Capstone 4321

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What I learned from MIR916

research project

by Manal Al Farsi
?Research Question

Why child development in modern society should adopt aspects from Jewish
culture for child care? Children development in international law and global
health institutions ( GHIs) is better adopted from Jewish insights on human
development to decrease child mortality and morbidity in the international
.community. Example of GHI is WHO and Unicef. A study paper from Dubai -UAE
Importance of child development in the international
.Jewish laws and traditions [ culture and religion]
Relations between Jewish traditions and international
notes from .children rights
research :What can be done from United Arab Emirates side, such as
:projects Understanding and respecting different culture [ Jewish/-1
.Israeli culture]
Diplomatic cooperation to enhance the traditional-2
.benefits in Emirates and the world
In general, I learned how to perform an observational study
.supported by thesis
I was assured the the Israeli health culture is
extremely valuable to the world in the matter of
no discrimination[ everyone have the right to
.survive] and provision of good health to everyone

What I Different cultures are interesting to learn from and

they can benefit our societies through guiding us in
?learned .many forms

Children and mother are very important in Jewish

tradition and they were able to survive rare
.genetic diseases using genetic therapeutic science
Thank you…
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