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Putting sustainability inside your organization

Five years ago the world’s economy went into shock with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the global
financial fallout. Today organizations face an even more fundamental risk to their future through the
coming natural resource crunch. Demand for our scarce resources is growing at an unsustainable rate.

Global research we have carried out shows a fundamental misalignment between the need for change and
current strategies to deal with the risks around resource depletion. Organisations realize there is a looming
resource crunch but most have no coherent plan on how they will deal with it or what impact it will have on
their operations. Many do not even monitor or measure their resource use or environmental impact and
cannot quantify their risk exposure. The Carbon Trust offers practical solutions to these issues, by helping to
build sustainability inside your organization.

Our mission is to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy. As a world leader in the field
we have over ten years of robust delivery experience in the environmental sector. We believe that leaders
must start to take a deeper look at the resource use within their own organization and its services to drive
the fundamental change needed to survive and prosper. Leading organizations that successfully navigate
the risks and opportunities of the resource crunch will need to redesign their models of delivery to
minimize the use of resources that will become increasingly scarce and costly. They will also have to engage
and encourage the communities they serve to join with them in this. We are already working with many,
helping them to understand and to drive sustainable change, and certifying their successes to get the
recognition these efforts deserve. Since 2001 we have helped over 3000 public bodies, both in the UK and
increasingly internationally, to deal with these issues head on, including across their supply chains.

To find out more about how we can help you, please call me direct today on +44(0) 20 7170 7001, email me
at, or visit our website at

We would be delighted to help you reach your service, community and environmental goals.

Your sincerely,

Tom Delay

Chief Executive

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