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Q1: What is the Swedish word for "window"??

a. Skärm
b. Hål
c. Ruta
d. !Fönster
Q2: Which of the following carbonated soft drinks were introduced first??

a. Coca-Cola
b. Mountain Dew
c. Sprite
d. !Dr. Pepper
Q3: What was Mountain Dew's original slogan??

a. !Yahoo! Mountain Dew... It'll tickle your innards!

b. Get' that barefoot feelin' drinkin' Mountain Dew
c. Give Me A Dew
d. Do The Dew
Q4: What was the soft drink Pepsi originally introduced as??

a. Carolina Cola
b. Pepsin Syrup
c. Pepsin Pop
d. !Brad's Drink
Q5: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications of which form of cancer??

a. Bone
b. Liver
c. Stomach
d. !Pancreatic
Q6: What is real haggis made of??

a. !Sheep's Heart, Liver and Lungs

b. Sheep's Liver, Kidneys and Eyes
c. Sheep's Heart, Kidneys and Lungs
d. Whole Sheep
Q7: Which country drives on the left side of the road??

a. Germany
b. !Japan
c. China
d. Russia
Q8: What was the name given to Japanese military dictators who ruled the country through the 12th and 19th Century??

a. Samurai
b. Ninja
c. Shinobi
d. !Shogun
Q9: Which American manufactured submachine gun was informally known by the American soldiers that used it as "Gr

a. MAC-10
b. Thompson
c. !M3
d. Colt 9mm
Q10: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Tu quoque
b. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
c. Argumentum ad populum
d. !Ad hominem
e 12th and 19th Century??

diers that used it as "Grease Gun"??

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