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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Sekretariat : Jalan Kamboja No.11A Denpasar 80223
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Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Term : UTS
Day.Date : Saturday, 3 Novenber 2023
Time : 90 minutes
Class : F (Akuntansi ) semester 1
Lexturer : Dr. I Ketut Wardana, S.Pd, M.Hum

1. Complete your identity on the provided space
2. Read the instruction for test items intensively
3. Submit your answer sheet to
Name : Komang Ayu Desy Handayani Apsari
NPM : 2302622010317
Class : Akuntansi E Malam
Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

I. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences with the following words
My name is Komang Ayu Desy Handayani Apsari and I come from Indonesia.
I proudly represent my Indonesian nationality.
I work as a private teacher and my job involves tutoring kids.
In my free time, I enjoy watching movies and exploring my hobby.
One interesting fact about me is I’m a person who gets shaky easily.

II. Read the conversation

Manager: (Knocks on the door) May I come in?

Secretary: Of course, please come in.
Manager: Good morning, I need to discuss the board meeting. Do you have a moment?
Secretary: Certainly, how can I assist?
Manager: Could you confirm the meeting date and time?
Secretary: It's next Monday at 10 AM.
Manager: Great. Prepare the attendee list and ensure documents are ready.
Secretary: I'll handle that.
Manager: Also, reserve a conference room, please.
Secretary: I'll book a suitable room.
Manager: Lastly, send a meeting reminder a day before.
Secretary: Sure, I'll email the reminders on Sunday.
Manager: That's all for now. Thank you, and keep me updated if there are any issues.
Secretary: You're welcome, and I'll let you know about any concerns.

Short Answer Questions:

Certainly, here are five fill-in-the-blank questions based on the conversation:

1. The manager knocks on the secretary's door to start the conversation.

2. The secretary confirms that the board meeting is scheduled for next Monday at 10 AM.
3. The manager asks the secretary to prepare a list of attendee and ensure all documents are
ready for distribution.
4. The secretary agrees to reserve a suitable conference room for the meeting.
5. The manager requests the secretary to send out a meeting reminder to all participants on
6. Who initiates the conversation, the manager or the secretary?
The manager is the one who initiates the conversation.

7. What is the date and time of the upcoming board meeting?

The upcoming board meeting will be on Monday at 10 AM.

8. What task is the manager requesting regarding the meeting attendees and documents?
The manager requesting the secretary to prepare a list of attendee and ensure all
documents are ready.

9. What additional responsibility does the manager assign to the secretary regarding the
meeting location?
The manager asks the secretary to book the conference room.

10. When will the meeting reminder be sent to the participants?

The meeting reminder will be sent to the participants on Sunday.

III Write a letter to Manajer of Lotus Restaurant seeking a solution to the problem of delayed
payment for invoice. You are Devi / The manajer of Kemu Mai Tour and Travel

14 / 8, Kemu Mai Tour and Travel

Date: 19 May 2020
The Manager of Lotus Restaurant
Subject: Complaint regarding the delayed payment
Sir / Madam
Hello Sir/ Madam,
We refer to our letter to you on May 15st 2020 regarding the outstanding payment. It concerns
the invoice no 444XZ19SD, for the amount of $1000 as the payment for a box of detective

We would like to inform you that the amount of your outstanding has now increased as you
have failed to clear the payment within 10 days of invoice. We attach the copy of invoice and
the details of the payment that you must settle immediately.

Please consider the issue as serious and find a solution at the earliest.
Yours Sincerely

IV. Make a short conversation of making and answering business phone call
Mrs. Desy (sales representative Xingpy): ring ring...ring ring...ring ring...

Mrs. Amuora (Secretary): Hello, Xingpy, this is Amuora speaking. How may I help

Mrs. Desy : Yes, this is Mrs. Desy calling. Could I speak to Mrs. Agrilya please?

Mrs. Amuora: I'm afraid Mrs. Agrilya is out of the office at the moment. Would you
like me to take a message?

Mrs. Desy: Uhm...actually, this call is rather urgent. We spoke yesterday about a
delivery problem that Mr. Agrilya mentioned. Did he leave any information with you?

Mrs. Amuora: As a matter of fact, he did. He said that a representative from your
company might be calling. He also asked me to ask you a few questions...

Mrs. Desy: Great, I'd love to see this problem resolved as quickly as possible.

Mr. Amuora: Well, we still haven't received the shipment of chocolates that was
supposed to arrive last Monday.

Mrs. Desy: Ah, yes, I'm so sorry about that. In the meantime, I've spoken with our
delivery department and they assured me that the chocolates will be delivered by
tomorrow afternoon.

Mr. Amuora: Excellent, I'm sure Mrs. Agrilya will be pleased to hear that.

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