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The Simpsons will go at hen house and they will stole some chickens and bart will take

and he will stole some eggs and he will put them under the shirt and pants to hide. Lisa, will tell
bart wisely that is not ok and the people will discover him, but bart ignore her and say her fully.
When the Simpsons will leave the hen house, a fool guard stop them and stare them but he let
them go. Next day the Simpsons will come back with the excuse that they are very fascinated with
the chickens. At the end they decided stole 5 chickens.

Homer will take the chickens to the nuclear plant where he works. The chickens will begin to kill
itself and the chicken’s growth teeth, an eye and 3 hands in its back. Montgomery burns will buy
the chickens to homer, and bart will very angry with homer and he will go to the nuclear plant to
retrieve the chickens. But he will meet with burns and they will fight. At the end they will finish
with a dinner with the simpsons, burns and smiders; eating the chickens and after they will be
becoming in chickens.

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