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Al- Fatihah

We gather today to express gratitude upon your greatest gift

towards us. In conjunction with this assembly we ask for your
help and guidance.

Ya Allah, kindly give us strength and courage to face the struggle

to find and gain knowledge. Kindly, bestow blessings and physical
and spiritual health, fitness of mind, peace of mind, strength of

Ya Allah give strength to, our teachers and our leaders to

continue to serve for people, society, nation and religion.
Ya Allah, make our country a country that got the blessing and
favour and everlasting peace and prosperity of all time.

Amin Ya Rabbal A’lamin


WE, Malaysians, as one, pledge to strive and to attain these goals

guided by these following principles:-
 Belief in God
 Loyalty to King and Country
 Supremacy of the Constitution
 The Rule of Law
 Good Behaviour and Morality

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