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Necessity of Using Contraceptives

Overpopulation is one of the biggest challenges that the Philippines is facing.

Because of overpopulation, it results in major problems such as poverty,
unemployment, underemployment, climate change, and so on. According to the United
Nations (2022), they projected that the population of the Philippines would change from
115,559,009 in 2022 to 117,337,368 in 2023. The use of contraceptives slows
population growth. Due to this, it is arguable that using contraceptives is necessary.

Aside from preventing the rise of the population, it has other advantages as well.
One of them is the prevention of being infected by sexually transmitted diseases (HIV,
for example). As we all know, HIV is not curable, though you can control it with HIV
treatment. Once you are infected, you will carry that disease for the rest of your life. You
can still have a baby but you can pass HIV to your baby during the pregnancy, while in
labor, while giving birth, or by breastfeeding. Condoms are the only proven
contraceptive method that also protects against HIV transmissions (UNAIDS, 2012).

It is true that contraceptives can be quite pricey, but not as much as raising a
child. Unless you are capable enough to raise a child, then we don’t have a problem
with that, but what if you are still not? Raising a child costs a fortune; the child's milk,
you and your kid’s vitamins, clothes, and the hospital bill are just some of the fees you
need to spend on. You will spend more as the child grows. Using contraceptives
prevents unwanted pregnancies.

One of the leading causes of maternal deaths is unsafe abortion. According to

the studies of Laurence B. Finer and Rubina Hussain (2013), about 1,000 Filipinos die
each year from abortion complications. Around 45% of all abortions are unsafe; 97% of
all unsafe abortions are from developing countries; and more than half of all unsafe
abortions occur in Asia, where the Philippines is located (WHO, 2021). Unwanted
pregnancies can be prevented by using contraceptives, which then reduces the need for

Being engaged and active sexually is never wrong. But the consequences of
those actions affect not just the person involved but also the country. Those are just
some of the advantages of using contraceptives; there are a lot to mention. Even
though people are aware of the need for contraceptives, they are still scared and
ashamed to purchase them. Again, being engaged and active sexually is never wrong,
and it is better to use something to prevent the consequences of that action. Let us
normalize and give importance to the use of contraceptives.

Benefits Of Contraception Use - Family Planning. (n.d.).

Finer, L. B. (2022, August 24). Unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion in the
Philippines: Context and consequences. Guttmacher Institute.

Pregnancy and HIV | Office on Women’s Health. (n.d.).

United Nations. (2022). 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects. UN.

World Health Organization. (2012, February). HIV and Hormonal Contraception.


World Health Organization: WHO. (2019). Contraception.

World Health Organization: WHO. (2021). Abortion.

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