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In the following I will analyse the narrative perspective in the text «Indian Camp» written by Ernest

Hemingway in 1923. This short story is written from a third-person perspective, but this third person
provide us Nick’s point of view and now I will explain why so.

First of all, Nick’s relatives named in the story from his perspective like a father and an uncle. Quotes:

-«Nick’s father ordered some water to be put on the stove...»;

-«She bit Uncle George on the arm and Uncle George said...»;

-«Uncle George was standing against the wall.».

Moreover, most actions are described us by the Nick. There are a lot of situations which are written from his
point of view. Quotes:

-«While his father washed his hands very carefully and thoroughly, he talked.»;

-«Later when he started to operate Uncle George and three Indian men held the woman still.»;

-«His father picked the baby up und slapped it to make it breathe and handed it to the old woman.».

Furthermore, Nick is the most revealed character in this story. During the reading you can find out how Nick
reacts on some situations and about what he asks his father. According to this information we can
understand which kind of the character does he have and what he feels in different situations. Quotes:

-«Nick did not watch. His curiosity had been gone for a long time.»;

-«Oh, Daddy, can’t you give her something to make her stop screaming?»;

-«Do many men kill themselves, Daddy?».

To sum up, the story is written from Nick’s(personal) point of view, because most actions are described from
his perspective and the same is with characters.

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