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Complete flow of Performance management with screenshots exist.

User to change as per business requirement.

Profile to set for Global rating option.

Profile Name: HR:Cross Business Group

Site Level:Yes

HR:Global Competence Flex Structure

KFF of Competency
Segments Detail

1 Career Management
In career management the first set is below.
1.1 Rating Scales

Competency Types Lookup

Navigation: Other DefinitionsApplication Utilities Lookups


Competence is a measurable behavior required by an organization, job, or position that a person may
demonstrate in the work context. Competencies are mainly classified in two categories i.e., Generic and
core competencies. Core competencies are the competencies which are required to conform by all the
employees of an organization, hence are attached to either Business Group or HR Organizations. Generic
competencies apply on specific jobs or positions. At Prainsa, competencies core and generic
competencies will be defined in the system. Mainly generic competencies will be associated with the
jobs of the employees. Competencies will be used to shortlist candidates for hiring using suitability
matching in SSHR. These competencies will also be used for performance assessment of employees for
evaluation and salary increments purposes.

Competence Flexfield

The competencies will be set up in the Oracle HRMS as a flexfield. The competence flexfield will
comprise of the following segments:

S.No Segment Segment Length

1 Competence type 50

2 Competence 50

3 Future I 50

4 Future II 50

Competency type:

This segment will be used to group similar type of competencies for reporting purpose. The following
competencies groups will be maintained in this segment.

• Knowledge

• Interpersonal Skills

• Leadership Skills

• Management Skills; etc


This segment will represent competencies required at Prainsa. Following are the examples of values for
this segment:

• Vision

• Strategies and Planning

• Work Ethics

• Adaptability

• Subject Matter Expert

• Factory Operational Knowledge

• Creativity

• Personality

• Decision Making; etc

Competency requirements

Competence requirements define required skills and competencies for a job or position. Competency
requirements enable to devise an appropriate evaluation procedure as part of the appraisal process, and
to evaluate individuals against the competencies for selection, qualification or training and development
purposes. This is the main driver for most of the HR activities, whether deployment, reward, incentives,
succession planning, and so on. Competency requirements can be defined at the following levels:

• Business Group

• Organization

• Job

• Position

However, in Prainsa, competencies will mainly be linked at job level.

Competency Types.

Add Competencies against Competency Types

1.2 Objective Template:
Use HR Professional 4.0 V responsibility and go using performance management menu to objective

FY22- Objective Template

1.3 Questionnaire

Then create questionnaire as below.

And the Apply button.

Appraisal Template:

Either you can create all independent Template individually or you can create while creating Appraisal

Use HR Professional V4.0 Responsibility.

Menu: Manage Appraisal Templates

You can define as many appraisal templates as you need to meet your enterprise.
requirements. Alternatively, you can use a single appraisal template for all appraisals.

Click the Create Appraisal Template button. The fill fields as below.
First Part of Screenshot
Now click on Apply Button
Participant Eligibility Profile

Create Performance management plan first in HR Professional V4.0

Logs in to the HR Professional V4.0 responsibility. 2. Selects the Performance Management link. The
Performance Management home page appears. 3. Clicks the Performance Management Plans link in the
Administration region and then Create Plan.
Below screen of plan (This can be done after objective as well)

Create Objective Library using Performance Management Option: use HR Professional V4.0
Data Entry of Objective

System gives Import Objective Options as well as shown.

While Import option below error due to menu not available.

This function added in menu of HR Professional as per SR Solution

Menu: HR Professional

Function Name: Desktop Integration - Create Document

Now go in Functional Administrator and clear cache.

Now available once you tried to use import below error.

Need to resolve above problem.

After this create plan same in performance Management menu

Click on create plan

Enter required information:

Click on next below window.

Here you can have any hierarchy type: recommended use position hierarchy with level 2 as in
document. Below is supervisory for testing.

Eligibility Profile Name Field must be blank:

Enters the following information in the Create Plan: Population page:

1. Selects Supervisor as the hierarchy type.

2. Selects Sam Taylor as the Supervisor.

3. Leaves the Hierarchy Levels field blank to select all levels in Sam's hierarchy.

4. Selects Both as the assignment type to include employees and contingent


5. Selects the Primary Assignments Only check box.

6. Leaves the Eligibility Profile Name blank

Enters the following information in the Create Plan: Process page:

1. Selects the Include Objective Setting in Process check box and provides the start

and end dates for objective setting.

1-20 Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

2. Selects Cascading as the method.

3. Selects the Notify Plan Population check box.

4. Selects the Automatic Allocation check box.

5. In the Appraisals region:

• Selects the Include Appraisals in Process check box and appraisal template.

• Enters the appraisal start and end dates, appraisal task start and end dates.

• Leaves the Eligibility Profile field blank in the Appraisals region.

• Selects main appraiser as the initiator, Standard Appraisal as the appraisal

type, and Performance Appraisal as the appraisal purpose.

• Selects Yes to create appraisals

Date range of objective setting must be action plant start date
Below option need to check is

Include Objective Setting in Process with start and end date of objective deadline.

Cascading will remain checked as this option will allow manager to cascade objective to subordinates if
parallel option select than subordinate will set objective in parallel.

You can select Automatic Allocation option to make objective automatically appear in the plan.

Click on Sharing and Alignment option if you want your employees their Objective with the manager’s
objectives or vice versa.

Now review and publish plan.

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