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" lntema~ Educttlon

lndorud lorlumv auppott

r ~
Cambridge IGCSE™

r r Third Edition


Dave Hayward


1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms 2
2 Organisation of the organism 7
3 Movement into and out of cells 11
4 Biological molecules 15
5 Enzymes 18
6 nutrition
Plant 21
7 Human nutrition 27
8 Transport in plants 33
9 Transport in animals 36
10 Diseases and immunity 41
11 Gas exchange in humans 43
12 Respiration 48
13 Excretion in humans 51
14 Coordination and response 54
15 Drugs 59
16 Reproduction 61
17 Inheritance 68
18 Variation and selection 74
19 Organisms and their environment 78
20 Human influences on ecosystems 87
21 Biotechnology and genetic modification 91

! his new ,~dition of the Cambridge !GCSE Biology Workbook is designed as a 'write-in' book for
st udents to practise and test their knowledge and understanding of the content of the Cc1111b1 idge
TGCSE 111 Biology syll,1bus.
The sections are presented with the same headings and in the s,1me order as in the Student's
Book, Cambridge !GCSE Biology Fowth Edition. and as in the Cambridge IGCSE 1M Biology syllabus
fo1 examination from 2023. All questions have been marked as either Core or Supplement and
the relevant Student's Book chapter number matches the Workbook chapters. Al the end of every
section. there are longer questions (Exam-style questions). which aim to introduce students to
an examindtion-style format. Note that these are not past paper questions. they a•e exam-style
questions. wri t ten by the author of this book. The answers have also been written by the .iut hor.
These quest ions are .ilso identified as Core or Supplement.
lo ensure the student 's answers to the questions are kept together, there are spaces provided lo
write in. Lxtra paper may be needed to answer some questions.
1his Workbook ~hould be used as an additional resource throughout your Cambridge !GCSE Biology
course alongside the Student's Book. The 'write-in' design is ideal for use in clt1ss by student:. or
for homework,
Characteristics and
classification of living
1 Draw lines to match each characteristic of living organisms to its definition.
Char ac tert stte Del1n1t1on

the hem utr1crt mol le

nutr t1on

ex r 11 n Me k nd of orqani m

11 11l.-1ty nd d v opment

r produ lion

the b1 1y to d t t

mov m nt

2 Distinguish between respiration and breathing, with reference to what happens in each process
and where 1t occurs.

3 Explain why biologists do not accept defecation .as an example of excretion.

Photocopying prohibited
' l jd l I

4 Name two features thcJl each of the following pairs of vertebrates have in common and one feature
t hat makes them different.

Pair al vertebr ates Common feature Futur e that makes them d1fterent
l1ch and .imph tb.ins
il fl'li;I rhtiln ,ir d •, p11c
btrd• .ird m;:iMwal <;

5 Identify the invertebrate groups labelled A-0 described on the invertebrate key. Record your
answers belo~·..

A ...............................................................

B ...............................................................
I C ............................................................. ..
C 0 D .............................................................. .

6 The diagr.1m shows four species of flowering plants.

A 8 C 0

Use the key below to identify the name of each flowering plant. Complete the table by putting a Lick
in the correct boxes to show how you have identified each plant. P;ant A has been done for you.

1 a lea\e5;rarro .-. go l 2

b leaves b ad qo l 3

2 a rto,-.e•s bP shaped Hv,1,,,1tho de~ •101 1 ~cnpta

b r10,·,e c; lrt mpe t s.-.aprd VorcH ,s pseudo ar~ rn

3 a C'a\ twa rt-shaped Ran 111~ tic If a

b leaves club-shaped Primuta vu{garis

Plant la lb 2a 2b 3a 3b Name of plant

I, - ✓ - - - ✓ p,..,,.,,., "''9""f

nit , I f "P 'l, ,', • I.' • Th r t • l'hotocopying proh ibited


7 a State three features that:

all flowering plant s possess

ii all flowering plant cells possess.

b Complete the table to distinguish between monocotyledons and dicotyledons.

Feature Monocotyledon Dicotyledon
lcdf stsapc ,:,ng ard narrow
lc:i 1 vc,ns br.incr,rg
c.o• ,Lcdons Ol'C

group,rg ol I O.'/ r pan • in lour or f v s

Cg pc t.l S

8 Complete the table by naming each of the kingdoms of organisms described. The first has been
done for you.
Kmgdom Descrtphon
cl,< d rot h,1vc w.:ills

1r>11•9 ch1t1rl. bu t no

M.i II orqan l'1 r o,·. r food tt•ro..igt>

pho1osvrthcs1s due to Th ir ccl,s +ia. \', a, s leer tainrng
s I
,.. 1-.. but no ru u

Photocopying proh,blt~d to J. ,,, a Ed 1

Exam- s tyle ques tion s
1 A sheep 1s observed ove~ cl rurnber of hour State thrt e observations that could bf! rnrH l1• to
show thclt thC' ShN'P 1c; ii liVl'l!J organic;m

2 ·····-···--···---------------------------········--·-······--··········-····

3 ·····- ····- ··-·- - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - -·- -·- - -·- -·"'- "· (3)

2 A 1s 1101' living, but shows <O'TIC c"aractcr1 tics thc.1t clrc cllso ot,scrvcd in l1v1~,g 1111119!'>
~ ~itr1tc two char.ictens11cs that the car has 1, com"'lon with living thin l'·

2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - (21
b State two character 1st1cs of l1vinq thmys that d car does not c;how

1 ··-------------------------------

2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - - · - - · · - - · (2)
{TotcJI t./
3 The d1c1gr,vn shows cl bclCtC'rtuM It demonstrates c1 number of the c11arc1c11.m!°>t1c~ QI l1vinq
things such as reproduction, movement and respiration

. ··• •;~
. ~
• • • ••••

. ...: .. . ....
Name three other chcirJctcristics ol l1vmq thmgc; that you would ex pee t thC' b«Jctenum to c;how

, ... . . ...... . 2 3 . .. . ............. .......... (3)

t I Pllotocopy1ng prolltbtttd
4 The u1 c1 q drn ,;how ,; live '>Pl'Cle'> of in •nvertebr..itl group call!'d molluscs

A 8 C 0

U5e t he kev to 1d ent1f y each species \-V~,te your ,insw cn, in the t able

letter Species name

- -
c.,.utod•un.t fflU/('

E (5}

Nuc~//J L1 1tonno1
Ca//,os roma
/J p,1/us ob ru,1 z,r,ph,num

5 Explaw how DNA 1s ,1sed m
a ti•!' cld c,,,1fiC d tlO!l of OflJ in1-;m<;

.. (3}
b 1rivcst1g at1ng the clo5cness of reldt1onsh1ps between organisms

{To tul 5/

Phot eco py1ng prohibited

Organisation of the organism
1 State whether each of the statements is true or false. Circle T or f.

a The outer layer of an an,mill cell is a cell wall. T / F

b All cells have a nucleus. T / F

c Some plant cells have chloropl;ists for photosynthesis. T / F

d Root cells do not have chloroplasts. T / f

e Membranes are strong to stop the cell bursting. T / F

Cell walls are non-living. T / F

g Cell walls are freely permeable. allowing water and salts lo pass through. T / F

h The vacuole of a eel contains cell structures such as chlorop1asts. T / r

ONA is foun d in the nucleus. T / F

The cytoplasm of some white blood cells can flow to engulf microbes. T / F

2 a Label parts A-Fon the diagram of the leaf palisade cell.


- 8 -- l

b State three parts, present in this eel:. which would not be found in an animal cell such as a liver cell.

1 ................................................ 2 ................................................ 3 ............................................... .

3 Put the following tE'rm~ n o ju of size frc • le t t I g l.


: orga n nucl eus chromosome cell organ system organi sm tissue :

(smallest) (largest)
'Tlb d , < I £ w8 c cq1 I', At , r, , Photocopying proh ibited
2 l q(,A''l A

4 a State the formula for calculating magnification.

b A drawing of a grasshopper measures 12.0cm from the end of its abdomen to its head, but the
actual size of tl:ie organism is 2.8cm . Calculate the magnification of the drawing. Show your working.

5 When viewed under a microscope at xlOO, the apparent size of a protoctht is 15 mm. Calculate its
actu,11 size. Show your working.

6 a Def me the term tissue. ..........................................................................................................................

b Complete the table by naming two types of anima, cel,s and two types of plant cells ,in d
st,1ting their func t ions.
Cell Namo Function
dn m.i. CC',l 1
Jn m.i cell 2
pl 1r1 ch '
pl)rl cl, 2

7 State two function s fo r each or the following cell parts.

a cytoplasm

1 ...............................................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................................

b ceh membrane

1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• H•••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

2 ········································--····················································································································

br d~ ( f "8 q,· ,•, ~loo• 1h rd [d I on

2 t II I I l '

c nucleus

1 .............................................................................................................................................................. .

2 ...................... ,....................................................................................................................................... .

8 Some cells are specialised by havmg extensions with specific functions. Complete the table
by naming one plant cell and two animal cells that are ,1dapted in this way and st,1ti11g their
loc,1 t ions and func t ions.
Name Location Function
pl HI ll

11 I I

J111m1I , I, l.

9 In a drawing of cl liver cell. a student observed that the nucleus was 6 mm ·.vidc, which repr e~entcd
one-fifth of the width of the cell. The actual width of the cell was oO pm.

Calculc1te the magnification of the drawing. Show your working at each step.

Exam-style questions
Cor e
1 i State three structural features that arc present in bot'1 plant cells and ommal cells

2 ........................................... 3 ............................................ (3)

b N,1me one cell structure that would be found 1" a leaf palisade cell but "OI in a
root hair cell

........................................................................................................................................................ (1)
ii Stc1tc the chen11cc1\ pr cscnt in this cell st rue tur c ,rnd rt s fu·1ct1on

Chemic.ii ..................................................................................................................................... .

F-unctron ....................................................................................................................................... (2)

{Totc1/ 6/
2 i Nc1rne two cell c;tr ucturc, that d1c;tingu1c;h pta"t Cl'll~ from c1nrmcll cellc;

2 ........................................................................................................................................................ (2)

"8 9Y ,\ • ~ I di Photocopy1n9 proh1b,ted


b Ttie t.l1aqrc11n shows a group of animal cells Complete the table by matching each of the
funct1ons described to ,1 cell par t A- 0

• Function Cell part

reel lion,
\\cl 1 t;J_lcri.i JY,dY 1 rom ttic. q,;
______________ ___
11\UC US dnd ,UI

eontro c; what;lJnecc; critcr and cave the eel, ..._ __,[,)

[Total . 6/
3 Define thr t('rms orqdn. orq.Jn system .:ind tissue. "dmtnq one ex<1"1J)l<' of e.:ich 1n ,m anrl
in a pl,inl

.................................................................................................................................................................... (6)

4 he cells listed in the table below are adapted 10 their lunc11ons by having t.l1l ferent numbers of
some cell structu•cs compared 10 other cells
Co'l1plete the table lor cacti cell
a stcJtrnq whethN 11 has more. less or none of the n.imcd cell structure compared to typ1cc1I cells c1nd
b cxpla1nil"g ho :✓ this adaptation benefits ttie cell·s lunct1ol"

Cell Cell struc tu relsl More / less/ none Explanation

red blood eel.

upp r l'p1dcrm,1l el"ll ct'lorop .i t v, • I ru ... ~ ,u

[lot<1I 6/
5 Expl,1in why a leaf is described as an organ .

.................................................................................................................................................................... {2]

Photocopy,ng 111roh1b11ot1 f .. g, I', •~ • 'h, d ld/1

Movement into and out
of cells
1 Define the term d1ff1mo11. making three key points . ...............................................................................

2 In the lungs, ,1 substance diffuses from the alveoli into the blood capillc1ries.

a I Name the substance described ........................................................................................................

1i State three fJctors that will encourage a fast rate of diffusion for this sub!>tc111c<'.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................................

3 ..........................................................................................................................................................

b Suggest and explain what would happen to th-e rate of diffusion if:

the temperature in the l ungs went down ......................................................................................

1i the pcrson'c; breathing rate increased ............................................................................................

3 Define the term active twrrsport. making three key points .................................................................. ..

4 Two pl.111ts, A and 8 were grown in c;oil with different nitrate ion concentrations. the
concen tration of nit rn t e ions was measured both in the soil and inside the root!. of the plants.
Both plants were found to be succes!.fully absorbing the nitrate. !he table shows the results.

Plant Concentrnllon ol nitrate in tho Concentrntlon ol nitrate In tho

soil/arbitrary units roots/arbitrary units
A 1'i 7 1~6
B 13, 114

1 b I J i " ff )' \', .II. t ,. I Photocopying proh1blttd

a Complete the table below by stating the process or processes of absorption of nitrate ions in
plants A and 8. Give a reason for your choice.

Proctulesl Reason
pl HI A

pl ll t U

b In .:111other experiment, the roots of plant 8 were trt'ated with cyanide (a respiratory poison) .
Explain why the movement of nitrates stopped m the plant.

5 Which process is responsible for the movement of the substances in the table below into or out
of plant cells? Place a tick (✓) or a cross (.X) in each box to show your an~wer.
Substance Diffusion Osmosl$ Active tran,;porl
w:it c r

pl •o• l)I ,t <.' ,or

.irbon d,ox,d

6 Six identical potato cores were cut so that they all had the same mass ,ind surface area. E,1ch
was placed in a sugar solution of a different concentration and left for 6 hours. They were lhen
re,'leighcd and the percentage change in mass •,,as calculated. The gr,1ph shows the results.

concrn1,111011 o f UHJ ill ~oluhon I rnol tJm J

Describe ,rnd expl,1in the results shown in zones A, B and C of the graph.

Zone A ...........................................................................................................................................................

Photocopying proh 1b1t•d C" 8 I .~ J..b ok ft, rd td l on

3 ',/ ' ' n j I 1

Zon e B .......................................................................................................................................................... .

Zone C .........................................................................•................................................................................

Exam-style questions
1 Wt>1ch sel of statement s co.-reclly describes dClIve transport? Circle lhe let1er of 1ti e correct sci

Movu molecules Moves molecules Energy requi red Enervy not required
from high from low
concentration to tow concentration to high
concentration concentration
A ✓ , .I ,
, ,
- B

C ✓

I ✓

, ,

- D I ✓ .I

2 Cells can ob1a1n subs lances by d1fl us1on. osmosis and ac1Ive lranspor I Corip lete t he t able
about the r1bsor pt1on of substances mt o t w o t ypes of cell

Type of cell Substance Processlesl used Grad ient: high to tow Energy used?
absorbed I tow to high?
root t-:,1,r cc I WJt r

I 1 1
2 l ?
v1lh1s cc l 1'1 g UCO<;(•
1 1 1
smJ.l ,r-tcst,rc
2 2 2

Photocopying proh1b1t1d
3 Si x potato cores were .ill cu• to the c;amp lengt"I and then pla cd '" a range ol c;ugar c;olut1011s
At te• 1 hour. the rores wcue r<:>r'loved and ra -maao;urad Th<:> n,sultc; aro c;hown in thl'.' tabt,,

Sugar concentrat10 n/ Start Len,th 11t1r 1 Chango In %ch1ngo in

moldm -:1 ll!ngth/tm hour/cm length/c m ll!ngth
00 50 5 '3
02 50 51
04 5 "7
06 5 .. I.

08 '> ...
1J ' "
a Calculate the change m length ol each potato core and write the results in the tat,le (2)
b Calculate the change 1"1 length of each potato core and .,.,r,te the results in tt,e table (2)
c Plot a lint: graph of change m length against concentration on the graph paper below
Use cor>centra t1on as the , -axis


d Ur,e the gr 1ph to predict in wti1c:h suqd' tonc.entrJtIon there would be no chJnge 111
length ol the potato core

11 Explain wr-y tl-iere v.ould be no cha'lge in length di th is conceritrat1on

e Name two v,mables that should have bee" con trolled in this mvest19at1on

2 ........................................................................................................................................................ (2)
Suq" ' one way of l'ldking the results more reliable.


{Tot,1/ It./

Photocopying proh 1b1ltd C •B , \', "t-o .. rt- ,. Ld,

Biologica l molecules
1 List the chemical elements present in:

a carbohydrates ........................................................................................................................................ .

b fats .......................................................................................................................................................... ..

c all proteins ............................................................................................................................................ ..

2 On the diagrams of food molecules (a-c):

name each of the nutrients shown
ii state one use of the nutrient in the body
iii add labels to the diagrams, using words from the list below. You can use the .vords once or
mor" tnw once

a m ino acid fatty actd chemical bond glucose g lycero l ~

Ii ............................................................................

ii ............................................................................

ii ............................................................................

Photocopying proh ibited


3 Dr,1w lines lo mc1 tch the sta tements to the food tests and the results.
Food tut1d Ch11m1c1t rugont ustd Colour !or I pos1t1v11 ruutt

v111min C lodlno solution blue-black

reducing su91r 81ned1crs solution purple

fat ethanol brick red

protein DCPIP wh,te .rmuls,on

b1ur11 sotuuon l11od1um

stnrch hydroxide+ copper sullate colourlns

4 The diag r,1rn shows two strands of a section of DNA,
with the bases on the left strand identified.

a Complete the diagram by writing the let ter~ of the bases that would
be pre:.ent on the other strand .

b What name is given to describe the two strands coiled together?


c 28¾ of the bases in a DNA molecule are base A. Calculate the percentage of C bases. Show your
working at each stage of the calculation.

Pho1eupyIng prellI1tIttd r ,-; •t • Tt , l d I

I 'I I

Exam-style questions
1 a Describe how you would carry out a food test on a piece ol !1sh to !l!'ld out ii 11
contclmcd o 1


b Statr wh,1t rec;ult would md cc1te c1 poc;1t1ve trst tor 011


[Total: 4/
2 Which tw o statcrne'lts .:ibout ONA c1re correct? ..............................................................................
1 Each strar-d contains chemicals called I atty ac,ds
2 T alw ays pairs w,th A
3 A oene 1s a lenqth of ONA. coding for c1 protein
4 A red blood eel, conta,ns ONA in its nucleus
A I a!'ld 3
B I a'ld 6
C 2 a •ld 3
D 2 a"d 4 (1)
3 Ou tl1 'le the structure of ONA

.................................................................................................................................................................. [I,}

b 1c; I E Photocopying prohibited

1 Define the follow ing terms, giving two key points for eactt term:

a cataly,;t .................................................................................................................................................... .

b enzymes .................................................................................................................................................. .

2 The equation shows an enzyme-controlled reaction.

11 • 1

I \

a Fill in lhe boxes to annotate the equation wit h the following terms:

: enzyme end product substrate

b St,He two differences between a molecule such as starch (at the start of digestion) and glucose
(an end product of diges tion).

1 .............................................................................................................................................................. .

2 .............................................................................................................................................................. .

c Give two reasons why enzymes are important in all living organisms.

Photocopying prohibited Jg
3 a The grdph shows the effect of temperature on the rate of an enLyme-controlled ieaction.
ti 40
c:> J5
..t JO
j.. } !,

!' I 'i
~ I 0
0 ]0
tomp4"ruu1e l'C

On the graph, use label lines to add the following labels:

denaturing is happening here

optimum reaction rate

the reaction ,s slow here (but could improve if conditions were improved)

thl'! re,,ction 1s speeding up fastest hem.

b Predict ,ind explain .... hat would happC'n if:

1 the rec1ction mixture at 10 °( was warmed up to 30 °( ............................................................. ..

ii the react 1011 mixture al 60 "C was cooled down to 30 °C. .......................................................... .

4 ~late three factors that affect the rate of enzyme-controlled react ions.

1 ................................................................................. .

2 ................................................................................. .

3 ..................................................................................

Photocopyrng prolltbtttd

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