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1.Many people choose to live in their comfort zone, why?

- Firstly you need to aware that comfort zone is your daily activity. Its continue day by day in your life
and give you comfortable and familiar feeling. The later you live in it the faster you become shy and
scare of the outside world.

-For example some people just live and work in their city. If they go out they will feel worry and strange.
In this case the city is the comfort zone.

2.How to come out of comfort zone or take risk in your life?

-This is somethings you can do to escape form comfort zone :

.You need to make a long-term plan and make sure stick to your plan

.Changes form small things like a new street to school, try new food or set up your work space. These
small habit will make you feel interest to try new things

.Taking care for your look is also an important thing. It shows your care about your -self and respect the

. Finally you have to face with your fear then find what you really like and push your-self to do your best

3. -(Main idea) Now aday more and more pp like to take risk in their life because: ( help improve your
self, learn new things....):

Nelson Mandela said: “There no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that’s less than
the one you’re capable of living”. Instead of being safely buried alive why don’t we choose to take risk?
Nowaday more and more people choose to take risk in their life. So why we have to take risk? I will
show how important it is. When you take risk you will have more chance to learn new things. It help you
realize your weekness and promote you to develop your self better and better every day. Moreover it
build for you a strong mind, improve your confidence and your knowledge. All of that benefit will leed
you to your success and your dreams.

4.Negative and ending:

Some people are not yet ready to leave their comfort zones
Apart from the many advantages of leaving your comfort zone, there are still some issues with
this concept.

For instance, one problem of leaving comfort zones is that many people are just not ready for it

In fact, leaving our comfort zones can be quite scary and some people need to prepare for that
for quite a long time.
Leaving your comfort zone is a mental challenge
Whether you will be able to get out of your comfort zone or not will be determined in your

In fact, getting out of your comfort zone is a mental challenge and if you mind will be ready for
it, your body will most often be ready for it as well.

Can be overwhelming at the beginning

Many people also feel quite overwhelmed when they get out of their comfort zones.

In fact, especially at the beginning, leaving our comfort zones can be quite scary and may even
lead to temporary mental issues.

Getting out of your comfort zone can be exhausting

Another disadvantage of getting out of your comfort zone is that it can simply be quite

Quite often, people work in demanding jobs for long hours every day and are just tired when
they finally leave the office and come home.

Thus, many people will simply not have the power to get out of their comfort zone since their
daily life is already exhausting enough.

You may have to deal with disappointment

When you get out of your comfort zone, you will also have to deal with disappointment from
time to time.

While you will make many good experiences, you may also experience bad things.
However, don’t let bad experiences discourage you. After all, we often learn from so-called
“bad” experiences more than from good ones.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be time-consuming

Stepping out of your comfort zone can also be rather time-consuming.

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