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Name : Taruna Muda Fauzan ‘Adzima Al Azhar

Class : MTP 1A
NIT : 2140121
The Reason We’re All so Busy
Now we live in a time-critical culture when time is never enough. We live in a world
that values achievements of busyness. There are real benefits and real value that we are
promoted and driven towards achievement, action, and creation. That must be great.
However, there is a disadvantage. There is a study by the management of ten thousand
senior leadership research groups asking for the organization’s success key. 97 percent agree
for a long-term thinker but a separate study said that 96 percent of leaders were surveyed said
that they don’t have time for strategic thinking of busyness.
Perhaps we have some reasons for working cross over because almost all of us once
said that we want to be less busy and we must make choices which put us in a good position
where we are as busy as we have been.
When we say “Oh I am busy”, it means that/ I am important and I am popular.
Meanwhile, the fact is that we have a hard feeling to give up even if we say that we want to be.
Generally, the human mind handles uncertain conditions and in modern life, sometimes we are
given tasks and challenges but sometimes we don’t know how to do them.
When we think about busyness, we will think of it as a triumphant success and the
world is at our fingertips. The truth is more than busyness that it is like loneliness, frustration,
uncontrol life. So it’s better to change by creating space to breathe for real freedom.

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