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Crimea and the key to the cause of the war between Ukraine and


On February 2022, the Russian military powers invaded Ukraine and caused a
devastating number of deaths on both sides. Everyone in the world was shocked to see
the beautiful cities of Ukraine fall in the hands of unmerciful political savageness
without understanding clearly why this was happening. Before the recent Russian
invasion in 2022, Russia invaded Crimea that was previously a Ukrainian city and it
explained the annexing action by saying that Crimea people vote for Russia and it is
the Russian responsibility to stop any Nazi's aggression towards the civilians in
Crimea [ CNBC 2022]. Today, we look at Crimea as the main key factor that dragged
Ukraine in an unreasonable war for the protection of the Ukrainian dignity.

History and geography played a major role in involving Crimea as a cause of War in
Ukraine. Crimea was a vital city under the control of Russian Empire since 1783, after
the fall of the Ottomans Empire. Sevastopol in Crimea is the only deep-water port on
Russia’s Black Sea littoral [ Peter Rutland 2022]. Peter Rutland further explains the
importance of Sevastopol by saying Without Sevastopol, Russia would not have a home
for its Black Sea fleet and it will lose the power to control its foreign powers in the world
such as in Syria. Also, the Russian wants the Ukrainian cooperation to supply water to
Crimea because the 70-mile-long North Crimea Canal brings water south from Nova
Kakhovka on the Dnipr river [ Rutland 2022]. However, this was not achieved due to the
disagreements with Ukrainian government that Crimea should return to its sovereignty and it
Dammed the Canal.

The fight between different World powers in Crimea is another reason why we are facing a war in
Ukraine. For example, the new president elected in Ukraine didn’t agree with Putin that Ukraine
must not join the European Union and refused the bundle of money he offered. Also, the strange
friendship that had developed recently between Putin and Erdogan, explains the settled
cooperation of interests between Russia and Turkey in Crimea as most historical lands in Crimea
that were occupied by the Ottoman empire are not claimed by the Turkish government [D. S.
Ryabushkin 2022]. The US is also another important player that refused the German and Russian
cooperation for the direct supply of gas, claiming that it passes over Ukrainian lands and it also have
the right protect the right of the Ukrainian civilian.

In Conclusion, I find myself blaming the natural geography, historical events and the fight of
world powers that played an important role in making the city of Crimea a cause of fire between
closely related neighbors; the Russian and Ukrainian. Both nations had shared interest in each
other especially in education, culture, social positions, political cooperation. However, such fight
was due to the difference in some aspects in both governments such as corruption that was favored
from the Russian side and in particular the Russian president -Putin.

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