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Bean – Restaurant

Retell the story in past simple

Mr. Bean goes to a fancy restaurant. ___________

He is alone. __________

A waiter helps him to the table. ____________

He writes a card to himself and puts it in the envelope. ____________ / ______________

He reads the card and acts surprised. _____________ / _______________

A waiter brings him the menu. _____________

Mr. Bean looks worried. ______________

He takes out his wallet and counts his money. _____________ / ______________

He puts the money on a plate. _______________

The waiter asks him what he would like to eat. _______________

Mr. Bean points at the menu and orders steak tartar. ______________ / _______________

A man in a white jacket offers him wine. ______________

Mr. Bean drinks it and likes it, but he doesn't want any more – he is driving.
__________/__________ ___________/ _______________

He plays with a knife. ______________

He plays the “Happy Birthday” song to himself. ________________

He throws a napkin at a man at the next table. ______________

The man in white brings him his steak. ________________

Mr. Bean gives him money. ______________

Mr. Bean does not like what he sees. _____________

He examines the food. _______________

He lies to the waiter. He doesn't like the food. ___________ /____________

He hides the steak in many different places: in a silver box, under the flowers, into a pastry,
under a plate, under salt, into the violin player's trousers and into the ladies purse.

The violinist plays for Mr. Bean. _______________

The waiter in the white jacket trips and falls. Mr. Bean complains about the mess.
____________ /___________ /_____________

Mr. Bean gets a new table and a new steak. _______________

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