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fungal infection to human

Prepared by:
Rozan lashkri
Shnai shamal
Hazha mushir
Babo sangar
Kovan darwish

Supervisor:Dr asaad
DMLS Stage4

 Introduction
 Types
 Symptoms
 Dignosis
 Treatment
 Prevantion

Fungal Infections (Mycosis) Fungal infections are any disease or

condition you get from a fungus. They usually affect your skin, hair,
nails or mucous membranes but they can also infect your lungs or
other parts of your body. You're at higher risk for fungal infections if
you have a weakened immune system.
Some of the most common are athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and
yeast infections. Anyone can get a fungal infection, even people who are
otherwise healthy. Fungi are common in the environment, and people
breathe in or come in contact with fungal spores every day without
getting sick. However, in people with weakened immune systems, these
fungi are more likely to cause an infection.
fungal infection in humans types:

Fungal Disease-Specific Research

 Candidiasis. Candida are yeast that can be found on the skin, mucous membranes, and
in the intestinal tract. ...

 Cryptococcosis. ...

 Aspergillosis. ...

 Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) ...

 Histoplasmosis. ...

 Blastomycosis. ...

 Pneumocystis pneumonia.
Symptoms of Fungal Infections

 Asthma-like symptoms.

 Fatigue.

 Headache.

 Muscle aches or joint pain.

 Night sweats

 Weight loss.

 Chest pain.

 Itchy or scaly skin.


Diagnosing fungal infectionsDiagnosis of a fungal infection will begin

with a physical exam and discussion of your symptoms. For a fungal
skin infection, your physician may take a scraping of your skin, a hair
sample or a nail clipping for analysis at a lab to determine the type of
fungus causing the infection

Most common fungal diseases

Caused by the yeast Candida, also called a “vaginal yeast infection.” A

common fungal skin infection that often looks like a circular rash.
Caused by the yeast Candida, also called “thrush.
Management and Treatment

 Antifungal creams, many of which are available over-the-counter.

 Stronger prescription medications, which may work faster.

 Oral medicines, if the fungal infection is severe.

fungal infection in human prevention

 keep your skin clean and dry, particularly the folds of your skin.
 wash your hands often, especially after touching animals or other
 avoid using other people's towels and other personal care products.
 wear shoes in locker rooms,
 community showers,
 and swimming pools

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