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Saint Michael’s College Higher Education Department

9200 Iligan City 2nd Semester 2022 – 2023

Name:___________________________ Date: ______________________

Elementary Logic: Connectives, Quantifiers, Negation, Variables

__ Individual Activity __ Group Activity

A. Multiple Choice. Provide the answer as indicated in every item.

1. Propositional logic: Write the truth table for the following propositional statements:

a) p ∧ q

b) p ∨ q

c) p → q

d) ¬p

2. Predicate logic: Translate the following statements into predicate logic using the
given predicates and variables:

a) "All dogs bark": D(x) represents "x is a dog" and B(x) represents "x barks"

b) "Some cats are black": C(x) represents "x is a cat" and B(x) represents "x is

c) "No snakes fly": S(x) represents "x is a snake" and F(x) represents "x flies"

3. Quantifiers: Rewrite the following statements using quantifiers (∀ or ∃):

a) "Every student in the class passed the exam."

b) "There exists a number that is greater than all other numbers."

c) "No one in the room knows the answer to the question."

4. Negation: Write the negation of the following statements:

a) "The sky is blue."

b) "All cats are mammals."

c) "Some people like chocolate ice cream."
5. Variables: Identify the variables in the following statements:

a) f(x) = x^2 + 1

b) "For all integers x, if x is even then x/2 is also an integer."

c) "There exists a prime number p such that p+2 is also prime."

B. Answer each item as indicated.

1. True or False: "If p is true and q is false, then p ∨ q is true."

2. Simplify the following statement using logical operators: "Either it is not raining
or it is cloudy, and if it is not raining then it must be windy."

3. Translate the following statement into propositional logic: "For every positive
integer n, there exists a prime number greater than n."

4. Translate the following statement into predicate logic: "All birds can fly."

5. Express the negation of the following statement using logical operators: "The
number 3 is an odd prime."

C. Create the logical statements of each real-life scenarios provided. Use the
appropriate logical connectives to create your logical statements.
Scenario 1: You notice that your phone is missing.

Logical Statement: _________________________________________________________.

Scenario 2: You want to go to the park, but it's raining outside.

Logical Statement: ________________________________________________________.

Scenario 3: You have an important exam tomorrow.

Logical Statement: ________________________________________________________.

Scenario 4: You are at a restaurant and want to order a dessert, but you're not sure if
you have enough money.

Logical Statement: ________________________________________________________.

Scenario 5: You are planning a trip to the beach, but you don't know how to swim.

Logical Statement: ________________________________________________________.

D. Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.

1. Which of the following is a proposition?

a) x + 1 = 3

b) There are three prime numbers between 10 and 20

c) If it rains, I will stay inside

2. What is the negation of the proposition "All dogs are mammals"?

a) All dogs are not mammals

b) Some dogs are not mammals

c) No dogs are mammals

3. Which of the following is equivalent to the statement "If p then q"?

a) p ∧ q

b) p ∨ q

c) ¬p ∨ q

4. Which of the following is the contrapositive of the statement "If it rains, I will stay

a) If I don't stay inside, then it won't rain

b) If it doesn't rain, then I won't stay inside

c) If I stay inside, then it will rain

5. Which of the following is a tautology?

a) p ∧ ¬p

b) p ∨ ¬p

c) p → ¬p
6. Which logical operator has the highest precedence in the order of operations?
a) ¬

b) ∧

c) ∨

7. Which of the following is logically equivalent to the proposition "p ∨ q"?

a) ¬p ∧ ¬q

b) ¬p ∨ ¬q

c) p ∧ q

8. What is the converse of the statement "If p then q"?

a) If q then p

b) If ¬q then ¬p

c) If ¬p then ¬q

9. Which of the following is an example of a valid argument?

a) If it rains, I will stay inside. It's raining. Therefore, I am staying inside.

b) All cats are mammals. My pet is a cat. Therefore, my pet is a mammal.

c) 2 + 2 = 5. Therefore, 1 + 1 = 2.

10. Which of the following is an example of a propositional function?

a) f(x) = x^2 + 1

b) ∀x (x > 0 → x^2 > 0)

c) c) ∃x (x + 3 = 7)

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