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Ardinata Wahyu Ismail

What is
Arduino ?
Arduino is an open-source single-board micro
controller, designed to facilitate the use of
electronics in various fields. The Arduino
Board is capable of reading input in the form
of sensors, buttons and processing it into
output such as activating motors, turning on
LEDs and so on.
Type's of
Arduino Mega

Arduino Due
Arduino Uno

Arduino Nano

Arduino Micro
Function Of
Arduino can be used to process data from sensors
which is then forwarded to the output device.
Arduino has a relatively small size so it can be
applied to electronic devices that match the
program created.

Arduino can be applied to devices such as:

• LED circuit
• Home alarm
• Temperature control device
Way of work
Arduino can run programs by channeling input
signals to output devices. Input pins can be light
sensors, buttons. And the output pin can be an
LED, buzzer, etc.

Arduino can be programmed using the Arduino

IDE software.
Arduino is programmed using Arduino IDE
software, which can then be further developed.

Arduino programming files are called sketches,

each sketch begins with void. Void has 2 parts:
void setup is used to read commands once, and
void loop is used to read once

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