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Received: 14 August 2022 Accepted: 16 August 2022

DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12861


Theory generation from literature reviews: A methodological


Rodoula H. Tsiotsou1 | Bernadett Koles2 | Justin Paul3,4 |

Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro

Department of Business Administration,
Marketing Laboratory MARLAB, University of Abstract
Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
This article aims to assist researchers in navigating the path to theory creation by
Department of Marketing and Sales, IESEG
School of Management, Paris, France
investigating how they might build theory through literature reviews. In particular,
Graduate School of Business, University of we propose and elaborate upon the Theory Generation from Literature Review
Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA (TGLR) process, capturing different methods and techniques to be applied depending
Henley Business School, University of
Reading, Reading, UK
on the level of development and saturation characterizing the focal area of inquiry. In
Department of Marketing, Operations and the second part of the article, we briefly present the 21 articles conducting system-
General Management, Iscte-Instituto atic literature reviews on consumer research topics selected for this special issue
Universitário de Lisboa and Business Research
Unit (BRU-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal in IJCS.

Correspondence KEYWORDS
Rodoula H. Tsiotsou Department of Business
customer behaviour, consumer research, research question, review protocol, systematic
Administration, Marketing Laboratory
literature review, theory building
MARLAB, University of Macedonia,
156 Egnatia Street, TK 54006, Thessaloniki,

Literature reviews play a critical role in generating knowledge, initi- theory and advancing a research domain (Durach et al., 2021).
ating new arguments, and altering research directions (Hoon & Hoon and Baluch (2019, p. 1246) define theorizing from reviews as
Baluch, 2019; Kunisch et al., 2018; Paul, Lim, et al., 2021). Review “activities of conceiving and constructing out of the phenomenal
articles identify and synthesize relevant literature to provide world—as represented in the review data—with extant theory to inform
readers with a state-of-the-art understanding of the research topic subsequent work.”
by comparing and contrasting the findings of previous studies in a Literature reviews play a critical role in affecting the development
domain, identifying knowledge gaps, and providing future research and evolution of theory within an area of study. Reviews allow
directions (Paul & Criado, 2020). At the same time, some reviews researchers to assess what scholars have accomplished and to pro-
have limited scope because they fail to challenge, enrich, or pose new conceptualizations and paths for future study. In our digi-
advance current theoretical perspectives (Breslin & Gatrell, 2020; tally infused global context, this theory-building function is becoming
Kabadayi & Tsiotsou, 2022). Recently, Kabadayi and Tsiotsou even more significant, accentuating the need for research that chal-
(2022) proposed the Triple-A framework for conducting research. lenges prevailing traditional paradigms and establishes new theoretical
According to the authors, research should be Authentic, Advancing, routes (Breslin et al., 2020). Theorizing can be viewed along a contin-
and Applicable to move a topic forward. In a similar vein, literature uum, beginning with initial hunches and exploratory insights, followed
reviews can be used not only for examining the available research by explanations and models, and ultimately ending up with “full-
on a topic but also for advancing current knowledge through theo- fledged theories” (Cunliffe, 2018).
rizing. That is, to build theory by assessing a body (or bodies) of In literature reviews, academics use several approaches to
past research (Durach et al., 2021; Loureiro et al., 2020; Paul & organizing the existing body of research, including the stimulus-
Barari, 2022; Post et al., 2020). However, researchers have yet to organism-response (SOR), the antecedents-decisions-outcomes
recognize the potential of literature reviews to assist in creating (ADO) framework propounded by Paul and Benito (2018),

Int J Consum Stud. 2022;46:1505–1516. © 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1505
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stakeholder theory, or the theory, context, and method (TCM) be enhanced in the focal field of study as opposed to merely mapping
framework (Akhmedova et al., 2021; Lim et al., 2021; Loureiro existing knowledge. A theory-generating literature review should
et al., 2021; Paul et al., 2017; Tsiotsou & Boukis, 2022). These encourage academics to reconsider a specific subject, theory, issue,
approaches are considered “useful” because they are not necessar- phenomenon, or another area of concern in a specific domain. A liter-
ily expected to yield conceptual contributions that provide substan- ature review article should explain why the literature fills an essential
tial and novel insights (Paul, Merchant, et al., 2021). In order for theoretical gap, enigma, or anomaly, how the approach is used to
literature reviews to make significant conceptual contributions, advance theory, and what the review format will be. To guide authors
they need to fulfill the requirement of offering “a strategic platform in how to conduct and write a theory-building literature review, we
for new directions in research, and making a difference to how scholars propose the TGLR processual approach (Figure 1).
might conceptualize research in their respective fields” (Gatrell & Following the TGLR, authors need to start by clarifying their
Breslin, 2017, p. 1). Conducting a review also requires researchers review's scope and objective based on the level of maturity and
to cross disciplinary boundaries in order to tap into the knowledge extent of saturation characterizing the topic under investigation. In
and borrow ideas from multiple domains (e.g., Mishra et al., 2021). the case of mature topics with a significant volume of extant research,
Consequently, embracing a higher-risk approach might strengthen a justification of the relevance of the literature review is mandatory.
theoretical contributions and provide a strategic platform for For topics representing medium-level maturity and saturation, authors
scholars to think differently about their research (Breslin & need to demonstrate the value and depth of the chosen topic. For
Gatrell, 2020; Kunisch et al., 2018). emerging topics, authors need to justify why the chosen topic has suf-
Given the relevance and scarcity of guidance as to how to con- ficient substance and quantity to warrant a review (Post et al., 2020;
duct literature reviews that enable theory creation, the purpose of the Webster & Watson, 2002).
present article is to assist researchers in navigating through such a As a second step, the authors need to define the review questions
mission. More specifically, by proposing a TGLR processual approach, that will drive the literature review after assessing their importance
we provide researchers with the critical features underlying theory- and relevance to theory, practice, and/or policy-making.
building reviews. As a starting point, TGLR highlights that “low-risk” In the third step, it is essential to explain the methodological
approaches concern the mere organization of frameworks from the approach by describing and justifying the study design. Literature
extant literature, but not theory building per se. A range of theorizing reviews can be systematic quantitative reviews following specific pro-
through review approaches will be presented and discussed briefly to tocols; qualitative, narrative reviews discussing ideas of experienced
provide concrete guidance for academics on the appropriate avenues authors in the research topic; or hybrid/mixed reviews combining
and strategies that might lead them to develop the contributions of quantitative and qualitative approaches with text mining techniques
their review papers. Finally, we conclude the article by aligning theo- (Loureiro et al., 2021; Paul, Merchant, et al., 2021; Tsiotsou &
rizing through reviews with the objectives of IJCS and briefly present Boukis, 2022; Vrontis & Christofi, 2021). Authors need to describe
the articles included in the Special Issue. and justify their study design explaining why a particular method cho-
sen is appropriate for exploring the specific topic.
As a fourth step, the authors need to clearly define the review pro-
1 | THEORY GENERATING THROUGH THE tocol they implemented to ensure the objectivity, transparency, and
LITERATURE REVIEW PROCESS inclusiveness of their literature search. For instance, in quantitative
reviews, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
1.1 | The TGLR process Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol has been used widely (Roschk
et al., 2017; Tsiotsou & Boukis, 2022). However, Paul, Lim, et al. (2021)
Literature reviews have contributed to the development of frame- recently proposed an even more comprehensive approach, namely the
works, the advancement of specific paradigms, and the provision of Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature Reviews
insights into management practice (Hoon & Baluch, 2019; protocol (SPAR-4-SLR). According to SPAR-4-SLR (Paul, Lim,
Kabadayi & Tsiotsou, 2022; Kunisch et al., 2018). Rather than being et al., 2021), the following conditions need to be met in order to warrant
only comprehensive or state-of-the-art systematic reviews on a spe- conducting a systematic literature review: (i) there is a substantial vol-
cific topic, review articles should be theoretically driven with an inte- ume of publications; (ii) no other review is available in the given domain
grative and generative approach. That opens up or redirects streams in recent years; (iii) the available reviews have faults and shortcomings.
of research by linking avenues that enable theoretical contributions In qualitative reviews, some notable examples include the Realist and
through various forms of synthesis (Torraco, 2016). Hence, review Meta-Narrative Evidence Synthesis: Evolving Standards (RAMESES)
articles should aim for a theoretical contribution, in turn requiring (Wong et al., 2013); the Relevance, Appropriateness, Transparency,
them to be analytical, with implications for advancing knowledge Soundness (RATS) (Clark, 2003); and finally, the Critical Appraisal Skills
and sparking debate in the research stream of interest (Gatrell & Program (CASP) (Dixon-Woods et al., 2007) that have been proposed as
Breslin, 2017). ways to identify and evaluate the literature protocols.
A review article should offer a theoretical contribution by focus- In the fifth step, the approaches for organizing the body of litera-
ing on examining, evaluating, and demonstrating how the theory can ture must be presented. Organizational frameworks such as the
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F I G U R E 1 The Theory
Generation from Literature
Review (TGLR) process

Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR), the Antecedents-Decisions- 1.2 | Methodological approaches

Outcomes (ADO), the Actors-Antecedents-Decisions-Outcomes
(AADO), the Theory, Context, and Method (TCM), and finally the Only articles that analyze and synthesize the research to produce new
Theory-Construct-Characteristics-Methods (TCCM) might be useful in ways of thinking about a specific topic or phenomenon—rather than
helping researchers present and communicate their findings just reporting on and presenting a descriptive composite of past
(Akhmedova et al., 2021; Lim et al., 2021; Paul & Benito, 2018; research—have the potential to contribute to theory. Discovering such
Tsiotsou & Boukis, 2022). As an additional layer, authors could orga- innovative insights requires a thorough and in-depth examination of
nize their findings in thematic clusters or use a blend incorporating the core body (or bodies) of the literature, with a critical perspective
both frameworks and thematic clusters (Tsiotsou & Boukis, 2022). that can challenge traditional approaches and the status quo (Post
As the sixth and final step, based on the critical assessment and et al., 2020). These paradigm shifts should be logical, authentic, con-
synthesis foundations of an integrated synthetic review, there are vincing, and ideally embrace an interdisciplinary orientation to break
numerous significant, intriguing, and promising pathways and direc- down academic barriers and evoke new creative pathways to address
tions for producing theory based on a review article. In the following complex research problems.
section, some recently proposed methodological approaches will be Three states of theory along a continuum have been proposed in
presented. We advise authors to choose the method and forms or the literature: nascent, intermediate, and mature (Edmondson &
their combinations that are most appropriate given the scope and McManus, 2007). The absence of definitions and concepts or incon-
maturity or saturation level of their research topic. sistencies, along with very little knowledge and agreement on key
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TABLE 1 Methods for theory generation from literature reviews

Post et al. (2020)—7 avenues of Breslin and Gatrell (2020)—“miner-prospector

theorizing in review papers continuum” Durach et al. (2021)—“consistency model”
• Exposing emerging perspectives • Identifying conceptual gaps (Miner) Purpose of review X State of theory:
• Analyzing assumptions • Organizing and categorizing literatures • Exploratory/Nascent: Inductive theory building
• Clarifying constructs (Miner) • Exploratory-Explanatory/Intermediate:
• Establishing boundary conditions in • Problematizing the literature (Miner) Contextualized explanations
review papers • Identifying and exposing contradictions • Explanatory/Intermediate or Mature: Theory
• Testing new theory (Miner) testing
• Theorizing with systems theory • Transferring theories across domains • Making sense/Nascent or Intermediate or Mature:
• Theorizing with mechanisms (Prospector) Interpretive sense-making
• Developing analogies and metaphors across
domains (Prospector)
• Blending and merging literatures across
domains (Prospector)
• Setting out new narratives and
conceptualizations (Prospector)
Forms of synthesizing the literature Features of reviews
• State a research agenda • Transparency
• Develop a taxonomy of mechanisms • Inclusivity
• Test an alternative model or • Critical assessment
conceptual framework
• Conduct a meta-analysis
• Develop a meta-theory

phenomena and their linkages, correspond to a nascent theoretical mechanisms, and developing a meta-theory by applying the mecha-
state. A medium-level or intermediate theoretical state refers to nisms to other phenomena.
instances where the literature has some grasp of the fundamental Breslin and Gatrell (2020) explained theorizing through literature
“what,” “why,” and “how” issues of a particular phenomenon. At the reviews using the metaphor of a Miner-Prospector Continuum. They
same time, this state still lacks specific critical solutions to queries identified eight strategies that fall along a continuum from miners—
such as “for whom,” “under what conditions,” and “when.” Additional corresponding to those whose contributions are limited to an estab-
ideas and greater knowledge concerning the relationships under con- lished domain; to prospectors—those who are more likely to step out
sideration are frequently required for such an intermediate level of of disciplinary limits, introduce new ideas, and reach beyond and
theory. A mature theoretical state, however, requires broad consensus across knowledge silos. Breslin and Gatrell (2020) recognized the
on definitions and ideas while postulating the qualities and conditions importance of both miner and prospector methods; however, they
that define “for whom,” “under what conditions,” and “when” a spe- favor prospector reviews because they aid research in addressing
cific occurrence may take place (Durach et al., 2021; Edmondson & complex phenomena. The authors also recommend three features that
McManus, 2007). literature reviews should have: transparency, inclusiveness, and critical
Recently, several methodological approaches have been proposed assessment. Transparency refers to reporting how the literature is
to guide scholars to theorize from literature reviews, including the identified, analyzed, and interpreted; inclusiveness entails the consid-
Seven-Avenues Approach by Post et al. (2020); the “Miner-Prospector eration of all relevant literature to the review's objectives; and critical
Continuum” proposed by Breslin and Gatrell (2020); and the assessment refers to interpretation and analysis, demonstrating a
“Consistency Model” introduced by Durach et al. (2021) (see Table 1 deep understanding of the knowledge base by identifying abnormali-
for further details). ties and gaps (Elsbach & van Knippenberg, 2018).
Post et al. (2020) proposed seven avenues for advancing theory Recently, Durach et al. (2021) proposed the “Consistency Model”
with literature reviews that include: exposing emerging perspectives, representing a crossroad between the maturity state of theory and
analyzing assumptions, clarifying constructs, establishing boundary the selected review type. Based on this framework, the authors cate-
conditions, testing new theory, theorizing with systems theory, and gorized literature reviews into four types: inductive theory building,
theorizing with mechanisms in review papers. These distinctive ave- contextualized explanations, theory testing, and interpretative sense-
nues were established based on existing literature of state-of-the-art making. The efficiency of a review type can be determined by the cur-
review articles and an in-depth assessments of theory-building review rent theory stage, which can vary from nascent through intermediate
papers. Post et al. (2020) also suggested five forms for synthesizing to mature.
the literature corresponding to each theory-building avenue. These An inductive theory-building approach to a literature review
include developing a research agenda by identifying relevant mecha- entails the careful assessment and critique of the existing literature
nisms, creating a taxonomy of the identified mechanisms, identifying aiming to identify themes, patterns, relationships, and knowledge gaps
alternative models, conducting a meta-analysis to test the existing through within—as well as cross-study analyses (Elsbach & van
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Knippenberg, 2018). Inductive reviews are appropriate when the state opening new avenues for investigation. We hope our editorial will
of theory is nascent and the scope of the review is exploratory. inspire and challenge authors when designing and conducting reviews
Contextualized reviews criticize causal homogeneity or processes to elevate their value by theorizing from them.
that lead to causality similarly in all situations (Miller & Tsang, 2011). The selection of articles using diverse approaches and topics is an
This category is most relevant when the theory state is at an inter- important aspect of this special issue of IJCS. The articles of this spe-
mediate level and the purpose of the review is explanatory. cial issue investigate emerging research topics and guide researchers
Theory-testing reviews or meta-analytic approaches seek to authenti- to the most relevant and timely research questions. The 21 articles
cate and consolidate knowledge by formally testing existing propositions have been grouped into four categories. The first category includes
while rejecting current assumptions (Goldsby & Autry, 2011), challenging eight articles on Transformative Service Research (TSR) and Transforma-
and questioning prior and competing theories (Rosenzweig & tive Consumer Research (TCR). The articles in this group deal with the
Easton, 2010). This review type is appropriate when the theory state is literature on poverty issues (BoP) (Vishnoi et al., 2022), social exclu-
intermediate or mature, and the scope is explanatory. sion (Rawat et al., 2022, education and well-being (Khatri &
The interpretive sense-making review is a unique literature Duggal, 2022), children as consumers (Sigirci et al., 2022), elderly as
review based on the interpretive paradigm and can be applied to all consumers experiencing vulnerabilities (Berg & Liljedal, 2022), the role
states of theory (nascent, intermediate, and mature). Theorizing, in diversity training on consumer experiences (Thakur & Dhar, 2022) and
this case, is not a linear problem-solving process; instead, it is a healthy consumption behavior (Nguyen et al., 2022). Given that both
progressive form of sense-making that involves simultaneous parallel perspectives, TSR and TCR, are attracting increasing research atten-
processing (Weick, 1989) in the pursuit of understanding the tion (Tsiotsou & Diehl, 2022), we hope that these articles will provide
subjective perspective of an individual actor (Darby et al., 2019). The valuable future research directions.
term “interpretative” highlights the act of contrasting different Another group of articles related to the previous category (it could
motives, meanings, and experiences and placing actors in proper social be a sub-category of environmental-related issues) is Consumer Social
contexts while avoiding generalizations (Wieland, 2021). Responsibility, which includes four articles. The articles map socially
In the above section, we presented an overview of leading frame- responsible consumption (Falcão & Roseira, 2022), identify determi-
works that can be used to guide the methodological underpinnings of nants of consumer green innovation behavior (Flores & Jansson, 2022),
TGLRs. We provided clarifications for scholars as to where and how e-waste consumer behavior (Gilal et al., 2022), and sustainable fashion
reviews can be positioned, as well as assisted authors in understand- (Busalim et al., 2022). The third category includes four articles on the
ing each method's requirements, risks, and advantages. Considering Digital World and New technologies. This group of articles covers topics
these relationships and steps carefully, we aim to enable scholars to such as digital consumer behavior (Güngör & Çadırcı, 2022) and adver-
engage in decision-making and ultimately in a selection process that is tising (Moradi & Zihagh, 2022), the use of collaborative economy plat-
proactive and strategically sound, contemplating tradition, conve- forms (Ertz & Sarigöllü, 2022), and consumers' interactions with social
nience, and the undertaking of new challenges. robots (Blaurock et al., 2022). The fourth category includes six articles
that cover Various Consumer Behavior Themes such as double deviation
in services (Suresh & Chawla, 2022), opportunity cost (Haghpour
2 | A L I G N I N G R E V I E W S OF LI T E R A T U R E et al., 2022), brand personality (Ghorbani et al., 2022) and brand hate
WI T H T H E A I M S A N D S CO P E O F T H E behavior (Yadav & Chakrabarti, 2022), consumer collecting behavior
JOURNAL (Lee et al., 2021) and neuroscience research in consumer behavior
(Oliveira et al., 2022). Next, we briefly present the articles of the special
International Journal of Consumer Studies (IJCS) seeks theory- issue based on the above categorization.
development reviews that add new perspectives to knowledge in con-
sumer studies. IJCS is inclusive and receptive to a broad diversity of
theoretical ideas, methodologies, and philosophical foundations. 2.1 | Transformative service research and
Furthermore, with respect to the general approach of IJCS, a well- transformative consumer research
written theory-building review should frame itself within the broader
framework of consumer studies. It demonstrates the reasons its Recently marketing scholars proposed the possibility of serving the
contents and ideas are valuable to readers who are not directly poor profitably while alleviating poverty, demonstrating that BoP is a
concerned with the issue and increases, thus, the intellectual impact large market that merits the attention of profit-seeking firms. In their
of the review article. article titled “Marketing at the bottom of the pyramid: Literature review
IJCS aims to advance knowledge in consumer studies by present- and future research agenda,” by Vishnoi et al. (2022) explore the exist-
ing new ideas derived from reflections on existing theories and empir- ing Bottom/Base of the Pyramid (BoP) literature in the marketing
ical research having the potential to revolutionize the way we domain. The authors analyzed 88 articles published from 2000 to
comprehend and interpret them. A theory-generating review article 2021 to present a comprehensive view of the marketing literature on
prompts academics to reconsider their future research after gaining BoP, classifying it into five main themes: conceptualizing poverty,
fresh insights from the review, providing new research directions, and market assessment, marketing strategy, consumer behavior, and the
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role of technology. Within each of these themes, the analysis of the replicate earlier work to explore their continued relevance and validity
extant literature finds main emphasis areas. The authors conclude in contemporary society.
with recommendations for more study on the indicated thrust areas, Diversity training is the most popular and successful strategy for
geographical settings, and methodology used. In addition, the work workplace inclusion, as evidenced by rising research and investment
incorporates essential theoretical and practical consequences. interest. The following article of the special issue is titled “Impact of
The article titled “Social exclusion and consumer responses: A com- diversity training on employees and consumers: A review and research
prehensive review and theoretical framework” by Rawat et al. (2022) agenda.” Thakur and Dhar (2022) screened 259 articles using the
reviewed social exclusion in the consumption context. While social SPAR-4-SLR protocol to select 48 articles which were then analyzed to
exclusion in the consuming environment has received much research delineate the impact of diversity training on the employees and its
attention recently, the literature remains fragmented and underex- impact on the consumer experience. The authors demonstrated an
plored. Using the “Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic overall positive impact of training on employee-related factors and
Literature Review” (SPAR-4-SLR) protocol supported by the TCCM underscored gaps in methodology, theory, and contextualization. Finally,
framework, the authors provide directions for future research and they provide future research directions, including proposals and proposi-
enable marketers and public policymakers to understand the needs of tions for improving diversity training to improve customer experiences.
socially excluded individuals and make more inclusive decisions. Marketing is crucial in resolving macrolevel social issues, including
The concept of students-as-consumers has gained traction with decreasing meat consumption and greater intake of alternative pro-
the neo-liberal agenda taking root in higher education. A critical value teins. Given the growing concerns about food sustainability, safety,
that these consumers look for and derive from their tertiary education security, nutrition, and animal welfare, such consumption patterns are
is well-being. This calls for synthesizing existing literature to facilitate gaining traction. Nguyen et al. (2022), in their article titled “Alternative
an aggregate understanding of the construct. In their review titled protein consumption: A systematic review and future research
“Well-being of higher education consumers: A review and research directions,” developed a framework that combines the socio-ecological
agenda” by Khatri and Duggal (2022) integrate the bulk of psychologi- model and capability, opportunity, and motivation model of behavior
cal, higher education, and consumer literature on the well-being of (COM-B) to identify the various factors influencing alternative protein
students to arrive at a holistic understanding of this complex phenom- consumption. Their review outlines methodological approaches, iden-
enon. To achieve this, a framework-based systematic review of tifies main variables of interest, highlights the opportunity for further
112 articles from the last two decades was conducted using a combi- theoretical development, and identifies gaps in research related to
nation of two well-established organizing frameworks to generate individual-level opportunities and system-level motivations.
structured insights; namely the antecedents, decisions, and outcomes
(ADO) framework (Paul & Benito, 2018) and the theories, contexts,
and methods (TCCM) framework (Tsiotsou & Boukis, 2022). 2.2 | Consumer social responsibility
Children have received a great deal of research attention in vari-
ous academic fields within the social sciences, including marketing. In the article titled, “Mapping the socially responsible consumption gap
The study of Sigirci et al. (2022), titled “Children in marketing: A review, research: Review and future research agenda” by Falcão and Roseira
synthesis and research agenda,” investigates 423 articles from (2022) provide a wide-ranging view of the relevant literature to study
marketing-related journals to trace the historical evolution of the the gaps in socially responsible consumption. They follow a three-
studies on “children.” They found that the major subareas, capturing stage approach to design their review. First, they critically analyze the
the literature on children and marketing, concern children's consumer basic ideas and vocabulary used in the area. Then they provide a
socialization and their role in the family decision-making process, framework for categorizing current research into four primary groups
materialism, vulnerability and ethical matters, food marketing, brand- based on their approaches and focus: gap prediction, readiness “to go
ing, and advertising. The authors identified under-developed areas responsible,” gap comprehension, and hurdles to socially responsible
such as sustainability, technology/digitalization, and cross-cultural dif- consumption. Second, the qualitative content analysis revealed that
ferences and recommended future avenues for scholars interested in Anglo-Saxon nations lead the sector and that patterns are evolving,
further exploring these areas. such as China's growth as a contributor. Finally, a bibliometric analysis
In their article titled “Elderly consumers in marketing research: A of 3367 articles identified the intellectual structure of socially respon-
systematic literature review and directions for future research” by Berg sible consumption, mature and emerging themes, and the main bar-
and Liljedal (2022) integrated the past and present state of research riers to its adoption.
into a comprehensive theoretical framework. After having analyzed Green innovation has seen an increase in demand over the previ-
209 marketing research articles capturing several decades of relevant ous decade. This can be attributed to greater consumer knowledge of
work, the authors identified 13 research topics aggregated into three the world's environmental challenges. As a result, green innovation
themes: (1) describing and defining the elderly market segment, adoption deserved the attention of Flores and Jansson (2022). Their
(2) age changes and the elderly consumer, and (3) marketing responses article, “SPICe—Determinants of consumer green innovation adoption
of elderly consumers. In terms of future research, the authors encour- across domains: A systematic review of marketing journals and sugges-
age scholars to now only explore new topics but also to verify and tions for a research agenda,” demonstrated the determinants of
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consumer green innovation adoption across domains identified in top engage, and buy (Tsiotsou, 2021). In their article titled “Understanding
marketing journals. Then, the authors aggregated them into four cate- digital consumer: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda” by
gories: (1) Social, (2) Personal, (3) Innovation, and (4) Contextual and Güngör and Çadırcı (2022) analyze and discuss 74 marketing journals
external level determinants. This classification is based on the source on digital technologies. They uncover three domains within digital
of inspiration, whether societal, individual, innovative, or contextual. consumer behavior: (1) the use of classical consumption theories and
Flores and Jansson (2022) discovered a dearth of emphasis on con- their application to digital context; (2) transactional subjects within
sumer characteristics in green innovation adoption studies, underlin- consumers' digitalization; and (3) digital marketing's impact on the
ing the need for more research into what motivates customers to consumption of specific product groups. The analysis revealed a con-
adopt these new environmentally friendly goods. Furthermore, the siderable increase in mobile channel use, sustainable consumption,
authors demonstrated that no one variable might predict green inno- user-generated content, and social media interaction. In general, the
vation uptake, qualifying further investigations. findings show a move from a transactional to a more theoretical and
E-waste is the fastest-growing waste stream on the planet, strategic approach. Possible research gaps are expected to emerge
including toxic substances that are hazardous to human health. from the following areas: (1) the impact of interactive and immersive
According to research, the great majority of customers refuse to dis- technologies on consumption practices; (2) the possible outcomes of
pose of e-waste, preferring to retain outmoded items at home rather the pandemic on digital consumption patterns; (3) enhancing brand
than sending them to manufacturers for recycling. In the article titled, engagement through consumer-to-consumer interactions; and
“Consumer e-waste disposal behavior: A systematic review” by Gilal (4) improving understanding of issues such as consumer collaboration,
et al. (2022) provide a synthesis of prior research in this area of consumer trust, and service satisfaction.
inquiry and explain how their review will serve as a base to guide The following article by Ertz and Sarigöllü (2022) is titled
future research focusing on this topic. The purpose of their article is “Consumer intentions to use collaborative economy platforms: A
to promote e-waste disposal behavior by looking at how such behav- meta-analysis.” The authors used a total of 27 independent
ior has been utilized as a construct in the literature and what theories, samples—through a meta-analysis of psychosocial determinants of
contexts, characteristics, and methodological approaches have been collaborative economy platforms (CEP) use intentions—to find
used to strengthen this behavior. To that goal, the authors examined support for the relation between psychosocial determinants and
forty-three research papers on e-waste disposal behavior published in CEP use intentions, as well as willingness to pay a premium price
Scopus-indexed journals between 2000 and 2021, identifying impor- for CEP. They demonstrated that (1) emotional and flexibility
tant research gaps and proposing complete study agendas in the form utility exert the most decisive influence on use intentions;
of testable propositions. (2) functional and social utility exert more influence on willingness
Over the last decade, businesses, consumers, and policymakers to pay a premium price; (3) CEP are primarily used for enjoyment
have paid growing attention to sustainable fashion. This enthusiasm is and practical purposes; and (4) hedonism does not strongly lead to
mirrored in consumer behavior studies in this area. Despite this, there an increased willingness to pay.
are very few systematic literature reviews on consumer behavior. The Social robots are progressively making their way to the front lines
article titled “Consumer behavior in sustainable fashion: A systematic lit- of organizations, and research is beginning to reveal the ramifications
erature review and future research agenda” by Busalim et al. (2022) for consumer–firm relations. While empirical studies on human–robot
aims to fill this gap. The authors used 88 scientific articles to examine service interaction are few in the business literature, other scientific
research methods, trends, and theoretical underpinnings systemati- domains have produced a plethora of empirical results that might
cally. Busalim et al. (2022) bring us a model that summarizes the assist consumer research on successfully integrating embodied social
extant literature in sustainable fashion through the lenses of the S– robots in consumer-facing services. Given the timeliness of the topic,
O–R framework. The findings reveal that qualitative, experimental, the next article of the special issue is titled “A transdisciplinary review
cross-cultural, and longitudinal studies are significantly less repre- and framework of consumer interactions with embodied social robots:
sented in the literature. There was no evidence of the study employ- Design, delegate, and deploy.” Blaurock et al. (2022) conducted a
ing big data methodologies, and much of the published research was systematic literature review across scientific fields and identified
not well founded in theory. The findings also suggest that the con- 199 service-relevant empirical research articles. An organizing meta-
sumer attitude-behavior gap requires further exploration. Managers framework was advanced resulting from this data and called D3:
can benefit from the study by understanding the direct and indirect design, delegate, and deploy. Using the D3 framework, the authors
factors influencing consumer buying decisions, helping create the offered a thorough overview of numerous dimensions of the topic,
appropriate sustainable fashion campaigns. as well as critical insights for each dimension. Based on this analysis,
implications for whether, how, and when to incorporate social robots
in practice are generated, and a complete future research agenda.
2.3 | The digital world and new technologies In the article titled “A meta-analysis of the elaboration likelihood
model in the electronic word of mouth literature” by Moradi and Zihagh
The expansion of digital technology has tremendously influenced (2022) used a meta-analysis technique to the elaborate likelihood
business operations and how customers search, receive information, model (ELM) in the electronic word of mouth. ELM adopts the social-
14706431, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Wiley Online Library on [17/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

psychological persuasion process to understand how attitude is cre- circumstances, and information processing style are the three types of
ated. Thus, data from 89 prior studies in a two-stage structural equa- antecedents of opportunity cost evaluation. In addition, Haghpour et al.
tion model (TSSEM) integrated covariance-based structural equation (2022) support that opportunity cost consideration does not always
modeling (SEM) with meta-analysis. Based on this analysis, Moradi lead to positive outcomes and illustrate how opportunity cost consider-
and Zihagh (2022) proposed a model demonstrating that the central ations might lead to choosing discomfort, regret, and dissatisfaction.
route to persuasion is the dominant predictor of eWOM adoption on Brand personality has been attributed a great deal of importance
e-commerce sites. However, the peripheral route tends to dominate in establishing and maintaining successful relationships with
on social networking sites. This study extends ELM by pointing out consumers. However, surprisingly little is understood about how
that the effectiveness of central and peripheral routes to eWOM these relationships emerge on digital platforms. In their article
adoption depends on the digital platform. Managers should encourage titled “Consumers' brand personality perceptions in a digital world:
customers to give more information on social networking sites to pre- A systematic literature review and research agenda” by Ghorbani et al.
pare authentic messages shared with them. E-commerce websites (2022) used the TCCM framework (Tsiotsou & Boukis, 2022) to identify
should create high-quality content and guarantee that their platforms' dominant theories, contexts, characteristics, and methodologies that
review process is transparent. have been used to study the digital brand personality perceptions of
consumers. Based on their systematic review and in-depth content
analysis of 107 peer-reviewed journal articles published between 2005
2.4 | Various consumer behavior themes and 2021, the authors provide a new conceptual framework for digital
brand personality and a comprehensive research agenda covering all
Double deviation (failure to recover successfully following a service aspects of the framework.
failure) is a widespread phenomenon that has lately sparked substan- With the increase in academic interest in understanding brand
tial research attention. However, there is no study mapping and syn- hate in recent years, there is a need to synthesize the relevant litera-
thesizing the area in the academic literature. In the article entitled ture. The following article titled “Brand hate: A systematic literature
“The burden of double deviation in services: A systematic review and review and future research agenda” by Yadav and Chakrabarti (2022)
research agenda,” Suresh and Chawla (2022) systematically reviewed aims to close this gap in the literature. The authors provide a thorough
the double deviation literature in services and identified research overview of the existing literature on brand hate and shed insight on
themes and future research directions. The review classifies the litera- future research avenues. The comprehensive study of the extant liter-
ture into causes, consequences, moderators, and double service ature includes a careful examination of peer-reviewed papers that
recovery and identifies research themes and future research direc- outline the existing research utilizing the stimulus-organism-response
tions. Current study themes include inadequate recovery remedies paradigm. This study also provides a conceptual framework for
and cognitive assessment criteria as causes; motivational aims, explaining consumer aversion to brands. Finally, the authors used a
revengeful and reparative behaviors as repercussions; firm-customer theory, context, characteristics, and method framework to create a
relationship-based characteristics as moderators; and distinctive dou- future research agenda and provide valuable recommendations for
ble service recovery techniques. Future study recommendations practitioners.
include reassessing the breadth of double deviation, discovering con- Collecting is becoming increasingly popular among consumers
sumers' distinct emotions during double deviation, and determining worldwide, both as a hobby and investment. Furthermore, collect-
the financial sustainability of double service recovery. ing is growing technologically and continues to permeate regular
Humans have numerous desires but few resources, forcing them to purchasing as a powerful sales promotion technique, posing mar-
select between options. Consumers are urged to understand the oppor- keting and ethical problems. Despite the growing popularity of col-
tunity cost of their decision and the best alternative use of a resource lecting in practice, research is behind. In the article “Consumer
(e.g., money and time). The article “Opportunity cost in consumer behav- collecting behaviour: A systematic review and future research agenda”
ior: Definitions, operationalizations, and ambiguities” examines this topic. by Lee et al. (2021) reviewed 51 journal articles and provided a syn-
Haghpour et al. (2022) used the SPAR-4-SLR protocol (Paul, Lim, thesis of the extant literature demonstrating the meaning and
et al., 2021) to conduct the review and the ADO framework to organize scope of consumer collecting behavior. The study identifies six
the findings about opportunity cost in consumer behavior. Their sys- motives for collectibles consumption: achievement through collect-
tematic study covers existing arguments and uncertainties regarding ing goals; social membership; cooperation and competition; societal
consumers' evaluation of opportunity costs. Through a rigorous assess- and personal memories; legacy; and financial value. The review's find-
ment of the relevant literature from many disciplines such as marketing, ings also highlight various literature flaws and the complexities involved
psychology, and economics, the authors explored the origins, various with the theoretical foundations of consumer collecting research and
definitions, antecedents, related decisions, and results of opportunity its associated behaviors (i.e., acquisition through disposal). The TCM
cost consideration. They emphasize and reconcile two opposing view- framework guides the academic community and promotes ongoing
points on the idea of opportunity cost as the value foregone (by taking theory building and future research in consumer collecting behavior.
willingness to pay into account) against the physical market value of Consumer neuroscience is a developing marketing and consumer
the second-best alternative. Individual differences, environmental behavior research area. In the previous 15 years, the number of
14706431, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Wiley Online Library on [17/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

publications published on the subject has expanded rapidly. There is, research for inclusion in systematic reviews: A quantitative and quali-
however, no systematic review of the literature identifying the key tative comparison of three methods. Journal of Health Services
Research & Policy, 12(1), 42–47.
components, trends, and research needs discovered in such an exten-
sive collection of studies. The article “Neuroscience research in con- Durach, C. F., Kembro, J. H., & Wieland, A. (2021). How to advance theory
sumer behavior: A review and future research agenda” aims to fill this through literature reviews in logistics and supply chain management.
void in the literature. Oliveira et al. (2022) used a correlated topic International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,
51(10), 1090–1107.
model algorithm in a text mining (TM) study to cluster and organize
Edmondson, A. C., & McManus, S. E. (2007). Methodological fit in manage-
the complicated and scattered content of 469 articles. According to ment field research. Academy of Management Review, 32(4), 1246–
the findings, the most critical issues in the topic include “consumer 1264.
neuroscience,” “brand memory,” and “willingness to buy.” This study Elsbach, K. D., & van Knippenberg, D. (2018). The Academy of Manage-
ment Annals: Looking back, looking forward. Academy of Management
also demonstrates that the literature mainly emphasizes ethical con-
Annals, 12(1), 1–4.
siderations and contentious concerns in applying consumer neurosci- Ertz, M., & Sarigöllü, E. (2022). Consumer intentions to use collaborative
ence techniques. The authors conclude with a section on future economy platforms: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Consumer
research issues and possibilities that came from the research. Studies, 46(5), 1859–1876.
Falcão, D., & Roseira, C. (2022). Mapping the socially responsible con-
The guest editors thank all authors and reviewers worldwide for
sumption gap research: Review and future research agenda. Interna-
contributing to this special issue.
tional Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(5), 1718–1760.
ORCID Flores, P. J., & Jansson, J. (2022). SPICe—Determinants of consumer green
Rodoula H. Tsiotsou innovation adoption across domains: A systematic review of marketing
journals and suggestions for a research agenda. International Journal of
Bernadett Koles
Consumer Studies, 46(5), 1761–1784.
Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro 12810
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Rawat, G., Dewani, P. P., & Kulashri, A. (2022). Social exclusion and con-
sumer responses: A comprehensive review and theoretical framework.
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(5), 1537–1563. https:// Rodoula H. Tsiotsou (Florida State University, PhD) is currently Professor of Services Marketing at the Department of Business
Roschk, H., Loureiro, S. M. C., & Breitsohl, J. (2017). Calibrating 30 years
Administration, University of Macedonia, Greece. She is the foun-
of experimental research: A meta-analysis of the atmospheric effects
of music, scent, and color. Journal of Retailing, 93(2), 228–240. https:// der and Director of the Marketing Laboratory MARLAB at the University of Macedonia. She serves as an Associate Editor for
Rosenzweig, E. D., & Easton, G. S. (2010). Tradeoffs in manufacturing? A the Journal of Services Marketing and the International Journal of
meta-analysis and critique of the literature. Production and Operations
14706431, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Wiley Online Library on [17/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Consumer Studies while she is a member of the editorial board at University of Puerto Rico, US and holds a title as honorary Visiting
the Service Industries Journal, Services Marketing Quarterly, the Professor-Henley Business School, University of Reading,
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, and Central England. He has also served as MBA Director and AACSB Coordi-
European Business Review. She has published more than 100 scien- nator at Nagoya University, Japan and as Department Chair at
tific publications in a variety of international scientific journals IIM. Dr. Paul introduced the Masstige model and measure for
and conference proceedings such as the Journal of Business brand management, CPP Model for internationalization, SCOPE
Research, Journal of Service Management, International Journal of framework for Small firms, 7-P Framework for International
Advertising, Computers in Human Behavior, The Service Industries Marketing and TCCM Framework for literature reviews. He holds
Journal, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Mar- titles as “Distinguished Professor” with three reputed universities
keting Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Mar- including—Indian Institute of Management-Kerala, SIBM, Pune
keting Communications, International Journal of Retail and and MS University. In addition, he has taught full courses at
Distribution Management, and Journal of Sport Management. She is Aarhus University-Denmark, Grenoble Eco le de Management-
ranked in the Top 2% of Scientists in the World based on the and University of Versailles-France, University-Lithuania,
Science-wide Author Database developed by Elsevier and Stan- Warsaw-Poland and holds/has held a visiting professor positions
ford University. Her research interests include services marketing, at University of Chicago, Vienna University-Austria, Fudan and
digital and social media marketing, brand management, relation- UIBE-China, UAB-Barcelona and Madrid. He has published three
ship marketing, and nonprofit marketing. Personal webpage: bestselling case studies with Ivey and Harvard. He is known as an author/co-author of books such as Business Environment
(4th ed), International Marketing, Services Marketing, Export–Import
Bernadett Koles (Harvard University, EdD; Durham University,
Management (2nd ed), Management of Banking and Financial
PhD) is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing and Con-
 Services by McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press and Pearson,
sumer Behavior at the Marketing and Sales Department of IESEG
respectively. He is/has served as an Associate Editor with Journal of
School of Management, Paris, France. She holds a Doctorate
Business Research, European Management Journal, and Journal of
(PhD) in Marketing and Consumer Behavior from Durham Univer-
Strategic Marketing. His articles have been downloaded over
sity Business School (UK) and a Doctorate (EdD) in Psychology
800,000 times during the last six years. An author of over
from Harvard University (US). Bernadett's research covers a range
130 research papers in SSCI journals, Justin has over 70 papers are
of areas reflecting upon her multidisciplinary background and
in A or A star journals (ABDC) and 65+ in UK-CABS 3 or 4 level
expertise. She has devoted many years to studying the role of
journals. He has visited over 60 countries as a visiting professor/
innovative technologies (e.g., social media, virtual environments,
public speaker.
virtual reality, artificial intelligence) on individuals, consumers and
organizations, and currently pursues projects that focus on vari- Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro is in the ranking of 2% of the best
ous aspects of digital user behavior (human and virtual influen- scientists in the world in both Marketing and Sport, Leisure &
cers, streamers, gamers, and consumers) on online gaming and Tourism by Stanford University, together with the publishing
social media platforms. Bernadett has further expertise in a range house Elsevier and SciTech Strategies. Her research interests
of consumer behavioral topics (e.g., compensatory consumption, include relationship marketing, tourism marketing issues and the
consumer compromise, brand love) which she applies to under- implications with VR, AR, and AI. Her papers have been published
stand human actions in digital and offline settings. Prior to joining in a variety of peer reviewed journals that include Journal of

IESEG, she held professorial positions in the United States, Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Tourism Management, Journal of
Portugal, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and France. Bernadett Travel Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management,
serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Con- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,
sumer Studies as an Associate Editor and has published widely in Journal of Business Research, the Service Industries Journal, or
international peer reviewed journals. She also has experience International Journal of Consumer Studies. He is the editorial
managing Special Issues at different high-quality outlets, including board of several journals in marketing and tourism context. She
Journal of Business Research and International Journal of recently won several awards, such as: the 2012 Best Paper
Consumer Studies. Premier Award presented by the Global Marketing Conference
(comprised of EMAC, ANZMAC, KSMS, and the Japanese
Justin Paul, is the Chief Editor of International Journal of
Association of Marketing), Highly Commended paper Award
Consumer studies, an A grade journal with an Impact Factor 7.1.
Among the world's top 0.1% highly cited researchers, his citations 2014—7th EuroMed Conference and EuroMed Research Business

are increasing at 500 per month with an H Index 52. A former Institute (EMRBI), Highly Commended paper Award 2016—9th
EuroMed Conference and EuroMed Research Business Institute
faculty member with the University of Washington, he serves as
Professor of MBA and Research Chair of PhD programs, (EMRBI), Best Paper Award 2016—ICCMI 2016. In 2017 and
14706431, 2022, 5, Downloaded from by Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Wiley Online Library on [17/10/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

2018 she also won high commended papers award from editor
How to cite this article: Tsiotsou, R. H., Koles, B., Paul, J., &
Emerald. Best paper award at the Fashion Management
Loureiro, S. M. C. (2022). Theory generation from literature
Conference-GAMMA 2019. Excellent Service Award 2021
reviews: A methodological guidance. International Journal of
Global Fashion Management Conference at Seoul-2021 KSMS
Consumer Studies, 46(5), 1505–1516.
International Conference for the Uncompromising Service as a
Conference Co-Chair.

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