feel peace.
22. The students need to achieve academically in order to enter the labour market.
23. She is delighted with her success. Her eyes shine with happiness.
24. Everyone in the class is envious of her having the chance to study abroad.
25. The students should pay attention when the teacher is teaching.
26. He has always been a cheerful, hard-working student.
27. We should show our sympathy to the families of victims.
28. The concept of education was different from time to time.
29. We can feel relaxed when we listen to music and watch movie.
30. The school should have a relaxed atmosphere for students and teachers.
31. Spending time with family and friends can reduce stressful feelings.
32. He tried as much as he could and finally he achieved success.
33. The doctor suggested a low sodium diet for patients with high blood pressure.
34. You should treat everyone kindly to achieve true happiness.
35. It is reasonable to assume that every piece of writing is not literature.
36. People should try to replace envy with sympathetic or empathetic joy.
37. It is very important to keep calm in a state of emergency.
38. If you work more than you can handle, it may lead to fatigue.
39. If we experience/encounter negative emotions, our mood may not be good.
40. It is undeniable that the more you try, the more you succeed.
41. He decided to donate his all possessions to the poor.
42. The students should use the reasonable amount of time in sports.

Unit-3 (Diet and Nutrition)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. Food that contains artificial colourings and flavourings are not good for health.
2. Peas, beans, chicken, and beef are nourishing source of proteins.
3. My brother received a laptop from U Lay who lives in U.S.
4. China and North Korea have maintained their close relations.
5. Our teacher has always maintained a high standard of professional ethics.
6. The fundamental requirement to live for a human is food, water and air.
7. Foods such as bread, potatoes, rice contain a lot of carbohydrates.
8. A healthy person is happier than a wealthy person.
9. To be a healthy life, we should eat more vegetables and fruit than ready-made food.
10. The meat was declared unfit for human consumption by one research.
11. Diet and nutrition are essential for our health, energy and growth.
12. We should have a good nutrition in order to possess a healthy life.
13. We take medicine if we feel sick.
14. She stressed the importance of basic health education and preventive medicine.
15. We can get fatty acids from vegetable oil, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, yogurt, etc.
16. Eating a balanced diet can make us healthy and strong.
17. Nowadays, most of the people have not got a balanced life style between work and privacy.
18. Some of the high-cholesterol foods are full-fat dairy products and red meat.
19. The doctor advised me to lower my saturated fat intake.
20. The most important thing in student life is to study regularly.
21. Inn Daw Gyi Lake is a paradise for biodiversity.
22. The mining project and deforestation threaten one of the world’s richest areas of biodiversity.
23. Air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution can cause environmental damage.
24. Forests are a haven of biodiversity as there are excellent source of food there.
25. The Ministry of Health must take serious action to fight this infectious disease.
26. It is good for our health to start the day with a nutritious breakfast.
27. One of the most fundamentals of human needs is nutrition.
28. The soil in which they grow provides plants nutrients.
29. We all need a nutritious diet that is a mixture of all the nutrients that our body needs to survive.
30. Environmental factors have the influence on diet and nutrition.
31. The nutrients which are essential for our body can be found in the food we eat.
32. Diet and nutrition are strongly linked to environmental factors.
33. Rice gives us carbohydrates.
34. Fresh fruits and vegetables give us minerals, vitamins and fibre.
35. We can get vitamins from lemon, lime and orange.
36. The food that made up of chemicals can be harmful to our health.
37. We can strengthen our immune system by having a healthy food.
38. People should take vitamins or nutritional supplements to combat illness.
39. Essential nutrients in refined foods are lost during food processing.
40. If we consume high-cholesterol foods, the risk of getting heart disease will be higher.
41. We should avoid eating high-cholesterol foods for they contain a high level of saturated fat.
42. A third of global population is facing food insecurity and it is a global issue for all countries.

Unit-4 (Emotional Well-Being)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. Time does not heal emotional pain. You need to learn how to let go.
2. People often express their emotions nonverbally.
3. We can classify the problems as large, medium and small.
4. The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched; they are felt with the heart.
5. In Japan, it is proper to bow when you meet someone.
6. Nothing could induce him to change his mind.
7. Sound sleep can be induced by the moderate exercise before you sleep.
8. Hope is a motivator that can make you succeed in life.
9. We should participate in school activities for our all-round development.
10. The governor decided to provide assistance for the victims.
11. We can feel depressed in every difficult situation.
12. You cannot expect much sympathy from selfish people.
13. Positive attitude is a source of hope, empathy, responsibility and authenticity.
14. Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
15. The well-being and welfare of children should always be our focus.
16. Frank is suffering from a nervous disorder.
17. According to Buddhism, life is suffering.
18. Sometimes, unexpected people come into our life and leave suddenly.
19. Her letter came as a complete surprise.
20. The present that my friends gave me was so surprising.
21. An emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure is anxiety.
22. When we are exposed to negative feelings, we can feel depression.
23. Russia is a major threat to the world peace.
24. The two countries use their effective weapons in war.
25. Some school rules are not unfair, so most of the students do not want to obey.
26. He said that he had no anger towards the person who beat him.
27. His boss criticized/criticizes him for his inactive work habits.
28. A feeling of sad which is prompted by the loss of something or tragic events is distress.
29. They spent the miserable days in this lonely and unpleasant place
30. When we feel dislike something such as food or drink or smell, it can be called disgust.
31. The government should use effective strategies to improve economics.
32. We should not blame others without knowing all about them.
33. If our wants and needs are not fulfilled, we feel distressed or frustrated.
34. If the students have sheep deprivation, they cannot concentrate on their studies.
35. The task will not feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.
36. The poor are more resilient the ups and downs of life than the rich.
37. He was honest enough to admit that he made a mistake.
38. Our teacher has a reputation for her honesty and integrity.
39. We need to find a peaceful alternative to war.
40. She looked as calm and serene as she always did even though she faced difficult situations.
41. They said they were grateful for the support that was given by the community.
42. My grandfather was a very modest and humble person.
43. Take time to deliberate, but when the time for an action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.
44. Staying intentional is one of the ways to be happy in life.
45. We need a balanced long term energy policy to protect natural environment.
46. Doing something that we enjoy can provide emotional recovery if we feel emotional pain.
47. This paper can greatly contribute to the field of education especially higher education.

Unit-5 (Colours)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. She looked at him with a very annoyed expression.
2. My school uniform is as white as snow.
3. We lost the instruction manual and could not put our bikes together.
4. He was unqualified and totally inexperienced for this position.
5. A manager has the authority to revise employees’ work schedules based on the needs of the
6. The students are not allowed to talk during the exam or the assembly.
7. I have a political attitude, but I am certainly not a politician.
8. The president of China is a communist leader who strictly controls his country and citizens.
9. I paid my debt with all the money that I made this month.
10. Companies that violate the environmental laws will be heavily fined by the government.
11. The drunken man fell down the street, and as a result, he got a sprained ankle.
12. The cyber crimes have been increasing during these years due to addiction of social media.
13. As a teenager, he formed a strong attachment to one of his friend.
14. I want to ask her out, but I don’t have the courage.
15. The National Flat and National Anthem are a symbol of patriotism and solidarity.
16. Flags of all the participating countries are flying outside the stadium.
17. Many minor ethnics groups are trying to maintain their cultural identity.
18. Discussion is the process of two or more people communicating about an idea.
19. In the sunny afternoon, the sun is shining brightly in the sky.
20. A student gives her teacher a red orchid every morning of the school days.
21. He remembers riding a yellow school bus in every morning as a child.
22. The blue-collar workers do not earn much money like white-collar workers.
23. Jon recovered from his surgery in less than 10 days, and is now in the pink of condition.
24. It is wonderful to see how she has grown as a person since going to college.
25. Most vegetables and fruits that we bought from local greengrocers were local products.
26. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to greenhouse effect.
27. The business card is quite simple but it looks clean and professional.
28. The judges will award a prize to the best speaker.
29. This award is for the student who is the most outstanding in this class.
30. She was wearing a black coat with a white collar.
31. The problem with most garden books is that they are written by gardeners.
32. I enjoy listening to music when I feel stress and pressure about work.
33. We all need to obey the rules and regulations of the company.
34. Sometimes, we should not buy unnecessary things to save money.
35. The doctor wants to delay the surgery for a few weeks.
36. She often refers to her notes when giving a speech.
37. Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.
38. The general secretary may represent the present at official ceremonies.
39. He has work for me for some years and proven that he is both reliable and trustworthy.
40. To make her sound better, she used the word with positive connotations.
41. The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people.
42. The policemen can easily guess who the thieves are.

Unit-6 (Artificial Intelligence)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. The students are very intelligent and they are sure they can solve Maths problems.
2. The patient has been being kept alive by the artificial kidney for about one year.
3. The transportation is free to the market from the playground in this city.
4. Winning the championship cup is a remarkable achievement for our school football team.
5. There is a revolution in telecommunication sectors during the last decade.
6. The invention of electronics changed the lifestyles of people.
7. The AI-powered machines can enhance good communication between humans and machines
8. Nowadays AI-powered machines and gadgets are popular among people.
9. She was promoted as MD in a big company after working hard for five years.
10. My friend helps me to install software in my computer.
11. Weather forecasters are trying to get up to date information about the storm.
12. We should maintain natural environment in order to become the better world.
13. Cutting down the trees means destroying natural environment.
14. Conservation of the natural environment is one of the main duties of the present generation.
15. Security cameras are set at the schools of this town.
16. The admin team of the company decided to set security camera in the meeting room.
17. An unmanned spacecraft of India had successfully returned to the earth last week.
18. Thuta and I have been friends in this school from time immemorial.
19. They live in this town from time immemorial.
20. It is sure that a computer scientist will be able to use the computer very well.
21. Like humans, AI-powered machines can do cognitive functions.
22. One of the breakthrough technology is AI in 21st century.
23. Information, communication and technology play vital roles in the present world.
24. Before the advent of railway engines and automobiles, the transportations were slow and difficult.
25. The industrializing countries have the great advances in technology.
26. The electronic calculators are being use to solve the difficult sums in science subjects.
27. I think someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a dream.
28. Dinosaurs were enormous creatures that no longer exist in this world.
29. This shirt is a little bit small. I am not comfortable wearing it.
30. He saw his ability in the contest and won the gold medal.
31. The government plans to create more jobs for unemployment.
32. The two artists have never performed together before.
33. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
34. Public transportation is essential for commuting in urban areas.
35. In the past, all houses in the village used candles for light but now, they have electricity.
36. She is a bad woman, and I made a big mistake by trusting her.
37. Within a few years, the place has developed from a small village to a big city.
38. Nowadays, driverless cars powered by AI can reduce diver error and the number of accidents.
39. I cannot afford to buy these shoes because it is too expensive.
40. Replacing human workers with AI-powered machines can result in a high risk of unemployment
41. The students should try to improve their learning ability.
42. Today, all mobile phones can perform so many functions such as taking photograph, storing videos and
music, using social media, etc.
43. The management team of this hospital is not good, so it is not successful until now.

Unit-7 (Pollution: A Hazard to Our Environment)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. One of the serious problems of the company is that staffs do not accomplish their tasks.
2. Climate change is the effect of carbon dioxide emissions in industrialising countries.
3. Ecosystems are communities of organisms and their physical environments interacting together.
4. It is a place to relax and recharge your batteries in peaceful surroundings.
5. Both the water and the air in their neighbourhood were contaminated for them to live.
6. There are hazardous chemicals that can cause death if we are careless.
7. A hazard is anything which can harm or damage someone or something.
8. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are causes of air
9. The destruction of forests is contributing to the greenhouse effect.
10. According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year.
11. Global warming and its adverse effects are the major environmental problems facing us.
12. The introduction of harmful substances into the air is called air pollution.
13. In every summer, hot season, we hear the news of wildfires in some part of the world.
14. Volcanic eruptions can result in additional threats such as floods, mudslides, power outages, etc.
15. We are now finding out the effects of ozone depletion in the northern hemisphere.
16. One of the consequences of global warming in mountain regions is increasing risk of infectious diseases.
17. The ozone layer protects the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
18. Economics of Myanmar mainly depends on agricultural sector.
19. Polluted water includes toxic chemicals, bacteria and parasites.
20. Polluted water or impure water can cause many diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and polio.
21. The process of making the earth’s topsoil contaminated with hazardous substances is called soil
22. We should educate the farmers to use fertilisers and pesticides effectively and safely.
23. Water pollution, air pollution and soil degradation pose enormous threat to human health.
24. The problem of that industry is how to get rid of digital wastes without harm.
25. The disposals of wastes in the ground are referred to as landfills.
26. Deforestation occurs when a forested area is transformed into a non-forested area.
27. Their efforts intensify more and more as the competition is approaching.
28. Future food and nutritional security is more critical in a world of uncontrollable population growth.
29. Urbanization of the town can only occur if large employers move into the area.
30. The process of developing industries in a country is called industrialisation.
31. The machines that use powerful motors are one of the primary sources of noise pollution.
32. After he was sick, he felt physical weakness.
33. Psychological harm can include name calling, bully and harassment.
34. If we do exercise, our heartbeat and respiration will accelerate and we can sweat.
35. These shoes are too small and they constrict my feet and it makes my toes pain.
36. Light pollution is the overuse or under-use of artificial outdoor light.
37. Depression, aggression, irritation, frustration and anxiety are some of emotional problems.
38. He always feels sleepy during the day becomes active at night. He is nocturnal.
39. Tiger is diurnal because they are more active during the day than at night.
40. To avoid disorder(s) in her classroom, she sets strict rules on cleaning up after free time.
41. If you have sleep deprivation, you cannot concentrate on your lessons well

Unit-8 (Renewable Energy)
Initial Word (Unseen Sentence)
1. In recent years, the ice has been shrinking at an alarming rate.
2. He has been working in the same position for two decades at that company.
3. The storm and flood caused serious destruction to the village.
4. Consuming unhealthy food is the main source of all diseases.
5. There are many alternative ways such as wind, water and air to generate energy and electricity.
6. The cost of solar, wind and other forms of renewable energy is getting cheaper.
7. The world’s supply of oil and gas is not inexhaustible.
8. Human emissions of greenhouse gases are causing the Earth to warm.
9. We can prevent environmental problems by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
10. If you utilise your creative idea and imagination in the competition, you can be a winner.
11. Electricity can be generated from sun, water, air or fossil fuels.
12. Hot water is converted to electricity by a turbine.
13. The scientists are concerned that the machine will emit harmful radiation.
14. A pollutant is a chemical or biological substance which harms water, air, or and quality.
15. No one is perfect and everyone has some drawbacks.
16. Water-powered turbines can have a negative effect on aquatic wildlife.
17. For the youths, installing an application on the phone is a very easy matter.
18. Electricity generation in the country is mainly from clean hydropower.
19. To generate electricity, large wind turbines are usually placed on the offshore.
20. Today, windmills called wind turbines produce electricity for many communities.
21. The restaurant serves good food and drink at affordable prices.
22. Burning coal can be harmful to the natural environment.
23. All countries have the right to protect themselves against external threat.
24. Solar energy generates electricity by using designed panels which include photovoltaic cells.
25. Modern wind turbines are more efficient and are able to produce wind power.
26. Efficiency can be said that accomplishing as much as possible with the least effort.
27. All my friends and my family always encourage me to try my best.
28. The governments are trying to get sustainable energy system from by using all alternative ways.
29. Civilized countries generally adopt gold or silver as money.
30. One disadvantage of sleep deprivation for students is lack of concentration on their studies.
31. Now, the use of social media is becoming more and more common worldwide.
32. Biomass energy is based on biomass raw materials, plants processed and burned to produce
33. It is time to bury our differences and be friends again.
34. The dustmen have not collected any rubbish in the hotel yet.
35. The disposal of wastes in the ground is referred to as landfill.
36. If you put more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, you get more warming.
37. Even a simple technology can change lifestyle of people around the world.
38. The volcanoes have suddenly erupted and kill many people.
39. One of the main reasons this has not been done before is because the initial cost is very large.
40. Climatologists study both the nature of climates local, regional or global and the natural or human-
induced factors that cause climates to change.
41. His speech had a powerful impact on many people.

Unit-9 (Helen Keller)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. Although he won the first prize, he had no proud.
2. A mysterious illness has been spreading through the city.
3. I was relieved to hear that they had arrived safely from the trip.
4. She screamed for help when she saw the robber.
5. We should not look at directly the sun even for a little while because it can make us blind.
6. She has completely deaf in her right ear due to an accident.
7. Silent place is the best for those who feel stressed and are so tired of working.
8. The problem is there is not enough contact between teachers and parents.
9. The company wants to hire a new director for marketing.
10. They gave support an institute for research into the causes of mental illness.
11. Last week, the professor explained the poem to the students in this class.
12. Knowledge is treasure but practice is the key to it.
13. The book was listed one of the best-sellers so it had been translated into several
14. Staff got excited when they heard they were getting a bonus.
15. I meet with a deaf-blind young woman who is suffering from hearing loss and very little real sight
16. The two countries agreed to establish full diplomatic relations by maintaining good relation.
17. His job requires him to travel frequently.
18. She is a really good cook but she is always messy.
19. Spoilt children may refuse to do simple tasks like brushing their teeth or putting away their toys.
20. Special alphabet cards are used to teach blind and deaf children.
21. She grabbed a tissue from the box on the counter and blew her nose.
22. He knocked quietly before entering the room.
23. After many years of war, people on both countries desire for peace.
24. It is good to study in a quiet place, and it can help you concentrate more on your lessons.
25. My parents forced me to choose the university that they want to join.
26. He claims to have developed a new method for growing vegetable for the farmers.
27. With a sorrowful manner, she folded the letter and put it away.
28. She has lived alone in this house for almost five years now.
29. On vocation, he stayed at his friend’s guesthouse for three nights.
30. Robots can perform thousands of operations flawlessly every minute.
31. Look at the state of his car! It is miracle that he didn’t die.
32. The project will take for about four months to complete.
33. You should read the book in order to understand more about the subject.
34. The years passed and almost nothing changed for me.
35. His manner changed when he saw his mother.
36. I had always believed that life was very strange.
37. I graduated with a degree in English literature from Harvard last year.
38. My brother is an actor. He has appeared in several films.
39. If I had had a lot of money, I would have toured many countries.
40. Learning a foreign language is one of the most interesting works for me.
41. My mother asked me to water the plants by using water pump in the evening.

Unit-10 (Why Improve Communication Skills)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. Better communication is a huge step toward peace.
2. The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.
3. In every one of his pictures, he tries to convey a sense of responsibility.
4. My perception about this problem is simple. We just need to abandon it.
5. He bought a dog with the intention of training it to attack intruders.
6. Next month, parents-teachers meeting will be held through the use of video-conferencing.
7. There is no enough interaction between management team and the workers to solve the problems
8. The employers are looking to hire someone with strong spoken communication skills for the sales
9. Sometimes, we cannot express our feelings and thoughts according to time and situation.
10. He watched her face carefully to catch different nuances of expression.
11. Facial expressions, posture, gestures and tone voice are some of the body language.
12. In giving speech, order of words, sentence patterns and the organisation of tests are also important
to influence the audience.
13. If you want make an interpretation about this problem, you need to know in details.
14. This math problem is difficult and complex so I cannot solve it easily.
15. An utterance is the use of any piece of language by a particular speaker on a particular situation.
16. The gestures you make, your posture and your tone of voice are non-verbal features.
17. His unique personality makes him different from others.
18. A person’s attitude, character, mindset and positive vibe are more important than his or her
19. First impression is very important for everyone because most people decide a person whether he is
impressive or not at the first time.
20. We all should try to improve social dealings with others in our daily life.
21. We should have a good relationship with friends, acquaintances and even strangers.
22. The advertisement of this school was very popular on social media and so most of parents enrolled
their children at that school.
23. If a person has a high position, he needs to have expertise in communication.
24. From this interchange program, the students can learn different cultures and customs.
25. Due to the advent of market economy, there is a need to possess a higher education and skill for the
26. The expansion of enterprises has created more employment opportunities for labour market.
27. The ability to translate and interpret a language depends on your devoted time and passion on that
28. In recent decades, there had been a dramatic reduction in the birth rate in China.
29. The generation gap is a major problem between the old and the young.
30. Under the guidance of the teachers, students passed matriculation exam with flying colours.
31. It is natural that most of the youths feel shyness and reticence to talk with opposite genders.
32. A child is a valuable gift to his parents.
33. Parental talk is one of the most effective ways to enrich vocabulary, sentence pattern and knowledge
for children.
34. The students satisfied their curiosity about Bagan because they travelled there.

35. Living in the pleasant surroundings can get a happy and satisfied lifestyle.
36. Learning how to live together with negative things is a vital life skill.
37. In student life, academic success is the most important factor for all students.
38. In most countries, private education sector is integrated with public education sector.
39. Every culture of a nation has its own cultural norms.
40. A master degree is a prerequisite to be a teacher in university for all candidates.
41. The audience is so silent and listens carefully because the speaker is very good at giving speech.
42. Some students think that the school rules are not relevant to them.
43. This book is very informative and includes lots of basic grammar rule for English language.
44. In some shops, 24 hour service is available for the customers to buy.
45. Speaking clearly is comprehensible for others and they have no confusion.
46. The religion has always been a dominating factor in the life of all societies.
47. She is always ready for a lesson and her eagerness to learn every subject is very delightful.

Unit-11 (A Day’s Wait)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. By the time they reached the house, she was shivering and lying in the bed.
2. Her head ached too much to respond his question.
3. It does not matter who you are. You must obey school rules.
4. I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.
5. The people were dressed in old fashioned clothes for the party.
6. He went downstairs to have his dinner and change his clothes for night out.
7. My forehead is large and broad and it makes my appearance and look older.
8. The day nights were still cold into April, but the temperature increased into the 40 C during day.
9. You should take medicines if you feel sick.
10. The doctor gave him different colored capsules for his disease and general week.
11. Before you use, please read the instructions on the bottle.
12. In 1935, a vaccine for yellow fever was created.
13. He was given a purgative before the operation.
14. Sometimes, you will meet some problems and difficulties and must try to overcome them.
15. The immune system can seek out and destroy disease germs, infected cells and tumor cells.
16. We should take together to improve preparedness for an influenza pandemic.
17. You do not have to worry about that problem. I can solve it alone.
18. The rainy season can be a light epidemic of flu for every year.
19. When your country is in danger, you should forget your own safety.
20. The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster.
21. We had been in hospital with pneumonia and we were all concerned.
22. She detached herself from the group and came to join me.
23. You will have to wait until the end of month before I can pay you.
24. She looked at me very strangely and I had never seen that look in her before.
25. Drinking coffee keeps him awake all the day without feeling sleepy.
26. If you start getting lightheaded, that is a bad sign and you should stop.
27. The doctor prescribed three months of physical therapy for my leg injury.
28. Eating too much frozen food is not good for health.
29. Because of the rain, the surface of the road is glassy and it is difficult to walk.
30. Roger slipped on the ice and hurt his leg.
31. The soldiers slithered across the rocks to fight the enemies suddenly.
32. In our town, the roads are dark with overhanging trees.
33. It seemed impolite to refuse when she invited me for dinner.
34. Myanmar women always apply Thanakha on their cheeks.
35. Her face flushed because the teacher scolded her in front of the class.
36. At night, staring at the stars in the sky is a good feeling.
37. The president evidently assumes that he will stay in power next year.
38. After having his dinner, he commenced to study his lessons.
39. Since I was young, I could walk two miles at one time.
40. After running a half kilometer, I began to feel tired.
41. She gazed at me and said slowly that she was so tired of trying.
42. A hundred years ago, life in both city and countryside was so simple.

Unit-12 (Intercultural Communication)
Initial Word (Unseen)
1. I had got an exciting experience from this journey.
2. They unite people of different ages and diverse groups.
3. Between 1870 and 1914, the industrial geography of the world was in rapid change.
4. You should have a more contact with your best friend when you part after school life.
5. This organization has so many people who come from diffident religious, social, ethnic, and educational
6. In Myanmar, there are over 130 ethnic groups according to survey research papers.
7. Intercultural communication refers to communications take place between people of different cultures
or backgrounds.
8. Economic organization is to a great extent shaped by historical and cultural contexts.
9. Psychology is a discipline that studies the human mind and its functions especially those affecting
behaviour in a given context.
10. My hobby is to study customs and traditions from different cultures.
11. Nowadays, conflict/conflicts management is a popular subject among the organizations.
12. Misunderstandings between us.are the main causes of the problems.
13. Literature and arts are some enduring cultural values of the nation.
14. Opinions, ideas and perceptions of people may depend on their cultural backgrounds.
15. Smoking tobacco can adversely affect your lungs and blood flow.
16. Sometimes, we can face some challenging problems of life and we need to solve successfully.
17. My colleagues and I had planned to go a trip to Kalaw.
18. We often need good suggestions about the work from our friends and family to do it better.
19. Most of the celebrities usually neglect negative comments of the public.
20. He did not want to embarrass her by asking personal questions.
21. Although he is strict, he has a subtle mind.
22. We can easily know about his emotions by looking at his facial expressions.
23. In Harvard, many international students are studying their respective majors.
24. My best classmate won the first prizes in essay and impromptu talk competitions.
25. If you are hesitant, you cannot do something immediately because you are nervous or not certain.
26. He returned to his homeland for the first time in many years.
27. The company initiates a management training program for the leaders of all departments.
28. Most societies accept that talking during meal time is an offensive manner.
29. Holding up the index finger is one of the worst insults for every person.
30. Body language and eye contact are some examples of nonverbal communication.
31. Our teacher always makes gestures when he teaches us.
32. This is not an acceptable behaviour from the students for a teacher.
33. A behaviour which is suitable for one culture may not be tolerated for another one.
34. A volunteer is a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
35. The chair is uncomfortable to sit for me the whole day.
36. You can only perceive the real beauty in a person as he/she gets older.
37. To avoid social blunder, intercultural awareness should be raised among the children.
38. A person’s values and beliefs mainly rely on his or her religion.
39. There are a great number of cultural norms follow in our society.
40. Today, there is a growing awareness of the seriousness of this disease.
41. One European country has five nationalities and seven languages.


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