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D COMPL oe st ue ae - a Stsp Stp, - DRUM BEATING = a puotuden th Ragvedll,, roa. Wieat (fs call, “> a whines, Gebtis citlhe suteole Oe ofitie Cini le ares ’ > faba aéz > i Sl Wasmiwaron CITF; ARMERLEE Maatlit Rue por Unrrep Sraves Axear wd NATY. se CHARLES STEWART ASHWORTH.— ° . Liaiber (ft Dnarine band of rissa Weak Oy. » : “Lin, Ae Cheaheare adda. Tees for Mc fe a ; ata flead Ae he. Loner. Poem ssi * O. 08 " Publrhed for the Bee PC. Greupmer Pritt 2 287 “RULES , TO BE OBSERVED by YOUNG DRUMMERS, The firét thing to be attended to by the Woung Learner it te hold the Sticks properly:c— the upper, or left hand stick ts the most difficult to be Managed at tiratr.. it must be firinly held between’ the Thumb and two middle fingers, to yest on the third finger a little above the middie joint. = —— The lower, of right hand atick must Be held fast with the little finger, and be allowed to play with ease through the others, a7 a man may use a stick in fencing .—— —— — The next to he Iearnt ip to close a Rolli_ begin with with the upper, or left hand, then two with the right, and the time i]t the Roll is ciosed , 1 ——~ —_ —__ two heavy SerckKes 90 oN, quickening District of COLUMBILA to wit: BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this fiftecnth day of January, i the yrar ef our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and oof the Lndgpendense of the United States the thirty_ajiath, CHARLES STEWART ASHMURTH, deposited in ¢hin office the Tithe of 2 Book, the right whereuf he claiins 29 Auther and Pro ¢ prietor in the following wards, to wit:__ “A naw, uteful, and complete System of Drum beating, including 1 cop, Retreat, Tattoo, Officers’ Calls, Signals, Salutes, and the whole of thy Camp Du - ty as practised at head_quarters, Washington Citys intended particularly for the use of the United States Army and Navyit In conformity to the act of the Congress the encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Mays, Charts and Buchs, to re Awthors and Proprietors of surh Copies, during the time therein mentinned And also to an uct entitied’! An act supplementary fr am act entitled am act frer the emeou agement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books tu the Authers and ® Proprieters cf auch Copies during the time therein’ mentioned, and extending the benefits the— _Yeog to the arts of designing, engraving and ctching historical and ther Prents', G. Deneare, Crerk he Reveille, Tr- of the United States, entitled Ac act fur foe District Court District Columbia . qenuery 1¢ 1812. RuormMeéenT §& L. Fou Drum Beating ‘in General. It ia necessary that the larner should first practice tha long Roll untill he can clove it handsomely: then ge on with the Lessons, om by One, as they are bere Placed, and by nu means widertake tha Secend ‘tll heocan with eae close the first. —— He will fiud that by getting these Lessons perfect, every beat he undertakes «ill become ensy and familiar to him + ——— Roll. ll Stroke Roll. Left hand. Right hand. 3 Stroke Roll. * —_ 10 Stroke Hol). Mother or 35 8. Roll, Faint Holl. _ Poing: Stroke, Hard but not Faint Stroke. Hard Flams, @ a he ; | Faint Flams. Stroke and Flam, Flam and Struhe. Flam Paradiddle, Single Paradiddle. Double Paradiddic gy i . Trible Paradiddle. Flam Paradiddle Diddle, Bee —_s Half Drag. Full Double Drag. Slow, aa ras. Quick like a Double Rotamacue. | i is \ Marked thus Q uick. Doyble ban Dotted bar Two dots on § The Drummers Call, The Drummers call iz Beat by the Leading Brum five cr ten minutes befors the Sinking eff of the Troop, Hetrent and Tattoo .— —— True Tresp wegine with theese Rolls Dy. Drum and Fifes.__ The Rising of the treep is the Best by the Leading Grum without the Fifes: the whole of the Drums” and Fites Garu Giriike dn and gu thrower. with the Singlings twice, ar more times, «hen to Signal (« borng Streke) is giver from the tigks “yo commence the Deublings, which Te reposted onc: oF twice through die. Tun, whoa a similar Signal to the last ix given vo Tepect the Singlings unti2 you Holi of, Tave: Rolls and the firrt pari of ins Doubling: Ends the Troopi Tas Troop is bene xt Sight er mins Geieck im why caarning ot hetating th: Colors. Rising of the Troop. © Singlings of Troop or Assembly. mn ~~} Dutblingss pr. Bes ley lS ee Budo oof the Troop after the three Rolls, ey | -— sles, — oe Retreat, “a The Retreat begine with therr Rolls, and end: with three MoMs and the first part opce through. —— The Tattoo . The Tatts, from the weenty secomo of Maree. to the twenty second of September is beat st nine Gol: from the twenty aecond of September to the twenty xecond of March at eight O'clevk; provided the Commander in Chief hax mot appointed other hours for the perfarmance of that Duty - a D Begins with there Roll.. the stnslings of ths Tattoo ars then beat by all tne Drumee 5 —Seme favorite Air i then played by the Drums and Fifer! at the end of each part uf the Tune the Drums Heat the Singlings.2. When through the: Tune the Signal is given from the Right to begin the Doublings, which are beat but once through, sfter which the Singlings as at first, and ae on alternately “till the Signal is given for Rolling off;— End with three Rolis and the Doublings once through .— _Singlings of the Tattao. : it Singlings. 22 gin. 2d Sin. ai# Sin, of4 Sin . i Fame Preparative. The Preparative*is a Caatien before a Company commences firing , ef wher co Guard , y, Bast after the fast reldef comes in 7 . , The first part of the General is used at a Caution to Cease firing. The Adjutants Call. Arms. oO T Wood Call. The Repeared 3 umes, Call. First Serjeants Call. All non Commifsioned Officers to Front . The Water Cal] N.B. The Taps ara for the Front to maith slower. 10 The General . The General is a Signal far Striking tants, and for a March « begins with three Rolls. Ends with three Rolin, and the General once through. The ploneers March is a Signal fer theae on fatigue to turn out. also to Drum out Idle Women from tha Carap . The fatigue, or Pioneers March. 12 THE RE VE 1.1 E L Eb EB , The Reveille bepina with the three Camp... amuirg the three Ralls, between the firrt, secand, third, and fourth, parts,one Rall, between the fourth and fifth parts, eight Aolls that if two long ones like these Detween tho first sart?, and aix thert Rollie; #,- Vet the bast Stroke of the Scoten repeat be the ft of the thras Camps. The three parts ef the tnree Came: is considered but one pert of the Heweill<, toerefare the first Roll THE FIR st PART of the THREE Cat PS a 5. Mot till the thre: Camps are baat through. THE SCOTCH . 14 Tbe SCOTCH Continued - THE AUSTRIAN. THE HESSIAN. 20 Mrere. Point of War, or first part af the three Camps, Is a Corapliment which a Guard payt a Governor ef a State and to mo other Person: aie Iz alse Beat when the Kegiments Colors are returned, uncated to the Commandant: Quarters; if the Colort be cased, the Drum pays no Compliment ; also when Colors are received from the Commanders Quarters. ea fe is understood thar the President of bet S$. ors also entitled to thes Compliment in any Sia The Grenaciers March , The first part of the Grenadiers Maren on the Roli is used when Guards Present Arms to each other: that on the Drag when a Regiment presents arma to a General. — If morte Drums than one, part must Roll while the othera Beat on the Drag +— ‘The_first part of theGrenadiers March on the Drag fer @ General \ re) iT Quick Step, or Long March. Quick Step consnueds The Duke of Yorks ‘Troop. for one Drum. A Favorite Troop Continued - a5 i fy a f { Favorit: Troop far two JJrums. 5 7 — iad = Jr. 8 Unicon 80 Unser Um65__ piso —i_ nigga a ee ee ced 3 el tee ia ee ee The first Jine is for the Lowd Drums the second for the Muffled.— the Rests im the Loud parts are for the muffled Drums by themselves, thase marked Unison are met intended te be Splent but beth muffled and Leud Drums beat together . 28 TUNES FOR THE FIFE Adapted to the foregoing Work. y aE: REVEILLE. E 29 The Austrian. The Hefsian. Se When wars alarm, Troop. ‘ee sur: 1. came: The Grenadier's March, continued Ly eI ee ee eee eee eee ee Oe ee ee ee eee fe il Ds ee ee Oe Oe ees es ee ee ee eee Eo | ee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee eee eee UD a a ee ee Se es ee ee es ee es es es ee eee ee ee es ee ees es ee ee ee es eee ee ae) — oI Le De a Pr a ee ee" ee ee ee ee eee eee Fe) “oN ee | “oS a a a? Bt) dL) dle eed ddd ee eed Pr eee ee ee es ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee es ees ee" ee | | ee ee ee ee eee ee eh a a i ee A I cf Charming Molly, Doublings The Dog and the Gun, Troop . el a | ee ee The Pretty Maid, Retreat. Retreat. van Polly Oliver, Smiths Hornpipe. #8 Slow = March. Fy Ha Slow March.

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