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Test 5

A variety of people think that the results of an exam reflect the student’s ability,
while others do not think this approach is always correct.
Firstly, good marks are taken by diligent students due to the effort they had
put in that class and the hours they had studied at home, choosing to work and
not to waste time. Furthermore, this approach leads to an advantageous result
which shows their ability that helps them to have a brighten future.
Secondly, a student can have less interest in one subject rather than other
and learn just a few lessons, not paying so much attention to studying for
exams. However, the luck they can have to receive a relevant topic they had
been learning, will affect their examination result, and this is not fair.
I am inclined to believe that a result of an exam will never be indicative of
the student’s ability since there are multiple cases that can disturb anyone, thus
becoming insecure even if they had studied a lot before. More about this, not
everyone cares about a student’s performance, making the marks be

Dear Anna,

I am very excited to see news from you! Sorry I haven’t replied before but I
was busy with all my exams. Guess what? I am pleasantly surprised that I can
help you out with your choice!
I think that going with Kaylie will suit better on you since I remember you
had written me before about the many times you had been skiing. Going with
someone will be so much funnier and I’m sure you will have many great
memories after, especially when you’re doing your favorite activity with your
best friend. However, don’t forget to be very careful and stay always together
because no one knows if anything bad will happen.
I am sure that you will take the best decision for you and live your life the
best way you can! I hope you will have a memorable vacation So, please send
me tons of pictures!
Take care,

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