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Finally, Achieve the Success You Know

You Deserve

Hi, I'm Kam Knight,

I’m a coach, writer, and author of a dozen books - some

international best sellers - in the area of human
performance. I've dedicated the last 15 years to
understanding the human mind and how to optimize it's

This journey has given me deep insights into why we do

what we do, and more importantly, why we CAN'T get
ourselves to do what it is we want most in life, which
you’ll learn in this guide.

Have you ever wanted to do something, but

Have you ever set a goal, but didn't achieve it, let alone start? Of course you have...
We all have!

We all have a desire to do something more or different, like start a business, write a
book, travel the world, or be a better mom or dad, but never actually get around to
doing them.

As each year passes, new boxes are added to the list, but none are crossed off. Each
time a box is added, we are absolutely certain that it’s going to be checked off, but it
rarely is, if ever.

People confuse wanting with achieving.

We assume that wanting something bad enough is 'enough' to take action. As you
have experienced plenty of times, that is not the case.

As soon as a want arises, so does "internal resistance." If the resistance is greater

than your want, you can't take action!

In this guide, you'll learn what internal resistance is, why it shows up, and how
move past it.
Step 1

Understand the mind is built to keep you

from moving forward.
That's right!

There is a part of your mind that is designed to keep you from growing and making

You see, anytime a decision or course of action stands before you, that decision is
analyzed by the mind using a whole host of criteria. If the decision is not in line with
the criteria, your mind will prevent action.

It doesn’t matter how much motivation you have, how easy the solution is to apply,
or even how much benefit you will derive.

If the mind doesn’t approve the decision, you can’t act - period!

Think about standing before a panel of judges or board of directors

Every decision that comes up, must go through them. If even one of the members is
against the idea, it won’t pass.

There is no way around it!

I can pump you with all the motivation and solutions in the world, but none of that

This is the first step to conquering resistance

Realize, a part of your mind is actively working to hold you back.

So, what are the reasons the mind holds you back?

Well, that's step 2, which I discuss next…

Step 2

Learn Why the Mind Holds You Back

There are many reasons why your own mind will prevent progress.

1. Habit

The most common reason is habit. Habits are designed to keep you in a routine or
pattern of behavior. In their efforts, habits will do everything they can to ensure you
stick to that routine or behavior. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be very good at what
they did, now would they?

Even if a behavior is painful and downright harmful to your health, habits will work
to keep you in it. That means, if you try to do something that goes against habits,
your mind will stop you.

2. Identity

Identity are characteristics that define you. It usually starts with the words I am...

· I am studious

· I am generous

· I am a fighter

· I am stylish

· I am cool

· I am independent

We humans are designed to operate within the confines of the identity we have
formed or accepted. That means the mind will make it easier to do something if it is
in line with your identity, and more difficult, if it goes against that identity.

If you see yourself as studious, doing homework will come naturally. If, on the other
hand, you identify as being "cool," and in your mind, that goes against studying,
you'll have difficulty studying no matter how hard you try.
Are you a Mac or PC?

If you identify as a Mac, you couldn’t buy a PC even if you tried. If you’re a PC, Mac
people likely annoy you to the point you would never touch a Mac - just to not be
associated with that identity.

3. Authority Issues

Another criteria involves authority issues, which relate to our unconscious attitudes
towards authority figures such as parents, teachers, principals, bosses, priests, and
even personal development coaches like myself. Growing up, many of us developed
issues to authorities, and in one way or another, are resisting advice they gave or
told us.

Were parents on your case about cleaning? Were teachers always harping about
studying? Now, as an adult, you live a messy life or refuse to consider school. The
resistance is unconscious, you don’t know why you can’t stay clean, organized, or
study no matter how hard you try. This is playing out in all sorts of ways in all other
areas of your life!

This is step 2, understanding the reasons the mind holds you back

The mind goes through all of this with something as simple as moving your arm.

This may shed light on why even the simplest act like opening you mouth in a
meeting, turning off the television, or resisting chocolate can be so difficult. Or why
there is so much resistance to doing homework, exercise, and practice.

It’s not because you lack motivation or the right tools, it's because your mind and
inner mechanisms - for one reason or another - are stopping you.

--> These are just a few of the reasons your mind holds you back. Dozens more exist,
but this should give you an idea of why the mind stops you. <--
Step 3

Be aware of the Tricks Your Mind Uses to

Sabotage Your Success
If the mind is going to hold you back, it’s not going to tell you it is!

It’s not going to say "hey look, this thing you're trying to do, well, it goes against our
identity" or "we’re resisting this task because we’re mad at mom from 15 years ago."

Nope, inaction manifests other ways.

It is important to understand the manipulative tricks your mind uses to take you
out of action and sabotage your success.

1. Busy

One of the more commonly known tricks is that you will get busy. Your schedule will
fill up with so many other priorities, you will not have time for the goal. The
busyness won’t be random. It will be deliberate.

It will seem like you naturally have a lot on your plate, but the reality is, the mind is
finding ways to keep you preoccupied. You'll have an insatiable urge to clean the car,
organize the closet, or build a new the middle of winter. I'm sure you can
relate...when you know you have something to do, but you can’t pull yourself away
from something far less important

2. Forget

Another trick is that the mind will make you forget. We humans are made up of a
complex set of mechanisms, and for some of these mechanisms to do what they are
designed to do, they will make us forget.

I talked earlier about how habits are designed to keep us in a routine or pattern of
behavior. Well, habits have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves to keep us in the
routine or pattern. One of those tricks involves making us forget anything that goes
against what we have been habitually in grained to do. Not only will you forget what
to do, but you'll forget you forgot!
3. Prepare

One more trick is that you will fall into a heightened sense of preparation. That is,
instead of spending your time to take action, you are spending time preparing to
taking action. You'll go into painstaking detail researching what to do, how to do it,
the best way to do it, and in the best moment.

You’ll read loads of books, watch tons of videos, sign up for various courses, and talk
to all sorts of people. You may even take diligent notes, re-write those notes, and
arrange and rearrange them over and over. When it's time to act, you won't feel
ready, and guess what you will do - prepare more!

So that’s step 3, being aware of the tricks your mind uses to prevent progress

On the surface, you wouldn’t think of them as tricks, which is why they work so well
and why you so easily fall for them!

If you find yourself busy, forgetting, or putting more time in preparing than actual
action, these are unmistakable signs you are in resistance!

When you are aware of the tricks, you are not so easily manipulated by them.
So that’s internal resistance!

Remember, there is more to action than merely wanting to act or knowing how to

Step 1 - realize everything you do, every decision you make, and every action you
take is filtered by your mind using a whole host of criteria. If the decision or action is
not in line with the criteria, your mind will prevent action.

Step 2 - understand the reasons, some of which include "identity" and "authority
issues." There are more, though, too many to discuss here.

Step 3 – beware of the tricks. When your mind holds you back, it uses all sorts of
manipulative tricks to do so.

Whenever you have an urge or sensation to do something ask yourself:

What is the far more important thing I should be doing now?

That's because that urge or sensation is likely a manipulative trick trying to make
you avoid something more important.
Live the Life You
Don't let your discovery of internal resistance end here. There are
more reasons your mind holds you back and even more tricks it

My course - Conquer Internal Resistance - will give you insights into

these reasons and tricks, as well as every tool you need to eliminate
resistance to make more money, have meaningful relationships,
and achieve all your goal to live a fulfilling life.

It’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard or come across. I guarantee it

will blow your mind – Check it out by clicking here

Kam Knight

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