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O C TO BER 31, 20 23

Let's get visual with our processes!
Heads Up !! 1 What is robotics

2 History of robotics

3 Types of robots

4 Robot structure

5 Pros & Cons

What is a robot ?
A re-programmable, multifunctional, automatic industrial machine designed
to replace human in hazardous work. It can be used as :

In space
An automatic machine sweeper
A machine removing mines in a war field
In military , and many more..
What is
What Is Robotics ?

Robotics is the Science of designing

or building an application of robots.
Simply ,Robotics may be defines as
“The Study of Robots”. The aim of
robotics is to design an efficient robot.
Why is
Needed ?
Why Is Robotics Needed ?

Can work in hazardous/dangerous
Can do repetitive tasks
Can do work with accuracy
Of Robotics
The word robot was introduced to the public by
Czech writer Karel Capek(1890-1938) in his play R.U.R.
(Rossum's Universal Robots), published in 1920. The Karel C apek
play begins in a factory that makes artificial people
called robots .Capek was reportedly several times a
candidate for the Nobel prize for his works .

The word "robotics", used to describe this field of

study, was coined accidentally by the Russian –born ,
American scientist and science fiction writer, Isaac
Asimov(1920-1992) in 1940s.
4 R's of
For a robot to have the best level of success 4 R’s
were created to ensure the best out put for the robot

1.Robot: The type of robot that will be used in the a partictuar situation
needs to be addresed before any tasks can be completed

2.Ranking: The actions that a robot will need to complete have to be

ranked to help the robot determine what it will do first or next

3.Releviance: If a task is given to the robot, it needs to determine if that task

meets the requirements of the tasks that it has been programed to complete

4.Results: Looking at outcomes of the tasks completed to make sure that

the robot is as effective as it can be
The First Robot “UNIMATE”
robotics technology

C ontrollers
Effectors Sensors
Controllers Arm
Types Of
Industrial robots

These robots are used in

manufacturing and assembly
processes. They have either fixed
positions or move along a
specific path.
IRB 670 0
This industrial robot is designed for
heavy-duty tasks such as welding,
material handling, and machine
tending .
Service robots

These robots are used to perform

tasks for humans, such as cleaning,
delivery, or entertainment. They can
be either stationary or mobile.
SoftBanks PEPPER
M obile robots

These robots are able to move

around on their own. They can have
different numbers and shapes of
limbs, such as quadrupedal or
Boston Dynamics Spot
This mobile robot is a quadrupedal robot that can navigate through obstacles and climb stairs
is used to manage stocks in manifacturers
Robot Structure Components and their Interactions
for Motion and Functionality :

Processor Controllers Sensors

Processor: The processor is the brains of the robot, processing

information and making decisions.
How the processor works in a robot:
Execution of instructions ,Decoding, Performing arithmetic
operations, the processor contains temporary memory.

A Controller is an electronic system or device
that receives and analyzes signals from the robot's sensors,
then makes decisions and directs commands to carry out the
required tasks.
Types of sensor used in robots and sensing the

1- proximity sensors : which used to detect objects in the

vicinity of the robots to avoid collisions.

2 pressure sensors: used to measure pressure in robots.

3Temperature Sensors: used to monitor the temperature of robots

Or environment and control cooling and heating.
4-Vision Sensors: used to detect and analyze images
surrounding the robot and are used for navigation.

5Accelerometers: to measure robots’

acceleration and movement .

6 Gas sensors: used to detect presence of flammable

gases in surrounding area .

7 sound sensors: to measure sounds in

the surrounding area.
Robots and Industrial Applications:

Robots and cars Robotic systems in the automotive industry are

cost-effective, efficient and safe, as they can do their job faster than
their human counterparts.

Robots and aviation In terms of amazing talents, the robot's ability

to remember complex flight instructions is its defining feature.
Robots Challenges and Future:

Doctors and surgeons Robots or artificial

intelligence that replace operations and
surgeons will have a lot to achieve, not
least of which is avoiding human error.

Bus and taxi driver With the

developments already made with
autonomous vehicles, it wouldn't be
hard to think of the possibility that bus
or taxi drivers might disappear in the
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

1. Acquire the basics of programming

2. Study of artificial intelligence

3. Learn robot programming languages

4. Learn specialized programming frameworks

5. Participate in projects and challenges

6. Continuous learning
Going to far away planets
Going far down into the unknown waters and mines where humans
would be crushed

Giving us information that humans can't get

Working at places 24/7 without any salary and food. Plus they don't
get bored

They can perform tasks faster than humans and much more
consistently and accurately

Most of them are automatic so they can go around by themselves

without any human interference.
People can lose jobs in factories

It needs a supply of power

It needs maintenance to keep it running

It c osts money to make or buy a robot


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