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Please HIGHLIGHT all the examples of implicit language you can find in the following story.

Title: The Magical Journey of a Grade 9 English Class

Once upon a time, in Ho Chi Minh city, there was a Grade 9 class who embarked on a new adventure in
their English class. They were introduced to the fascinating world of IGCSE English, a subject that would
unlock their hidden talents. Little did they know this journey would lead them to discover their magical

As the students delved deeper into their studies, they found themselves engrossed in classic literature
and poetry. They analyzed the works of Shakespeare, deciphered the symbolism in Jane Austen's novels,
and debated the hidden meanings behind T.S. Eliot's poems. With each passing lesson, their
understanding of language and literature grew, and so did their untapped potential.

One fateful day, while discussing the power of words, the class noticed something extraordinary. As they
recited a poem aloud, the words began to come alive around them. The air shimmered with a mystical
energy, and objects in the classroom started floating in mid-air. Astonished, they realized that they had
awakened their magical abilities through the power of their words.

From that day forward, their English class became a sanctuary for exploring their newfound powers.
They practiced casting spells with carefully crafted sentences and used their magical abilities to bring
characters from books to life. The classroom transformed into a realm of imagination and wonder,
where they could rewrite the endings of stories and create new worlds through their writing.

Word of their extraordinary abilities spread throughout the school, and soon the entire Grade 9 class
embraced their magical journey. They formed a close-knit community, supporting and inspiring each
other to push the boundaries of their imagination. With each passing day, their understanding of
language and literature grew, and their magical powers became even stronger.

As the school year came to an end, the Grade 9 class looked back on their incredible journey with
gratitude. They had not only mastered the intricacies of IGCSE English but also discovered the
extraordinary power of words and their own untapped potential. Their magical journey had transformed
them into confident and creative individuals, ready to conquer any challenge that lay ahead.

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