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Q1: What name represents the letter "M" in the NATO phonetic alphabet??

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. !Mike
d. Max
Q2: What is the name of the very first video uploaded to YouTube??

a. carrie rides a truck

b. tribute
c. !Me at the zoo
d. Her new puppy from great grandpa vern.
Q3: What is the Italian word for "tomato"??

a. Cipolla
b. Aglio
c. !Pomodoro
d. Peperoncino
Q4: According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking??

a. Twenty
b. Ten
c. One hundred
d. !Five
Q5: Which of the following carbonated soft drinks were introduced first??

a. !Dr. Pepper
b. Mountain Dew
c. Sprite
d. Coca-Cola
Q6: The website "Shut Up & Sit Down" reviews which form of media??

a. !Board Games
b. Films
c. Video Games
d. Television Shows
Q7: Which item of clothing is usually worn by a Scotsman at a wedding??

a. Skirt
b. !Kilt
c. Rhobes
d. Dress
Q8: Which of these words means "idle spectator"??

a. Meupareunia
b. !Gongoozler
c. Jentacular
d. Gossypiboma
Q9: What is the currency of Poland??

a. Krone
b. Euro
c. Ruble
d. !Złoty
Q10: The architect known as Le Corbusier was an important figure in what style of architecture??

a. Neoclassical
b. Baroque
c. Gothic Revival
d. !Modernism

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