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Q1: Which river flows through the Scottish city of Glasgow??

a. Tay
b. Dee
c. !Clyde
d. Tweed
Q2: When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress??

a. July 2, 1776
b. June 4, 1776
c. !July 4, 1776
d. May 4, 1776
Q3: What is the defining characteristic of someone who is described as hirsute??

a. Funny
b. !Hairy
c. Rude
d. Tall
Q4: Which of the following Ivy League universities has its official motto in Hebrew as well as in Latin??

a. Columbia University
b. Princeton University
c. !Yale University
d. Harvard University
Q5: What did the Spanish autonomous community of Catalonia ban in 2010, that took effect in 2012??

a. !Bullfighting
b. Fiestas
c. Flamenco
d. Mariachi
Q6: What is the romanized Japanese word for "university"??

a. Shokudou
b. Jimusho
c. Toshokan
d. !Daigaku
Q7: What country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991??

a. !India
b. United States of America
c. Poland
d. Soviet Union
Q8: Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's??

a. !Fruit Brute
b. Franken Berry
c. Count Chocula
d. Boo-Berry
Q9: Who invented Pastafarianism??

a. Eric Tignor
b. !Bobby Henderson
c. Bill Nye
d. Zach Soldi
Q10: A statue of Charles Darwin sits in what London museum??

a. !Natural History Museum

b. British Museum
c. Tate
d. Science Museum
d in the 1970's??

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