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2 marks

1.what is DIKW?

Data Information-Knowledge-Wisdom

Data refers to raw, unprocessed facts and figures without context. It is the foundation for all subsequent
layers but holds limited value in isolation.

Information is organized, structured, and contextualized data. Information is useful for answering basic
questions like “who,” “what,” “where,” and “when.”

Knowledge is the result of analyzing and interpreting information to uncover patterns, trends, and
relationships. It provides an understanding of “how” and “why” certain phenomena occur.

Wisdom is the ability to make well-informed decisions and take effective action based on understanding
of the underlying knowledge.

2 what is knowledge Management?

Knowledge management is the process by which an enterprise gathers, organizes, shares and analyzes
its knowledge in a way that is easily accessible to employees. This knowledge includes technical
resources, frequently asked questions, training documents and people skills.

3. Flow Diagram for KDD process?

4 ) what is RMSE?
One of the MSE’s limitations is that the unit of measurement for the error is the square of the unit of
measurement for the data (the MSE calculates the error in square meters if the data is measured in

To convert the error unit of measurement to the data unit of measurement, we take the root of the MSE
and then get the Root Mean Square Error

5) what is MAD?

Mean absolute deviation (MAD)Expresses accuracy in the same units as the data, which helps
conceptualize the amount of error. Outliers have less of an effect on MAD than on MSD.
6) what is MAPE?

Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)Expresses accuracy as a percentage of the error. Because this
number is a percentage, it can be easier to understand than the other statistics.

7)Explain accuracy and error using confusion matrix?


Accuracy is a measure of how often the model’s predictions are correct. It is calculated as the ratio of
correct predictions to the total number of predictions made.

The formula for accuracy is: (True Positives + True Negatives) / Total Predictions.


Error, in this context, refers to the misclassifications made by the model. There are different types of
errors that can be calculated using a confusion matrix, including:

False Positives (Type I Error): Instances that were actually negative but were predicted as positive.

False Negatives (Type II Error): Instances that were actually positive but were predicted as negative.

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