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Name : Firdayana

Nim : A1M219037

Introduction to Research

Identify characteristics of qualitative research!

Qualitative research method is a way that emphasizes more on aspects of in-depth understanding
of a problem. Qualitative research is research research that is descriptive in nature and tends to
use analysis and emphasizes process and meaning. The purpose of this methodology is a deeper
understanding of a problem being studied. And the data collected is more words or pictures than

1. Using the natural environment as a data source. The source of data used in qualitative
research is the natural environment. The main study in qualitative research is events that
occur in social conditions and situations. The research was conducted when interacting
directly at the scene. Researchers observe, record, find out, explore sources related to
events that occurred at that time.
2. Has analytical descriptive nature. The data obtained from observations, interviews,
documentation, analysis, field notes, were compiled by researchers at the research site,
not in the form of numbers. Researchers perform data analysis by multiplying
information, looking for relationships, comparing, and finding results based on actual
data (not in the form of numbers).
3. Stress on process not results. The data and information needed in qualitative research
relate to questions to reveal the process and not the result of an activity. Questions
demand a description of the actual situation about the activities, stages, procedures,
reasons and interactions that occur where and when the process takes place.

4. Inductive. Qualitative research begins from the field, namely empirical facts.
Researchers go directly to the field, study a discovery process that occurs naturally by
recording, analyzing and reporting as well as drawing conclusions from the ongoing
process of the research. The results of research findings from the field in the form of
concepts, principles, theories are developed not from existing theories. Qualitative
research uses an inductive process, meaning from separate but closely related data.
5. Prioritize meaning. The meaning expressed revolves around people's perceptions of an
event to be studied.

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