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Committee: UNCOPUOS

Country: United Kingdom

Topic: Colonization of trans-Neptunian objects
Delegate: Jorge Ernesto Manrique Núñez

Customs unit in every single launch that is made to space

Set of lineaments that define what could and should be launched to space
Outer Space Treaty shall be modified
A UN organization that raises funds and chooses to donate or use these resources
on specific organizations or projects. Benefitting purposes shall be subsidized, and
go through the customs units mentioned before.
If there is more technology missing, than intention from every country to achieve
the creation of a colony in outer space, then institutions that educate about the
subjects that this demands shall be subsidized.
Environmental lineaments shall be defined and accomplished by a regularization
unit that should establish the maximum set of trash that could be thrown out to
Creation of an international budget where a political union shall be made to
achieve common labor transfers in between countries.
Whatever falls from space, belongs to the country where it landed in terms of
monetary value, but remains a human, frontier-less belonging to everybody.
Transparent investigations to inhibit the amount of conspirational speculations that
withdraw time from people.
Any type of technology funded by the UN shall be of total international

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