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Long Nights

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: Naruto, Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Kurosaki
Character: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Kurosaki Ichigo, Grimmjow
Jaegerjaques, Aizen Sousuke, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha
Madara, Uchiha Fugaku, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki
Boruto, Kurosaki Kazui
Additional Tags: Genderbending, Female Kurosaki Ichigo, Female Uzumaki Naruto,
Alternate Universe - Yakuza, Protective Grimmjow Jaegerjaques,
Protective Uchiha Sasuke, Single Parent Uzumaki Naruto, Single
Parent Kurosaki Ichigo, Stripper!Naruto, Stripper!Ichigo, Teen
Pregnancy, Underage Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language,
No Uchiha Massacre, Uchiha Itachi Lives, Alternate Universe - Modern
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-27 Updated: 2023-11-06 Words: 3,449 Chapters:

Long Nights
by Anonymouskuchiki


Naruto is new to town and rooms with fellow single mother Ichigo Kurosaki. Through
living together they built a friendship after finding out they have things in common….single
mom, teen mom, stripping to pay bills. Stripping to get through med school and to provide
for their children. Both being courted by men who think money and good looks gets them
what they want. Both Naruto and Ichigo made that mistake once and ended up single,
pregnant and alone.

Grimmjow and Sasuke loved pretty things. It came easy to them and they tossed it away
just as easily once they’ve had their fun. Until they meet Ichigo and Naruto. Two pretty
things that refuse to be swayed by their playboy ways. Not even their riches could make
them cave. Why is it that they actually enjoy the chase? What is it about those two that
keep them interested?


See the end of the work for notes

Chapter 1

“So nice to meet you! I’m Ichigo! This is my son Kazui.” A 5ft5 woman with long ginger hair
greeted Naruto with a 7 year old boy nipping at her heels who shared her hair and eye color.

“Hello, I’m Naruto and this is my son, Boruto. It’s nice to finally meet you in person after chatting
in the teen mom support group for so long.” Naruto smiles brightly. Extending her hand to shake.
Both women get acquainted. Sharing things about each other’s backgrounds. Naruto learned that
Ichigo got pregnant at 16 by a much older man, had her son at 17 and left home. She has siblings
and a father she hasn’t spoken to in years. Never really going into detail.

Naruto was the same. Got pregnant at 16 and left at 17. Her son’s father was much older, and
tossed her aside the moment she got pregnant. She grew up without a father. Her father was killed
when she was 6 in a car accident. She had been in the car….she doesn’t remember much about that
night expect her mothers screaming, and, her father trying his best to stop the car only for the
brakes to not work. In a last ditch effort to save their lives, he angled the car for him to take most of
the impact, killing him instantly. It was a bad winter storm and Naruto had been so ill that she
needed to go to the hospital. Naruto still blames herself for the accident that left her father dead and
her mother with a broken heart. Kushina had never been the same afterward. Depressed, distant.
She sometimes neglected Naruto. It had gotten so bad that Naruto was taken in by her grandmother
to be raised until Kushina got help. Unfortunately Kushina never did and when Naruto was 12 she
committed suicide, the grief of living without Minato had been too much. Then she met a much
older man at 15. He was 12 years her senior, things started off friendly. He showered her in gifts,
got her anything her little heart wanted. Even the love she could no longer receive from her parents.
It wasn’t long before she lost her innocence. Soon she fell pregnant and he tossed her aside, not
wanting to ruin his marriage with his wife. Also, he knew he’d be in deep shit if people found out
he got a teenager pregnant.

“You’re not much different from me. Except, my mother died in front of me instead. It was a
robbery gone wrong. She was trying to protect me and was murdered for it.” Ichigo explains.
Recalling the day she and her mother went out to get groceries from the market a few blocks from
their home. They decided to walk since it had been a warm evening and Ichigo loved petting the
neighborhood dogs. She remembers being so happy shopping around in the market with her
mother. Humming away as her mother pushed the cart. She remembered her mother paid for the
groceries as 9 year old Ichigo carried the bags that were light enough. She remembered getting a
block from their home when her mother was held by gunpoint, the man demanding everything in
Masaki’s wallet. Which, wasn’t much since Masaki never carried cash and if she did, it was very
little. She remembered being so frightened she almost wet herself. She remembered her mother
pleading to just take the wallet and leave her be. She wouldn’t say a word. But her pleas went
unheard. The man aimed the gun at Ichigo…but, Masaki jumped in front…dying on top of Ichigo.
Ichigo remembered crying for her mom to wake up, feeling her blood soak her yellow dress.
Feeling the rain pour down on her and her mothers dead body. After that….nothing. She doesn’t
remember when she got back home with her father. She tried her best to block things out.

Unlike Naruto, Ichigo’s father tried his best to make up for Masaki’s absence. Taking care of three
girls had been hard. It was when Ichigo was 15 that she met a man….a much older and very much
married man. Things got serious and she fell pregnant. The rest was pretty much like Naruto. She
ran away from home. Started a new life.
“It’s nice to have someone like me, dattebayo.” Naruto smiles, wiping her eyes then embracing
Ichigo as both of their children are in their shared room playing. Kazui showing Boruto his toys
and playing with him. The two children seemed to attach at the hip the moment they met. Which
made it easier for the two boys rooming together. They each had their own beds but, when the
night fell….they had been so tired that they fell asleep in a beanbag together.

“Hey um, I know you hired a babysitter for your son….do you think she’d mind watching Boruto
tonight as well? I’ll pay her extra with the tips I make tonight. I know it’s last minute.” Naruto bites
her lip, poking her head in Ichigo’s room.

“Sure, she won’t mind. Don’t worry about the cash. She owes me a favor anyway.” Ichigo shrugs,
grabbing her dance bag that held her essentials.

“Thanks a bunch. Hey, if you want…we can carpool. I mean my car is a hunk of junk but it’ll get
us there.”

”Beats my car, some days it’ll start. Some days it won’t. We can car pool. We live together anyway
so it wouldn’t make sense for us to use separate cars when going to the same place.” Ichigo

After a while, Rukia arrives with her girlfriend Orihime to babysit the boys. Orihime tagging along
because she had been bored and loved watching Kazui. After introductions, Naruto felt at ease
leaving her son with strangers.

They both make it to the club, Ichigo shows her around. Introducing her to the bartenders who
were a gay couple by the name of Shunsui and Jushiro. The two bouncers by the name of Zaraki
Kenpachi and Ikakku; then club owner, Yamamoto. An old geezer who was too strict on the girls
in Ichigo’s opinion. The house mom Unohana and DJ’s Kira and Shuuhei. Two easy going guys
who goofed off most of the time. Then the waitresses. Sakura Haruno, a pink haired girl who was a
bit of a bitch to Naruto. Hinata…a busty dark haired shy girl who strangely reminded Ichigo of
Orihime from the way they both talked. Then Isane a tall curvy woman then lastly Ikumi. A
slightly older woman who possessed a classic beauty with dark hair and dark eyes.

“Any questions? Oh and here’s my locker. The one next to mine isn’t taken but, you don’t have a
lock. You can use my locker until you get one.” Ichigo motions. Helping Naruto put her things
away after getting dressed. Naruto was nervous. Not because she was shy of dancing. It was
because the environment was new. Most of the girls weren’t so welcoming of the bubbly, blue
eyed, blonde haired woman.

“No, I think I’m okay. Thank you.” Naruto smiles. Checking herself out one last time before
heading to the floor to mingle.
”Fuck you Sasuke!” A girl slams the door when the Uchiha practically dismissed her after they
fucked. The sex was mediocre at best but she did have a nice ass. He didn’t quite catch her name
but he was sure it was after some kind of flower. Who knows. He doesn’t waste his time getting to
know his hookups names. Usually they fucked and he kicked them out the next morning. His line
of business required him to have no emotional attachment. Not to women at least. They were only a
means to release his stress. Nothing more.

“Hn.” Sasuke hums, smirking as she storms out. He told her he didn’t do attachments. Just because
he fucked her several times…it meant nothing. She got attached. It was her fault. He isn’t a man
you should get attached to.

“Grimmmmmm oh yes daddy! Pound my pussy!” The girl below screams, forcing the 6ft 6, muscle
bound, blue haired man to shove the woman face first into the pillow. He didn’t want to hear the
offending noise much longer. Had he known she was a screamer he would have never taken her

“Shut up I can’t concentrate!” Grimm grits out, fucking into her harder, chasing his own orgasm.
Finally he came inside the condom. Made her get dressed and kicked her out. Not only because he
doesn’t like girls sticking around after he sleeps with them….he had a meeting at the strip club that
he didn’t want to be late to. Last time he had been….he seen a girl with the most beautiful amber
eyes and hair long, wavy and ginger. For being a short woman….she had killer legs with a nice ass
to match along with decent sized boobs. But he had only caught a glimpse and she was gone just as

“Fuck you Grimm!! I’m going to tell everyone you have a small dick.”

“Ha! Even you can’t say that with a straight face. Run along bitch! I’ve had my fun.” Grimmjow
slams the door. He then showers and gets ready for the night.

Sasuke arrives to the gentleman’s club and heads straight to his paid for section with champagne
and cigars, discussing business with his associates over expensive champagne.
“For her first time at club soul society, welcome to the stage…Foxy!!” Shuuhei announced. Sasuke
nearly choked on his champagne when seeing the blonde beauty make her way to the stage. Not
many women caught his attention but this one…..she had him locked in a trance. Her long hair was
as blonde as the sun. Skin was sunkissed. Her eyes were so blue, her body…..was to die for.
Perfect sizable breasts, flat toned stomach, round hips as if she had given life to another man’s
child. She was perfect in Sasuke’s eyes. He had such an eye for nice and pretty things. She’d be
perfect to add to his collection.

“Touch my ass again without tipping me and I’ll break every single finger you have.” Ichigo
hissed, slapping the offending hand away then glaring at the tall lanky man.

“Berry….dont be like that. You know you’re my favorite here. I’m sorry that I can’t help myself.”
Nnorita smirks, reaching to touch her ass again; earning a smack from Ichigo. Making the tall man
lunge to attack her only to be stopped by a 6ft 6 handsome blue haired man who said something in
Spanish to make Nnorita relax then go sit somewhere.

“I can handle myself. I didn’t need you to rescue me.” Ichigo rolls her eyes, annoyed.

“Is that how you thank people?” Grimmjow raised his brow, studying the beauty up close. She was
so beautiful but such a bitch. Just how Grimmjow liked them.

“I didn’t ask for help.” Ichigo narrows her eyes.

“No, but he was seconds away from hitting you. I think I deserve some credit.” Grimmjow cocks
his head to the side, smirking.

”So it can stroke your already gigantic ass ego? No thanks. Now if you don’t want a lap dance or a
hand upside your face….i’m leaving.” She begins to walk away

“Maybe I do, how about I take you in the back for the rest of the night?” Grimmjow grabs her arm,
stopping her.

“Ha! The limit is an hour. And nobody takes a girl back there with just a lap dance in mind for an
hour. I hate to break it to you sweetheart. But, I’m not that kind of stripper….whatever your name
is.” Ichigo begins to snatch her arm away.

“It’s Grimmjow. And, Really? Not even with the 10 grand I just told your boss I’d pay? I don’t
want sex sweetheart. Just your time.” Grimm grins, showing his sharp incisors. Fuck he was so
handsome but it was hard for ichigo to see past that gigantic ego of his. But, with that money she
could definitely fix her car, pay for this semester and have money left over for emergencies. She
supposed she’d endure this blue haired handsome jackass who smelled amazing. Why was he so
hot? Maybe she was horny and hasn’t gotten any action since hooking up with Ginjo a few months
ago. Before then she hadn’t got any action since her child’s father.

“I’m berry, right this way. Also, don’t touch me when we get back there. I’ll break every last
finger on both your hands.” Ichigo hisses, leading him to the VIP. Spotting Naruto heading back
with a tall dark haired man.

“Kinky.” Grimmjow purrs, following Ichigo.

“Shut the hell up.” Ichigo groans

“How much for the blonde….for the rest of the night?” Sasuke asks when the owner comes out per
his request.

“Our limit is an hour, she’s pretty new so I’m afraid I can’t do much longer. She’s a gem I’d like to
show off.”

“A gem indeed. I’m willing to give you 10 grand plus tax.”

”15…..another one of my newest girls was taken for the night.” Yamma raised his brow.

“15 it is…..send her over please. Tell that man to get his filthy hands off of her. She’s mine for the
night.” Sasuke winks, pulling out a wad of cash in bundles.

“You’re so sexy baby, what’s your name?” A drunk Renji slurs, feeling Naruto up as she looks in

”Foxy. Would you like a dance?” Naruto sighs, moving his hands to her hips the more the traveled
downward to reach under her skirt.

“Hell yeah, you gonna show me why they call you foxy?” Renji smirked. Standing up.

”Yeah sure.” Naruto grins, taking the tall redhead’s hand only to be stopped by the boss.

“That guy over there wants you the entire night. No protests, you’re new so you don’t get that
privilege of saying no. Especially when me paid 15 grand for you. Go now and don’t upset him.
He’s a Uchiha. They have reach in high places and it would disappoint them if you turned him
down for this.” Yamma hissed, sending her over. Threatening to throw the drunk man out when he
protests. He was probably going to attempt to assault Naruto and not pay anyway
Naruto nervously walks over to the vip and smiles shyly. “H-hi, I’m foxy I was requested? Nice to
meet you all.” Naruto nervously smiles at all the intimidating men at the table. But the one in
particular had been staring her down. He had shoulder length black hair he had tied in a bun. A
white button up with three buttons undone and tattoos peeking out. A few gold necklaces. Dark
slacks and a Rolex on his left wrist.

“Foxy?” Sasuke says smoothly, taking her hand and kissing it. Fuck that smooth voice made
Naruto a bit weak. But, she knows men like him probably has a boatload of hearts he’s broken. He
was handsome, tall, rich, muscular and had the sensual energy about him that made Naruto’s knees
buckle a bit. Had it been a few years ago when she was searching for Mr. Right….she’d jump him.
But, she’s been in enough bad relationships to know that he’s a walking red flag.

“Yes, what’s your name?” Naruto blushed. Cute, Sasuke thought. She was going to be fun.

“Sasuke. How about we get going.” Sasuke smirks. Following her when he’s lead to the back.
Watching the shapely figure from behind.
Chapter 2

”I don’t see why we all have to suffer from lack of sleep. She’s the one who was careless and had a
baby. Not us.”

Karin replays those words over and over in her head. She hadn’t meant to say it but….lack of sleep
and frustration made it slipp. She deeply regrets it now because those words are probably what
made Ichi leave home and never contact them again. She didn’t mean to make her sister feel like a
burden. Yuzu hadn’t quite forgiven Karin for that. Yuzu had been close to Ichigo, doted on baby
Kazui when he was born. Comforted Ichigo when she found out she was pregnant. To have her
nephew and sister ripped away from her stung. Especially since Ichigo had provided the comfort
she no longer could get from her mother.

“I miss Ichi mom, please let me know you’re protecting her and keeping her safe.” Karin sighs,
laying flowers on her mother’s grave…letting a tear flow. Seven years she hadn’t spoken to nor
seen her sister. Seven years of wondering if Ichigo was okay. 7 years of looking at Isshin worry
sick about Ichigo. He wore himself thin trying to find her whereabouts. Kisuke was not of much
help either only letting them know she was alive. The family just wanted Ichigo to come home.
They weren’t mad at her, they missed her. Especially Isshin….who she worried about
disappointing the most. Isshin missed her dearly and didn’t care about what mistakes she
made…..he just wanted his little girl back home. Finally build a relationship with his grandson.

“What the hell do you mean you don’t know where my granddaughter and my great grandson are?
What the hell did I hire you for?!” Tsunade slams her hand down in frustration. Years of trying to
find where Naruto went and every time they got a clue…..Naruto disappeared again.

“Lady Senju…..she’s very evasive.” Tenzo stutters.

“Then work harder!!!! The last piece of my son I have left and you’re not ensuring she’s returned
safely! I need eyes and ears everywhere!!” Tsunande frowns, tossing back her sake.

“Honey I think you should calm down….if she wanted to be found….she would’ve came back
home. It’s been 8 years almost…..” Jiraiya tries to calm his wife down.

“But she and her son are the only thing we have left of Minato! I don’t care what she did, who she
got pregnant by…I need her home Jiraiya. I need to be ensure my son’s legacy is safe and happy!”
Tsunande grips Jiraiya’s collar, tears forming in her eyes. God she missed her granddaughter.
Those beautiful blue eyes that reminded her of Minato just like her bright golden hair did. That
giggle that resembles Kushina….Naruto was a perfect mixture of her mother and father. Having her
around made Tsunade remember that….Minato and Kushina lived on in Naruto. She didn’t know
why Naruto ran away when she was pregnant. Maybe it was to keep Tsunande from being judged
since she was a governor and had an image to uphold. And, having a teenage pregnant
granddaughter would not have been good for her image. Tsunade didn’t care……damn her image.
“It was nice meeting Sasuke.” Naruto grins, extending her hand when Sasuke prepares to leave
after his dance. It had been a pretty awkward dance. He didn’t talk much, kept his hands to himself,
sipped his expensive sake as he watched. Tipping her in bigger bills as she danced them kindly
rejecting her when she wanted to give the money back. He told her it was hers to keep; he paid the
club already. The handsome stranger had kissed her hand as he left….his soft lips still lingering on
her hands.

Sure Sasuke was attractive. Probably the most handsome man she’s ever seen. Standing over 6ft
something, built, tattooed, smelled divine. But, she knew his type. Charmed his way into women’s
hearts only to break them. Naruto wouldn’t let the man charm her. No matter how nice and
attractive he had been.

“Nice to meet ya Berry.” Grimmjow grins, kissing Ichigo’s hand.

Ichigo looks on in disgust. That asshole….handsome but an asshole nonetheless. Thinking he could
throw money at her and flash his grin at her….the nerve. She knows his type. Those blue eyes and
grin may have gotten him to bed several women but ichigo wasn’t falling for it. No matter how
much money he spent and how he feigned being charming.

“Yeah whatever.” Ichigo snatched her hand away, waving him off as she walks to the dressing

“You ready Naru?” Ichigo asks as Naruto picks up her bag to go home for the night.

“Yeah I’m ready.”

The girls walk out to Naruto’s car as a certain pair of men watch them to ensure they got in to their
car safely.

Sasuke made a note to get Naruto a better car…..he can’t have the woman he likes not having the
finer things. Call it creepy but…..Sasuke has slept with his enemies dismembered head on his
End Notes

Easter egg! Hinata and Orihime have the same English voice actress that’s why Ichigo
broke the 4th wall and said hinata reminds her of Orihime.

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