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The influence of teacher teaching techniques for learning interest in

students at SMPN 25 Konsel

by :

Firdayana (A1M219037)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Haluoleo University




Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude the author prays for the presence of
Allah SWT because of the abundance of His grace and gifts so that the author
can complete this research proposal entitled "The influence of teacher
teaching techniques for learning interest in students at SMPN 25
Konsel" to fulfill one of the tasks has been given. Shalawat and greetings do
not forget to also be sent to the Prophet SAW who brought the message of
enlightenment and knowledge to humans.

The author also does not forget to express his gratitude to his parents
who always give, enthusiasm, attention, affection and sincere prayers without
any strings attached. And the whole big family for all the sacrifices, support
and prayers that have been given for the success of the author in studying.

Likewise, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the students of

SMPN 25 Konsel who have taken the time to assist the author in conducting
this research. The author also expresses his gratitude to friends who have
helped me in compiling this research. The author realizes that in this
research, there are still many misunderstandings and mistakes. Therefore,
the author apologizes if this research has many errors.

Finally, the writer hopes that this research proposal will be useful for
readers and other interested parties.



Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................6
A. Background.......................................................................................................................6
B. Problem Formulation........................................................................................................8
C. Research purposes............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................10
A. Theoretical Description.................................................................................................10
B. Relevant Research..........................................................................................................19
C. Framework......................................................................................................................20
D. Hypothesis......................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................22
A. Subject Selection...........................................................................................................22
B. Research Design and Approach......................................................................................22
C. Collection of observation................................................................................................23
D. Data Analysis..................................................................................................................23

Table of Contents

1.1. Analysis Table……………………………………………..2


A. Background

According to Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education

system, educators are qualified education personnel as teachers, lecturers,
counselors, tutors, widyaiswara, tutors, instructors, facilitators, and other
designations according to their specificity, and participate in providing
education. Education in schools is education that is carried out systematically,
regularly and has planning and has education levels ranging from
kindergarten to college. There are several factors that influence student
learning outcomes in the teaching and learning process, one of which is the
teacher factor. The teacher is an important component in the teaching and
learning process that has great potential in determining student success in the
teaching and learning process. According to Slameto (2003:98). The
success of an educational goal depends on how the teaching and learning
process is experienced by students. A teacher is required to be careful in
choosing and applying teaching methods that are in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved. Creating teaching and learning activities that are
able to create effective learning outcomes is the task and obligation of the

In the teaching and learning process, the teacher has a very important
role, namely, as a motivator, mentor, and provider of learning facilities for
students so that they can achieve their goals. The teacher has the
responsibility to control everything that happens in the classroom to help the
development process of students. Through their role as teachers, teachers
are expected to be able to encourage students to always learn in various
opportunities through various sources and media. This means that teachers
should be able to develop the best ways and learning habits.

In addition to teachers, students' interest in learning also has a very
important role in the teaching and learning process. For students, interest in
learning can foster enthusiasm for learning so that studentsstudents are
motivated to carry out the teaching and learning process. By having an
interest in learning, students will be encouraged to continue to learn and
follow the teaching and learning process at school. High interest in learning
and interest in learning in accordance with the frequency can improve student
achievement. If the learning materials and learning atmosphere are not in
accordance with the students' interests, the students' learning opportunities
will not be maximized. Therefore, fostering student interest in learning can
encourage the achievement of their learning achievement optimally. Even
though students have high talent, if they are not accompanied by interest in
learning, learning outcomes will not be optimal and vice versa. If students'
interest in learning can be aroused, and the class situation can be calm, and
the focus and attention of students is on the lessons given, then learning will
take place smoothly and the possibility of students succeeding in the learning
is also greater.

Based on my observations while studying at school, there are some

teachers who teach only paying attention to one or a few students and the
teacher's teaching attitude is not good in front of other students. for teachers.
If the teacher's attention and teaching attitude is good, the student's interest in
learning is good, and vice versa if the teacher's attitude and teaching is not
good, the student's interest in learning is not good. Therefore, based on the
explanation above, I am interested in researching "INFLUENCE OF
INTEREST" Especially in students of SMPN 25 KONSEL.

B. Problem Formulation

1. Problem Identification
a. Study Area
The area that I use in this research is the influence of the teacher's
teaching style at SMPN 25 KONSEL.
b. Research Approach
The approach that the author uses in this research is to use a
quantitative approach.
c. Problem Type
The types of problems that occur in this study are: Does the
teaching technique given by the teacher affect the interest and
motivation of students, especially in students of SMPN 25 Konsel.
2. Restricting the problemIn order to avoid misunderstandings regarding
this research, the authors limit the problems in this study:
a. The teaching technique referred to here is the way a teacher
conveys and transfers knowledge about the subjects given by
explaining the material and giving explanations to students, whether
they are included in the serious category or just teaching.
b. Attention teachers, if learning is taking place a teacher should pay
attention to all students, not only focused on one or several
students because this will trigger jealousy in other students. This is
done by focusing the views fairly, and acting and interacting with all
students in the classroom.
c. Interest in learning, each student has a different interest in learning.
Interest in learning is very important for students because this can
encourage students to continue to follow learning.

3. Research question
a. How is the teacher's attention and attitude in teaching at SMPN 25

b. How big is the influence of techniques and ways of teaching
teachers on students' learning motivation at SMPN 25 Konsel?
c. How is the student's interest in learning at SMPN 25 Konsel?

C. Research purposes

1. Explain the influence of teaching teachers to student learning interest.

2. Describe the effect of student learning interest in learning objectives.
3. Proving that teaching techniques and teacher's attention affect the
motivation of student learning.



A. Theoretical Description

1. Students' Learning Interest

a. Understanding interest in learning

Susanto (2013, p. 58) argues, "Interest is an impulse in a person or a

factor that creates interest or attention effectively which causes the choice of

an object or activity that is profitable, enjoyable and will bring satisfaction in
the long run". While Slameto (2015, page. 180) in his book mentions the
notion of interest in learning is, "one of the forms of activity of a person who
encourages a series of mental and physical activities to obtain a change in
behavior as a result of individual experiences in interactions in their
environment which involve cognitive , affective and psychomotor”. Then
Hansen (in Susanto, 2013, p.57) also argues and states that, "student
learning interest is closely related to personality, motivation, self-expression
and concept or identification, heredity factors and external or environmental

Based on the understanding of the experts above, it can be concluded

that interest in learning is an impulse that comes from within everyone without
any element of coercion that is carried out because of an interest or feeling of
pleasure in something they want to do. This interest and feeling of pleasure
should be aroused by educators so that students are encouraged to continue
learning and focus when the teacher explains the learning material.

Interest in learning has a very big influence on the learning process for
students, if the learning materials and learning techniques carried out by the
teacher are not in accordance with the learning interests of students, then
students will not study seriously because they will feel bored and do not feel
attracted to them. the lesson.

b. Kinds and characteristics of interest in learning

Rosyidah in Susanto (2013, page 60) argues that the interest that arises in
a person in principle can be divided into two, namely:

1. Interests from the protection arise with themselves from each

individual, this is usually influenced by heredity or natural talent.
2. Interest because of the influence from individuals arise along with the
process of developing the individuals in question. This interest is

greatly influenced by the environment, the encouragement of parents
and customs or customs.

In every learning interest in student learning must also be considered by

the teacher. Therefore, the teacher must try to arouse students' interest in
learning so that the teaching and learning process carried out can be more
effective and students can achieve a goal as a result of learning. Most
teaching and learning processes and student learning outcomes are
determined by the role and teacher competence. Teachers who have
competencies will be more able to create an effective learning environment
and will be better able to manage its class so that student learning outcomes
are at the optimal level.

There are seven characteristics of interest, each of which in this case is

not distinguished between spontaneous and pole interim characteristics
(Hurlock, Elizabeth 1978: 115). These features are as follows:

 Growing interest in conjunction with physical and mental

developments. MIANT in all fields changes during physical and mental
changes, such as changes in interest in relation to age change.
 Interest depends on learning activities. Learning readiness is one of the
causes of the increase in someone's interest.
 Interest depends on learning opportunities. Learning opportunities are
a very valuable factor, because not everyone can enjoy it.
 The development of interest may be limited. This limitation may be due
to physical conditions that are not possible.
 Interest is influenced by culture. Culture is very influential, because if
the culture has begun to fade may also be interested in the
 Emotional weight interest. Interest is related to feelings, it means if an
object is lived as something very valuable, the feeling of pleasure will
arise which can eventually be in demand.
 Egisentric weighted interest, meaning that if someone is happy with
something, the desire will arise to have it.

The characteristics of interest are also supported by Slameto in Suryono
and Haryanto (2015, page 177), stating that the characteristics of students
who are interested in learning are as follows:

 Having a fixed tendency to pay attention and remember that

continuously studied.
 There is a sense of likeness and happy at what is in demand
 Obtain a pride and satisfaction of something in demand
 Like something that is in demand from others
 Managed through participation in activities and activities.
c. Formation of Interest Interest

Basically interest has an influence and function in meeting the need that
causes the greater a person's desire to these needs, then the interests of the
interests have to get these needs. In this case, Slameto Dalam (Susanto,
Ahmad 2013: 63) stated that the intensity of the needs carried out by
individuals would significantly influence the magnitude of the individual
interests concerned. As for Sukartini Dalam (Susanto, Ahmad 2013: 63) The
development of interest depends on the occasion of the learning person. In
other words, that the development of interest is very dependent on the
environment and adults who are closely associated with them, so that it will
directly affect the psychological maturity. Psychologically, according to
Munandar Dalam (Susanto, Ahmad 2013: 64) The phase of the development
of interest takes place multilevel and follows the pattern of individual
development itself. In addition, individual maturity also affects the
development of interest, because it is psychologically and physically mature,
then the interest will also get stronger and focused on certain objects.

Likewise with the interest of learning the higher the desire of students to
find out a lesson, the greater interest in learning. This is because they feel
they continue to learn they will understand the material easily. Slameto (2015,
p. 180) said that some indicators of learning interest are: Feelings of pleasure,
interest, acceptance, and student involvement. So from the opinion related to
the indicator of the interest, in this study the author uses a reference for
learning interest, namely:
1. Feelings of pleasure. If a student is happy with certain subjects, then
the student will always take the lesson with no effective. For example,
when the history of students' learning will be passionate about following
without feeling bored.
2. Student involvement. Students' interest in a matter, causes them to be
involved in the learning. For example, during mathematics learning,
students will actively ask and answer questions from the teacher.
3. Student attention. If students like a matter, they will pay attention to
everything involving the material. Both the teacher's explanation, and
on the material in the book.
4. Interest in subject matter. When students take part in the teaching and
learning process, they will be interested if the material taught has a
pleasant impression for them.

d. Factors that affect interest in learning

In general, the factors that influence students' interest in learning consists of

many kinds. However, this factor can be classified into 2 groups, namely:

 Internal factors internal factors are factors that come from within the
individual themselves. This internal factor itself is divided into 3, namely
physical factors, psychological factors, and fatigue factors. Physical
factors associated with the health of students, health can also influence
student learning interest because the learning process of teaching
students will be affected if the health condition is disrupted, besides
that students will feel tired, not excited, so they are difficult to focus on
learning. Next is a psychological factor, this factor is related to
intelligence, attention, interest, talent, motives, and maturity. And the
last is a fatigue factor, this factor relates to boredom, this factor is also
very felt on the head with dizziness so as to concentrate, as if the brain
runs out of power to work.
 External factors of external factors are factors that come from the
environment, this factor is divided into 3, namely: family factors, school
factors, and community factors. Family factors relate to the way

parents educate children, home atmosphere, relationship between
family members, and family economic situation. Furthermore, the
school factor, this factor relates to the teaching method, the
relationship between teachers and students, relations between fellow
students, state of school, building conditions, school facilities,
classroom atmosphere, and school assignments. And the latter is
community factor, this factor is related to association.

2. Teacher teaching style

a. Definition of teaching

Teaching is an activity carried out by transferring knowledge, both known

and derived from certain sources, such as books and other teaching
materials. However, the word teaching has a fairly broad meaning, not just
transferring knowledge but can also be defined as a process of both the
process of delivering information to everything that is done to achieve learning
objectives. Bohar Suharto (1992:21) defines teaching as an activity of
organizing or managing (managing) the environment so as to create the best
possible atmosphere and connect it with students so that a pleasant learning
process occurs.

b. Definition of teaching style

Some opinions regarding the understanding of teaching styles:

1. According to Manen and Marzuki I quoted by Abdul Majid (2013, 273-

274) about teaching styles suggesting that the teaching style is the
preferred habit that is related to students both from behavior or how to
talk. The teaching style carried out by the teacher reflects how the
teacher teaches and the teaching style possessed is a teaching style in
his own view.
2. According to Abdulkadir Teaching Style is a way done by the teacher
when teaching in front of the class which includes the steps taken, as
well as attitudes and behavior, voice intonation during teaching.
3. Munif Chatib in Suparman (2010: 63) suggests that in the essence of
teaching style owned by the teacher is a transfer strategy for the
information provided to students. Furthermore, the teaching style can
also be interpreted as the teaching and teaching style process very
closely related to the learning style of students (Suparman, 2010: 63).

Based on the understanding of teaching styles according to researchers

are the ways used by each educator in teaching or conveying information to
students. In the teaching and learning process, each teacher has different
characteristics in conveying learning material. Abdul Majid (2013, 273-274)
grouped teaching forces into 4 types, namely:

a. Classic teaching style.

The classical teaching style is a teaching style where a teacher is more
active than students, thus inhibiting students' development in learning.
However, this learning style is not always wrong, because not all
students are active in the class so that the role of the teacher must be
active. With the following characteristics of Suhana's grandson (2014:
 The teaching process is the process of maintaining and delivering
good old values of the past generation to the next generation, as a
form of varied processes.
 Teaching material consists of a number of most actual and selected
information from the world that is most known by students.
 The process of suggesting the subject matter is not based on
children's interest, but in a certain order.
 The role of the teacher is very dominant in conveying lesson
materials and students accepting it.
 The teacher must be an expert in the subject he is holding.
 Passive teaching process because students are subjects given
lessons. breakfast.
b. Technology teaching style.

Teknologist teaching style is a teaching style where submerged subject
matter in the media. The technological teaching style conditioned
learning with the condition of students, giving stimulus to students to be
active in answering permissions and learning tailored to students'
interests so that they get a lot of benefits for him. Who has
characteristics (Suhana's grandson, 2014: 100):

 Learning material is tailored to the development of students.

 Learning material is related to the establishment of students'
vocational competencies.
 The use of multi media is an important aspect in the learning
process of students.
 Learning material is the most meaningful aspect for the lives of
 The teacher acts as a facilitator in the learning process of students.
c. Personalization teaching style.
Meeting for style Personalization is a teaching style where students are
more dominant than teachers. The implementation of personalized
teaching styles is adjusted to the interests, abilities, mentality and
student experience. With the following characteristics (Suhana's
grandson, 2014: 100):
 The learning process is carried out based on interest, experience,
and patterns of mental development of students.
 Learning is seen as a person who has the potential to be developed
and has the ability to adjust to the environment.

 The teacher acts as a professional person who controls expertise in

psychology and methodology.
d. Interactional teaching style. In this teaching style, the role of the
teacher is more active, the teacher prioritizes dialogue both in students
and between students and other students. So that between teachers
and students are both learning and nothing is considered the best or

worst. With the following characteristics (Suhana's grandchildren, 2014:
 Teachers and students as the learning implementing partners,
where both are dominant.
 Teachers and students try to modify the learning material in order to
look for new forms radically, as a form of transformation process.
 The teacher creates a climate of interdependence in the learning
process, so that it can facilitate interactive dialogue between
students in an effort to create new ideas for life.
 Learning material is focused more on problems related to the
aspects of contemporary culture as a manifestation of the process
of innovation.
c. Variations in teaching styles

According to Syaiful (2012, 188-190) variations in teaching styles are as


1. Voice Variations

The teacher can make variations of the sound according to his needs at
the time of teaching. The teacher can dramatize the voice by lowering and
raising the voice, can speed up and slow down the voice.

2. Emphasis (Focusing)

Emphasis can be done by the teacher to divert students' attention to

something important. Usually the emphasis can be done in combination with
limb movement.

3. View Contact

In delivering learning materials, teachers must direct their views so that

they can attract the attention of all students. With the teacher's point of view
contact can also convey information to students and can build positive

4. Movement of the limbs (Gesturing)
In explaining the learning material the teacher needs to combine it with the
movement of the limbs because it can help students understand what is being
conveyed but it can also attract students' attention.
d. The role of teachers in teaching

According to Keke (2018.17-18) the role of the teacher is:

1. Teacher as demonstrator

The teacher must be a demonstrator who masters and understands

teaching materials, is willing to continue learning without stopping,
understands the curriculum and is creative and skilled.

2. The teacher as class manager

As an educator, teachers are not only required to master teaching topics

but are also required to be able to manage the class both physical cleanliness
of the classroom, teach students towards self-directed behavior, be able to
carry out an effective and efficient learning process with optimal results, be
able to channel knowledge and theoretical development.

3. Teachers as mediators and facilitators

In the learning process, the teacher must also understand the use of
media and other facilities as a support for learning, be skilled in selecting and
using appropriate media according to the teaching material, skilled in
interacting and communicating with anyone.

4. Teachers as evaluators

What a teacher must have as an evaluator is being able and skilled in giving
good assessments, evaluating student learning outcomes, and being able to
classify students who are smart, moderate, lacking, or good enough in their

B. Relevant Research

This research is entitled The influence of teacher teaching techniques for
learning interest in students at SMPN 25 Konsel. The following are studies
that are relevant to this research:

"The influence of teacher teaching techniques for learning interest in

students at SMPN 25 Konsel". In this study, the researcher took a sample of
1 class from each class which was divided into 3 class divisions (Class A, B,
and C). From the results of research analysis, data obtained as much as
48.5% of students like the subject because of the influence of the teacher's
teaching style, while as many as 33% of students do not like the subject
because the teacher's teaching method is considered boring, and as many as
18.5% of students do not like being influenced. by teaching the teacher.

Based on the results of the analysis showed that the teacher's teaching
style had a positive and significant effect on students' learning motivation.
These results indicate that by paying attention to and optimizing variations in
teaching by the teacher, it will clearly create a dynamic and fun learning
atmosphere between teachers and students.

C. Framework

Interest in learning is an impulse that comes from within students without

any element of coercion against the background of feelings of interest and
pleasure in it. While the teaching style is the method used by every teacher
when teaching or conveying information to students. The teaching style of
each teacher is different even though the goal is the same, namely to transfer
knowledge to students, and educate them in attitude and in developing
students' talents. The teacher's teaching style is very influential on students'
interest in learning, if the teacher's teaching style gives a pleasant impression
to students and succeeds in attracting students' attention, students will feel
interested and encouraged to understand the learning material. On the other
hand, if the teacher's teaching style is not fun for students, they will feel bored
so they are not interested in learning.

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a temporary answer to a research problem, the truth

ofwhich has yet to be tested empirically. The hypothesis is stated as a
provisional truth, and is the basis of work and guidance in data analysis. The
hypothesis in this research is "The influence of teacher's teaching style on
students' interest in learning at SMPN 25 Konsel".



A. Subject Selection

The subjects used by the researchers in this study consisted of: Place, this
research was carried out at SMPN 25 Konsel to be precise in the village of
Tumbu-Tumbu Jaya, Kec. East Colono, Kab. South Konawe and Time, this
research was carried out on October 18, 2021 and completed on October 28,
2021. The student population at SMPN 25 Konsel is -+ 256 students who are
divided into 3 classes, namely groups A, B, and C in each batch. Due to time
constraints, the researcher used a sample of 1 class in each class.

B. Research Design and Approach

Research design is a plan and structure used to obtain empirical evidence

and answer research statements. In this study, to obtain results regarding the
effect of the teacher's teaching style on students' interest in learning, the
researchers used the interview method with students and based on personal
experience and observations of the author's classmates while studying and
participating in learning at SMPN 25 Konsel. In this study, the research
approach used by researchers was quantitative research


1. Independent variable (X) = Teacher's teaching style

2. Dependent variable (Y) = Student's interest in learning

3. Connector (➡️) is the influence between variables X and Y

C. Collection of observation

1. Observation data is "Systematic observation and recording of

symptoms that appear to the research object" (Sujarweni, 2014: 75).
Data collection techniques with observations are carried out if the
research regarding human behavior, work processes, natural

symptoms, and if the respondents observed are not too large
(Sugiyono, 2011: 145).
2. Interviews in this study, researchers also conducted data collection by
interviewing students about their response during the learning process
carried out in class. Most of the students feel that teachers who have a
fun teaching method make them join the subjects described. This
proves that the influence of teachers is very large in arousing student
learning interest.

D. Data Analysis

Nu Subjects and Students who Neutral Students

. teaching methods for like who don't
each teacher like

1. Education Religion 51% 24% 15%

2. Indonesia Language 46% 22% 32%

3. English Language 36% 30% 34%

4. Mathematics 53% 12% 45%

5. Natural Science 60% 20% 20%

6. Social science 33% 24% 43%

7. Pancasila & 38% 18% 44%

Citizenship Education

8. Art and culture 67% 13% 20%

9. Physical education 70% 14% 26%

10. Crafts 37% 25% 38%

1.1. Analysis Table


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