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Mobile App Review Form

App Name

Which category does this app fall into? Name some of the competitor apps.
Category: Entertainment
Competitors: It will have more tutorials on animating

What is the purpose of this app? Which problems does it solve?

TikTok was banned from devices in some of the countries due to many security concerns and also
many bugs or glitches that may cause it to crash.

Who is this app targeted towards?

 Teenagers
 18 years or over

How has this app been rated by others? Explain why you think this is based on the reviews.
Give a rating out of 5. I would rate TikTok a 4/5 because there’s many bugs and glitches. But it
helps create different contents and gives different advice.

Based on the UX and UI, how would you rate this app? Explain why.
Give a rating out of 5. For the UX I would give it a 4/5 because it helps make content creation
easily and could inspire anyone who wants to create different contents but sometimes, they aren’t
that interesting or have low likes. However, with the UI I would give it 3/5 because there’s a post
video to post some of your videos, thumbs up if you like the video, commenting and share tool but
with commenting they mostly start drama or maybe someone sending horrible stuff to them.

How could the user interface of this app be improved?

The user interface could improve on with TikTok by adding a warning to a comment if it makes the
creator feel bad and remove it immediately so there’s no drama happening.

How could the user experience of this app be improved?

The user experience could improve on with TikTok by looking at videos to help you get more
interaction and to make videos even better.

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