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We are Beings of Light!

Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.

The authenticity of the metaphysics assertion that “we are light beings,”
or the concept of “inner light,” as is reflected in bulk of published
research works by the author, has been put under careful scrutiny by
performing an extensive search in the published literature as an
attempt to find parallels in such an ideology to possibly corroborate this
point of view. The published works in the literature confirm that we are,
indeed, light. Each and every cell of our body attracts, absorbs and
emits light. Light flows through our eyes and triggers hormone
production, which influences our entire biochemical system. This light
emission from biological cell systems is in the form of ultra-low intensity
emissions that is referred to as “Biophotons.” Biophotonic emission
occurs constantly and spontaneously without the assistance of outside
excitation, corresponding to the ultraviolet and electromagnetic portion
of light spectrum. It refers to permanent ultra-weak emission of
coherent photons, which is laser-like and bio-informational, being
responsible for our genetic regulation. Biophoton light is massless and a
quantum biological phenomenon. It is distinct from bioluminescence or
chemiluminescence seen in certain insects and plants. Our DNA stores
and releases photons reflecting mitochondrial energy production.
Differentiation in photonic emission patterns between healthy and
diseased cells had provided an excellent way for diagnosis of a variety
of diseases including cancer.
Biophotons were initially discovered in 1923 by the Russian scientist
Alexander G. Gurwitsch, who also proposed the morphogenetic field
theory in 1910. Gurwitsch named the phenomenon “mitogenetic
radiation,” since he believed that this light radiation allowed the
morphogenetic field to control embryonic development. In
developmental biology, a morphogenetic field is a group of cells able to
respond to discrete, localized biochemical signals leading to the
development of specific morphological structures or organs. Gurwitsch’s
work on the concept of the morphogenetic field, resulting from
molecular interactions unexplainable by chemistry, is now transparent
through the concept of “wave genetics.” Despite receiving a Stalin Prize
for his work on mitogenetic radiation leading to a simple way of
diagnosing cancer in 1941, and despite the fact that the field theories of
morphogenesis were popular in the 1920s, the immense success of
Watson-Crick work in mundane “genetics” overshadowed Gurwitsch’s
work on biophotons. By the 1930s, the work of geneticists had revealed
the importance of chromosomes and genes for controlling development,
and the rise of genetics or evolutionary biology overshadowed the
importance of the ‘field theory.’ In fact, Gurwitsch was ahead of his
time, whose "mitogenetic ray" was rediscovered later by a host of
scientists, and in particular more recently, it has sparked a tremendous
amount of interest among geneticists and quantum biologists. In 1974,
German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp rediscovered and proved the
existence of biophotons. Popp asserts that biophotons exhibit coherent
patterns. Popp is a quantum physicist by education who is engaged in
research work in quantum biology and quantum genetics. If fact, he has
coined the phrase “biophotonics,” a branch of quantum mechanics that
deals with interaction between photons and biological matter, or
“photobiology,” as a result of his many years of work on studying the
biophotons, the light that the body naturally emits. Popp’s work sheds
light into better understanding the biochemical molecular activities and
cellular function of living things. Popp’s studies indicate that DNA, being
a harmonic oscillator with its own resonating frequency, is a main
suppliers of bio-photons. Today from the work of Fritz Albert Popp, we
understand that such biophotonic or mitogenic light is highly coherent
with an inherent laser-like light quality, which controls biochemical
processes, growth, and differentiation. It has now become clear that
biophotons provide for a more viable mode of energy transmission and
communication beyond the circulatory, the lymphatic, and the nervous
system. It may even provide for a future theory of life and holistic
medical practice in concert with the ancient medical science of
acupuncture and other similar disciplines. This, most likely, will lead to
discovery of the existence of a ‘light circulatory system’ map consistent
with Saxton Burr’s 'Life-Fields ('L-fields'), pinpointing our energetics, one
that is decidedly different from the traditional molecular biology point
of view. Via biophotons, faint beams of light quanta of light can initiate
“cascade-like reactions” in the cells, leading to repair of genetic cellular
damage in the cells in virtually hours. According to Popp: “the function
of our entire metabolism depends on light.” And, to directly quote from
Popp: “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.”
Furthermore, the significant work of Russian scientist Peter Gariaev et al
on light and human DNA corroborates the deductions that there is now
evidence for existence of an endogenous intracellular coherent light
emitted by the DNA molecule itself, originating from WITHIN, in which
human DNA and genome are now identified as active "laser-like" light
environments. Gariaev’s findings are more detailed and advanced than
Popp’s. Gariaev asserts that DNA is a liquid crystal gel-like substance
that acts on the incoming light. Thus, to speak of "inner light" no longer
conjures an esoteric or a mystical connotation. These scientific findings
indicate that provided the correct frequency is utilized, we can reach
WITHIN. Complex information can be encoded in electromagnetic fields.
One can modulate a laser beam by correct frequency and affect the
information of the DNA waves, and thus, the genetic information, and
effectively reprogram the DNA codon sequences using modulated laser
light. This fact confirms the author’s consistent assertion that
everything in the cosmos, including our consciousness, is governed by
frequency. The electromagnetic light signals, reflective of the ultraviolet
luminance-creating bio-photons are of key importance in the regulatory
functioning of our DNA. They enhance metabolic reactions thousand
fold in humans. DNA is the projector of a bio-hologram. It creates a
complex pattern of three-dimensional electromagnetic moving wave in
the space that the person occupies, a phenomenon traditionally
referred to as the ‘human aura.’ Gariaev et al have also experimentally
demonstrated that laser light generated in DNA, electromagnetically
arbitrates "language" for communicational purposes between DNA and
our cells. Laser light therapies are already being applied in some
European academic hospitals with success to treat skin cancer. Apart
from being a blueprint for constructing the body, DNA is also a
superconductor, an organ for communication, and an excellent storage
medium for optical information, and not only it receives and transmits
electromagnetic energy radiation, but it also absorbs and interprets
information. In fact, DNA is an extremely complex interactive optical
biochip. Unconventional therapy procedures such as Chinese
acupuncture can now be explained with help of in Gariaev's DNA wave
theory. Light actually provides an important power supply for our DNA
hereditary DNA molecule. It provides healthy functioning of all
procedures in our cells. DNA communicates through light via a
morphogenetic field with other organisms and through what the author
has referred to as the ‘neural network of God,’ in receiving data
regarding what may be perceived as the “divine plan.” Recent scientific
studies of Gariaev and others in Russia testify to this effect. Our genome
operates like a complex multi-wave laser with adjustable frequencies.
DNA emits light, which may be controlled by amplitude, phase, or
frequency. Our chromosomes have wave attributes. “Wave genetics”
addresses our existence at the most fundamental level. Our so-called
“junk DNA” constitutes a rich infrastructure for super codes and wave
communication. In wave form, our DNA exists as dynamic holograms in
the liquid crystals of the chromosome continuum. Thus, the human
gene is a holistic part of the larger hologram of the cosmos containing
wave information reality that operate in the frequency domain. Wave
genetics is concerned with electromagnetic waves or ‘light fields’ as
opposed to genetic markers driven by biochemical reactions. Wave
genetics is far more advanced than conventional genetics. It unifies and
administers our bodily structure and consciousness. Life is
fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical at bodily, cellular,
nucleotide-DNA, molecular, atomic levels, as well as sub-atomic level. It
also has a holographic nature at the level of chromosomes. And, at the
quantum holographic level, it conforms to both principles of quantum
non-locality and entanglement. A morphogenic ‘field’ comprises a host
of neighboring cells interacting together, also having holographic
information about one another. Active genetic information is
transmitted in the form of conscious energy through frequency carrying
signals, which effect biological actions through resonance. Our DNA
may be viewed as a chain of oscillators or torsional pendulums ever
spinning, fluctuating, and being in vibrational motion. DNA is a
communication organ of our body, manipulated by electromagnetic
radiation. The DNA blueprint functions as a bio-hologram, which serves
as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form. DNA functions at the
genetic level, and in the electromagnetic wave form (the so to speak
‘field’). Wave genetics suggests that genetic traits can be changed,
activated and deactivated by use of resonant waves, beamed at the
DNA. Applications of Wave Genetics technologies have uncovered the
entire range of functionality of the DNA, including the functions of so-
called "junk” DNA. Informational molecules interact with physical fields
and bio-photons leading to the excitation of fluctuations in the active
geometrical centers, working as a resonant antenna. The double helix of
the DNA at the same time acts as an antenna. The electromagnetic
energy brings the DNA molecule into vibration as a harmonic oscillator.
Light acts as the power supply for our hereditary DNA molecule. It
provides healthy functioning of all procedures in our cells. Light is pure
electromagnetic energy, divided into small quanta, so-called photons.
We humans essentially carry a technical high speed equipment in each
cell of our body that is a microchip with 3 Gigabits storage capability,
which takes up electromagnetic information from the environment, and
stores and emits light. A DNA molecule is about two meters long and
has a natural frequency of 150 megahertz, falling in the frequency
range of microwaves telecommunications, essentially rendering us as a
human radar. Informational fields interchange energy WITHIN and
without. DNA and protein molecules in resonance interact via
electromagnetic channels by means of antennae. Chromosomes react to
the wave so that the vital information ensures human life and
development. Endogenous and exogenous fields transform into gene
signal wave structures. Everything reduces to a fundamental ‘field.’ This
may lead to precise description of a grand unified field theory, the
Theory of Everything, in which the science of metaphysics becomes
physics. Human consciousness is a part of the Universal Consciousness.
In this regard, we have the capacity to spark and focus our intuition or
other subtle faculties to ‘remember’ information stored in us, which
represents a dynamic universal field inseparable from the fabric of our
own being. What we seek may never be found in the tangible material
particles of our DNA or blood type but may reside in the holographic
wave genetics of our very being. We all have a physical body and an
ethereal body, which is essentially our informational or energy body.
This source field binds us to the Cosmos in an eternal way.
Hypercommunication is data exchange on the DNA level using genetic
code. By expanding our awareness of the components underlying
coherence, such as the absorption of light into our cells, we can take
steps to move into more complete coherence, with resultant benefits to
our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Everything that we perceive as matter is actually energy. Energy can
be perceived as waves of light, sound, or consciousness. Everything is
governed by frequency. Everything vibrates and is prone to
resonance. The way biophysical light interacts with humans through
self-organization of information and communication that regulates
bio-molecular, neural, as well as metabolic activities. These systems
may merge as mobile energy relay systems similar to Qi (Chi or
prana) processes. We are light energy. For a long time, human light
energy was considered as an invention or product of metaphysics
esoteric believing or a “New Age Concept,” and was considered as
mysterious and ridiculed by the mainstream science. Today,
biophotonics and bio quantum physics-mechanics are considered as
cutting age science, testifying to the fact that, indeed, biophoton
light energy is neither a myth nor can be classified as esoteric that is
now utilized in medical diagnosis, even defying the archaic
methodologies of cut and pasting and slicing genes. This knowledge
is also being utilized in a wide range of applications such as food and
water quality testing, and in various other disciplines of
biotechnology. The consciousness-like coherence properties of the
biophoton fields closely interface with the non-physical realms of
mind and consciousness, leading to “unconventional” healing
practices such as homeopathy, and acupuncture.
A discussion of sunlight and light energy has been included herein. We
all need exposure from sunlight. The light and warmth of the sun are
required by all life on earth. Sunlight replenishes our consciousness and
it revitalizes our bodies. As sentient beings, our DNA is, essence, a chain
of resonant oscillators. As such, as it has been asserted by the author
before, our body-soul is essentially a harmonic oscillator. And, sunlight
contains all the frequencies that can potentially resonate our DNA and
sets us in vibrational motion. Contradictory information exist in the
literature regarding the advantages or disadvantages of sunbathing.
However, one must use sunlight responsibly, gradually increasing
exposure to sun and choose the right time of the day for sunbathing. If
you are in a situation that requires exposure to the sun for a long time,
try to wear a hat and long sleeves to cover your skin; and drink a lot of
water. The safest ways to protect your skin are to pay attention to how
much sun your body can handle. Indeed, lack of sun exposure, can lead
to depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), arthritis,
heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, fertility problems, immune
deficiency problems, cancer, and a host of other maladies. Sunlight
therapy was a medicine of the pre-antibiotic era, and indeed, it is
envisaged that it will play an important role in fighting diseases in the
future, ‘the natural way.’ Responsible sunlight exposure affects our
health in a positive way. It is suggested herein that sun block or suntan
lotion is harmful, as primarily, it blocks sunlight’s vitamin D3, which
regulates the immune system, and is known to increase calcium
absorption leading to strong bones, and avoid kidney stones, diabetes,
and even obesity, and even fight cancer. D3 also improves cognitive
functions and decreases the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Two neurotransmitters strongly affected by sun: serotonin and
melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that causes wakefulness.
Melatonin is a hormone that controls sleep. When the body receives
sunlight, serotonin levels increase. When the sun goes down, the body
increases its secretion of melatonin. The overall effect is “downtime” at
night and “uptime” during the day. Light therapy is thought to work by
triggering the brain's production of serotonin. Full-spectrum bright light
therapy (phototherapy) was first introduced in the 1980s, and now is
widely used to relieve seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other types
of depression such as Bipolar Disorders, insomnia, and problems
associated with auric energetic depletion, as well as decrease symptoms
of PMS and menopause. The sun can help regulate the production of
hormones by stimulating the Pineal Gland regulating its secretions,
which allows for more consciousness, creativity and insight. Sunlight
can help improve liver function, and assist in breaking down wastes and
toxins in the body. Exposure to the sun increases both white and red
blood cell count and helps the blood circulate more efficiently.
• We are, indeed, light.
• Each and every cell of our body attracts, absorbs and emits light [1-
• Light flows through our eyes and triggers hormone production,
which influences our entire biochemical system.
• Indeed, all living things, including plants, animals and human beings
emit light [4], which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be
• This light emission from biological cell systems is in the form of ultra-
weak photon emissions that is referred to as “Biophotons” [5-6].
• Biophotonic emission refers to permanent ultra-weak emission of
coherent (phase or frequency-locked) photons at a typical rate of 1-
100 photons/sec/cm from living beings.
• This type of photonic emission is coherent and bio-informational and
is a quantum biological phenomenon.
• It is distinct from other types of non-coherent photonic emissions
encountered as a result of byproduct of metabolism, such as thermal
radiation or bioluminescence, or chemiluminescence created by such
reactions as oxidation, etc.
• Biophotons are massless particles of light that transmit information
within and between the cells.
• Thus, the term biophotons refer to coherent light emission from
living organisms that has its origin in DNA [7].
• Our DNA in vivo (the living cell) stores and releases photons giving
rise to a “biophotonic emission” machinery.
• Biophotonic light emissions hold the key to illness and health.
• Biophotonic ultra-weak emission occurs as a result of relaxation of
electronically exited states of the constituent of living cells.
• They are generally associated with oxidative metabolism
participating in the regulation of a wide spectrum of biological and
physiological functions.
• Generally speaking, biophotonic ultra-weak emission reflects
mitochondrial energy production.
• Being of coherent nature, biophotons consist of light with a high
degree of order, what may be described as “biological laser light.”
• This type of light has extremely low noise, and exhibits strong, stable
intensity, without the usual flickering or fluctuations normally seen
in visible light.
• Because of this, its waves can superpose, thus, interference can
occur usually not observed in ordinary light.
• Due to the high extent of coherency or the high degree of order, this
‘laser light’ can instigate and maintain order suitable for transmitting
biological information in living beings.
• Ultra-weak biophotonic emission entails constant spontaneous
emission of light from the biological organism without outside
excitation or augmentation.
• This corresponds to the ultraviolet and electromagnetic portion of
light spectrum with low intensities typical of the order of 10-16 to
10-18 W/cm2.
• Coherent emission of biophotons is related to energy and
informational process indigenous to DNA and genetic regulation.
• Many mechanisms have been proposed for the generation,
absorption and emission of biophotons concerning regulation of
morphogenetic and biochemical processes, biorhythms, intercellular
and intracellular communication, microtubule functions, cell growth
and differentiation, as well as metabolic processes, etc.
• The phenomenon of biophotonics has been independently
experimentally verified by many universities and government
laboratories in plants, animals, and humans.
• These tests have been conducted on unicellular organisms as well as
tissue and organ cells that include tumor cells.
• It has been shown that healthy cells and normal cells exhibit entirely
different forms of biophotonic emissions, a trait that may be utilized
to diagnose cancer via distinguishing normal from cancerous cells.
• Furthermore, in cancer diagnosis, the far-field methodology of ultra-
weak photonic emission, as well as the use of near-field electrical
measurements, has provided a way for utilization of frequency
selective (resonant) absorption of electromagnetic waves in
malignant tumors.
• Similarly, differentiation in photonic emission patterns between
healthy and diseased cells has provided a viable means for studying
the effect of viral and microbial infections in biological systems.
• Of particular interest is an analysis of biophotonic emissions from
separate cell cultures that indicate photon communication results in
synchronous emission.

The Effect of Sunlight on Living Things

• The light and warmth of the sun are required by all life on earth.
• Responsible sunlight exposure affects our health in a positive way.
• We all need exposure from sunlight.
• Sunlight brings warmth and life to us.
• We could not exist without sunlight.
• It replenishes our consciousness and it revitalizes our bodies.
• Medical literature’s accounts on sunbathing is contradictory.
• One field highlights the benefits of exposure to sun, while another
stresses the dangers.
• One of the unfortunate developments in modern sciences, including
medicine, is too many fields of specialization, when in fact, there is
only one true science, one TRUTH, which is the Science of Spirituality
emanating from God.
• Under these circumstances, most people find it difficult, if not
impossible, not to be influenced by the views of one group of
“experts” in one field or another, and interim miss the wider WHOLE
• However, as the Chinese wisdom states, everything needs to a have
a balance.
• Our health in duality will always be related to balance of the two
opposing forces (Ying and Yang).
• If we have too much sunlight, we will suffer imbalance and become
• On the other hand, lack of sun exposure can lead to depression,
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), arthritis, heart disease,
inflammatory bowel disease, fertility problems, cancer, and a host of
other problems.
• Sunlight therapy was a medicine of the pre-antibiotic era, when
infectious diseases were commonplace and the only defense against
them was a strong immune system.
• Now, again, an increasing number of bacteria are becoming resistant
to drugs, and development of new antibiotics has not been
progressing at desire rate.
• So, once again, natural resistance to disease may, once again, be a
‘natural’ way of dealing with diseases.
• Also note that some drugs, such as anti-diabetic medicine,
antihistamines, tranquilizers, and a number of antibiotics, increase
sensitivity to the sun.
• Sun can shift our mood from feeling 'down' to become more
energized, yet tranquil and positive-minded.
• It certainly helps us to regain balance and become revitalized.
• Two neurotransmitters that are strongly affected by sun are
serotonin and melatonin.
• Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that causes wakefulness.
• It is an anti-depressant chemical often found in the bloodstream,
which helps elevate our mood.
• When the body receives sunlight, serotonin levels increase.
• And, the more sunlight the human body is exposed to, the more
serotonin the brain produces.
• Melatonin is a hormone that controls sleep.
• When the sunlight hits our optic nerves, some of the light is sent to
the glands, which suppresses the production of melatonin.
• When the sun goes down, the body increases its secretion of
• The overall effect is “downtime” at night and “uptime” during the
• Full-spectrum bright light therapy (phototherapy) was first
introduced in the 1980s, and now is widely used as a psychotherapy
to relieve seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
• Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression most often
associated with shortened daylight hours prevalent in certain regions
of the world, and for a period starting from late fall to the early
spring everywhere.
• It is also used to treat insomnia and problems associated with auric
energetic microcracking and depletion [8-9] often dubbed as “jet
lag” [10].
• Some researchers believe that light therapy may relieve depression
or “jet lag” by resetting the body's circadian rhythm, or inner
biological clock.
• Recently, light therapy has also been proven effective in the
treatment of such forms of depression as Bipolar Disorders.
• Light therapy for SAD and other forms of depression is thought to
work by triggering the brain's production of serotonin.
• While, ultraviolet light healing is used to cure or alleviate psoriasis
and other skin disorders.
• In short, exposure to sun during the day will regulate the natural
rhythm of hormone production: serotonin during day time and light
hours, and melatonin during the night and dark hours.
• The sun can help regulate the production of hormones by
stimulating the Pineal Gland regulating its secretions, which allows
for more consciousness, creativity and insight, as well as help
improving our mood.
• Sunlight has also been found to decrease symptoms of PMS and
• Sunlight can help improve liver function, and assist in breaking down
wastes and toxins in the body.
• Exposure to the sun increases both white and red blood cell count
and helps the blood circulate more efficiently.
• The most known benefit of sunlight is Vitamin D.
• Vitamin D helps the body regulate the immune system, increase
calcium absorption, which leads to strong bones, and avoid kidney
stones, diabetes, and even obesity.
• D3 also improves cognitive functions and decreases the chances of
developing Alzheimer’s disease.
• Early morning and before sunset are ideal times for sunbathing.
• Increase your time in the sun gradually.
• As you spend more time in the sun, your skin produces more
melanin, the pigment giving you a tan.
• Never stay out long enough to become red or burned.
• Most importantly, do not use sunscreen.
• Sunscreen can actually cause cancer in several ways.
• When you wear sunscreen your body does not produce Vitamin D3
from sunlight.
• Vitamin D is known to help prevent numerous types of cancer.
• The vast majority of sunscreens contain a numerous harmful
• These chemicals are absorbed into your skin, weakening the immune
system and making your body more susceptible to many diseases,
including cancer.
• If you are in a situation that requires exposure to the sun for a long
time, try to wear a hat and long sleeves to cover your skin; and drink
a lot of water.
• The safest ways to protect your skin are to pay attention to how
much sun your body can handle.

The Energy of Light

• Everything that we perceive as matter is actually energy.
• Energy can be perceived as waves of light, sound, or consciousness.
• Everything is governed by frequency.
• Everything vibrates and is prone to resonance.
• All living cells, plants, animals and human beings both absorb and
emit light in form of biophotons.
• These biophotonic emissions cannot be seen by the naked eye.
• They, however, are readily detected in the laboratory setting, and
can be measured.
• Biophotons are ultra-weak photon emissions by biological systems.
• The way biophysical light interacts with humans through self-
organization of information and communication that regulates bio-
molecular, neural, as well as metabolic activities.
• These systems may merge as mobile energy relay systems similar to
Qi (Chi or prana) processes of human energetics in the Chinese
tradition of acupuncture science and equivalent Middle East Indian
• We are light energy.
• For a long time, human light energy was considered as an invention
or product of metaphysics esoteric believing.
• More recently, it was considered as a “New Age Concept.”
• As a result, it has been either ridiculed or considered as mysterious
by the mainstream science.
• Biophotonic light emission is an expression of the functional state of
the living organism, and its measurement is receiving considerable
attention nowadays.
• Today, biophotonics and bio quantum physics-mechanics are
considered as cutting age science, and most promising in playing a
central role in resolving many problems in chemical and cell
communication, synchronicity, medicine and healing.
• In very near future, biophotonics will have even stronger utilization
in medical diagnosis.
• Cancerous cells and normal healthy cells of the same type can be
discriminated by their bio-photon emission signature.
• Biophysicists are now exploring this interesting fact and its many
interesting applications, including in the field of cancer research.
• Geneticists are beginning to appreciate the non-invasive feature of
biophotonics approach.
• A wide range of other disciplines include electromagnetic
contamination testing, food, water quality testing, and various other
disciplines in biotechnology.
• Biophoton light is emitted from the cells of the organism, or more
precisely, from the DNA molecules.
• Light is constantly released and absorbed by the DNA and connects
all cells, tissues, and organs within the body, and serves as the
organism's main communication network, the principal genetic
regulating source, as well as other life processes.
• The processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and
regeneration are also associated with by the structuring and
regulating activity of the biophoton field.
• The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton fields
are closely related and indicate its possible role as an interface to the
non-physical realms of mind and consciousness.
• The discovery of biophoton emission is also lending significant
scientific support to some unconventional methods of healing such
as homeopathy, acupuncture.
• The Chi energy flowing in our bodies' energy channels (meridians)
which regulates our body functions is also related to the organism's
biophoton field.
• Biological revitalization using biophotons is proving to be a most
important process alleviating chronic diseases, especially cancer.
• Healthy blood charged with biophotonic energy readily destroys
cancerous cells and disease-generating germs.
• A high body charge (biophotons) is the main requirement for
overcoming chronic diseases.
• Therefore, improve your chances of recovery by exposing yourself to
high concentrations of Qi (biophotonic emission, chi or prana).
Review of Literature on Biophotonic Field

1. The Pioneering Research Work of Alexander Gurwitsch and his

Original Discovery of Biophotons
• The research in the field of “biophotons” originated by Russian and
Soviet biologist and medical scientist Alexander G. Gurwitsch who
originated the morphogenetic field theory and discovered the
biophoton [11].
• In developmental biology, a morphogenetic field is a group of cells
able to respond to discrete, localized biochemical signals leading to
the development of specific morphological structures or organs [12].
• In 1923, Gurwitsch first observed biophotons.
• These were ultra-weak biological photon emissions, weak
electromagnetic waves, which were detected in the ultra-violet
range of the spectrum.
• Gurwitsch named the phenomenon “mitogenetic radiation,” since he
believed that this light radiation allowed the morphogenetic field to
control embryonic development.
• His work on the concept of the morphogenetic field points to
molecular interactions unexplained by chemistry.
• His published observations, which related that cell-proliferation of
an onion was accelerated by directing these rays down a tube, first
brought him great attention.
• This, and other sparked similar experiments, brought Gurwitsch an
international reputation.
• His work found some renewed interest in the later 20th century [13-
• In particular, his work influenced the work of Austrian biologist Paul
Alfred Weiss (1898 –1989), who specialized in morphogenesis,
development, differentiation, and neurobiology.
• In 1941, Gurwitsch was awarded a Stalin Prize for his mitogenetic
radiation work leading to a simple way of diagnosing cancer.
• Field theories of morphogenesis were popular in the 1920s, but the
success of genetics overshadowed Gurwitsch’s work on biophotons.
• Gurwitsch was ahead of his time in his interest in the emergent
properties of the embryo.
• However, the search for a ‘physical field’ was abandoned in favor of
more mundane aspects of biology.
• The early interest in physics which aspired Gurwitsch turned out to
be indefensible in the end [11].
• The "mitogenetic ray" was one of the scientific topics that was
qualified later.
• In particular, the tenacious work of Gurwitsch’s daughter (Anna
Gurwitsch), together with the development of the photon counter
multiplier, resulted in the confirmation of the phenomenon of
biophotons in 1962.
• The observation of biophotons was reaffirmed in a western
laboratory by Quickenden and Que Hee in 1974 [15].
• It has been reported in the literature that 1974 also marks the year
in which intercellular communication by means of these rays
reported by Gurwitsch was detected [14].

2. Revival of Gurvitch’s Original Discovery of Biophotons

• There has been a recent revival in “field theories” of life, particularly
among those who have sought to include an account of
developmental psychobiology [16].
• The influence of Gurvitch's theory is particularly evident upon the
work of the plant physiologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake [17-18].
• The spatial and temporal extent of the embryonic fields are dynamic,
and within the field is a collection of interacting cells out of which a
particular organ is formed [19 ].
• As a group, the cells within a given morphogenetic field are
constrained: thus, cells in a limb field will become a limb tissue,
those in a cardiac field will become heart tissue [20].
• However, specific cellular programming of individual cells in a field is
flexible: an individual cell in a cardiac field can be redirected via cell-
to-cell signaling to replace specific damaged or missing cells.
• The concept of the morphogenetic field, fundamental in the early
twentieth century to the study of embryological development, was
first introduced in 1910 by Alexander G. Gurwitsch [11].
• Experimental support was provided by R. G. Harrison [21].
• Harrison was able to identify "fields" of cells producing organs such
that these fields could be fragmented or have undifferentiated cells
added and a complete normal final structure would still result.
• It was thus considered that it was the "field" of cells, rather than
individual cells, that were patterned for subsequent development of
particular organs.
• The ‘field concept’ was developed further by Hans Spemann, and
then by Paul Weiss and others [19].
• By the 1930s, however, the work of geneticists revealed the
importance of chromosomes and genes for controlling development,
and the rise of genetics or evolutionary biology overshadowed the
importance of the ‘field theory.’
• With the discovery and mapping of master control genes, the future
success of genes theory (genetics) was assured.
• But, in the late twentieth century, the field concept was
"rediscovered" as a useful part of developmental biology.
• The morphogenetic field found somewhat of a hybrid character
between morphogenetic and genetics theory.
• It was postulated that genes act upon fields, and then act upon the
developing organism.
• Morphogenetic fields has also been described not as starting
structures, but as entities undergoing localized dynamic
development processes [17-18].

3. Research Studies of Fritz-Albert Popp

• In 1974, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp proved the existence
of biophotons.
• Popp spent many years studying the light that the body naturally
emits (biophotons).
• He rediscovered and made the first extensive physical study of
"Biophotons" [22-26].
• Popp asserts that biophotons exhibit coherent patterns.
• Popp received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics with specialization in
quantum theory of many particle systems.
• He is currently the author of 8 books and over 150 scientific journal
• His research work centers on addressing the relation among
theoretical physics, biology, medicine, and biophotons.
• He is the founder of the International Institute of Biophysics
established in in 1996 in Neuss, German.
• This institutes is composed of a worldwide consortium of 14
universities and government agencies with experts in physics,
chemistry, biology, medicine and other related disciplines
conducting research in the newly found science area of
“photobiology” involved with studying the effect of biophotons in
• An international network of more than 19 research groups from over
13 countries are now involved in biophoton research and coherence
systems in biology.
• Also dubbed as the founder of “biophotonics,” this new area of
sciences is a branch of quantum mechanics that deals with
interaction between photons and biological matter.
• This new of science promises to offer a fresh outlook in
comprehending the inner workings of cells and tissues in living
• In particular, it sheds light into better understanding the biochemical
molecular activities and cellular function of living things.
• Popp traced the origin of biophotons to DNA.
• Popp’s studies indicate that DNA is one of the main suppliers of bio-
• Through comprehensive studies, he discovered that DNA is a
harmonic oscillator, an oscillating system with its own resonating
• Using the length of the DNA molecule to be about two meters when
it is stretched out, and the known speed of light, DNA’s own
frequency may be calculated to be about 150 megahertz.
• Today, it is known from the work of Fritz Albert Popp that such
biophotonic or mitogenic light, while being ultraweak, is however on
the other hand, highly coherent, so that it has an inherent laser-like
light quality [7].
• Popp addressed the coherence or connectedness of biophotons by
developing the “biophoton theory” to explain their possible
biological role and the ways in which they may control biochemical
processes, growth, and differentiation.
• Popp’s research, indeed, confirms the existence of biophotons.
• Popp's biophoton theory leads to many startling insights into the life
• It may even provide one of the major elements of a future theory of
life and holistic medical practice based on such an approach.
• The importance of the discovery of biophotons has been confirmed
by other eminent scientists such as Herbert Froehlich and Nobel
laureate Ilya Prigogine.
• The ancient medical science of acupuncture and other studies in
biophysics suggest that other possible modes of energy transmission
and communication must exist within the body, beyond the
circulatory, the lymphatic, and the nervous system.
• Modern experimental work suggests the existence of map some sort
of ‘light circulatory system’ operating on an energetic level.
• This is decidedly different from the traditional molecular point of
• The electric fields around living things was measured by Saxton Burr
prior to Popp.
• Burr suggested the existence of 'Life-Fields ('L-fields'), which control
an entity’s development.
• Furthermore, recent experimental studies by Popp has shown
that ultra-weak photonic emission from surface of human skin cells
recorded in the visual and infrared part of light spectrum strongly
correlate with electrodermal activities.
• Fritz Popp was quoted to state: “We know today that man,
essentially, is a being of light.”
• The modern science of “photobiology” now asserts that quanta of
light can initiate “cascade-like reactions” in the cells, leading to
repair of genetic cellular damage in the cells in virtually hours using
faint beams of light.
• Therefore, the implication of biophotons and the advantage of the
new science of photobiology in healing cannot be overemphasized.
• According to Popp “the function of our entire metabolism depends
on light.”

4. Recent Research Studies of Russian Scientist Peter Gariaev et al

on Light and DNA
• There is now evidence for existence of an endogenous intracellular
coherent light emitted by the DNA molecule itself, originating from
within the organism.
• DNA and the genome have now been identified as active "laser-like"
light environments.
• DNA can be considered as a liquid crystal gel-like substance that acts
on the entering light [27].
• These discoveries correspond with the reports of “mystics” of their
intuitive INNER experiences of Light.
• Thus, the traditional esoteric assertion of "inner light" no longer can
be conjectured as being a mystical statement [28].
• Could it be that these mystics somehow ‘see’ inner holographic
• These scientific findings indicate that one can reach WITHIN.
• However, the frequency must be spot-on.
• This is why not everybody is equally successful in having the same
• The individual person must work on the inner developments in order
to establish a conscious communication with the DNA.
• As these results have already been confirmed scientifically,
Skepticism finally cease to exist, and metaphysics will no longer be
dubbed as “pseudoscience,” “esoteric,” or even “mysterious.”
• Complex information can be encoded in electromagnetic fields.
• The electromagnetic light signals are of key importance in the
regulatory functioning of DNA [29].
• The phenomenon of bio-photon ultraviolet luminance has been
experimentally demonstrated by Gariaev et al [30].
• Gariaev’s discoveries go far beyond Popp’s.
• Furthermore, it has been found that biophotons improve metabolic
responses by thousand times in humans [31].
• DNA is the projector of a bio-hologram, both at the cellular level and
at the whole bodily level.
• This means that the DNA creates a situation of a complex pattern of
three-dimensional electromagnetic moving wave in the space that
the person occupies, a phenomenon traditionally referred to as the
human aura.
• P.P. Gariaev et al also experimentally demonstrated that laser light
generated in DNA electromagnetically arbitrates "language" for
communicational purposes between DNA and our cells, and is thus, a
key element in informational transmission process [32].
• Gariaev’s group indicates that one can modulate a laser beam by
frequency and affect the information of the DNA waves, and thus,
the genetic information, and effectively reprogram the DNA codon
sequences using controlled laser light.
• Thus, one is able to reprogram the DNA of living organisms by using
the correct resonant frequencies of DNA.
• Laser light therapies are already being applied in some European
academic hospitals with success to treat skin cancer.
• According to Gariaev, DNA is not just a blueprint for constructing the
• It is also a storage facility for optical information as well as an organ
for communication.
• According to Gariaev’s studies, DNA is not only the transmitter and
receiver of electromagnetic energy radiation, but it also absorbs and
interprets information contained in the radiation.
• Thus, in essence, DNA is an extremely complex interactive optical
• Non-mainstream therapy procedures such as Chinese acupuncture,
which until recently were considered as pseudoscience or
mysterious, may now be explicated with help of the Gariaev's theory
of waive genetics.
• Light actually represents an important factor in the power supply of
our hereditary DNA molecule.
• It provides for healthy functioning of all our cells [33].
• However, from a nutritional point of view, it cannot form a complete
replacement for material food alone.
• The information transferred via the light is very important.
• The DNA communicates through light via a morphogenetic field with
other organisms and through what the author has referred to as the
‘neural network of God,’ [34-36] in receiving data regarding what
may be perceived as the “divine plan.”
• Recent scientific of studies of Gariaev and others in Russia testify to
this effect.
• Processes in the substance-wave structures of DNA can be observed
and recorded through the dispersal and absorption of a laser beam.
• Our measurements of the wave-substance duality system yield two
solutions: mass within space where time is infinite, and waves within
time where space is infinite.
• What does exactly the “DNA matter-wave dualism" mean?
• In which way is it linked with the chromosome's numerous code
• In some sense, the genome operates like a complex multi-wave laser
with adjustable frequencies.
• It emits DNA light, which may be controlled by amplitude, phase, or
• We arise as a result of local manifestation of our mass composed of
fundamental particles of protons and electrons and individualized
spin of electrons while rotating around our protons, giving rise to our
Vortexial wave characteristics.
• Our DNA (or chromosomes) has wave attributes.
• And, “wave genetics” addresses our existence at the most
fundamental level.
• Our living chromosomes work as solitonic holographic computers,
incorporating a self-reinforcing solitary wave packet or a pulse that
maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity, being
informed by endogenous DNA laser radiation [37-38].
• Our so-called “junk DNA” constitutes a rich infrastructure for super
codes and wave communication [39].
• In material form (as opposed to the wave aspect of substance-wave
duality), our chromosome has a liquid crystalline structure.
• It, however, also exists as dynamic holograms in the liquid crystals of
the chromosome continuum.
• This suggests that the human gene is a holistic part of the larger
hologram of the cosmos containing wave information reality that
operate in the frequency (as opposed to time) domain.
• What has traditionally been known as “genetic code” addresses the
code for protein synthesis (proteinogenetics) and nothing more [40].
• Wave genetics is concerned with electromagnetic waves or ‘light
fields as opposed to genetic markers driven by biochemical
• The ideology of Wave genetics is far more advanced than the
conventional genetics.
• By the same token a field theory is more fundamental than particle
• It unifies and administers our bodily structure and consciousness.
• Wave genetics triggers structural and defensive developments in all
• Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical at its all
levels of existence: at the body or organism level, as well as the,
cellular, nucleotide-DNA, molecular, atomic levels, as well as sub-
atomic level [41].
• It also has the added feature of holographic at chromosomic level
[42], which is not easily deciphered by us.
• And, at the quantum holographic level it conforms to both principles
of quantum non-locality [43] and entanglement [44].
• A morphogenic ‘field’ comprises a host of cells interacting with one
• Each cell, apart from its own holographic structure and its own
dynamic properties, also contains holographic information about its
neighboring cells.
• Active genetic information is transmitted in the form of conscious
energy through frequency carrying signals, which effect biological
actions through resonance.
• Each energetic source represents an electromagnetic field.
• Our DNA may be viewed as a chain of oscillators or torsional
pendulums ever spinning, fluctuating, and being in vibrational
motion [45].
• DNA is a communication organ of our body, manipulated by
electromagnetic radiation.
• The DNA blueprint functions as a bio-hologram, which serves as a
guiding matrix for organizing physical form.
• The genetic apparatus functions by:
• (1) scanning and reading the genetic or metabolic wave information
• (2) introducing the ‘non-local’ information into the bio-system, and
• (3) managing our metabolism and consciousness with that
information including that of the collective unconscious and the
entire history of our evolution [46].
• DNA functions at the genetic and in the electromagnetic wave form
(the so to speak ‘field’).
• At certain wave (field) levels, the genome is able to transfer genetic
data or information via electromagnetic, bio-photonic, and acoustic
• Wave genetics suggests that genetic traits can be changed, activated
and deactivated by use of resonant waves, beamed at the DNA.
• We are biologically active to the transmission of holographic-
modulated information via light, electromagnetic, and acoustic
• External quantum management and self- management of organisms
occurs by means of bio-holographic information.
• Bio-systems are capable of self-scanning and self-correction using
their own coherent waves or irradiation of their chromosomes in the
wave range of 250-800 nanometers.
• The letters of DNA coding form a genetic language, which can be
‘read out’ and expressed.
• Gariaev's theory contends that the genetic apparatus can be viewed
as the tri-unity of its functional organization structure-consisting of
holographic, solitonic, and fractal structures [47].
• Proteins are the main molecules perceiving external electromagnetic
fields as regulators.
• DNA also responds to the environment by turning genes on and off.
• Applications of Wave Genetics technologies have uncovered the
entire range of functionality of the DNA, including the functions of
so-called "junk DNA.
• Fractal sequence structure of DNA and long wave functions of tightly
coiled DNA create field effects across the entire Genome.
• Informational molecules interact with physical fields and bio-
photons leading to the excitation of fluctuations in the active
geometrical centers, working as a resonant antenna.
• The double helix of the DNA at the same time acts as an antenna
• The electromagnetic energy, which the DNA takes up is stored quite
easily inside it, bringing the molecule into oscillation.
• Physically, such a system is called a harmonic oscillator [49-55].
• Gariaev claims that the DNA is an organic superconductor, which can
still work in addition at normal body temperature.
• Superconductors store light.
• Light represents an important factor in the power supply of our
hereditary DNA molecule.
• It provides healthy functioning of all procedures in our cells.
• Light is pure electromagnetic energy, divided into small quanta, so-
called photons, constantly moving with the speed of light.
• We humans carry thus in each cell of our body that is essentially a
technical high speed equipment: a microchip with 3 Gigabits storage
capability, which takes up electromagnetic information from the
environment, stores it, possibly in changed form, and is also able to
emit light.
• We know that the molecule would be stretched out about two
meters long.
• Thus, it has a natural frequency of 150 megahertz, falling in the
range of microwaves.
• Again, a remarkable number, because this frequency is exactly in the
range suitable for telecommunications, rendering human beings as
essentially a radar.
• In addition, the DNA can store all harmonic waves of 150 megahertz,
as well as visible light.
• Chromosomes react to the wave so that the vital information
ensures human life and development.
• Everything reduces to a fundamental ‘field.’
• This may lead to precise description of a grand unified field theory,
the Theory of Everything (TOE), in which the science of metaphysics
becomes physics.
• Human consciousness is a part of the Universal Consciousness.
• In this regard, we have the capacity to spark and focus our intuition
or other subtle faculties to "remember" information stored in us,
which represents a dynamic universal field inseparable from the
fabric of our own being.
• What we seek may never be found in the tangible material particles
of our DNA or blood type but may reside in the holographic wave
genetics of our very being.
• We all have a physical body and an ethereal body, which is
essentially our informational or energy body.
• This source field binds us to the Cosmos in an eternal way.
• Hypercommunication is data exchange on the DNA level using
genetic code.
• By expanding our awareness of the components underlying
coherence, such as the absorption of light into our cells, we can take
steps to move into more complete coherence, with resultant
benefits to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


1. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness
2. Further Insights into the Mechanics of Flashing
Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness
3. Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness
4. On the Kirlian Effect of Capturing the Light of Aura
5. Bischof, M., “Biophotons - The Light in Our Cells,” (in German),
Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt, 9th Ed., 522 pages, May 1998, ISBN 3-
6. Chang, J.J., Fisch, J., Popp, F.A., “Biophotons,” Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1998·
7. Popp F.A., “Some features of Biophotons and their Interpretation in
Terms of Coherent States,” Biophotonics and Coherent Systems, Proc.
2nd A. Gurwitsch Conference and Additional Contributions, Moscow
University Press. Ed. L. Beloussov et al., p. 117-133, 2000.
8. Auric Depletion and its Avoidance
9. Fundamentals of Auric Skin Microcracking and Energetic Leakage:
Cleavage Microcracking due to Differential Pressure
10. The Effects of Air Travel and Visiting Powernodes on Auric
11. Beloussov, L.V., "Life of Alexander G. Gurwitsch and his Relevant
Contribution to the Theory of Morphogenetic Fields," International
Journal of Developmental Biology Vol. 41, No. 6, p. 771–779, 1997.
12. Jacobson, A.G., and Sater, A.K., "Features of Embryonic Induction,"
Development Vol. 104, No. 3, p. 341–359, 1988.
13. Ostrander, S., and Schroeder, L.,"PSI: Psychic Discoveries behind
the Iron Curtain," Abacus, 1973.
14. Playfair, G.L., and Hill, S., "The Cycles of Heaven," Chapter 8, New
York, Avon, 1979.
15. Quickenden, T.I., and Que Hee, S.S., "Weak Luminescence from the
Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and the Existence of Mitogenetic
Radiation," Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Vol.
60, No. 2, p. 764-769, 1974.
16. Gilbert S.F., "The "Re-discovery" of Morphogenic Fields,” in A
Companion to Developmental Biology, 8th Ed., Sinauer Associates, 2006.
17. Sheldrake, R., “A New Science of Life: The Hypostasis of Formative
Causation,” London, Icon Books, 3rd Ed., Chapter 4, p. 97, 2009.
18. Sheldrake, R., “Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative
Causation,” Rochester, Vermont, Park Street Press, 5th Ed., 2009.
19. Gilbert S.F., Opitz J.M., and Raff R.A., "Resynthesizing Evolutionary
and Developmental Biology," Dev. Biol., Vol. 173 No. 2, p. 357–372, 1996.
20. Gilbert S.F., “Developmental biology,” (7th ed.), Sunderland, Mass,
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21. de Robertis, E.M., Morita, E.A., Cho, K.W.Y., "Gradient Fields and
Homeobox Genes," Development Vol. 112, No. 3, p. 669–678, 1991.
22. Rattemeyer M., Popp F. A., and Nagl, W., “Evidence of Photon
Emission from DNA in Living Systems,” Nature Wissenshanften, Vol. 68,
No. 11, p. 572-573, 1981.
23. Popp, F. A., Li, K., and Gu., Q., “Recent Advances in Biophoton
Research and its Application, World Scientific, p. 1-18, 1992.
24. Popp, F. A., Quao, G., and Ke-Hsuen, L., “Biophoton Emission:
Experimental Background and Theoretical Approaches,” Modern
Physics Letters B, Vol. 8, p. 21-22, 1994.
25. Popp, F. A., Chang J.J., Herzog, A., Yan, Z., and Yan, Y., “Evidence of
Non-Classical (Squeezed) Light in Biological Systems,” Physics Letters A,
Vol. 293, Nos. 1-2), p. 98-102, 2002.
26. Cohen, S., and Popp, F.A., “Biophoton Emission of the Human
Body,” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Vol. 40,
No. 2, p.187-189, 1997.
27. Maksimenko V.V., “Peculiarities of Light Absorption by Fractal
Clusters,” Atmosphere and Ocean Optics, Vol. 10, No. 10, p. 21, 1997.
28. Puri, Lekh Raj, “Mysticism: the Spiritual Path,” Radha Soami
Satsang Beas, India, 1964.
29. Dzang Kangeng Yu.V., “Bioelectromagnetic Fields as a Material
Carrier of Biogenetic Information,” Aura-Z, N3, p. 42-54, 1993.
30. Agaltsov A.M., Gariaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Rakhmatullayev I.A.,
Tcheglov V.A., “Double-Photon-Induced Luminescent Lighting in Genetic
Structures,” Quantum Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 2, p. 181-184, 1996.
31. Kaznacejev V. P., Michailova L. P., Ultraviolet Luminance in
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32. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko,
Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf,
"The DNA-wave Biocomputer"
33. Grazyna Gosar, and Franz Bludorf, “Vernetzte Intelligenz”
(Networked Intelligence),
34. Dimensional Space: ‘Void Singularity’
35. Void-Singularity-Vacuum, Generation of Torsion Fields in
Dimensional Continuums and its Relevance to the Spinning of the
36. A Unified Theory for the Creation of Cosmos and Vibration of all
that it contains
37. Gariaev P.P., “Wave Genome,” Dep. VINITI., p.279, 1993.
38. Gariaev P.P., “Wave Genome,” M. Obtch. Polza Press, 1994. p.279.
39. On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk
40. “On the Watson-Crick Dogma of Human Proteinogenetics,” to be
41. On the Physical Structure and Quantum Nature of Earth Human
42. “On the Holographic Nature of Earth Human Genetics,” to be
43. “Earth Human Genetics: Quantum Non-Locality,” to be published
44. “Earth Human Genetics: Quantum Entanglement,” to be published
45. “Human Wave Genetics,” to be published
46. “Light, Human Genetics, and Consciousness,” to be published
47. “Earth Human Genetics: Fractality,” to be published
48. Introduction to Human Genetics
49. A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness
[Soul Animation]
50. A Mathematical Model for the Physical Vibration [Animation] of an
Ageing Sentient Body
51. Mathematical Models for Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware
Soul Aspects: Soul Aspects Vibrating as a SDOF Ensemble
52. A Mathematical Model for the Vibration of Two Mutually-Aware
Soul Aspects: Soul Aspects Vibrating as a MDOF System
53. A General Formulation for Multidimensional Coupled Vibration of
Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects
54. A Critical Review of Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul
55. Dynamics of Sentient Vibration, Karmic Response, and Sequential
Jumping of Souls into Parallel
The Consciousness and Spiritual Science Institute (Formerly Institute
of Spiritual Science) Publishing 2016.
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