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Gravity/Dark Energy is Created by Sound Through an Acoustic Metric: The Bi-

Polaron Concept and the Birth of the Gravitone

Dirk K. F. Meijer*, William D. Brown***, and Alex Axelrod**,

* Prof. em. of Pharmacokinetics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
** PhD. EMC, RF and Microwaves Engineer, Jerusalem, Israel
*** PhD and Prof. in Biophysics, the Resonance Institute, Hawai, USA


The present essay deals with the role of sound (phonon wave-particles), in the formation of dipole
Bipolarons, seen as being instrumental in describing the origin and nature of Gravity/Dark energy, through
dual charge interactions with a primordial structured vacuum lattice. Since Einstein described gravity in his
General Theory of Relativity, as arising from a warping of space-time, nevertheless, hundreds of alternative
theories have been forwarded in articles and books, albeit without finding definite clues, both at the
macro-cosmological and micro-(Planckian) levels. The basis for the present concept is our earlier reported
“Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence”, that is supposed to connect and guide the fabric of
reality in a scale-invariant manner, from Cosmic to Planck scales. This code represents a primordial power
spectrum of discrete EMF frequencies that was revealed by us in acoustic patterns in the CMB pattern,
Zero-point energy field oscillations and Boson energy distribution, among many other processes in bio-
physics. This EMF pattern was also proposed by Wong et al, to be involved the step-wise unfolding of
cosmic information at the birth of the universe, and is compatible with the unified holographic concept of
Brown et al. A similar energy distribution was recently found by us for gravitational waves and, remarkably,
also in brain micro-tubular oscillations in a state of coherent resonance with quantum fluctuations at the
Planck scale. In the present paper, we submit that at symmetry breaking from 5D to 4 D, oscillating
phonons were created that can form quasi-particles with proton-electron pairs, together framed by us as
“Bi-Polaron Gravitones”. Attractive and Repulsive charge interactions of such confined electron/proton
composites can generate Gravity and Dark Energy forces respectively. Alternatively, similar charge
interactions may occur in the process of electron/positron (matter/antimatter) interaction, by which
Gravity/Dark Energy would be coupled to particle annihilation in the ZPE setting. This sound (phonon)-
mediated creation of Gravity/Dark Energy can, in principle, yield a comprehensive and unified Gravity
theory on the basis of both Quantum mechanical and Relativity frameworks. The present “Bipolaron
concept” requires a 3D dynamic space-time lattice medium, with vortex/torus operators at its corners,
constituting a fractal multiple-scale structure, as proposed by Axelrod. At each scale the vortex energy is
stored in double-helical torus, allowing a mechanism of energy exchange between symmetric and anti-
symmetric excitation modes and between a plurality of discrete spatial scales. Vortices play the role of the
dominant energy storage element of the vacuum structure, and are generated as a response to the demand
for energy compression. The Bipolaron/Gravity hypotheses will be further elaborated in a coming
review/literature compilation of which the present paper is an extended summary. The Bi-Polaron concept
implies the birth of the “Gravitone”, as opposed to the supposed, but currently not detected, Graviton of
the Standard Model of Quantum Physics. Therefore, our concept rather pictures the becoming of our
universe as an eternal symphonic manifestation.

1. Introduction

In previous work we proposed a phonon-guided biology (Meijer and Geesink, 2014), operating as a
generalized acoustic code in a 5-D superfluid quantum space (Meijer et al, 2020). We have recently
shown that our universe may have started by symmetry breaking from a homogenous 5D manifold or sub-
quantum space, yielding 4D photon/phonon bosons and Higgs-mediated creation of fermions, in addition
to toroidal energy operators that were instrumental in the constitution of (first)-life conditions (Meijer
and Wong, 2021; 2022). We agree with the notion that our universe was created from a previous version
(rebound, circular cosmological models), on the basis of primordial information in the form of a scale
invariant acoustic quantum code of resonant coherence. In this paper we aim at the comparison of the
latter concept with 3 other theories that recently addressed the nature of Gravity. (see Fig.1).

• Acoustic
• Dynamic Vacuum Quantum Code
Lattice Model of Resonant

Alex Axelrod Hans Geesink/

Phonon/ Dirk Meijer

Monopole Conscious
• 5D Symmetry- -ness • Consciousness
Breaking- Event Horizon
Magnetic Brain Model
Monopole Theory
KAI-WAI WONG Dirk Meijer

Figure 1: The four theoretic building blocks of the present Bi-polaron concept on the origin of Gravity and
Anti-Gravity, exhibit toroidal geometry as the connecting principle.

2. How Were Gravity and Dark energy Forces Created in the Fabric of Reality?

We argue that at the supposed initiation or bounced transition of our universe, the first wave/particles
created were electrons and protons and suppose that they naturally formed wave/particle pairs due to
their opposite charge. We submit that such dipole structures did not internally collide due to the presence
of Zero-point energy, including electromagnetic confinement. The generated composite proton-electron
particle pairs than formed quasi-particles through association with informational phonons and
consequently could be guided by the proposed acoustic quantum code, as potentially inherited from the
preceding Universe. The latter suggestion is based on a multiply connected universe, that can be modeled
by toroidal holographic topology, in which at each discrete state of the quantum system encodes the
particular information in the holographic event horizon of the 6D boundary of the abovementioned

primordial 5-D configuration space. According to Wong and Chow, 2020, massless +/-spinors in 5D were
the precursors for Electron/Proton dipole pairs in 4D. The spinor can be described, in simple terms, as
"vectors of a space the transformations of which are related in a particular way to rotations in physical
space". The latter provided the basis for the creation of the first hydrogen atom and all subsequent
heavier atoms that in fact are multiplies of this basic fermionic combined structure. These primordial
bipolar particles, being confined in a magnetic monopole configurations, exhibit internal attracting and
repulsive charge interactions that we conceive as the intrinsic origin of Gravity and Dark Energy, forces
that implicitly will be associated with any atom of matter in our reality.

The related wave/particle oscillations can also be interpreted as left- and right-handed vortices in the
Zero-point energy (ZPE) field, in line with the theories of Haramein, Brown, and Val Baker, 2016. The
basic structure of such an all pervading force field can be related to the multiply-connected spacetime
geometry arising from the energetic wormhole structure ( the quantum spacetime foam of Wheeler) at
the supposed Planck scale.

Axelrod, 2023, conceived the Structured Vacuum Theory (SVT), synthesizing a dynamic Planck-scale lattice
by methods of reverse engineering guided by the variational principle of the steepest descent to
maximum value of the Quality Factor, the QF. The QF of the system is defined as the ratio of reactive
power of the system inner vibrations to the dispersion (i.e. loss) power. Elementary particles are
presented as phonon excitations of this vacuum lattice and are expressed as a variety of the lattice
discrete distortions breaking symmetry of its structure. This dynamic lattice, as proposed by Axelrod,
2023, forms the space-time canvas for all physical events. This model enables to materialize and visualize
basic concepts of energy, its potential and kinetic components, gravitational and electromagnetic
energies, etc. as different symmetry-breaking patterns of the double-helical flows of primordial
superfluid. In the SVT model the gravitational energy may be either kinetic, responsible for the
macroscopic effect of inert mass, or potential, responsible for the Newton's gravity effects. At the Planck-
scale level, kinetic and potential gravitational energies are, respectively, stored in the longitudinal and
transverse velocity components of the anti-symmetrical excitations of the double-helical transmission
lines comprising the vacuum lattice.

Axelrod, 2023, proposed a dynamic vacuum lattice, in which phononic excitations of different energies
form spatially isolated or agglomerated wave-like zero-mass or massive particles. The particles have 1D
curvilinear structures, and hereby are the result of the 3D vacuum lattice distortions. Here a possible link
can be revealed with Einstein’s General Relativity framework, in which gravity was approached by
perturbation of space-time curvature (warping of space), but the space concept is replaced by the vacuum
lattice equivalent. In this respect it is of great interest that the torus topology, that is central in our
concepts, exhibits both positive and negative curvature surface bending, with an infinite transition
boundary (see Fig. 5). The present paper, therefore, may exhibit a connecting element of space
distortions that may be considered as one factor in the potential reconciliation of the relativistic (General
Theory of Relativity), and the presently conceived Quantum-mechanical frameworks. The 3D hexagonal
structure of Axelrod’s vacuum lattice has vortex sites in its corners that represent fractal multiple-scale
structures. At each scale the vortex energy is stored in double-helical torus, and there is a mechanism of
energy exchange between a plurality of discrete spatial scales. Vortices play the role of the dominant
energy storage element of the vacuum structure, and are generated as a response to the demand for
energy compression. The vortices, thus, are interconnected by straight double-helical sections responsible

for energy redistribution along the lattice and energy exchange between vortex sites within the same
spatial scale.

Axelrod, 2023, interestingly, comes to the conclusion that adding more spatial dimensions is equivalent to
adding more degrees of freedom to the Planck scale structure of the structured vacuum. This means that
the entire vacuum structure is not limited by the Planck-scale structure but stores most of its energy in
much greater number of hexagonal lattice structures of much more fine scale. All scales of this fractal
structure are energetically coupled, and there is energy exchange between all the pluralities of the nested
scales. The Planck-scale vacuum structure is the most important for understanding of mechanisms
underlying laws of classical mechanics, Newton's gravity and Maxwell's electromagnetism, governing
macroscopic events. Axelrod is in favor of Planck-scale vacuum structure as granting us all mechanisms of
energy transformations including primordial phonons and bipolarons formed from them, and interprets
the vacuum lattice bearing the Proton/Electron pairs as the basic building block of reality.

In the SVT model, Axelrod, 2023, mentions in his vacuum lattice theory also cosmic consciousness that,
interestingly, is regarded as a Principle of Energy Conservation. Adoption of the dominant role of this
single fundamental principle enables derivation of the system behavioral algorithm of its steepest descent
to the Maximum Quality. In his opinion, universal consciousness related to this variational principle,
grants sufficient intelligence for the system’s optimal functionality and conduct, at all spatiotemporal
scales. The fractal vacuum structure incorporates numerous discrete sub-lattices, much more subtle than
the Planck-scale lattice. Each such sub-lattice is the equivalent of the additional "dimension", so needed
by developers of the String Theory. All this is clearly in line with the present Bipolaron concept, although
in both theories one needs to answer the question of the very origin of such a sophisticated multi-scale
fractal lattice: was it inherited from a previous universe of created by eternal intelligence?

Traditionally, area surrounding isolated proton is described in terms of coexisting central gravitational and
electromagnetic potentials. In the STV model, the proton is the origin of coexisting spherically shaped
anti-symmetrical and symmetrical distortions of the vacuum lattice. In the SVT model, the bonded
Electron is the structure along which takes place the process of spatial resonance, in a course of which
energies of gravitational (anti-symmetrical) and electromagnetic (symmetrical) excitations are fully
exchanged. Hence, the electron cannot be formed without the mechanism of the curved double-helix,
generated around positively charged massive protons.

The particular dimensional and wave/particle transitions must obey quantum mechanical rules, and
therefore may require a conscious observer. Since consciousness was earlier modeled by us as a 5D
holographic toroidal system, bearing an information-storing event horizon (Meijer and Geesink, 2017).
The scale-invariant torus structure as energy operator, may present the connective principle in all of the
(bio)-physical theories treated here and includes consciousness as a cosmological entity.

Two, earlier defined, quantum wave equations, for coherent and incoherent quantum states, describe the
phonon frequency distribution pattern by a Pythagorean-like sound equation. This aims to distribute ratios
of 2:3 into 1:2 on the musical scale. We showed earlier that this theory generates twelve invariant (Chern-
normalized) space-time length dimensions: 1.0000, 1.0535, 1.1250, 1.1852, 1.2656, 1.3333, 1.4142, 1.5000,
1.5803, 1.6875, 1.7778, 1.8984, that correspond with our harmonic series of coherent waves, in which the
disordered incoherent wave frequencies are invariably located in between the coherent values, both being

in line with Chern-Simons theory (Meijer, 2022;2023, Geesink and Meijer, 2021). This crucial EMF
frequency distribution pattern seems universal, being revealed now in 15 different bio-physical processes
from the utmost micro-scale to macro- phenomena at cosmological scales (see Table 1, below).

Traditionally, phonons are defined as the excited states of the condensed matter made up of atoms or
molecules, as in a crystal. Among them are the smallest possible units of sound exhibiting a longitudinal
vibration mode. In the SVT model, are considered three principally different ways of the vacuum structure
system conduct, covering all the variety of the vacuum excited states. The 1-st and the 2-nd types of
behavior are typical for the excitation energy transformations within the same Planck spatial scale. It is
important to notice that the ordered part of the Planck-scale vacuum lattice features identical cells, which
are tightly energetically coupled and all involved in the same standing-waves coherent oscillation at the
Planck frequency. We shall restrict our discussion by the fundamental case of monochromatic excitations.
In any monochromatic Planck-scale excitations, the excitation involves a finite number of the lattice cells
located along the 1D path constituting the structure of the monochromatic excitation. The excited system
stably persists in this state, and this does not require energy investment and maintains the same energetic
level of its inner De Broglie oscillations.

In the 1-st case, the phonon excitation propagates along the helical trajectory with straight axis line. Such
behavior characterizes photons. In the photon-phonon propagation process, one cell gives up its oscillation
energy, completely stops vibrating and the next-door cell picks up that energy (all of that energy) and
starts oscillating in turn. All the process is conducted within the structure of the same spatial scale. This
type of conduct is employed by the system for energy redistribution along the vacuum lattice.

The 2-nd way of conduct is selected by the system, when it needs energy confinement in some specific
spatial location within the lattice. For the energy confinement, the lattice employs the mechanism of
energy conversion between symmetric and anti-symmetric propagation modes of the double-helical torus
structure. For discrete and very specific ratios of the torus radii of toroidal and poloidal rotations, complete
energy exchange between said propagation modes take place. This mechanism gives birth to massive
electrically charged particles possessing also magnetic moment.

In the third case, the vacuum system behaves in a quite different way, which is typical for scenarios when it
needs the energy optimal compression in some specific location. In this scenario, the vacuum lattice
behaves similarly to the atomic structure and has all features of the hydrodynamic vortex. Alike electrons in
atoms, phonon excitation may be stuck in separate energy levels, but can also switch from one stable level
to the other by the mechanism of absorption or emission of energy corresponding to energy differences
between those levels. Energy of phonon excitations behaves similarly when it is restricted in a crystalline
fractal structures. Such behavior of the 3-ed type is typical for vortices sites of different spatial scales: in the
vacuum structure, atoms, and hydrodynamic vortices of fluids with high Reynolds number. In all these
cases, the energy is distributed among energy levels of this “ladder” of stable discrete energy levels instead
of an effectively continuous set of energy levels.

This one-step-up-from-the-ground-state vibration that passes from one resonant structure of one spatial
scale to the other resonant structure of the other spatial scale is conceived as a “phonon fractal”. In the
SVT model, the "ladder" phenomenon is due to discrete spatial resonances in which exists full energy
exchange between symmetric and ant-symmetric modes propagating along double-helical torus. For

example, conditions of the discrete spatial resonances are satisfied in the "permitted" energy levels in
atomic structures.

3. Gravitons: Carriers of Gravitation?

In theories of quantum gravity, the graviton is the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle
that mediates the force of gravitational interaction. As mentioned above, there is no complete quantum
field theory of gravitons due to an outstanding mathematical problem with renormalization in general
relativity. In string theory the graviton is a massless state of a fundamental string. If it exists, the graviton
is expected to be massless because the gravitational force has a very long range and appears to propagate
at the speed of light. The graviton could be a spin-2 boson because the source of gravitation is the stress–
energy tensor, a second-order tensor. In fact, it can be shown that any massless spin-2 field give rise to a
force indistinguishable from gravitation. This result suggests that, if a massless spin-2 particle would be
discovered, it might be identified as a graviton (Freeman, 1973). In the SVT model, the gravitational
energy may be either kinetic, responsible for the macroscopic effect of inert mass, or potential,
responsible for the Newton's gravity effects. At the Planck-scale level, kinetic and potential gravitational
energies are stored in the longitudinal and transverse velocity components of the superfluid double-
helical flows.

Table 1: The General Character of the Generalized Music-scale EMF-Frequency Pattern, Revealing the
Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence in Whole Nature from Micro to Macro Scales

Discrete Coherent and/or Decoherent Quantum Energies/Frequencies were consistently found by us in a

Spectrum of Animate and Non-animate Systems, as listed below:

1) Life conditions affected by EMF exposure: A meta-analysis of over 800 biomedical publications, from
1970 till 2021, showing beneficial or detrimental biological effects as caused by external non-thermal
EMF frequencies from Hz till THz. (410 data, Geesink and Meijer, 2016, as reviewed in Meijer and
Geesink, 2019, Geesink and Meijer, 2019).

2) The Band-like distribution of discrete EMF frequencies can algorithmically be described by a 12 tone
musical scale as basically proposed by Pythagoras and later expressed by geometry of the Tonnetz torus,
implying Phonon (sound) mediated processes, (Meijer and Geesink, 2015).

3) EMF frequencies of the GM-scale promote Entanglement in Einstein Podolsky Rosen experiments:
Meta-analyses of the EPR-experiments learned that entanglement, achieved in such studies is real, and
the applied EMF frequencies are located at discrete frequencies revealing a coherent distribution
pattern, (84 data in 50 publications, Geesink and Meijer, 2018)

4) Superconductor Energy Gaps: Meta-analysis of superconuctor literature showed that the particular
wave frequency patterns in superconducting materials have discrete coherent frequency bands and can
be described by the proposed quantum equation of coherence (160 data, 76 publications, Geesink and
Meijer, 2019).

5) EMF frequencies of Phyllo-silicates, clay materials): Meta-analysis of radiated EMF frequencies after
energizing various clay materials, showed a distinct frequency pattern fitting the proposed acoustic
quantum code of resonant coherent (45 data, Geesink and Meijer, 2020)

5) EMF frequencies that either inhibit or promote Cancer: Meta-analysis of shows a distinct EMF
frequency pattern, fully compatible with the proposed acoustic quantum code (100 data from 123
studies, Meijer and Geesink, 2017a)

6) EMF-Frequencies of Water. Meta-analysis of semi-harmonic frequency patterns found in purified

water are very similar to those found in intact biological systems, (see 1): frequencies of pure water
shows that 192 subsequent first and second derivatives of spectral frequency curves of water –
molecules and can be precisely positioned at the pattern of coherent Eigen-frequencies of the quantum
code with an error of 0.45% ( 700 data, Geesink, Jerman and Meijer, 2019)

7) Frequencies of Bose Einstein condensates: Many independent experiments related to energy

distributions of Bose Einstein Condensates show a distinct semi-harmonic distribution of energies (78
data in 26 publications, Geesink, 2020b).

8) Frequencies for Quantum Hall effects: A meta-analysis of experimentally found fractional quantum
Hall effects learns that the different energy Landau levels are ordered according but to the harmonic
function as proposed by the AQCRC wave pattern (57 data in 21 publications, Geesink, 2021b).

9) Frequencies for Mass/Energies of Boson Elementary Particles: Support for an ontological basis of the
Standard Model was found and indicates a coherent quantum wave equation for subatomic particles (40
data in 21 publications, Meijer and Geesink, 2022)

10) Frequencies of Zero-point Energy Oscillations: Zero-point measurements and calculations related to
Rabi frequencies, Lamb shifts, as well as vibrational energies of molecules, including hydrogen,
substantiated a discrete quantum wave distribution of the zero-point energy field as calculated by the
acoustic quantum code of resonant coherence. (49 data in 13 publications, Meijer, 2022).

11) Frequency values for Gravity waves: Meta-analysis of as recently reported Gravitational waves
revealed a clear frequency distribution pattern, confirming the proposed Acoustic Quantum Code (140
data from 12 studies, Geesink, 2022), submitted

12) Frequency values for Oscillations in Brain Neuronal Microtubules in vitro: Meta-analysis of the
recently published frequency values for microtubule of brain tissue studies, as performed in various
groups, shows a striking congruence with the pattern of the acoustic quantum code (52 frequencies
from 8 different studies, Geesink and Schmieke, 2022).

13) Frequencies of Spatio-temporal EEG peaks in Brains of Healthy Individuals and Mental Disorder
Patients showed a remarkable fit with the discrete coherent frequency pattern of the acoustic quantum
code, with decreased coherent values in menal disorder patient (Geesink, 2022, Meijer, 2023)

14) Infrared Signal Technology Improves Healthy Conditions in Brain and of Other Tissues, meta-
analysis of EMF frequencies used in clinical practice are compatible with the coherent frequencies of the
AQCRC pattern (Geesink, 2023).Submitted

15) Chern-Invariant Metrics Derived from Patterns of Phonon Topology, meta-analysis of reported
Chern numbers in literature reveal a series of subdivision values of the Chern numbers between 1 and
2, that is identical the AQCRC frequency values between 1-2 Hz, indicating a scale-invariant set of
ground numbers in nature. (Geesink, 2021; Meijer, 2022).

16) Quantum Energy States of Monopoles Are Described by a Generalized Wave Function, literature
meta- analysis of monopole energies exhibits are compatible with the values of the AQCRC (Geesink,
2023). Submitted

17) Frequencies of the Solar system, Solar cells, Semiconductors and Photosynthesis, revealed a
striking fit with the EMF frequency pattern of the AQCRC, indicating a cosmological context of the EMF
photon frequency pattern (Geesink, 2023). Submitted

18) Frequencies of Energy Fluctuations at the Planck Scale: analysis of data on discrete energy distribution
as related to black-body radiation, showed an alternating pattern of coherent and decoherent values, being
fully compatible with the Acoustic quantum code, (Geesink, 2022; Meijer, 2023), and in the present paper

We earlier proposed that the universe was created out of three elemental and inter-convertible building
blocks: Energy, Matter and Information (Meijer, 2012). In this follow-up article an analysis is carried out
on the basic mechanisms inherent in the functioning of the living and conscious Universe, that seems
permeated by an intrinsic intelligence (Meijer and Ivaldi, 2022). In this scenario, a primordial acoustic
quantum code in the form of BSE-condensed polaron field is assumed to provide the conditions for the
guided formation of the cosmos in which also Gravity and Dark energy forces were created (Meijer,
2020). As to the latter, we submit that primordial proton/ electron pair composite units, covered with
multiple phonons (forming quasi-particles), as a dual combination, exhibit mutual attractive and external
repulsive features, thereby, tentatively, generating the forces of gravity and anti-gravity (dark energy),
(see Fig.2). An attractive alternative concept in the present paper is that single bipolarons are formed
from phonons that arise from matter/antimatter annihilation and polarize the ZPE field due to
interactions with other charged species in the field (see Fig. 3 B, below).

4. The Potential Role of a Primordial Quantum Code

Our earlier results indicate that the frequency pattern of the “Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant
Coherence” is fully in line with recently reported frequency values for cosmic gravitational waves, as well
as for discrete oscillations of ZPE field, at the macro-scale (Meijer and Geesink, 2023). With regard to
brain function, at the micro-scale, interestingly, an almost perfect frequency fit of our algorithm was
recently revealed for brain micro-tubular oscillations (Geesink and Schmieke, 2022; Meijer, 2023). These
results on neuronal signaling, numerically supported the well known Orch-OR consciousness theory. The
present results also confirm the idea of the recently proposed Creation Field model for Life of Wong
(seeChow et al, 2021), who adopted our concept in their studies as a General Music Code. Consequently,
the primordial Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence, with its mathematical background (earlier
called the “Generalized Music Biophysical Principle). Taking into account the striking correlation with
regard to a series of discrete EMF wave frequencies, a remarkable congruence is revealed with various of
the current concepts for consciousness: the Orch OR theory of Hameroff and Penrose, the Microtubule
concept of Bandyopadhyay et al., 2013. The Life Creation model of Wong et al, 2020, the Event Horizon
brain concept of Meijer and Geesink et al., 2017, as well that of ZPE-mediated consciousness concept of
Keppler et al.,2013;2016, as well as the holographic models of Haramein, et al., 2016

This collective evidence mentioned above, therefore indeed, reveals a scale invariant, and all-pervading
guiding principle in the Universe. In this context, a 4th spatial dimension is required, as often proposed in
current physics, implying, together with the time dimension, a 5-D universe. (in-line with the GR – QM
unification by Kaluza and Klein, which stipulated a 5D manifold, and which was the precursor to 11D Yang-
Mills supersymmetric string theories; Klein, Oskar (1926). These features make the Universe, in principle,
calculable by human technology and may, at first sight, may imply an inherent potential in the role of
(artificial) intelligence in the future becoming of the Universe. Of note, It is possible that in the far future

advanced types of AI will be created that may allow a cosmic back-reaction in information processing
(Meijer and Ivaldi, 2022). This may imply a reconstructive universe, either by retro-causal information flux
from the future to present and past states, and/or enabling an integral simulation at the expected cosmic
end of our Universe, (Meijer, 2022). The latter, on the basis of the collected information, may ultimately
afford a new version of our universe, in a time-reversed mode. See also Quantum Gravity Research Group
and the self-simulation hypothesis (Irwin, 2020).

We hold that such a sound mediated process also played a role in biological evolution and the creation of
first life (Meijer and Wong, 2021, see Fig.5). Our proposal points at an information matrix of harmonic
sound interference patterns. that actualizes the successive steps in the ongoing fabric of reality. This
evolutionary process can be envisioned through toroidal geometry, in which information, also of human
experience, is retro-injected into a growing field of a collective cosmic memory (back reaction, Meijer,
2022). This concept may be instrumental in the further study of macro- and micro-structures of our
universe and can lead to a better insight in the evolution of life as well as the crucial role of universal
consciousness as a crucial elemental intelligence of the cosmos (Meijer and Ivaldi, 2022).

5. Gravity as a Modality of Energy

As mentioned above, we earlier proposed that the universe was created out of three elemental and inter-
convertible building blocks: Energy, Matter and Information (Meijer, 2012). In the present work, we hold
that gravity is a complex form of energy that can only be manifested in a quantized quantum superfluid or
fluid-crystal spacetime lattice, housing moving oppositely charged and electromagnetically stabilized
electron-proton wave/particle pairs. We submit that these polarons are guided by a spectrum of
photons/phonons with discrete EMF coherent frequencies, alternating with decoherent ones. An
identical energy distribution was found for bosonic wave/particles, exhibiting only coherent frequency
values, whereas fermions show a mix of coherent and decoherent frequency bands (Geesink and Meijee,
2021).The particular coherence/decoherence states were considered to be related to left- and right-hand
vortices that are proposed to occupy the Zero-point energy field, as pointed out by Sbitnev and Fedi,

Our review of the various gravity theories as treated above, indicates a potential role of composite
gravitational electron/proton pair units, that are associated with multiple phonons forming, the well-
known quasi-wave/particles, called Bi-Polarons. Through their dynamic flow in the accelerating and
expanding space-time matrix, they obtain a rotational character (vortex-like), in addition to the
fundamental spin of the constituting fermions. Multiple polaron-units undergo charge-mediated
attraction or repulsion forces, that induce either gravitational or dark energy modalities, depending on
their left-hand or right-hand vortices rotations (see Fig. 2). The local density of the quantum fluid lattice in
which they are transported determines the generation of either phonons or photons. All forms of
elementary matter in the cosmos can in fact be seen as composed of multiples of the abovementioned
electron/proton particle pairs, rendering gravity/dark energy an intrinsic aspect of mass.

We obviously need a lattice background to situate and express the phonon activity as a local distortion of
the dynamic lattice space. "This dynamic space-time lattice, as proposed by Axelrod, 2020, enables to
materialize and visualize basic concepts of energy, its potential and kinetic components, gravitational and
electromagnetic energies, etc. as different symmetry-breaking patterns of the double-helical flows of

primordial superfluid, representing an implicate order guiding structure. The lattice is the most efficient
type of energy storage, as proposed by Axelrod, 2023, and in our current opinion, requires some type of
primordial information in the form of quantum fluctuations that took the form of phonons vibrating in a
dynamic vacuum lattice with the efficient hexagonal form that allows toroidal energy flow at its corners.

Figure 2: The Phonon-guided Bipolaron Gravity Concept in a nutshell, showing Bipolarons (pairs of
electron and proton, both associated with a phonon cloud, (inset middle below), exhibit attractive and
repulsive charge interactions, that in the vacuum lattice (inset left below) generate Gravity and Dark
energy forces. Magnetic monopoles from the ZPE serve to confine the bipolaron structure. These processes
can be decribed by Toroidal geometry (inset nested Double Torus, right below), with a magnetic monopole

We submit that photons/phonons in the ZPE field are constantly created by the annihilation process of
matter and antimatter (see Fig.3). Hypothesis 1: Dual Bipolarons can exhibit mutual attractive and
repulsive charge interactions (Fig.2, 3A), and thereby generate Gravity and Dark energy forces.
Hypothesis 2: Alternatively, as single units interact with charge species in the field, resulting in local
polarizations of the field that produce Gravity and Dark energy, depending on either left-handed or right-
handed rotations of the vortices involved (see Fig. 3B) and/or to the relative densities of The ZPE field. In
the 5D setting of Wong and Chow, 2022, this electron/proton pair may reflect the massless monopole
spinors in 5D with opposing charge and thus may be viewed upon as precursors of the electron/proton
pairs in 4D. The intrinsic information for such pre-big bang spinors could be inherited from a previous
version of our Universe (as conceived in the cyclic (rebound) models of the universe by Penrose, 2012 and
Steinhardt and Turok, 2016).

6. The Bi-Polaron Gravity Concept

The two oppositely charged polarons in Fig. 2, are entangled and will be held together by Coulomb forces,
to be conceived as an electron that circles the proton. This unit will not collapse, since it borrows
sufficient zero-point energy to keep the electron cycling intact (Setterfield, 2002, Massie 2012, Daywitt,
2009). The magnetic component in Fig. 2 (see blue circular arrows) is crucial for the supposed dual
bipolarion/ bipolaron charge interactions, since the associated phonons represent, per definition, a
surrounding electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic influence was earlier proposed to be
instrumental in aligning the two polaron units such that repulsive and attractive charge interactions can
effectively be realized. In the absence of such fields the particular dipoles would be randomly oriented
and no gravity/dark energy forces would be induced, (Hajdukovic, 2014). Bipolarons have been described
in many studies and, among others, were shown to be formed in BSE condensates (see Camacho-
Guardian et al., 2018 and the many references therein).

The phonon boson coupling to fermionic matter enables primordial longitudinal sound waves, enabling to
ubiquitously infuse in the expansion of the thermodynamic Planck-Bose-Einstein universe in the present
cosmology. The designation of Bipolaron derives from the requirement that the fermionic polaron
coupling to the electron and the proton must reflect the two- particle bosonic state to apply Bose-Einstein
statistics to the present model. Of note, our earlier work showed that the energy distribution of Bosons
and Boson BSE condensates precisely follow the frequency distribution pattern of the Acoustic Quantum
Code of Resonant Coherence Geesink and Meijer, 2021. The intrinsic presence of a magnetic component
in the bi-polar composites can in principle be due to the rotation of the Bipolaron, as well as the internal
spin of the constituting particles (Fig. 2). Of note, the presence of a magnetic component for the
confinement of the single Bipolaron composite, could also be due to the co-moving of its electric
component in the dynamic space lattice, thereby generating a magnetic field (Fig. 3B). Both these
mechanism supports our idea of sound mediated gravity, as connected to the term “Gravitone”, that thus
can be seen as a prime mediator of Gravity.

Such movement of quasi-particles can also be interpreted as an entropic displacement of information and
therefore touches upon the theory of Verlinde, 2013, 2017. He claimed that gravity is not an independent
force but emerges as a compensatory reaction upon the holographic change in the position of quantum
information. A holographic approach on the origin of Gravity is also dominant in the innovative
considerations of Haramein, Brown and Val Baker, 2018.

It is of interest here that gravitational electron-positron dipoles in helical motion, (albeit without a
phonon involvement), have been described earlier in several papers dealing with gravitation, as recently
reviewed by Clague, 2022, in attempts to unify Electromagnetic and Gravity forces. This is also the basis
for the description of the photon as a quantum entangled superluminal double-helix particle that, at
passing near an atomic nucleus, can be reconverted in an electron/positron pair, making the cyclic
process closed (Gauthier, 2019, see Fig. 3). In these studies, evidently a direct link of Gravity with
Electromagnetic forces was searched for. In addition many studies approached the gravity problem by
presenting basic atomic models (Assis, 1992, 2002; Sizov, 2019, 2020; Krasnoholovets, 2008, 2022),
including electron/proton composites (called Protium), that indeed represents a hydrogen isotope that is
abundantly present on cosmological scales (see Schmidt an Karebi, 2013), and is also present under life
organisms where it may play a role in cell replication (Yaglova et al., 2023).

In this paper, we treat the origin and dynamic expression of Quantum Gravity, by an intuitive and
minimally algebraic, but rather geometric approach, on the basis of the following premises:

1. Gravity/Dark Energy is related to phonon-guided dynamic flux of proton/electron charge, in the form
of two interacting Bi-polaron units, in a toroidal setting, producing quantum charge/spin mediated,
attractive and repulsive force fields (see Fig. 2), representing a quantized process compatible with
quantum physics.
2. A permanent interaction of these Bipolaron units with a crystalline fluid lattice of space-time, provides
charge interactions that are also expressed in positive and negative curvature spacetime/lattice
distortions that accompany Gravity/Dark energy creation. In the General Relativistic theory, warping of
space can constitute both negative and positive curvature. Since this can also occur in the
abovementioned SVT lattice model and also can be revealed in the basic toroidal structure (see Fig. 5),
this could provide an important argument in attempts to reconciliation of Quantum mechanical and
Einstein’s General Relativity concepts.
3. The generation of Gravity/Dark Energy as long-distance force fields, can be modeled by a toroidal flux
of phonon guided proton/electron pairs, thereby obtaining rotational and counter-rotational trajectories
of gravitational/anti-gravitational energies. Through wormhole passage such gravitational units become
entangled and are subsequently scattered from the torus operator, to become holographically expressed
in the further formation of space-time itself, bearing a superconductive homogeneous lattice in 5D.
4. The basic quanta of Light (photons) and Sound (phonons) are bosonic particles that largely obey similar
physical rules, being perfect analogs of each other (Fedi, 2016, Sbitnev and Fedi, 2017, Meijer et al,
5. It was realized by us that the polaron hypothesis, at least with regard to charge interactions, is closely
related to a scheme in which the proton (see Fig.2), can be replaced by the positively charged positron
(the antimatter particle of the electron). This implies that the origin and nature of gravitation, in that
concept would be directly coupled with the ZPE aspect of particle annihilation, (Fig.3 A and B).

It is known that the electron/ positron collision generates energy in the form of photons/phonons. If the
ZPE field, at least partly, consists of a superfluid quantum space, photons would behave as phonons in
such a compartment. Such phonons can be conceived as the very source of the polaron formation as
pictured in the Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 schemes. Annihilations of particles with various masses will yield a
spectrum of discrete phonon energies, compatible with our acoustic quantum code. As mentioned above,
it is of interest that photons have been described in several studies (Gauthier, 2019, Clague, 2022) as
composites of electrons and positrons, enabling the re-materialization of these two particles. The latter
demonstrates the cyclic process of matter formation and annihilation in the ZPE field, intrinsically bears
gravitational (photon part, Fig 3 B) and anti-gravitational aspects (phonon part, see Fig. 3A). It is of great
interest, in this respect, that recently phonons were found to bear negative energy, and exhibit anti-
gravitational properties (Eposito et al., 2021).

The Meaning of the Terms Coherence and Decoherence and their Relation with Gravity

The discrete coherent and decoherent frequency bands in our studies are arranged according to an
alternating ordering, in which decoherent frequencies bands are located just in between the coherent
ones, (Geesink, 2018a). For the present study, we should therefore clarify here again the terms coherent

and decoherent more in detail (see also Meijer, 2023). Decoherence is often seen as meaning disorder
and/or chaotic conditions. Yet, it should be emphasized that decoherent states in physics likely constitute a
necessary condition for the dynamic state of both animate and non-animate systems: coherence seems
always projected against a background of decoherence. Examples are the essential role of noise
(decoherent sound waves) in photosynthesis, facilitating the passage of the photon energy generated
excitons through the protein-pigment matrix, underway to the ATP producing energy center of the
photosynthetic machinery (Mirkovic et al., 2017; Chin et al., 2012). With regards to physical systems, the
zero-point energy field fluctuations, being stochastic in nature, and thus must display decoherent
oscillations, also contain (coherent) ZPE standing wave, identified by us earlier as discrete frequencies of
quantum fluctuations. (Meijer, 2021; 2023).

One could imagine that this coherence/decoherence relation is due to a process of symmetry breaking
from a homogeneous spacetime manifold (see Meijer and Wong, 2021, 2022). As mentioned above, the
series of ground numbers of our quantum code algorithm, from which the entire fractal set of harmonic
octave based frequencies of 12 series can be calculated, can be directly related to Chern numbers, that
express the total volume of quantum flux. This, apart from the involvement of coherent toroidal patterns,
can only be envisioned by the interfering toroidal trajectories of a disordered character, by which multiple
crossroads in the energy distribution trajectories (torus windings) are formed that than are expressed as
Chern numbers, (Meijer and Geesink, 2022). The latter are always whole integer numbers and the basic
ground numbers of our algorithm with broken numbers should be seen as a fine-distribution of 12 tones
within the range of 1.0-2.0 Hz, while the fractal adjacent windows of 12 up to GHz and THz , can be found
by multiplying by 2n as known in harmonics.

7.1 Coherence, Decoherence and Entanglement in Quantum Physics: Are they Functionally Connected?

It should be emphasized here that the known quantum coherence and decoherence at the quantum level
is usually described in relation to wave/particle duality as a collapse of the quantum wave function to the
particle form through interaction with the environment. Some see this process as an irreversible event, yet
other workers in this field rather see this as a dynamic equilibrium state with mutual transitions.
Kaufmann, 2010, framed this as a poised state in which decoherent states are generated by loss of
information from the coherent state and in which the reversed process can thus be modified by the
addition of information. A connection was even was even assumed by the finding that for efficient exciton
transport in process of photosynthesis background noise (phonon vibrations) is essential for promoting of
this process( Mirkovic et al., 2017; Chin et al., 2012). It was shown by us that the energy distribution of
Bosons and Boson BSE condensates is a fully coherent pattern, whereas energy distribution of Fermions is
both located in coherent and decoherent zones (Geesink, 2021). This may imply that fermionic wave
particles may be located in a such a “poised state”, and thus represent a balanced equilibrium.

We have earlier investigated how EMF -frequencies influence the phenomenon of entanglement by
performing a meta-analysis on a series of reports that describe a promoting effects of electromagnetic
fields on the degree of entanglement in the so called EPR experiments (Geesink and Meijer, 2018). In view
of the current interest in coherency and entanglement in quantum biology in general, we reported on a
meta-analysis of 60 papers in physics that deal with the influence of electromagnetic frequencies on the
promotion of entangled states in, so called, EPR (Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen) experiment. The meta-
analyses of the EPR-experiments learned that entanglement, achieved in the experiments is real, and that

the applied EMF frequencies are located at discrete coherent configurations. Strikingly, all analyzed EPR-
data of the independent studies fit precisely in the derived scale of coherent frequency data and turned out
to be virtually congruent with the above mentioned harmonic EM-scale for living organisms. Frequency
data of EPR experiments (1972-2017), were thus positioned in a coherent GM-scale of frequencies. EMF-
exposures at frequencies are in the bands of MHz, GHz, PHz,, as described above. In this frequency
distribution pattern decoherent wave frequencies could not be established , probably, since the particular
scientists only reported positive effects on degree of entanglement. Recently, the influence of
electromagnetic fields on quantum entanglement of harmonic oscillator was demonstrated (Makarov,
2018).). In our microtubule studies (Meijer, 2023), also decoherent wave modes were detected, probably in
relation to their functional structure. But the latter leaves open potential changes in decoherence induced
by entanglement. In a recent study (Wellnitz et al., 2022), it was shown that disorder can enhance
vibrational entanglement of polariton states.

In the following, the important work, in this respect, of Ho, el Naschie and Vitello, 2015, is shortly
summarized . It appears indeed likely that spacetime is fractal and quantum coherent in the golden mean.
Nature abounds with cycles and oscillations, from subatomic vibrations to planetary motion, solar cycles
and galactic rotations. Some, like Penrose and Gurzadyan (see Penrose, 2011), hold that the Universe
cycles through deaths and rebirths, based on data collected by NASAs WMAP. Physically, it appears to be a
quantum coherent universe consisting of an infinite diversity of autonomous agents, all participating in co-
creating organic, fractal space-time by their multitudes of coupled cycles of activities. Biologically, this
fractal coherent spacetime is also the fabric of conscious awareness mirrored in the quantum coherence/
golden mean brain states (Meijer, 2023).

The fractal hierarchy of coupled cycles confers dynamic stability as well as autonomy to the system on
every scale. Thermodynamically, no net entropy is generated in the case of perfect cycles; and the system
maintains its organization. Thus, organic space-time exists as a hierarchy of simultaneities, or durations,
precisely as envisaged by Bergson: the golden fractal is the key to optimum intercommunication and
information processing where fractals are mathematically isomorphic to quantum coherent states. The
coherent fractal structure maximizes global connectivity and local autonomy, as the hallmark of quantum
coherence. Quantum coherence thus seems to underlie the ubiquitous recurrence of fractal self-similarity
in Nature. This is to be expected because entropy controls time irreversibility and the breakdown of time-
reversal symmetry that is characteristic of dissipation, is clearly manifest in the formation process of
fractals. In the case of the logarithmic spiral, the breakdown of time-reversal symmetry is associated with
the chirality of the spiral: the indirect (right-handed) spiral is the time-reversed, but distinct, image of the
direct (left-handed) spiral.

7.2 Gravity/ Dark Energy Formation and the Potential Role of Phonons versus Photons Activities
It was considered that Gravity force may promote coherent wave conditions and Dark energy causes the
reverse. As shown in Fig. 2 A, chiral vortex activity may be related to formation of left-and right-handed
phonon activities as related to charge induced Gravity and Dark Energy respectively. Chimera states of
coherent and decoherent regions on a flat torus have been described earlier by Panaggio et al, 2012. This
pattern, in principle may lead to converging and diverging spiral geometry in a toroidal setting (see Fig.5),
that were also linked to coherent and decoherent conditions (Meijer, 2023). Alternatively (see Fig. 3B)
matter/antimatter annihilation may produce both phonon and photons, depending on the relative density
of the ZPE field. The latter may well be related to the degree of local entanglement in space-time including

the field. Therefore two different hypotheses can be imagined for the creation of Gravity and Dark Energy
forces, both seeing them as interrelated processes:

In Scheme 3 A, the nature of the two forces is solely mediated by phonon activity, being differentiated in
left- and right-handed modalities as originating from the related vortices. The phonons guide the
electron/proton pairs and lattice interactions of the Bipolarons mediate the attractive and repulsive charge
interactions that induce Gravity and Dark Energy, respectively. An alternative mechanism is depicted in
scheme B of Fig. 3 B, in which the annihilation process generates both phonons and photons that by
covering the dipolar pairs form polarons, yet also polaritons (quasi-particles of protons and fermions). Here
Gravity and Dark Energy are interrelated forces that are rather induced via Polaron and Polariton
formation. These two types of quasi-particles can than give rise to the two forces, either by promoting
repulsive or attractive charge interactions or by the fundamental difference in photon versus phonon
guided wave/particle creation perse. Further deepening of these two mechanisms, including their
mathematical translation will be discussed in our follow-up papers.

The core of the present gravity concept is that toroidal geometry is instrumental in a primordial 5D to 4D
symmetry breaking, that generates composite proton-electron particles that are guided by an acoustic
quantum code of 110 discrete EMF frequencies (Meijer and Wong, 2021, see Fig.4),as possibly
inherited from a preceding Universe. These primordial bipolar particles, being confined in magnetic
monopole configurations, in a dual arrangement, exhibit attracting and repulsive properties or that we
conceive as the intrinsic modalities of Gravity and Dark Energy that, as electron /proton pairs, will
emerge from any atom in our reality and intrinsically couple gravitation to mass and matter. In the
alternative mechanism of both phonon and photon generation following the annihilation process, single
bipolarion units (Fig. 3B) in the ZPE context, photons are formed in a low density quantum vacuum
background, and phonons in a denser superfluid domain in the Zero-point energy field (see Haramein
and Brown and Val Baker,2018 a, Fedi and Sbitnev, 2020, Haisch , Rueda and Puthoff, 2015) .

Figure 3 A: The relation between 5D to 4D symmetry breaking with massless +/- spinors in 5D (see Wong
et al., 2022), middle left), that provide the seeds for electrons and positrons in 4D, and by matter/anti-
matter annihilation produce Phonons in a superfluid quantum lattice (see Axelrod, 2022). According to
the latter theory, photons are phonon excitations of the Planck frequency carrier, shaped as a single helix
possessing linear and orbital momenta. In the structure of these bi-polar particles, one pole stores either
inert or gravity mass (which are equivalent, respectively, to kinetic or potential gravitational energies). The
generated phonons give rise to the dual Bi-polaron composites as pictured in Fig.2, that subsequently, by
electromagnetic guiding, evoke repulsive or attractive charge interactions, thereby creating Dark energy
and Gravitational forces.

Fig.3 B: The alternative mechanism of both phonon and photon generation following the annihilation
process. Photons are formed in a less dense quantum vacuum background, and phonons in a denser
superfluid domain in the Zero-point energy field (see Haramein and Brown and Val Baker,2018 a, Fedi
and Sbitnev, 2020, Haisch , Rueda and Puthoff, 2015) . The monochromatic phonons in a superfluid
vacuum lattice (see Axelrod, 2022), are conceived as coherent domains in the Zero-point energy field.
Photon/phonon generation leads to the formation of Bipolarons, in addition to Bipolaritons respectively,
depending of the high- and low-density domains of the ZPE field. These quasi-wave-particles could
induce Gravity (above) and Dark Energy (below), by charge interaction of the single constructs with
charged species in the ZPE field, giving rise to field polarizations.

The phonons in a superfluid quantum lattice (see Axelrod, 2022), are conceived as coherent domains in
the Zero-point energy field. Here, photon/phonon generation leads to the formation of Bipolarons, in
addition to Bipolaritons respectively, depending of the high- and low-density domains of the ZPE field.
These quasi-wave-particles could induce Gravity (above) and Dark Energy (below), by charge interaction
of the single constructs with charged species in the ZPE field, giving rise to field polarizations, (Fig. 3B).

Potential Relation with Universal Consciousness

The two hypotheses mentioned above, evidently represent quantized processes in the framework of
Quantum mechanics (QM). The initiation of our universe has been described by Wong et al.,2020 as a 5D
to 4D symmetry breaking transition (see Fig. 4). According to general considerations in QM, such a
quantum dimensional transition my require a conscious observer. The observer dependence of the
phnon content of a sound field on the cirved space-time background of a Bose-Enstein condensate was
earlier described by Fedichev and Fischer, 2003. Since consciousness was earlier modeled by us as a
holographic toroidal system, with an information-storing event horizon (Meijer and Geesink, 2017), the
scale-invariant torus may present the connective principle in all of the (bio)-physical theories treated here
and includes consciousness as a cosmological entity. The relation between Gravity/Dark energy and
consciousness will be more extensively treated in part 3 of our extended review.

7. General Conclusion and Potential Relationship of the Treated Gravity Theories

The present review pictures a wide variety of potential concepts about the origin and intrinsic nature of
Gravity and Dark energy. Yet, the whole spectrum of theories on this item, is even much more extensive
than the few theories treated here, (listed in Table 3). Of those, in quantum gravity, the AdS/CFT
correspondence, the String M-theory, the Loop gravity theory and the Entropic Gravity concept ,
currently, are most widely discussed, (see Maldacena, 1998, 2005, 2013 2017, Witten, 1993, 2004,
Rovelli, 2015, Smolin, 2002 and Verlinde, 2011, 2017, respectively).

The latter could be generally be categorized in two sets of concepts: one based on Quantum mechanical
principles and the other on more classical Relativistic physics. On the average, almost every month, a
dedicated article on novel views on Gravity appears on line or in the various journals in physics and/or
cosmology, apparently stimulated by the wish to finally arrive at a grand unified theory that could
reconcile these two categories of models. This goal is also searched for in the present paper, although we
all should consider the possibilty that these theories are not compatible anyway, since both may contain
distorted anthropic views of reality that only may become demasked in the far future of mankind.

We have selectively chosen, in the present paper, for a set of theories that center around the potential
involvement of Wave/particle properties of photons, phonons, and quasi-particles such as polarons, the
latter being fermions such as electrons and protons, associated or covered with photons/phonons. In this
framework, all of the participating authors pay attention to the fundamental physical background in the
fabric of reality.

In this, we assume that there is a specific interaction of charged wave/particles that move within a
dynamic space-time lattice and thereby generate gravity as an intrinsic property of mass. The suppsed
dynamic information field, in the present review, is treated by covering the recently posulated symmetry
breaking model for the creation of life in the cosmos of Wong and Chow,2020 also analyzing the concepts
of Superfluid quantum space (Sbitnev and Fedi,2017), in addition to the potential involvement of Zero-
point energy field, ( Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff,1997, see also Massie,2012, Hahn, 2015, Tattersall, 2017
and the Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence (Meijer and Geesink, 2022), and finally in the
Vacuum lattice concept as related to and beyond the Planck scale by Axelrod, 2023 (see Fig.1).

Table 2: Some of the Currently Well-known Theories in Gravity Research

A dynamic lattice is conceived as a crucial mechanism of functional energy dispostion in nature, that even
may be instrumental in the manifestation of the supposed cradle of physical nature, including life. This
may have a relation with pre-quantum phase space geometry that unfolds from an implcate order, as
proposed by David Bohm. Since a flow of phonon coated proton/electrons is postulated, this dynamic
proces can be interpreted as an inherent displacement of information, that according to Verlinde, 2011,
2016, results in a compensatory inducement of gravity, conceived as an basic entropic mechanism. All of
the treated concepts assume a crucial energy operator in the form of a toroidal geometry (see table 2,
below). This also links the aspects of vorticity of energy forms and spiral energy trajectories that can
produce torus trajectories and knots and thereby may produce the known and possibly still unknown
particles of the “standard model” of quantum physics. This aspect is most prominently expressed in the
unified theory of Haramein, et al, 2016 ,treated in more detail in the extended review, that addresses the
deeper holographic configurations of reality, including the inner structure of protons and electrons in
relation to the constituting Energy units at the Planck scale, called Planck Spherical Units: PSU’s).

This process of matter formation is assumed to be created by symmetry breaking from a 5D

homogenoues workspace, that bears an extra spatial dimension in comparison with the 4D manifold of
our world (Wong and Chow, 2020). The supposed 5D manifold, is supposed to be present prior to the so
called Big Bang framed as initiation of our universe, and may have contained a discrete set of acoustic
quantum fluctuations at the initiation up to the present state of the cosmos as proposed earlier by Meijer
and Geesink, 2022. This primordial information, at that time, may have been inherited from a previous

version of our Universe, in a cyclic/rebounce configuration (Penrose, 2012, Steinhardt and Turok, 2002,
and may have afforded a guiding role in the creation of inanimate and animate modaities of our planet
(Meijer and Wong, 2021). The creation of (first)-life was described here on the basis of such a guiding
principle, conceived as a generalized music code, also expressed in the proposed piano keybord model of
Chow et al., 2022, In our present context, the holographic principle as proposed by t’Hooft, 2000 and
Susskind, 1995 and later followed up by Bekenstein,1981 and Haramein,2012, 2013, among others, is
seen as a leading principle for the integral representaion of reality, taking into account the fractall(scale
invariant and self-similar) structure of nature.

The connection with phonon-guided charged wave/particles of unequal charge (electron/proton pairs)
introduced the presently treated concept of bipolarons. It is hypothesized that charge interactions of
Bipolarons yields Gravitation or Dark Energy Force (see Fig.2, and 3A). The generation of either Gravity or
Dark Enrrgy may be dependent on the phonon density on the electrion/proton particle and/or could be
related to the counter-rotational property of the participating polarons. Confinement of the Bipolaron units
is supposed to be generated by the magnetic forces induced by the movement of charged elements of the
electron/proton pairs, that undergo the electro-static attraction/repulsion effects. This shows the intrinsic
relation between electromagnetics and gravitational forces as described earlier in several studies (Assis,
1995, 2002, among many others), an aspect that will be futher elaborated in part 2 of the extended review.

Figure 4: The life creation model of Wong et al, 2020; 2021, concept in a nutshell: The 5-D to 4-D
symmetry breaking results in generation of magnetic monopoles (left above) and photons/phonons in
relation to the all pervading Zero-point Energy Field, together with the essential Torus-operator for energy

guiding. Water-molecule structure exhibit torus topology and hexagonal water-clusters, containing freely
moving proton antennas are structured by interaction with discrete photo/phonon frequencies. Solitons
(polarons) are longitudinal waves formed by electrons coated by phonons (quasi-particles), that promote
coherent vibrations of cell components (middle right) and interact with poly-peptide chains to guide the
process of 3-D folding to functional proteins (right below). In biological evolution, first life proto-cells are
informed by discrete EMF waves that are generated by metal-doped phyllo-silicates (clay materials) that
function as semi-conducting wave transmitters and also can catalyze polymerization of nucleotides to
primary RNA/DNA. DNA spatial structure with its nucleo-bases is depicted on the left below and its
formation and dynamic constitution is guided by specific magnetic monopoles energies (see left part of
figure). DNA exhibits a specific vibration pattern that is instrumental in cellular function and forming of a
life-memory information store, that holographically steers the holonomic cell and intercellular

We agree that our concept of an Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence (Meijer, 2022; 2023),
represents the General Music Code of Chow and Wong, 2022, that was proposed to be instrumental in
the very initiation of our Universe as a power spectrum of interacting tones/quantum fluctuations(Fig. 4,
below). This conceives our Universe as a grand and integral music symphony, that also can be seen as a
vibrational waveworld generated by quantum mechanical matrix/ lattice. The particular fractal and scale
invariant power spectrum, exhibits a 12- tone pattern, that by Fibonacci type of tone separation (Meijer,
2022), enables wave/tone interference patterns as instrumented by an integral toroidal operator. The
latter type of geometry is long known from music theory as the Tonnetz torus, on which musical patterns
can be projected in triangular/hexagonal tilings (see: Meijer, 2016, Hu and Gerard, 2019).

A similar hexagonal pattern is proposed to be formed by the dynamic vacuum lattice, that may picture the
fundamental geometry of space-time (see Axelrod, 2023, in section 9, part 1 of the extended review),
that seems to exhibit graphene-like superconductve character. The rotational and spin properties of the
polaron units, as well as the phonon- guided flow of charges can be modeled by related trajectories in a
toroidal geometry (see Fig.5).

The latter can also accommodate the relativistic perturbation of space-time as the source of gravitation
the typical transition of positive and negative curvature surface bending of the inner torus (depicted by
blue circles in Fig.5 and the inset right blow in Fig. 7 B), thereby integrating lattice mediated gravitational
and dark energy mechanism that may mimick Einstein’s space warping theory.
Meanwhile the present authors may definitely claim on mutual agreement on important issues of
multiple-scalar fractal organization of the microscopic matter and the entire macroscopic universe, and
recognition of vacuum as the energetic basis of all detectable physical objects.

The universal character of these discrete frequency patterns has recently be shown by us on the
cosmological scale in the form of gravitational waves (Meijer and Geesink, 2022),as well as in the CMB
acoustic spectrum and experimentally detected ZPE frequencies (Meijer, 2022). At the intermediate,
human, scale, the same frequency patterns were shown also in the basic building blocks of life such as
the known life elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nucleotides and DNA/RNA (Meijer and Wong, 2020,
2021, Fig,4), as well as in whole organs such as brain, of which coherent EEG patterns and discrete
oscillations of neuronal microtubules were quantified as to their corresponding frequencies (Meijer, 2023
Geesink and Schmieke, 2022).

Table 3: The common physical elements in the treated concepts of te present paper

The latter, vibratory pattern, may constitute a geometric space-time connection with oscillations at the
Planck scale, as recenty revealed by us to be present also at this extreme physical micro-scale. We submit
that the latter phenomenon represents a universal background field that connects the cosmological level
with the abovementioned intermediate and micro-level structures, thereby affording the substantiation of
the scale invariant holographic geometry as proposed by Haramein et al, 2008;2016. The latter implies an
event horizon on which the intrinsic informaton of each phyical object is projected. This may even be valid
for complex human organs such as the brain, providing a 5D memory workpace associated with but not
reducible to the brain, (Meijer and Geesink, 2017, Meijer et al., 2020), as further worked out in part 3 of the
extended review, that deals with the role of Gravity/Dark energy in the becoming of human and universal

Relation with Black Hole Geometry

An acoustic priority in describing the fractal Universe at macro- and cellular levels was also proposed by
Christianto et al., 2020, and Sorge, 2018, while Grant, 2015, stipulated the role of entanglement in long-
distant connections, while Van Raamsdonk, 2010, 2016, described its very role in the fabric of space-time,
and gravity.

Haggard and Rovelli, 2014, pictured the origin of Gravity in Blackhole/White hole tunneling and earlier
Pathria, 1972, even modelled the Universe as a Black Hole. Many studies bring the features of traversible
wormholes as scale-invariant elements in nature, as also treated by Haramein et al., 2016, Jafferis, 2022,
Dvali, 2022, Gao, 2017, Robbins, 2021 and Maldacena et al., 2017. In geometric terms, our Bipolaron
structure could be conceived as a micro- black hole (see Bermanseder, 2022; 2023). Baumann et al, 2022,
postulated a “gravitational atom”, resembling hydrogen, in which long-lived condensates or clouds of ultra-
light bosons are situated around rotating (mini)-black holes.

Figure 5: Double rotational holo-flux of information, according to a toroidal geometric model, showing
two intermingling wave trajectories with each having diverging and converging energy modalities that
reflect the generation and compression of information seen as being related to Dark Energy and Gravity
forces respectively. These can also be envisioned as entropic and neg entropic energy forces. Each wave
arrives at the intrinsic boundary of divergent and convergent energy(information) flow and subsequently
returns to its origin in the Torus singularity core (red dot). Here, via quaternionic (inside to outside Möbius
ring/ Klein bottle) transitions, opening to a 5-D domain and returning to 4D is allowed. The 5D dimension
is by some regarded as a superfluid quantum space, representing a sub-Planckian (primordial) domain in
which the zero-point energy (ZPE) field is a transition zone to the 4-D world we know. The 5-D domain
bears discrete sets (Geesink/Meijer), of 12 harmonic EMF frequencies (Wong’s Generalized Music Code).
These are supposed to act as pilot-waves guiding electron and proton pairs (polaron quasi particles) in the
fabric of reality. Note that, from the perspective of the supposed 5-D superfluid sub-quantum space (to be
regarded as a homogenous manifold), the torus operator is created in the process of symmetry breaking
from the 5-D phase-space to our 4-D reality, (according to cow and Wang, see middle red arrow). Bosonic
and Fermionic elementary particles/waves trajectories are positioned as fiber bundles progressing at the
surface and inner core of the torus. Vortex and Anti-Vortices are formed as open strings, close to the
transition zones of positive and negative curvature (four red points lying on two circular elements of the
torus inner channel , see also inset right below, at the boundary showing an infinity aspect. This curvature
aspect may accommodate the General Relativistic interpretation of space-time physics. The dynamics give
rise to emission of (entangled)Polarons, that are conceived by us as Gravity generators/Gravitones. A
singularity aspect of the torus is located at the center of the torus (red dot) that, via quaternionic
transition, can open to 5D space-time. A white- and black hole transition process (white and black circles)

is supposed to represent the “bouncing aspect or “cyclic model” of the Universe. The entire boundary of
the surface of the torus is seen as an event horizon information modality, that could mirror a 5D
boundary, possibly with tachyonic features (Wong et al, 2023), as well as the event horizon of our 5D
mental workspace in brain function (Meijer and Geesink, 2017).

At an interaction of two of such black holes, the clouds can become dissociated and the rotating clouds than
generate gravitational waves. A potential relation between this and the present theory is supported by the
fact that we assume a primitive hydrogen (protium) as basis of our theory and also the observation that the
frequency distribution of gravitational waves and bosonic particles mimics our Acoustic Quantum
Code(Meijer, 2023). A recent study of Tolosa-Sincon et al., 2022, treated the space- and time-dependent
acoustic metric of phonon production, in relation to background density, combined with mapping of the
positive and negative spatial curvature of the universe, clearly supporting our present concept.

Toroidal Geometry in the Bipolaron/Gravity Theory

In the SVT lattice model, the double-helical torus plays the role of structure possessing mechanism of energy
conversion between gravity and electromagnetism. The torus is composed of two curved helical streams of
the superfluid. The streams are oppositely directed: clockwise and counterclockwise. In the neutral balanced
(not excited) vacuum, there is symmetry between clockwise and counterclockwise streams. Excitations
breaks the symmetry, but there are different ways to do so. Correspondingly, one gets effects of positive and
negative magnetizations, positive or negative charges, and positive or negative (!) inert and gravity masses.

General Conclusion:

Further elaboration of the present Bipolaron Gravity concept, including a mathematical approach,
should take into account the following subsequent steps and considerations :

1) Formation of protons and electrons in 4D, originating from massless spinors in 5D

2) Presence of phonons in 5D in the form of Boson BSE condensates, as inherited from a primordial
power spectrum (present in 5D as BSE condensates in a bounce universe).
3) Phonon generation in 4D is supplemented by matter/antimatter annihilation in ZPE field as located in
the superfluid quantum domain .
4) Phonons are spherical waves with longitudinal vibration mode, as known from acoustics
5) Forming of Proton/Electron or Positron/Electron pairs occurs in 4D (by Higgs mechanism ?)
6) Association of bipolar Electron/Proton pairs with a cloud of discrete phonon energies, thereby
forming manifest Bipolarons
7) Interaction of Bipolarons with ZPE for Bipolaron stabilization and confinement
8) EMF mediated aligning of Bipolaron composites by embedding in ZPE, enables attractive and
repulsive charge interactions in the dual Bipolaron constitution, see Fig. 2
9) Dynamic movement of the Bipolaron dipole units in the Space-time vacuum lattice at the Planck
scale), yields an essential magnetic component
10} Dedicated equations for the generated Gravity and Dark energy forces (differentiated by opposed
vortex rotation modes),

10. Gravity/Dark energy is related to +/- space-time curvature distortions can both be exhibited in
Relativistic and Quantum mechanical physics, assuming a dynamic vacuum lattice or flexible relativistic
space-time, both to be modeled by toroidal geometry
11.Can a unified (Gravity/Dark energy equation be derived, that expresses both the quantum
mechanical and relativistic theories ?

A Unified Concept of Reality: Are the Reciprocal Opposing Aspects of Coherence/Decoherence,

Gravity/Dark Energy, and +/- Space Curvature an Intrinsic Feature of the Fabric of Reality?

As pictured in Fig.5, the torus contains intrinsically positive and negative curvature topology. The
transition zones where the changes in curvature are manifest, can be conceived as circular zones in the
top and bottom parts of the torus (Fig. 5), depicted in blue. According to Tozzi, 2018, the particular
geometry of +/- curvature space separation exhibits an internal boundary of the two domains that can
be viewed upon as an aspect of infinity, that is, interestingly, also present in brain (Tozzi and Peters,
2019). The latter authors argue for a very different look at physics in general, accepting infinity aspect
without the need of renormalization and make clear that our way of describing reality is based on a
rather Euclidean world view. Some have argued for an end to the particle era and the need to
“unparticle” physics (Erlander et al, 2023). In our concept of the Gravitone we, in fact imply the
existence of a quasi-particle universe, realizing that even the term quasi-particle overemphasizes the
particle aspect in physics (particles are rather quasi waves). The spectrum of meta-analyses that
revealed the quantum code, listed in Table 1, highlights the role of pilot waves that guide particles, in
fact negating wave-particle duality in the very spirit of David Bohm, 1980.

These considerations stipulate that our personal worldviews are determined by maps, models and
meme infections of our brain, meaning that we interpret the outer world in an intrinsically biased
manner. For example, the “Big Bang” should be seen as a rather smooth transition with primordial
information and anti-matter is not missing but equally present in the ZPE field that we cannot directly
observe. Even performing science and knowledge acquisition perse, bears an addictive aspect due to our
evolutionary reward system (see Meijer, 2021), and the enslavement to elegant mathematical solutions,
can lead scientists astray, as was put forward by Sabine Hossenfelder, 2018.

Through such inherent handicaps we often fail to see the deep connections in the cosmos, including
those between human individuals. Consequently, we tend to forget that in doing science we rather
investigate ourselves, to finally discover that we are part of an intelligent, as well as reconstructive, self-
simulated cosmos (Irwin, 2020;Meijer and Ivaldi, 2022;Meijer, 2022b).This consideration may not solve
but rather dissolve the incompatibility of quantum mechanical and relativity theory, since we may
further invest in a deeper understanding on how we think and how we perform science. We need a
fresh and open type of science with new physics in which we, in cosmological terms, traverse the black
hole to explore the white hole, (Meijer,2017; 2021). In the academic tradition, one strives to ask the
right question on the basis of proper self-reflection. Here, we define ourselves as potential fields of
quantum coherent activity, in which events are both information packets and experiences of change,
that in our brain are stored in an integral holographic workspace with our own personal “event
horizon”, (Meijer and Geesink, 2017).

Figure 6: Cartoons for showing the interaction of (Bi)-Polarons with a dynamic vacuum lattice depicting a
proton-electron composte quasi-particle interacting with a lattice matrix (A), showing positive and
negative space-time distortions (B), as excitations of the hexagonal structured vacuum lattice of Axelrod
(D). Resulting +/- spacetime warping is pictured in E, while F shows the phonon cloud around a charge
particle as in the polaron and G depicts the interpenetation of a Bipoaron in the Lattice.

The particular transition feature was also be detected in many physical processes (see the listed aspects
in the scheme of Fig.7B, in which the “poised states” of coherence and decoherence in quantum wave
dynamics are primarily shown. In this scheme, it is revealed that this type of Ying/Yang reciprocal
opposite transitions, are abundantly present in Nature. This is ,among others, valid for Gravity/Dark
energy, Coherence /Decoherence as well as in Positive and Negative curvature in Space-time models as
proposed in General Relativity.

The latter is also a distinct feature and the Structured Vacuum Theory of Axelrod, applied in the present
article (see Fig 6). We have earlier shown that the frequency distribution of experimental EMF values,
shows an alternating pattern of coherent and decoherent frequency bands, but also contains a sort of
transition zones (in yellow, as depicted in Fig. 7 A. Taking into account these multiple examples of
reciprocal oposite equilibrium state phenomena, it is tempting to conclude that both in quantum
mechanical and relativistic theories a unified principle of opposing geometries and forces is manifest.
This field of scale invariant “poised states” may provide one consideration in attempts to reconcile the
QM and Relativistic frameworks. These aspects will be further treated in the extended version of the
present summary paper, and will be presented in three parts: 1) Literature compilation of Gravity

Research. 2) Mechanistic Aspects of the Bipolaron Gravity Concept. 3) The Role of Gravity/Dark Energy
in the Creation of Human and Universal consciousness .

7 A: Distribution of 12 coherent and 12 decohent EMF frequency bands, as revealed in meta-analysis of

over 700 biomedical studies, with transition zones in yellow (see Geesink and Meijer, 2018 a).

Figure 7 B: Reciprocal Harmonic Phenomena in Nature (see list on the right). The geometry of these
processes can be situated in nested torus structure,bearing a Möbius type of 4D/5D transition (middle part)
and include positive versus negative space-time curvature, (left below). Wave particle transition can be
interpreted as representing a poised equilibrium state of coherent and decoherent wave conditions
generated by symmetry breaking( on the left of the figure). The latter process is also assumed in 4D to 3D
and 5D to 4D transitions(depicted in the figure at the bottom part).

It was also hypothesized that apart from primordial and ongoing cosmogenesis, Gravity and Dark Energy
play a crucial role in creating life processes in general (Meijer and Wong, 2020;2021, see Fig.4), and
importantly, also in the generation of conscious states by linking brain oscillatory processes with
fundamental cosmic geometry at the Planck scale (Meijer, 2023), as further explained in the extended
version, part 3). Our integral cosmic concept, is supported and shows some similarities with the
cosmological studies of Sbitnev, 2017, Alexander and Smolin, 2021, Irwin, 2020, Hameroff and
Penrose,2014, Bermanseder, 2023, and Hu and Wu, 2013, as dicussed in our previous work in Meijer et al.,
2020; Meijer and Ivaldi, 2022, Meijer and Geesink, 2022, Meijer, 2022ab; and Meijer, 2023.

The essence of these studies is that consciousness in nature obtains a global communication position, that
acts as a connecting principle in our universe. This principle implies that all of us, being parts of such
universal consciousness, are active observers and participants in the becoming of the cosmos (Meijer,
2015) and the further fabric of reality, (Meijer, 2022b, Meijer and Ivaldi, 2022), and stipulates our
individual responsibility in maintaining the health of our precious habitat, planet Earth.

Acknowledgement: We are indebted to ir. Hans Geesink for performing the many meta-analyses
literature studies, revealing the acoustic quantum code of resonant coherence. We thank Prof.
Kai-Wai Wong for providing us with his deep insights in the concept of symmetry breaking in
relation to creation of the universe, including first life on our planet.

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