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GUNPOWDER - a black or dark grey, very explosive substance

FIREWORKS - they make loud noise when explode and create beautiful patterns in the sky
BLOW UP - to destroy something using explosive materials
EXPLOSION - when something blows up
PARLIAMENT - an institution and a building where the politicians representing a people work
KING - a monarch, in the past they had real political power, nowadays they usually represent the
CELLAR - a usually dark and damp room under the main floors of the building
BARREL - a container made usually of wood used for storing things such as wine, oil etc.
FUSE - a piece of string connected to an explosive material which is lit to cause an explosion
LIGHT (JAKO CZASOWNIK) - to cause something to burn
BONFIRE - an open fire controlled by people made in the garden or a forest
EFFIGY - a doll-like figure representing a person
BURN - to destroy something with fire
LETTER - a piece of paper written by a person to another person put usually into an envelope
BAKED POTATOES - popular vegetables which come from America cooked in the oven
CELEBRATE - to organise a special event and take part in it to show this is an important day
GUY FAWKES - hea was the man caught in the cellar under the Parliament planning to cause a
huge explosion
CONSPIRATOR - someone who is planning to do something secret or illegal, usually cooperating
with other people
CATHOLIC - a Christian respecting the Pope
CONSPIRACY - planning in secret to do something bad or illegal
TOFFEE APPLE - a popular fruit covered in a sweet sticky substance
MATCH - a very small piece of wood with some sulphur at one
PENNY - a very little coin of insignificant value
FIRECRACKER - a kind of firework that makes mainly a lot of noise
SOLDIER - a person in the army who must be prepared to fight in a war
SPADE - an old-fashioned kind of weapon made of metal with a sharp pointy end
SCROLL - a long roll of paper or parchment with some official text on it
LANTERN - a lamp with a handle you can carry
TREASON - a serious crime of helping your country’s enemies or being disloyal to its ruler
PLOT - a secret plan prepared by a group of people to do something illegal or wrong
ROBERT CATESBY - the man who really initiated the gunpowder plot and conspired with Guy
DUCK AND DRAKE - the pub where the conspirators met to prepare the Gunpowder plot

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