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Science Department

Science - Secondary 1 Express Name : _________________

Test 5: Diversity of Living Organisms Class : _________________
Duration: 50 minutes Mark : _____/50

Section A. Multiple Choice Questions [10 Marks]

Write your choices for questions 1 to 10 in the boxes provided.

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

1 Organisms are classified according to certain fundamental features. Which of the following is not
considered a fundamental feature?
A the body structure of the organism
B How the organism reproduces
C The colour of the organism
D How the organism feed

2 A common feature of all invertebrate is that they ……………………..

A do not have a steady body temperature
B do not have an internal skeleton
C are covered with scales
D do not have legs

3 Animal X has the following characteristics:

I leathery skin covered with dry scales
II breathe with lungs
III lay eggs with shell
Which group of animals would animal X most likely to be?
A fish B reptiles C birds D amphibians

4 Mammals differ from all other types of vertebrates because they …………….
A are warm-blooded
B breathe through lungs
C feed their young with milk
D cannot live in the water

5 Which of the following statements about flowering plant is true?

A Only flowering plants contain the pigment chlorophyll.
B Flowering plants reproduce by seeds found in fruits.
C Flowering plants do not have stem and roots.
D Flowering plants reproduce by spore.

6 Which of the following animals are warm-blooded?

I ostrich II jellyfish III platypus IV snakes
A I,II and III B II, IV C I, III D III only
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Look at the classification chart below and use it to answer Questions 7 and 8.


Worm-like Not worm-like Have 6 legs More than 6 legs


Which group of animals, P, Q, R, or S, does the sea anemone belong to?


8 Which group of animals, P, Q, R, or S, does the snail belong to?


Study the dichotomous keys given below and answer Question 9 and 10.

a Legs absent ______________________________ platyhelminthes

Legs present ______________________________ go to b
b Eight legs ______________________________ arachnids
Many legs ______________________________ go to c
c one pair of feelers, live on land _____________________ myriapods
two pairs of feelers, live in water ____________________ crustaceans

9 How would you classify millipedes based on the dichotomous key above?
A platyhelminthes B arachnids C myriapods D crustaceans

10 Lobster are …………………

A platyhelminthes B arachnids C myriapods D crustaceans

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Section B. Read carefully and answer all questions. [40 marks]

1 Explain 3 importance of biodiversity of living organisms.


2 The figure below shows two organisms X and Y.

Organism X Organism Y

a (i) In which groups would you place these organisms in the classification animals?

(ii) Give two reasons for your answer for each organism.


b Name another organism which can be placed in the same group as [2]
(i) Organism X …………………………………
(ii) Organism Y …………………………………

3 Bats fly, dolphins swim and lions run. Despite such differences, bats, dolphins and lions are
classified under the same group. What is the name of this class of animals? Besides they are
all vertebrates, give two similar characteristics of these animals.


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4 (a) What is a dichotomous key?


(b) What is the use of such a key?


(c) The diagram below shows 5 types of animals.

Construct a dichotomous key to classify these animals, such that someone who has not come
across these animals before can identify them. [4]

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5 The picture below shows some of the inhabitants of the polar region.

(a) Complete the following table by classifying the inhabitants into three smaller groups and
listing the special features of these groups. [3]

Animal(s) in the picture Animal group Special features

(b) Reptiles and amphibians are not likely to be found in such cold condition. Give one reason

6 Which of these is the odd one out? Give a reason for your choice.
(a) Sparrow, owl, ostrich, eagle
(b) Pine,water lily, orchid, jasmine
(c) Starfish, crabs, jellyfish, squid
(d) Sealion, shark, killer whale, dolphin

7 Construct a dichotomous key in a form of chart to identify the following animals. [4]
Snake Elephant Frog Fish Pigeon

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8 Briefly describe two human activities that have harmful effects on the environment. [2]


9 Complete the following sentences by using the words provided. [4]

Birds Insects Fish Moss Tress Bacteria Fern
(a) A rich source of protein for human. _____________
(b) Break down tissue of dead organisms. _____________
(c) Provide raw materials for building homes. _____________
(d) Control the number of pests and provide stability in systems in nature. _____________

10 Explain two importance of classifying organisms.


---End of Question---

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