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School Interview Preparation

Free Time Activities

What is your favourite thing to do during your free time?

Can you name three activities you enjoy doing outside?

What is your favourite game to play with friends?

Can you name three activities you enjoy doing indoors?

What is your favourite hobby or craft?

Can you name three sports or physical activities you like to participate in?

What is your favourite thing to do when you have some quiet time?

Can you name three books you enjoy reading during your free time?

What is your favourite thing to do when you're feeling creative?

Can you name three activities that make you feel happy and relaxed?

Can you name a favourite outdoor activity you enjoy during the summer?

What is your favourite thing to do with your family during your free time?

Can you name three board games you enjoy playing?

What is your favourite thing to do when you're feeling adventurous?

Can you name a favourite activity that makes you laugh?

What is your favourite thing to do when it's raining outside?

Can you name a favourite activity that helps you relax and unwind?

What is your favourite thing to do when you're feeling creative?

Can you name a favourite activity that involves music or dancing?

What is your favourite thing to do when you want to learn something new?

Who is your best friend?

What is your favourite thing to do with your friend?

Can you describe your friend using three words?

What is something special about your friend that makes them unique?

Can you name three things you and your friend have in common?

What is your favourite memory with your friend?

Can you describe a time when your friend helped you or made you feel better?

What is your favourite thing about being friends with your friend?

Can you name something you have learned from your friend?

What is something you appreciate about your friend?

What is your friend's favourite hobby or activity?

Can you name a time when your friend made you laugh?

What is your friend's favourite food or snack?

Can you describe a time when you and your friend worked together on a project or activity?

What is something your friend is good at?

Can you name a time when your friend showed kindness or helped someone else?

What is your friend's favourite colour?

Can you describe a time when you and your friend went on an adventure or explored something new

What is something you admire or look up to in your friend?

Can you name a time when your friend encouraged or supported you?

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